It’s all a game, a thought experiment. We are in a Matrix created by psychopaths to steal our money and energy. For it to stop, we all must become aware of their treachery. I am the Captain of my Ship and the Master of my Soul! “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.
Folks just don’t know how close the Marxist regime has come in America. They are not knocking at the door, they are in the bedroom with you. But you are watching the game with Taylor.
I'm glad I had a cash buisness, hairdressing for my 30 yr career. I didn't give the govt anything. I'm 59 and still glad I didn't. I'm doing just fine too.
A hit piece below on Yahoo News on Elon for exposing Woke rot like USAID in our government and a conversation of Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein about this. How can we function as a country when so many of our “fellow Americans” believe media lies and support things like USAID?
“Elon Musk Reportedly Has a Huge Conflict of Interest Motivating Him to Gut USAID.”
Great report. It is truly astonishing what is being exposed and the enormity of it all. It is both thrilling and depressing...even devastating to see how we have financed our own demise for decades. Ecstasy...rage...rinse and repeat.
But I do love this revolution...and the pace is almost feels as though we've shifted into an alternate reality...and in many ways we's a new timeline...
And it is the UN and NGOs deeply involved with the trafficking networks...we bring down the trafficking networks and we take a whole lot of murdering ghoulz, that are coming for us from every angle, off the battlefield...
I remember Sean Penn's 'role' well. Although I thought I might've detected some acting on his part. Penn told Zelensky that Vlad deserved an oscar for his performance as Ukraine President. Did I see a crack in Sean's composed veneer? Did I hear an SNL sarcastic tone when Penn delivered the line(lie?)I'm not saying that Penn is innocent, but as I see it--most of H'wood's actors are under contract. By way of analogy, The Beatles were instructed by the record label (EMI/Capital) not to comment on the Vietnam war. Then after the Beatles broke up, Lennon and Ono waged a PR campaign("War is Over") that was a slap in the face to the Beatles former record label's contractual agreement to 'remain silent' on the war. Having started their own subsidiary-"Apple records", (no doubt inspiring Steve Jobs to adopt the groovy name for his own computer co) Lennon was then free to discuss politics as he saw fit. Fast forward: Sean Penn, like so many actors under contract, was plausibly engaged for his acting services by some member of the Langley PR team. There's a real deep dive inquiry re the mechanics of a disinformation matrix waiting in the wings for some journalist out there. The question for me: Which 'real news' source will be telling the whole story behind the propaganda News matrix? Or--will the purported EBS moment be the method of delivery as the MSM goes to a total blackout status? ....The next two months are going to be wild! Thanks for the updates as always. Your reports are among the best on social media.
None of this surprises me one bit! Every day I see something on my phone happening about the continued destruction of America, I'm just waiting now to open up my phone one morning to see the official start of WW3, I don't think that's too far away either!
If we say that USAID was responsible for all the money, it is like saying that Tesla's accounting department gave out all the money without Musk's knowledge. They will still give out money, but no one will know this time.
You have made my day, AGAIN! Thank you for your brilliant donations to truth and total transparency. The sun is shining here on a rainy day, because of you! The rainbows are going to come out and I will be able to fly over them to a better place, a better life!
Wow. Gloves off. The info herein does not contradict my two years of research on the subject. It also gives more details as to who the child-traffickers are, and how USAID and NATO pay for it.
One extreme is Atheist Marxism Tyranny. The other is Libertarian Anarchy. Both are 2D Flatland Apartheid two tiered Lawfare Tyrannies. In the middle, is the 3D common sense harmonic. America. MAGA-MAHA, or the reverse depending on your personal bias weighting. The 3D common sense harmonic being revealed by the friction between the 2D fundamentals. Like salt. Two unstable compounds sodium and chloride. Necessary for life in it’s stable format, salt. Male/Female proCreation. Water, O_H_O, also necessary for life. And the longer we maintain a balanced 3D common sense harmonic, the more 4D time lapsed wisdom and best practices can be implemented, before human nature decays the balance to one side or the other. And war breaks out.
The powers that 🐝, are impatient. Like surfers when the water is flat, they need a big boat to make bow waves to surf on. With USAID etc. to stir the pot, tribalize, divide and conquer color revolution and make chaos to surf money laundering $$$ waves on. The unelected unaccountable USAID Blob.
