Yet the terrorist owned media is telling fokls to look up in the sky for aliens ... Meanwhile we are being taken over by the REAL alien invasion. smh

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Funny, the aliens landed thousands of years ago and most still can't see them, although their tentacles are all over us...yet we're peering into space to see if aliens are approaching. Most of the lights in the sky are probably coming from the existing aliens and their corporate/military dark projects. If we are given "disclosure," who will be disclosing what? Mainstream media can't see the invasion of human aliens from a host of other countries OR the real ET invasion. The old Zen saying,"Riding on the ox, looking for the ox," comes to mind. That was in a completely different context, of course.

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That's a correct assessment. And one of the coolest names I have ever seen

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Why, Thank You kindly .... on both counts good sir :)

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I live in Portland, fentanyl is everywhere here to, it’s Hondurans running it here, people call them Hondas. Their chemists are here they don’t have to cross the border with anything it’s being made here. The west coast started getting to liberal for their liking it seems to me, they were like ok you guys want drugs legal to keep your kids out of prison here’s fentanyl by the ton. You want to defund the police here’s fentanyl by the ton. Oh you lost your business because of Covid mandates and your on the street adding to the homeless crisis here’s fentanyl by the ton. There is a much deeper agenda here, it was done on purpose. Now suddenly Portland no no no we changed our minds so all the hood people that lost their homes during the pandemic and added to the homeless crisis that was also created purposely, they are arresting the shit out of them and throwing them in jail for basically depression over loosing everything, they created the crisis and then they created the solution to the crisis to get the police state back. All the people that the cost of living ate alive are now addicted to fentanyl, homeless, and being sent to jail. Yay the streets of Portland are getting cleaned up, thank you, police us more

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If we think a country can't be taken down by a drug, we need to refresh our memory of the Chinese Opium Wars. When you read at the link below, you will be forgiven if your mind starts to form the image of a goose being force fed into its gullet to make foie gras, then put on the spit and devoured. After all these years, it's still the same interests doing it. The names change, but the heartlessness doesn't.


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Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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...over...and over....and over... and over........

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After the Afghanastan attack on our Soldiers, we had burned up Poppy's supposedly before we left. Well we saw it all being flown to Philadelphia for weeks after we left Afghan. What was it doing coming to Philly?

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I didn't know that. But it would have been for making money for the Black Nobility that doesn't have enough yet. ;-) And would have the side effect of further deteriorating this country. I guess they didn't burn but harvested.

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Too many untrustworthy people. But, are we all Human living in America? Nope! Lots of Humanoids walking around. Keep Alert wherever you go.

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I wear garlic. They're vampires, you know...

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In 1986, I lived and worked in Honduras...believe me, the American Government owns Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama. The American military is the drug trade...

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I believe you trust me, and ya the truth is honestly darker than anything I could have ever even dreamed up. I very much want to see people stand together against this truth. I have been wondering a lot lately about what it would mean if a stand took place, I believe very much in Jesus Christ at this juncture in my life , I didn’t always, public school sent me down the path of utter belief failure. I wonder if Jesus is waiting on us to return. I think the book of revelation covers in perfect detail what this fight will look like when , not if, it happens. I don’t do social media, Substack is as far as I go, because it seems pretty free, it doesn’t seem like their are a whole lot of people who really see what’s taking place at least from my perch!!

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Also I very much admired people like Alan watts, Terence McKenna etc…. My guess is you know who these people are.

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Do you mean Alan Watt? Not Alan Watts, the new age guru who drank himself to death...

