18 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Fucking Nebraska...

That's where all that Boy's Town stuff was exposed.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News


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It was known as The Franklin Coverup and a DA named John DeCamp investigated and wrote a book based on the facts he uncovered.

Which brings me to another aspect of this article. I'm NOT trying to say these allegations didn't happen, but we supposedly value the truth and at this point this article is gossip and it's very convenient the story is coming out just before the election.

I do NOT support Harris/Walz. But I do support measured fact-based truths. I used to watch Squirrel Tribe and unfortunately found the host to be a gullible person who presents things as fact because they fit her beliefs, not necessarily because they are indeed the truth, so I stopped listening to her since she's not a reliable source.

As far as Nebraska being responsible for The Franklin Coverup occurring, I can find the same if not worse things that have occurred in every state of this fair country.

America has some big problems.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

My Child would not be at a Concert with a Teacher at 14 regardless and that seems to be a problem which should not exist

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7 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Mine either regardless of age

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If this doesn’t dissuade Harris voters then they are part of the problem. I’m sick of these sick people ruining the lives of our children and their witch-wives for allowing it.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

This has been the Red Line for me and as Jesus said Anyone who causes a Little One to Stumble has a Better Chance of having a Mill Stone Tied Around Their Neck And Thrown Into The Sea as to Enter The Kingdom Of God and that is also Proof they are Satan's Minions and must be treated as such and I pray that I never Catch one in the act because I would Call Police after I am Done showing them what For cut and dry

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He even looks the part of a pervert clown 🤡

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15 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

I have to ask myself every time more filth and depravity is brought to light on the "evil" side, do people even care anymore, or are the so conditioned in hatred towards those who are try to make them see the light?

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14 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

My heart goes out to all the victims of this horrible person commiting these crimes. May they find peace and healing. 💕💗💞

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I just assume at this stage in my life, after everything that been exposed about these dross politicians...well they are all involved in some kind of demonic narcissistic activity...show me one politician who is the exception and I'll show you he or she has been dead for many years...they are all excrement of evil!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Very very few. In Congress of 500 or so, I believe ONLY 40 or less are "clean".. the rest have: financial improprieties, moral failings (mistresses and other children), out right pedophilia (sex with children/minors on tape) to actual deaths / killings of minors they participated in (hard core ones). So our leaders are throughly corrupt there is no light side there, it is ALL DARK side ... and yes, we allowed it, but the people who CONTROL THEM via the black mail are the issue.. and they are? The bankers, the money makers.. not the visible ones, the ones that hide behind the others NOT the Rothschilds but the ones BEHIND them and their ilk.. that is what needs digging out... I would hazard not many know them and thus they escape the threat of extinction ... because no one KNOWS what they do. But now, they are coming out of the wood work, dropping the masks.. .and thus as God said, by their works you will know them... or, as the holy Spirit would say: if you are creeped out by them, then that's a certain sign...

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Here’s a place to start, if you want to know who “They” are:


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16 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

In the first debate he seemed very angry to me. Those facial contributions. May this reveal put him where he belongs. Jail.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

We can only hope he pays for his crimes before he slithers under his rock!

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18 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

It’s true about Pense! As Governor his “disgruntled lover” went public at 19 years old .. and the coverup began!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Felt the same way when he jerked his son’s arm. What a horrible father!

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These politicians are protected by Satanists just like them. The courts are most likely nearly 50% infiltrated with different criminals involved in sex crimes, drugs, bribery, murder, payoffs. So far not a damn thing exposed from the Epstein Tapes.

Just every so often they seem to expose something big and then it gets swept under a rug.

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Try 80 or 90 percent infiltrated.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

You are suggesting that the issue be brought before the courts? Anyone who has dealt with this so-called justice system is quite well aware of the fraudulent activities that come down from the bench. The courts are more crooked than a dog's hind leg and you suggest suing in court. Get real here, son, handing out such naive advice shows your lack of comprehension about the system that has been installed to control us. About the only institutions that are worse criminals than judges and attorneys are the banks, and the courts are right on spot to hide those horrid bankster activities that have been maintaining the population as debt slaves for the Rothschild/Vatican World Mafia that owns this government.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Because the Judges are ALL complicit, blackmailed and on the take. Honest ones are so so so hard to come by. Almost like they don't exist anymore. After all would you want to sacrifice a family member for your principles? Like oh, a wife in a car hitting a pylon at speed? Or a child's boyfriend blown up? ... Hum, where have I heard that happened not too long ago, eh?

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16 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Excuse me, but I have to puke!

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18 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Read a screenshot of a newspaper article concerning TWs hospitalization following a prank in Nebraska. Depravity.

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a zucchini or marrow up his *ss?

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Could we all just decide to exit the system, rather that pretend we can fix what is and always has worked as originally designed by the parasites?

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