The true social justice equation from the Church Jesus established has an important AND function, not either/or that results in unbalanced decay. “Provide for the Common Good (MAHA) AND Preserve the Integrity of the individual (MAGA).” 3D balanced American Common Sense.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law
Keep Jesus out of American governance as it was designed
You need to read the Declaration of Independence, which came First in the Design. Inalienable Rights from God, not from Nations or Men.
There is no such thing as separation of Religion and State. Per the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of Religion and Governance, you can’t separate the two. From Washington to Jefferson, Jesus was Always there. From the design. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can call God “a bright light”. Jefferson’s letters were meant to keep Baptists from establishing their Protesterant version of Christianity as the State Religion. Putting us back with King Henry VIII co-opting Christianity to consolidate power. Because All Theocracies end up in Lawfare. Just like the Lawfare the Pharisees and Scribes used to crucify Jesus with.
The first Amend ties to the inalienable rights from God. Whether you want Jesus as God, a bright light or…fill in the blank, Infinity is fairly large. What the first Amendment as designed is Freedom OF Religion. And no set State version of Religion to prevent another Theocracy. Given the many varieties of Christianity today, you would be hard pressed to turn “Jesus” into a theocracy.
But while you are busy chasing Jesus out, what ever that even means (which of the hundreds of versions are you even chasing), moral relativist lawyers, with no anchor to the Judeo-Christian morals that Founded America via inalienable rights from God (because where else do humans get morals>ethics>laws from???), guess what? They did and end around and established and funded the American Religion in Congress! The Congressional approved and funded Religion of pseudo science Scientism. Now Truth can’t contradict Truth. True science can’t contradict true Religion. And Vice Versa.
Scientism encompasses all the anti science political agendas from biology denial to physics and chemistry denials. All supported by USAID and self described Atheists like Soros and Bill Gates.
Bottom line is, with out God, As Designed, our Bill of Rights is actually worse than Lil 🚀man’s Bill of Rights. You can label God how ever you want to, but if you remove God and Absolute Divine Morals from God, there are no inalienable rights. Only rights from whom ever temporarily grabs power, like Lil 🚀man.
We can go into the scientific evidence of God if you like. Here is some hints. With out God to design, guarantee reliable repeatability with only forwards moving linear time, The Scientific Methodology of repeatable verification would not be possible. Linear time would be randomized in an atheist universe. Jumping backwards, forwards, pausing randomly. And with out reliably repeatable harmonics, music and languages would decay into atheist gibberish. Repeating Ave Maria is scientific proof of God.
So Pray to God (as you wish), or become prey to moral relativist Lawfare Tyranny. For America to work we need God for inalienable Rights. God as “Jesus” is optional. God is not.
You might try reading John 1:17, Jesus did not come to erase Mosaic Laws, but to fulfill them along with the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. But regardless, No God, no America as designed. And the MAHA-MAGA balanced equation of American Common Sense found in the real definition of Social Justice is how America was founded and designed. God Bless America, 🙏🙏🙏.
Read 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold', revised edition by DM Murdock. If you can be bothered to do that you will have a life-changing understanding provided from post-PhD level extremely well-researched information proving without any doubt that Christianity in its entirety is a total fraud and that it is entirely non-spiritual and entirely politically motivated, which would actually be enormously liberating for you, the book is entirely non-religious and does not seek to proselytise in any way to any belief system, it is just pure scholarship, though while DM Murdock is reserved about her own understanding, not necessarily being agnostic or atheist, I myself do believe in God and like the dualist vedic understanding of Achintya
Roman Christianity and its derivatives are frauds, yes; but there are older forms of Christianity which are not. Baby, bathwater, etc. The Christ described by the Romans in their New Testament is different from the OG Christ.
I clicked on the comment but it didn't take me to the comment but I found this comment and suggest you take a look at the freedom from religion foundation which refutes the point you're trying to make
Yes, and those inalienable rights were also enshrined in the ancient Usages of Britain, on which Common Law is based, and which have their origins in the laws of Troy and Ancient Greece.