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No Alan Wilson Watts, the writer, Buddhist, Taoist, professor. I honestly wouldn’t be able to say whether he drank or did not drink himself to death because I don’t know. I can say he has some very promising things to say or comforting when you struggle to believe in a creator, because the concept of an ever expanding endless universe was so cleverly installed into your mind, when you personally can not say wether or not that is actually true or false and be telling the the truth because all you have is pictures and video created by someone else, that you couldn’t question in person if you wanted to. If you question where all of our information comes from you can see how easily that accompanied with the theory of evolution could cancel out a creator in the mind of someone who is already skeptical, also all of the murder that occurred because of religious differences or once again that we are told occurred. People have been alive long enough to have developed a full proof strategy in the that regard. The question is how could anyone be that evil. The absolute worst definition of the word evil that our minds can create does not hold a candle to what evil actually is and the evil that we actually face. I analyse everything down to the particle, i question everything I’m told, gift / curse questionable! One thing I’ve learned for sure is that you can not take anyone’s word for it, you have to do your own research, and you have to take in every perspective you can find on a subject before you can attempt to rationalise it. So to be forced into a situation where you are being taught by people who blindly take curriculum as truth is a recipe for failure as far as finding real truth is concerned. Finding God took me by complete surprise, but I was always headed there even as an atheist.

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Thank you for your response. Alan Watts was a New Ager; I, too, listened to him read many of his books. Now, in 2024, I reread a few and realized he had skimmed the surface of almost every topic he touched on. It's not a bad thing, just a fact. He introduced many people to Buddhism. That's where the problem starts. Now, we have this Western concept of Buddhism, which has diluted the original concepts of Buddhism. He taught what he knew for his time, a limited idea of Buddhism. You are right about many things. Namely, one must do one's research. One of my favorite quotes by Padmasambhava "Just as water is shaped by the container that holds it. Absolute truth must take the necessary form for each mind."

Alan Watts had his demons, and they got the best of him in the 1960s and 1970s. His son Mark talked about his father's death. He was drinking a liter of gin a day right up to his death. It is just sad to see people overcome by alcoholism, which is a spiritual disease. Cheers mate!

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I hate to tell you, that that is a totally made up name. That bible has been stepped on so many times by deep state provocatours of this world. Where are all the missing books of the Bible? Who wrote Revelation? Those are all questions I had. We are God. I believe in God. A supreme being. There has to be. But there is no fuzzy warm place in a place called Heaven. Our body is a Avatar. If we miss the mark, we go in another Avatar and do it all over again. How many Avatars have we been in? Who know? But, any Trauma we had had in our life, we will have to deal with. Imagine the ones who keep touching kids? They have no positive energy like we do. They feed off our negative or fearful self. That's why it's so important to keep your Vibes high. No negative at all.

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I used to think this way, the body as an avatar. I believed that life was a learning experience, through positivity and discipline we could eventually break the chains binding us and move forward. I believed in the self as a god that was completely connected. I felt being alive was felt through the breath, and that our energy when we passed on carried into the next available life source or avatar as you call it in the womb where that spark reconnected us and as we took our first breath we knew we were alive. I believed in panpsychism ( a conscious universe completely aware of us ). I chased answers through quantum theory, believing that energy could not be created nor destroyed, that it only transferred from host to host through this learning process. I believed in dimensions unseen, I believed in a vast ever expansive universe that continued to birth new planets. I practiced Buddhism in the hopes of learning to truly let go what was hurting me emotionally and more importantly learning to separate myself from the false ego. That is just an example in a nutshell of my belief structure. I had a real problem with religion be I felt like it was a weakness in a sense. That people feared death so much that they gave all the big questions they were afraid to face over to a deity. I saw this as a weakness, being someone who likes to ask my own questions and search out the answers to those questions myself, answers came through the discipline of learning. The most Important things to me where, knowledge, love, friendship and change. I believed anything seeking to gain off of a person rather than give was toxic. Am I somewhere in the ball park if what you believe? I mean nothing but respect by asking!

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Also I am with you on not taking in negativity but my view point has changed a bit from what I last believed and I can explain why very easily.

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“Government Has Been Run by a Terrorist Organization Since January 20, 2021” Haha!

Correction Government Has Been Run by a Terrorist Organization Since December 23, 1913. Arguably even before that date.

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Like 1871 with the incorporation. We didn't even make it to our centennial.

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louise snyder

Please give us more information on this...I'm not sure I'm following what you mean.

