Jul 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Good summary.

BTW, your analysis of the distinction between the Jewish people and their government is more accurate than you know. But it’s not a Jewish government. It’s an Israeli government. A godless government that served the people up on a platter to the genocide of the Covid jabs and the October 7th genocide.

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Jul 9Liked by Forbidden.News

no one seems interested in the fate of the Palestinians, the only legitimate ones in Palestine. I hear nothing from Q, from Trump, from White Hats. Strange.

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Jul 9Liked by Forbidden.News

You're not likely to hear anything bad about Israel or positive about the Palestinians from Trump.

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Imaginary people. Terrorists practicing professional victimhood.

Before 1948, the only “Palestinians” that had been there for 2000 years were the Jews living there since the Roman conquest.

Read “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters. That is, if you can take the truth.

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terribly amusing vision of the history of the Berbers with very specific genetics ( 80 % Hebraic). Find out before announcing nonsense because following this logic you were not invited to the Native Americans. The Hebrews come from Egypt and the Israelites from Iraq. The majority of Historians confirm that 93% of current Jews come from Khazaria (northern Turkey) and are self-proclaimed having no Jewish descent through the mother. Natanniahou proclame that himself.

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(sigh) keeps comin' up like a bad penny.... check it out:


Count 'em -- in this comment I list 12 + 1 study--genetic--"Joos" are not Kahazarians (not 2%, not 93%)-- Above in the link I list 13 actual DNA studies from medical insty-2-shuns & universities backin' up their genetic history in the Levant an' this includes ALL joos, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, etc.


Just THREE non-DNA "fanciful" stories to the contrary which include....

1. the original whole cloth fairy tale made up by double-agent spook Koestler (story teller) who made up a "nice" theory 'bout Khazarians b/c he had a chip on his shoulder cuz Israel wouldn't hire him for his services (he left in a huff an' couldn't learn Hebrew)

2. the "historical/hysterial" inventions of Schlomo Sand (creative history professor / story teller, self-hatin' anti-zionist joo who hated his race so much he wrote: "The Invention of the Jewish People" an' said joos are a made up pretend race of non-jooish fakes--converts from Khazaria an' have no genetics in common... Based on... NOTHING! Yup, nothing! but wishful thinkin' of course... that carries weight.

An' drumroll please... our third anti-zionist (not sayin' this should be a factor but it seems ta be so...as the raison d'etre for these guys is ta prove joos have no connection to Israel...) is:

3. Elhaik ....



He sez Joos talk like Yoda an' must be Turkish an' Iranian b/c his pre-dick-tive "mathematical graph" sez so... he's been debunked lots...

So there ya have it--read the stuff at the above comment link--13 DNA studies say joos are joos against 3 stories not based on DNA but 'ruther on wishful thinkin' that they're all Khazarians...(even tho' they ALL lack Turkish / Ottoman DNA...) sure.

FWIW, many groups that really (really) wanna believe joos have no connection with Israel genetically were (to their chagrin) convinced by the studies...

Anyone can insist on any tale they like--I just share info--but fwiw, chews are no more Khazarians than Americans are Clownfish!

I'm no fan've BBGun who wanted ta kill all the joos in Israel (an' sell their DNA too!) by forcin' the clot shots on 'em -- but joos happen ta be joos... an' I didn't make up the 13 DNA studies backin' this up... fwiw...

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Jul 10Liked by Forbidden.News

but what you are saying is very serious. This would mean that the Rothschilds and many, many other people of the same aquabit (Gates, Soros, Kissinger, Bourla, Bancel, Goldman-Sachs, Lenin, Marx, Trotzky etc... the list is very long, are not Khazars but...oh no, I can't believe it?

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DNA says otherwise. So do Ottoman records.

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Backreading, there sieems to be ssome confusion here, probably it seems, my fault.

Ashkenazim "Jews" are not ethnic Jews. Ashkenazim who have DNA tests discover thay are Khazars (formerly of ancient Ukraine plus admixtures). The Khazar Emperor made all Khazars adopt the Jewish religion in the 7th century. The Mongol invasion fdrove tham westwards. THus, Yiddish is a German-Khazari hybrid language.

The Zionist plan was working perfectly until the Genome Project threatend to explode the Jew myth. Thus, in Israel it is illegal to get a DNA test unless mandated by the Court, and even then with the caveat of secrecy.

So who has ancestral ties to Palestine? This is no secret. The Palestinians and actual Jews have always known. The genuine Semites are: Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Palestinians, and Beth Israel. Also welcome in Palestine are Beduin, Tuareg, and Druze. Ashkenazim are not Semites and must leave Palestine. All Zionists are criminal frauds.

Awkwardly, it is possible that my ancestry includes Jewishness, but predominently Irish-Viking. Please don't hold this against me.

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Please forgive the typos. I'm half blind and I can't find my magnifying glass to edit

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No one seems interested because they're invested in movies and war machines. Everyone wants 'someone else' to be the victim. History (and stock markets) repeat the theme ad nauseam...

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Impressive update. This is more comprehensive than anything else I have read. But, holy shit, do I now have to believe that Q-Anon actually exists? I have always seen this as the non-existent light at the end of a non-existent tunnel, serving the phrase "Hope springs eternal". A shining knight for those who are angry but cannot fight. I remain to be convinced.

A couple of observations:

Israel wants Trump to win. Make of that what you will.

Second, almost no Israeli is Jewish. If the world demanded DNA tests, the predominently Ashkenazi Israelis would be unable to justify defence of an ancestral homeland. The only people who can make that claim are the genuine Semites, who are: Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Palestinians, and Beth Israel. Also welcome in Palestine are Beduin, Tuareg, and Druze. Ashkenazim are not Semites and must leave Palestine if there is to be peace. All Zionists are criminal frauds and, worse, psychopaths. Most Zionists are simply ignorant and very stupid Christians. Future social scientists can identify how an entire nation can be psychopathic.

My conclusion: Putin understands that the longer the Gaza/Ukraine conflicts burn and bubble, the more people in the West will realise they have been lied to about everything. The queue to join Brics will just get longer and the US, UK, Israel, France, and Germany will become the pariah states. Undortunately, the sucker gutless states will join them: Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

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Please, Alex......PLEASE STOP with all of this Q-Tard bullshit!

Unless you're going for the Q-Tard 'clicks'. But still, it's not worth discrediting ones reputation to engage in this nonsense. Please stop. Q-Tard Delusions are no different than LibTard Delusions; they're EXACTLY the same! lol ('Delusional' IS a Mental Illness)

There is PLENTY of other REAL WORLD shit that you could be posting.

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Jul 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I don't agree and I'm certainly not big on SG Anon. But I want to hear a good summary of what's he/she/them/it is saying and this serves that purpose. Is it true? Well, we'll see won't we? It's important to hear everything you can in order to connect dots across a large field, not just slam the page shut without learning anything at all. Even lies can tell truths if you pay attention.

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Sorry, but THEE ONLY thing that these things serve.....is DISTRACTION.

From the YEARS-worth track record.....we KNOW how it 'will turn out'......100% BULLSHIT!

There are a BUNCH of people, DOING.....doing REAL WORK, instead of sitting on their asses, 'trusting the plan'! And it is THESE people, who are 'boots on the ground', doing good works, that should be brought to people's attention.

NOT a phucking CIA PsyOp! <<< Distraction/TIME WASTER.

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My position is quite simple. Shoot all uniformed military employees on sight. 5000 years of war. No cigar. They are obviously a civil nuisance...

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very human and very truth. .nothing to expect with a story like this:


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