The Usages of Britain could not be altered by any act or edict of the Crown or National Convention. They were considered the inalienable rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation could deprive him. Many of these usages are remarkable for their humane and lofty spirit: for instance, "There are three things belonging to a man, from which no law can separate him—his wife, his children, and the instruments of his calling; for no law can unman a man, or uncall a calling.
Maybe I got time frames incorrect and the statement of rights that you mentioned gave Jews back their rights after having been expelled after being looted and dehumanized & the hot chicks taken and the boys taking to the monasteries or indentured servants.
I thought Napoleon gave the rights to the Jews that others had first
Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all."-Thomas Paine
"The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my profession."- Abraham Lincoln
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."- James Madison
"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"-Thomas Jefferson
"Lighthouses are more useful than churches."- Ben Franklin
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."- Ben Franklin
"There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites."-Thomas Jefferson
You make my point. “Jesus” will never be a Theocracy, 🤣🤣🤣. Which of the hundreds of versions are you talking about.
You said keep Jesus out like originally designed, Jefferson’s Bible is Jesus silly. A version. Jefferson helped design. You can read all of Washington’s prayers to God-Jesus for God’s providence in America.
Washington wrote a letter to the Jews welcoming them to the pluralistic nation that he had founded under God.
You're saying Jesus when I'm meaning God, is that where we are differing?
England had rules for British citizens who were Anglican Christians and rules for others. I honestly don't know if Catholics resided there or suffered or were treated decently but knowing of the 100-year war ...
You should down load the App over at the Babylon Bee that allows you to take passages from the Bible (which ever version) out of context. And twist it to fit your political and personal agendas. It will save you a lot of time, they made it for folks like you.
All your posts, especially about Jefferson, exactly make my point that worrying about “Jesus” becoming a Theocracy is complete nonsense. Which version would it be? Jefferson’s Bible by the way had Jesus.
So your original statement that America was designed to keep Jesus (God) out of government is very ill informed. You seem to be a brainwashed rewriter of history like the Wokester CRT versions. America and it’s Founders started with Judeo-
Christianity in inalienable rights. And then added in Freedom of Religion and the non-establishment clause to prevent a Theocracy. Which ends up in a Lawfare Tyranny. Even a Theocracy of American pseudo science Wokester Scientism. Which is a violation of the non establishment clause just like establishing any other religion as the State Supported Religion. Many of the original 13,Colonies were Christian Theocracies. Brought together by broadening Christianity to “God” the Creator. To get out of the endless circular logical Theocracy debates, arguments and even wars. But Keep the Absolute Divine Morals to derive a Law and Order based society on. Instead of complete atheist moral relativity Tyranny. Or theocratic lawfare Tyranny.
Now, you are still welcome as a cake and eat it to Cultural Christian. Like Ben Franklin or Richard Dawkins and Elon Musk. As long as you contribute and follow the laws derived from God. In one nation Under God. It’s a free country, and you can virtue signal your hypocrisy and rewrite history all you like. Hypocrisy that you want Lil 🚀man’s atheist Libertarianism but not the abject poverty Tyranny that goes with it. Ergo, Cultural Christianity. Because Social Darwinism makes terrible societies.
What you can’t do is groom our children with nonsense from Karl Marx who stated very clearly why Marxism has a 100% failure rate. He said “I don’t want to be a student of history, I want to make history.” He, like you can’t be bothered by learning from history. And especially not for you at least, not His Story. You have a real Jesus Phobia. Which is OK. What is not OK is empowering Atheists with no basis for morals, ethics or laws. Except who ever grabs power.
God Bless America, Pray or be prey to moral relativity decayed Tyranny, 🙏🙏🙏
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
John Locke quotes Torah when writing the Constitution, point me to where your book was used as foundational please. The people on the Mayflower came here to get away from English church hassles and saw themselves as a new Israel.
William Bradford wrote in Hebrew, they weren't pointing to JC for inspiration.
There's Hebrew inscriptions on the stone gates at Harvard. Multiple statues of Jewish generals at West point. Members of the first Congress wanted Hebrew to be the language, lots to learn
Well, you clearly lost your “America was originally designed to keep Jesus out of Government” debate. Your initial statement is an own goal failure before we even start. Because, just like Karl Marx, you refuse to be a student of real history.