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He's talking about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the worlds' richest financiers unconstitutionally took over our monetary system with a central banking cartel. These same interests still run it. The idea was for THEM to issue our currency and US to pay them interest on it. We could have issued our own money for free and we could still if we could get the corrupted Congress to rescind the Federal Reserve Act. The Congress was corrupt in 1913 and it's still corrupted. The corruption was formalized when the country was incorporated in 1871, might say repossessed for its Civil War debt to bankers, making the Congress employees of the bankers. That's when we were captured and we still are. The change in currency in 1913 and the subsequent fiat-only currency ultimately allowed debt to the bankers to skyrocket to the 32 trillion we owe now and can't pay. There will shortly be another "foreclosure" where all our stuff will be taken. That's how we will "own nothing," nationally or individually. In short, we were and are harvested by international bankers.

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We Must End The Fed Before It's Too Late


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How The Banks Work And Why They Are Collapsing


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Federal Reserve | What Is the Federal Reserve? What Is Executive Order #14067? Why Is the Federal Reserve Not Federal And Why Is There No Reserve?


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Thanks for putting all this up. Great information.

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Thank you for your very thought out and informative comment as well.

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My pleasure.

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MonkeyWerx (on YT & Rumble) .........his shows consist of military aircraft 'movement'. And he is constantly showing the United States Corporation's military FLYING ILLEGALS everywhere. Taking them from Central/South America, the Middle East, Africa.....and FLYING THEM INTO THE USSA. He also shows them moving ILLEGALS AROUND the US......flying them EVERYWHERE, including Hawaii and Alaska.

I would highly suggest watching MonkeyWerx vids, and LEARN how the ENEMY (the United State Corporation's military) OPERATES!

One CANNOT WIN, unless you......


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This is the thesis and anti thesis at work, they caused so many problems in both directions, and the cost will continue to rise as they wipe out all the good people who have been affected by it.

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During the Obama administration, I had two friends from England who were deported; the government rejected their green card renewal. They had homes and jobs, contributing to the American economy. Now, this administration is allowing Rif Raf in, out with the good, and in with the bad...

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They’re trying to collapse the country. Period.

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George Soros admitted he would destroy America. He destroyed many other countries and always had his eye on Usa for last.

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America is one fucked up country, many of us in Western countries have gone to the dogs with our rulers & their Satanist ways. Allowing the dregs of 3rd World countries into our nations. None of these illegal immigrants are housed anywhere near our rulers. There's a massive reason for this. These people don't want to integrate to our societies. They see easy money, one illegal way or another. All of our Western countries won't publish detailed crime figures anymore. Simply these figures prove beyond any doubt the percentage of crimes committed by these immigrants is much higher than our own society. What we have to do Is expose the reasons why our rulers are allowing our countries to become hell holes for the average citizen. There are few reasons they're allowing this to happen. In America many believe it's so the Democratic party will gain more votes. While this is definitely 1 aspect, it's by no way at all the only reason. The best way to stop this from happening. Is to force these immigrants to be housed within half a mile to a mile at most of the politicians who support these insane policies.

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Remember when illegals were bused to Martha's Vineyard? It took a matter of hours before the people there got their toadies in government to remove them, forever showing the underpants of liberals claiming that immigration is humanitarian. It's got other goals entirely.

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Stupid people are congratulating them selves by the millions every day

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Little late….

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I'm going to laugh my balls off when traitor joe's presidency is invalidated and his pardons go bye bye...

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The Democratic Party is guilty of treason & its senior officials should all stand trial. The Party itself should be declared a criminal organization, & participating in or supporting its criminal activity should be subject to swift prosecution & lead to severe penalties, ie. fines that begin at


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You must have been getting truth out in a big way for them to do that. You made them angry. It’s discouraging and disheartening, but don’t give up……just keep your head on a swivel and accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior. HE is our only hope. 🙏🏻

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I truly wish his truth exposure would make a difference. I will pray for his and his family’s protection.

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It’s such a confusing display but if you look through it all you can see the hand of the government gaining more and more control. Our government is evil people it’s not some of them it’s all of them, and they are building an army of narcissists who will suck any dick in their way for a pay check and never look at the bigger picture because they are helping they are making a difference.

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