Make no mistake if WE THE PEOPLE don't change the trajectory of this AGENDA we will can kiss all of our asses good bye !


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I think that the word trajectory is wrong because it suggests something somewhere else which is finite whereas a more definitive view is that it is an unseen airway prison being built all around us as in no escape. It is 95% done and all that is needed is a digital ID with which be the door slamming shut. I believe that it is far from an agenda. That train left town decades ago and has put its stink into everything today. Look into your towns codes and you will see how in line they are with the UN crowd already. One would have better luck changing their local codes which aint going to happen. The school system is totally onboard so your kids are being indoctrinated to this agendas books and teachers.

It starts with you and someone trustworthy (that is the hard part) who become a we and then we the people. I am with you. The easiest and best thing that anyone can do is to use cash, learn about digital money and its complete control where unlimited new taxes can be taken directly from you and other takings.

I am against rape. If you are for freedom oppose all vaccine mandates for kids and adults because someone sticking something that someone doesnt want into them is just that: RAPE.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. If The People choose to give in and kiss the masters ring as well as their ass, I will not be in that WE. Spread the word!

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I understand completely that the term AGENDA is long outdated as I have been in this fight since 1991 August when an associate of mine ended up murdered in a Martinsburg, West Virginia Motel room. I.C.L.E.I.'S have been around since the early 2000's when S.M.A.R.T. programs began. Keep in mind it was the NGO, The American Planning Association,back in early 2000's that started all those UNIVERSAL PLANNING GUIDES that established those codes in virtually every town, city and state in the Republic.

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They have become much more civilized since brutal 1991 (but still as dishonest). Seriously, It shows the seriousness and committment of those who would rule us. I was not murdered physically but had my identity stolen as confirmed by the IRS, had false documents created to allow my indictment in a conspiracy, was forced into a kangaroo court since I would not plead guilty to something that was not true, was convicted and spent 5 years in a federal prison and 3 on probation, lost my license to practice medicine and blackballed from working for any organization or in any business because no one wants trouble, had everything that I ever earned or owned taken and ended up in the nicest place in the world but I am still alive and healthy. your initial comment shows that you understand the seriousness of of this attack and the one above how entrenched and relentless it is. Change minds if you can.

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Sadly I don’t believe ‘the People’ are capable of the type of change needed. Too many generations of passive acceptance of totalitarian authority. The people are no more capable of changing the nature of this world than cattle are capable of changing how the farm is run.

Benign change if it comes will be in spite of humanity, not because of any actions on our part.

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From the get go this thesis is based on a flaw: "masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth. " This is a dualism based on the core software structure of human thinking. To think we have to categorize, decide what is "this" and "that," we slice and dice the "seamless garment" of Creation into tidbits put into neat cubby holes.

If "God" or Source is All-in-All then everything that manifests is within this Body, Substance, Field of the ALL. For reasons the lower analytical human mind cannot understand (since it cannot grok the ALL , but our 'mystical' Heart can) this ALL APPEARS to our senses (limited instruments of perception reception) to subdivide ITSELF into levels, a spectrum of frequencies, numbers, which underlie the elements.

The spectrum is a continuum, and the divisions we assign to it are human mind projections. There are no borders within the spectrum of frequencies. You have to contemplate how we automatically divide everything up into parts that are never really disconnected...only in our minds, which puts us into a virtual reality projection and overlay upon the Real.

Both "heaven" and "earth" are part of the ALL...which we give the name "God" to. It is mental error to assign God to heaven, as heaven is really higher frequencies part of the spectrum, while earth is lower or condensed. Spirit and Matter are somewhat better expressions of PHASES within the ALL.

So "man" is NOT closer to "God". In pre-chemistry this Substance used like "clay" to manifest the Cosmos existed in a spectrum from volatile ("spirit") to fixed ("earth").

If you consider "us" to be spiritual beings, that is without the gender polarity that only occurs on this denser 3D aspect level or plane of the ALL. Animal and plant life. Where is gender in atomic scale?

As spiritual beings we are androgynous with no need for gendered bodies. If everyone was like Casper the Ghost without ding-dongs and fo-fo's, the whole gender freakout would be moot. Ghosts can just moosh it up with each other swapping ectoplasmic joy!!

We are made of waves of energy that get excited. We wiggle. Right now Earth's magnetic field is weakening, we receive more highly energized cosmic rays, a 6000 year periodic cycle of higher energy is upon us again (see Suspicious Observers videos), and it's rattling the old Movie Set and Mythos we assumed was "reality." End of Kali Yuga. We and our holographic "reality" we assume is solid is being rapidly accelerated and electrified in only the past say 150 years.

We are ALL and each "on the Spectrum (!)"

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Seventh-one trips around the sun, being raised by a family of survivors from the early twentieth century's mistakes and missteps, gave me a perspective outlook, not just of who I could become but of whom I didn't need to be like, because they weren't me. They only wanted to change me into one of them without morals or values they'd discarded in the trash heap of their ideologies. I think for myself and question everything, especially when told this is how it was, is and will be so just succumb and join us, even as they dictate who I should be and what I'm to believe. I've found there is no pre-modern world, only history, nor one I'd classify as modern, only different from what was, therefore any changes are only a difference of what is perceived as being modern and will not morph into a new, post-modern world.

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Every era has its tossers. This is the first of the Post Woke tossers.

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A word wanker.

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I defer to your lyrical literary creativity. Word wanker it is.