No where in the original design of the Declaration of Independence plus US Constitution does it say anything even resembling “keep Jesus out of Government”. It doesn’t say separate God and government. It doesn’t say separate Religion(s) and government.
What it does say is our inalienable rights come from God. Not from humans or governments. So as to define Divine Absolute Authority. From which to derive morals, to society ethics, to governing laws for a Just and Compassionate society with Liberties and freedom to pursue happiness. With freedom of Religions and never establishing a Theocracy with a narrow version of @God the infinite”. That could then be Lawfared into a Tyranny like England was at the time America was founded.
Some house keeping, God does Not equal Religion. Jesus does Not equal Religion. From a Religion calked Christianity, Jesus = God. Thomas Jefferson was a devout Theist, who didn’t hate Jesus like you do. But saw God differently than Holy Trinitarian-One God Christians. Ben Franklin was raised Protestant and had great respect for God and religious morals and ethics. So mostly the designers of America were Christians. None of them were Atheists. None of them hated Jesus like you do. All of them agreed with Jesus that a just and charitable society is built on “Love your neighbors as your self”. Even the handful of non Christian Theists.The Anerican government was derived from God’s authority of inalienable rights. So there was no context to even consider banning Jesus from government. Or Religion from government. Especially not in America as one nation Under God.
If you want to live in a Godless society with out God in Government, move to North Korea. They have a better bill of rights than Americans. Or, be smart and be a hypocrite Cultural Christian. Like Richard Dawkins, who knows Atheist Social Darwinism is a terrible way to run society. So they live in Judeo-Christian values based societies. Ben Franklin being one of the original American “Cultural Christians”, albeit not an atheist cake and eater too. He loved God, beer and women. Later on, even Darwin was not an atheist. “Even in my wildest fluctuations, I was never an Atheist. In the sense of denying the existence of God.”
The vast majority of American designer founders were Christian. Several original Colonies were Christian Theocracies. Washington prayed to Jesus. Jefferson was a devout Theist. Who’s letters to Baptists had nothing to do with banning Religion, God or Jesus from government. They were about not establishing the Baptist version of Christianity as the American State Religion. Per the First Amendment non establishment clause. Which also bans Congress from establishing Scientism Pseudo Science as the American Religion. Which we were just liberated from. After 4 years of it’s lawfared Tyranny and persecution of Christians.
So your entire premise is hysterically and historically wrong. Q. E. D.
Thank God Stephen Hawking proved Infinity is real. And the earth, the sun and atheists are not centers of our universe. When he said when he died all the lights would go out. And they stayed on. Even the lights in our dreams. But then really, come on man. How could there ever be 8+ billion human centers of the universe. No offense, but that is just Peter Pan childish.
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
Eye 4 an Eye Cancel Culture Censorship A I will eventually make the whole world Blind.
It’s all a game, a thought experiment. We are in a Matrix created by psychopaths to steal our money and energy. For it to stop, we all must become aware of their treachery. I am the Captain of my Ship and the Master of my Soul! “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.
How do u think th steallionares keep their wealth-create vehicles to launder tax money in the guise of charity to further their agenda!
And human trafficking too!
Folks just don’t know how close the Marxist regime has come in America. They are not knocking at the door, they are in the bedroom with you. But you are watching the game with Taylor.
Max Blumenthal
If Doge teen aka “Big Balls” had lived up to
his name, he would have been assigned to comb
through the finances of the Pentagon, the most
corrupt, bloated arm of the US govt, which makes
USAID look like a lemonade stand. But I doubt Elon
will bite the hand that’s fed him so much.
The stakes had never been higher.
But there was one problem: Elon Musk. Would the
billionaire DOGEcoin overlord allow his golden
child to bite the very hand that fed him? After
all, SpaceX’s fortunes were tied to those sweet,
sweet government contracts. Would Big Balls be
forced to kneel before the gods of the
military-industrial complex, or would he embrace
his destiny and go rogue?
If Big Balls is as fearless as his name suggests,
and heeds the call of the Hero’s Journey, the
Pentagon will be next.
And that, dear reader, is when things will get
really interesting.
They're Scared of Big Balls
But the Hero's Journey has just begun...
Mathew Aldred Feb 7
I'm glad I had a cash buisness, hairdressing for my 30 yr career. I didn't give the govt anything. I'm 59 and still glad I didn't. I'm doing just fine too.
A hit piece below on Yahoo News on Elon for exposing Woke rot like USAID in our government and a conversation of Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein about this. How can we function as a country when so many of our “fellow Americans” believe media lies and support things like USAID?
“Elon Musk Reportedly Has a Huge Conflict of Interest Motivating Him to Gut USAID.”
Yahoo News. Futurism. Feb 5, 2025
“Joe on the Crazy USAID Spending Being Uncovered.” (15 min)
Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein on USAID. Feb 6, 2025
the wonderful thing about fact check. ogre
is that everyone knows their denials are confirmations
Great report. It is truly astonishing what is being exposed and the enormity of it all. It is both thrilling and depressing...even devastating to see how we have financed our own demise for decades. Ecstasy...rage...rinse and repeat.
But I do love this revolution...and the pace is almost feels as though we've shifted into an alternate reality...and in many ways we's a new timeline...
And it is the UN and NGOs deeply involved with the trafficking networks...we bring down the trafficking networks and we take a whole lot of murdering ghoulz, that are coming for us from every angle, off the battlefield...
Stop paying your voluntary taxes! Although I’m pretty sure “they” can just print more fake green paper- at least you won’t be participating…
I remember Sean Penn's 'role' well. Although I thought I might've detected some acting on his part. Penn told Zelensky that Vlad deserved an oscar for his performance as Ukraine President. Did I see a crack in Sean's composed veneer? Did I hear an SNL sarcastic tone when Penn delivered the line(lie?)I'm not saying that Penn is innocent, but as I see it--most of H'wood's actors are under contract. By way of analogy, The Beatles were instructed by the record label (EMI/Capital) not to comment on the Vietnam war. Then after the Beatles broke up, Lennon and Ono waged a PR campaign("War is Over") that was a slap in the face to the Beatles former record label's contractual agreement to 'remain silent' on the war. Having started their own subsidiary-"Apple records", (no doubt inspiring Steve Jobs to adopt the groovy name for his own computer co) Lennon was then free to discuss politics as he saw fit. Fast forward: Sean Penn, like so many actors under contract, was plausibly engaged for his acting services by some member of the Langley PR team. There's a real deep dive inquiry re the mechanics of a disinformation matrix waiting in the wings for some journalist out there. The question for me: Which 'real news' source will be telling the whole story behind the propaganda News matrix? Or--will the purported EBS moment be the method of delivery as the MSM goes to a total blackout status? ....The next two months are going to be wild! Thanks for the updates as always. Your reports are among the best on social media.
None of this surprises me one bit! Every day I see something on my phone happening about the continued destruction of America, I'm just waiting now to open up my phone one morning to see the official start of WW3, I don't think that's too far away either!
If we say that USAID was responsible for all the money, it is like saying that Tesla's accounting department gave out all the money without Musk's knowledge. They will still give out money, but no one will know this time.
You have made my day, AGAIN! Thank you for your brilliant donations to truth and total transparency. The sun is shining here on a rainy day, because of you! The rainbows are going to come out and I will be able to fly over them to a better place, a better life!
Wow. Gloves off. The info herein does not contradict my two years of research on the subject. It also gives more details as to who the child-traffickers are, and how USAID and NATO pay for it.
One extreme is Atheist Marxism Tyranny. The other is Libertarian Anarchy. Both are 2D Flatland Apartheid two tiered Lawfare Tyrannies. In the middle, is the 3D common sense harmonic. America. MAGA-MAHA, or the reverse depending on your personal bias weighting. The 3D common sense harmonic being revealed by the friction between the 2D fundamentals. Like salt. Two unstable compounds sodium and chloride. Necessary for life in it’s stable format, salt. Male/Female proCreation. Water, O_H_O, also necessary for life. And the longer we maintain a balanced 3D common sense harmonic, the more 4D time lapsed wisdom and best practices can be implemented, before human nature decays the balance to one side or the other. And war breaks out.