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1) Where would those who say that there is a right to change sex say that this right comes from

2) What would you say would be the top 5 principles of the Club of Rome

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Oh, my! Estulin says that where there is "nothing concrete or sacred" the "celebration of nihilism" ensues: A "pulverization" of parts that were previously a whole, fragmentation, dissolution. Our atoms are exploded apart beyond recognition with no limit in sight. I think he might be a TAD bit melodramatic, but I will say a some of us have become un-moored to sense and logic around the topic of freedom and "rights". That's not an accident and has more to do with a precise agenda of making people go insane and hate each other. So there's yet method to the madness. The antidote is coming though. The pendulum always swings and what is fashionable today is anathema tomorrow. You can see it growing around us. Insanity has been duly noted and turned on in many quarters and I think the ones who went so nuts will soon enough be told to STFU.

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If I’m posting on your sub, I believe your motives are not monetary first but you are a loving human that cares about the future!

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I lost $50k doing this in 2023, so I am definitely not doing this for money! I'm doing this to hopefully have a future.

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Rock on!

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My spiritual love goes to you!!!

We are connected by this bond.

As I travel I converse, I feel, I actually say to strangers I feel your love, thanks! I’ve had 2 go to tears .

Is humanity holding these emotions back? Yes, absolutely! Why, hmmm? The programming in our culture? I think that answer has many factors and goes deep towards conditioning and mkultra type stuff. Matrix 1.0. I will not conform. I say what I feel and experience!

It’s out there, loving humans, go find them for a better day…

It’s actionable.

We RV camp and I can tell it is refugees of love…

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I love Estulin but I guess a lot of people didn't get it.

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I like him, too. I guess nobody is right about everything but he has a fascinating perspective and some powerful insights.

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The truth, verifiable, by a average soothsayer mentality, is becoming mentally painful as this hopeful awakening moves way slower than the quickening closes in on our last vestiges of what it is free will.

It’s like watching the masses being corralled to hunger game coliseums.

I talk and verify level cognitive dissonance and compare levels of understanding. Shoes on the ground. Extremely discouraging to be intellectually honest. I’m so tired of armchair posters with all the answers in exchange for buy me a fuking coffee bs.

I see thru their game to not have to get a real job doing something real.

So many levels of bs being orchestrated to derail an organically motivated change by realizing it is us, the extreme majority against them, extremely few. Divided we loose hands down..

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Now, now, have a little more faith in us. Sorta like the big bang/contracting universe theory, we do have a gravitational center and we're not just going to fling out into oblivion. It's an encouraging fact that most of us, including some groups who were totally brainwashed, are arch-bitching about the insanity and politically supporting those who want to pull us back from it. A good metaphor for the controllers of the past is Joe Biden, a rotting head and body, doddering around with an equally deteriorating approval rate. He's quite literally their only candidate! While I can't report that we've won yet, I think it becomes progressively apparent that the enemy is on the skids. The outcome of the next election will tell a lot of the tale. Will they have the strength to rig it again or will they go under? Will Trump, Musk, and other similar personages take it from there or will they become the antichrists? I don't think we'll have a terribly long time to wait for the verdict. Meantime, you can buy me a coffee.

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Yup, but nuttin' new under the sun--an' we've ALWAYS had soothsayers:

Camille Paglia--that brilliant, oft-funny, delightful mold breaker who always pissed folks off--she was such a bad boy/bad girl!--had it down pat YEARS ago (an' she's gay herself!) --



(Wrote a book on it too! It's a great read!)

The best take on the entire enchilada via Marxist erasure of meanin' via Hegelian dialectic is Major Stephen Coughlin--a bit less dystopian than Estlulin:


Germaine Greer (this'd be yer moment of zen) on trans men--she's a hoot! (I don't agree with her on all things but this is spot-on!)


I've been doin' a take-down of PRIDE (all pride) which is a big piece of the whole mess we'ze in now (not anti-gay, anti-co-optin' on the movement)--walla:



(the 2nd one covers "trans" humanism an' usin' gender erasure to erase what's human)

2 more on the way!

This one's on erasure of women:


(splainin' the series:

https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/announcin-the-end-of-pride-a-4-part )

Crackpot "former" liberal-lefty-feminist now unmoored, slightly more "conservative" than I once was, pro-women but now admittin' after all these years that Andrea Dworkin wuz god'durned RIGHT--sheesh! it stinks to have had it all WRONG, no?

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For a lot of my professional life I was a teacher of young children. When I came into the field in 1973, I had the idea that males and females were the same, just conditioned differently. That's what I was taught. We had these big cardboard blocks in my kindergarten classrooms. I noticed that the girls would stack up the blocks and make enclosures they would get into and play with their dolls. The boys would also stack up the blocks, but then they would crash into them with their trucks and anything else they could wield. They did the same thing in 2013 that they did in 1973. It wasn't just that. There were many differences in the way very young boys and girls approached things quite naturally with no encouragement. Any of us who has ever been in a sustained relationship, knows males are substantially not like females. It's just ideology that contradicts our lying eyes.

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I can't listen to this kind of pseudo philosophical garbage because it makes me want to puke. I have no need to understand evil because there's not much to understand about it except it's abnormal, and evil.

People wo need to dress up their thoughts about evil in pseudo philosophical language so to sound insightful make me wretch.

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It takes all kinds to make a world.

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I packed my son lunches everyday when I found out they were

using food as a reward 😮

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Somebody needs to upgrade to Integral/metamodern. The symptoms cited are not wrong and some of the interpretations are accurate (mainly that civilizations traditionally collapse when they reach the postmodern stage), but the postmodern deconstruction needs to be reconstructed with the recognition of the flaws postmodernism points out about previous stages.

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One has to close one's mind to the reality around both the present and evidence from the past, to believe that this is not pathway deliberately constructed by those that create empires with the full generationational intention to eventually demolition them in a wholesale liquidation.

Biblical tales of Armageddon and the likes clearly refer to a combination of natural and unnatural events that ultimately press the reset button.

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