The powers that 🐝, are impatient. Like surfers when the water is flat, they need a big boat to make bow waves to surf on. With USAID etc. to stir the pot, tribalize, divide and conquer color revolution and make chaos to surf money laundering $$$ waves on. The unelected unaccountable USAID Blob.
The true social justice equation from the Church Jesus established has an important AND function, not either/or that results in unbalanced decay. “Provide for the Common Good (MAHA) AND Preserve the Integrity of the individual (MAGA).” 3D balanced American Common Sense.
10 things Christians wish that Jesus would not have said
He's an ex minister
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law
Keep Jesus out of American governance as it was designed
You need to read the Declaration of Independence, which came First in the Design. Inalienable Rights from God, not from Nations or Men.
There is no such thing as separation of Religion and State. Per the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of Religion and Governance, you can’t separate the two. From Washington to Jefferson, Jesus was Always there. From the design. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can call God “a bright light”. Jefferson’s letters were meant to keep Baptists from establishing their Protesterant version of Christianity as the State Religion. Putting us back with King Henry VIII co-opting Christianity to consolidate power. Because All Theocracies end up in Lawfare. Just like the Lawfare the Pharisees and Scribes used to crucify Jesus with.
The first Amend ties to the inalienable rights from God. Whether you want Jesus as God, a bright light or…fill in the blank, Infinity is fairly large. What the first Amendment as designed is Freedom OF Religion. And no set State version of Religion to prevent another Theocracy. Given the many varieties of Christianity today, you would be hard pressed to turn “Jesus” into a theocracy.
But while you are busy chasing Jesus out, what ever that even means (which of the hundreds of versions are you even chasing), moral relativist lawyers, with no anchor to the Judeo-Christian morals that Founded America via inalienable rights from God (because where else do humans get morals>ethics>laws from???), guess what? They did and end around and established and funded the American Religion in Congress! The Congressional approved and funded Religion of pseudo science Scientism. Now Truth can’t contradict Truth. True science can’t contradict true Religion. And Vice Versa.
Scientism encompasses all the anti science political agendas from biology denial to physics and chemistry denials. All supported by USAID and self described Atheists like Soros and Bill Gates.
Bottom line is, with out God, As Designed, our Bill of Rights is actually worse than Lil 🚀man’s Bill of Rights. You can label God how ever you want to, but if you remove God and Absolute Divine Morals from God, there are no inalienable rights. Only rights from whom ever temporarily grabs power, like Lil 🚀man.
We can go into the scientific evidence of God if you like. Here is some hints. With out God to design, guarantee reliable repeatability with only forwards moving linear time, The Scientific Methodology of repeatable verification would not be possible. Linear time would be randomized in an atheist universe. Jumping backwards, forwards, pausing randomly. And with out reliably repeatable harmonics, music and languages would decay into atheist gibberish. Repeating Ave Maria is scientific proof of God.
So Pray to God (as you wish), or become prey to moral relativist Lawfare Tyranny. For America to work we need God for inalienable Rights. God as “Jesus” is optional. God is not.
You might try reading John 1:17, Jesus did not come to erase Mosaic Laws, but to fulfill them along with the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. But regardless, No God, no America as designed. And the MAHA-MAGA balanced equation of American Common Sense found in the real definition of Social Justice is how America was founded and designed. God Bless America, 🙏🙏🙏.
Part one of a four-part series of Christians asking questions that cannot be answered
Read 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold', revised edition by DM Murdock. If you can be bothered to do that you will have a life-changing understanding provided from post-PhD level extremely well-researched information proving without any doubt that Christianity in its entirety is a total fraud and that it is entirely non-spiritual and entirely politically motivated, which would actually be enormously liberating for you, the book is entirely non-religious and does not seek to proselytise in any way to any belief system, it is just pure scholarship, though while DM Murdock is reserved about her own understanding, not necessarily being agnostic or atheist, I myself do believe in God and like the dualist vedic understanding of Achintya
Roman Christianity and its derivatives are frauds, yes; but there are older forms of Christianity which are not. Baby, bathwater, etc. The Christ described by the Romans in their New Testament is different from the OG Christ.
I clicked on the comment but it didn't take me to the comment but I found this comment and suggest you take a look at the freedom from religion foundation which refutes the point you're trying to make
Yes, and those inalienable rights were also enshrined in the ancient Usages of Britain, on which Common Law is based, and which have their origins in the laws of Troy and Ancient Greece.
The Usages of Britain could not be altered by any act or edict of the Crown or National Convention. They were considered the inalienable rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation could deprive him. Many of these usages are remarkable for their humane and lofty spirit: for instance, "There are three things belonging to a man, from which no law can separate him—his wife, his children, and the instruments of his calling; for no law can unman a man, or uncall a calling.
They didn't allow Jews to be seen as men with rights🤔
America has the pluralistic non-religion-based one nation under god aspect.
Huge difference.
I can't find the Lincoln quote you referred to, I just saw a video pointing that his mother's name was Sarah and speculated he was Jewish.
Lincoln also wanted to send the slaves back
Who "didn't allow Jews to be seen as men with rights," please?
Maybe I got time frames incorrect and the statement of rights that you mentioned gave Jews back their rights after having been expelled after being looted and dehumanized & the hot chicks taken and the boys taking to the monasteries or indentured servants.
I thought Napoleon gave the rights to the Jews that others had first
Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all."-Thomas Paine
"The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my profession."- Abraham Lincoln
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."- James Madison
Trump says the same as Lincoln:
"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"-Thomas Jefferson
"Lighthouses are more useful than churches."- Ben Franklin
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."- Ben Franklin
"There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites."-Thomas Jefferson
You make my point. “Jesus” will never be a Theocracy, 🤣🤣🤣. Which of the hundreds of versions are you talking about.
You said keep Jesus out like originally designed, Jefferson’s Bible is Jesus silly. A version. Jefferson helped design. You can read all of Washington’s prayers to God-Jesus for God’s providence in America.
Listen carefully when he talks about Jefferson wanting a wall of separation between religion and State.
Listen carefully when Jefferson spells out Baptists, not Religion. Who is the letter addressed to? 🤣🤣🤣
Washington wrote a letter to the Jews welcoming them to the pluralistic nation that he had founded under God.
You're saying Jesus when I'm meaning God, is that where we are differing?
England had rules for British citizens who were Anglican Christians and rules for others. I honestly don't know if Catholics resided there or suffered or were treated decently but knowing of the 100-year war ...
You seem unaware of Jefferson's Bible editing and the Bible that he quoted was not the Bible that the known homosexual King James endorsed.
Pluralistic governments do not involve apparitions that do not communicate reliably.
You should down load the App over at the Babylon Bee that allows you to take passages from the Bible (which ever version) out of context. And twist it to fit your political and personal agendas. It will save you a lot of time, they made it for folks like you.
All your posts, especially about Jefferson, exactly make my point that worrying about “Jesus” becoming a Theocracy is complete nonsense. Which version would it be? Jefferson’s Bible by the way had Jesus.
So your original statement that America was designed to keep Jesus (God) out of government is very ill informed. You seem to be a brainwashed rewriter of history like the Wokester CRT versions. America and it’s Founders started with Judeo-
Christianity in inalienable rights. And then added in Freedom of Religion and the non-establishment clause to prevent a Theocracy. Which ends up in a Lawfare Tyranny. Even a Theocracy of American pseudo science Wokester Scientism. Which is a violation of the non establishment clause just like establishing any other religion as the State Supported Religion. Many of the original 13,Colonies were Christian Theocracies. Brought together by broadening Christianity to “God” the Creator. To get out of the endless circular logical Theocracy debates, arguments and even wars. But Keep the Absolute Divine Morals to derive a Law and Order based society on. Instead of complete atheist moral relativity Tyranny. Or theocratic lawfare Tyranny.
Now, you are still welcome as a cake and eat it to Cultural Christian. Like Ben Franklin or Richard Dawkins and Elon Musk. As long as you contribute and follow the laws derived from God. In one nation Under God. It’s a free country, and you can virtue signal your hypocrisy and rewrite history all you like. Hypocrisy that you want Lil 🚀man’s atheist Libertarianism but not the abject poverty Tyranny that goes with it. Ergo, Cultural Christianity. Because Social Darwinism makes terrible societies.
What you can’t do is groom our children with nonsense from Karl Marx who stated very clearly why Marxism has a 100% failure rate. He said “I don’t want to be a student of history, I want to make history.” He, like you can’t be bothered by learning from history. And especially not for you at least, not His Story. You have a real Jesus Phobia. Which is OK. What is not OK is empowering Atheists with no basis for morals, ethics or laws. Except who ever grabs power.
God Bless America, Pray or be prey to moral relativity decayed Tyranny, 🙏🙏🙏
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
John Locke quotes Torah when writing the Constitution, point me to where your book was used as foundational please. The people on the Mayflower came here to get away from English church hassles and saw themselves as a new Israel.
William Bradford wrote in Hebrew, they weren't pointing to JC for inspiration.
There's Hebrew inscriptions on the stone gates at Harvard. Multiple statues of Jewish generals at West point. Members of the first Congress wanted Hebrew to be the language, lots to learn
Well, you clearly lost your “America was originally designed to keep Jesus out of Government” debate. Your initial statement is an own goal failure before we even start. Because, just like Karl Marx, you refuse to be a student of real history.
No where in the original design of the Declaration of Independence plus US Constitution does it say anything even resembling “keep Jesus out of Government”. It doesn’t say separate God and government. It doesn’t say separate Religion(s) and government.
What it does say is our inalienable rights come from God. Not from humans or governments. So as to define Divine Absolute Authority. From which to derive morals, to society ethics, to governing laws for a Just and Compassionate society with Liberties and freedom to pursue happiness. With freedom of Religions and never establishing a Theocracy with a narrow version of @God the infinite”. That could then be Lawfared into a Tyranny like England was at the time America was founded.
Some house keeping, God does Not equal Religion. Jesus does Not equal Religion. From a Religion calked Christianity, Jesus = God. Thomas Jefferson was a devout Theist, who didn’t hate Jesus like you do. But saw God differently than Holy Trinitarian-One God Christians. Ben Franklin was raised Protestant and had great respect for God and religious morals and ethics. So mostly the designers of America were Christians. None of them were Atheists. None of them hated Jesus like you do. All of them agreed with Jesus that a just and charitable society is built on “Love your neighbors as your self”. Even the handful of non Christian Theists.The Anerican government was derived from God’s authority of inalienable rights. So there was no context to even consider banning Jesus from government. Or Religion from government. Especially not in America as one nation Under God.
If you want to live in a Godless society with out God in Government, move to North Korea. They have a better bill of rights than Americans. Or, be smart and be a hypocrite Cultural Christian. Like Richard Dawkins, who knows Atheist Social Darwinism is a terrible way to run society. So they live in Judeo-Christian values based societies. Ben Franklin being one of the original American “Cultural Christians”, albeit not an atheist cake and eater too. He loved God, beer and women. Later on, even Darwin was not an atheist. “Even in my wildest fluctuations, I was never an Atheist. In the sense of denying the existence of God.”
The vast majority of American designer founders were Christian. Several original Colonies were Christian Theocracies. Washington prayed to Jesus. Jefferson was a devout Theist. Who’s letters to Baptists had nothing to do with banning Religion, God or Jesus from government. They were about not establishing the Baptist version of Christianity as the American State Religion. Per the First Amendment non establishment clause. Which also bans Congress from establishing Scientism Pseudo Science as the American Religion. Which we were just liberated from. After 4 years of it’s lawfared Tyranny and persecution of Christians.
So your entire premise is hysterically and historically wrong. Q. E. D.
Thank God Stephen Hawking proved Infinity is real. And the earth, the sun and atheists are not centers of our universe. When he said when he died all the lights would go out. And they stayed on. Even the lights in our dreams. But then really, come on man. How could there ever be 8+ billion human centers of the universe. No offense, but that is just Peter Pan childish.
Con-science or pseudo science is conTrary to a well formed conscience.
Eye 4 an Eye Cancel Culture Censorship A I will eventually make the whole world Blind.
Really u don't think the Republicans didn't know all this. You're dumb.
You're dumb. What makes you seem to think I didn't and/or that I am a Repug?
Alamo's comment is not showing about refuting Christian America
here's a website called freedom from religion which lays out the inherent nature of how America is built