Bestselling author and 24-year Russian military counterintelligence veteran, Daniel Estulin hosts The Alex Jones Show, while Alex rushes off to make his plane to a mystery location.
Besides being the author of several fascinating books and his years in counterintelligence, Daniel Estlulin also has a doctorate in Conceptual Intelligence and he was trained to "create models that define the future of humanity…at least one or two generations in advance…"
Daniel launches into a highly cerebral breakdown of what we are witnessing right now. Essentially, he says that after 500 years, Liberalism has reached its apotheosis and the shocker, for people like me, who grew up fully inculcated in Classical Liberal thought and values is to discover that Liberal ideology systematically leads to the destruction of humanity.
As Daniel explains:
And so it's obvious, what we're seeing right now; the attack is directed against gender…
In the pre-modern times, gender was sacred. In other words, masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth.
Modern put masculine and feminine on the same level. In other words, we're equal…
Postmodern affirms that we have to eliminate gender, because the existence of gender is already a pre-modern, a Patriarchal Model.
So according to them, the people behind all this pride, LGBT plus, plus, plus movements, gender has to be like a nation of individual choices, just like, as human beings have the right to, for example, cross borders of different countries. People also have the right to change their sex. And not just once, but many, many, many, many times…
These people understand what they're doing. We don't understand, because we have no clue, because we're being brainwashed into believing all this nonsense.Â
And so, if you expand and extrapolate what these people are doing, the expansion of gender from two; masculine, feminine into infinity...
And everything that seemed absolutely unbreakable in the modern structure, that resulted from the process of liberation; from this transcendental verticality, all this, in turn, in the Postmodern world is exposed to a deconstruction and change of meaning...And so, if the individual can represent a parliament of organs, then it is not an individual, it's a "dividual", not individual. In other words, the individual becomes a post-individual agglomerate.
So again, we've gone from humanity to trans-humanity. The next stage is post-humanity. We become a post-individual. And this has to do with the dispersion of personality...and so, instead of "me", we have this Black Hole that makes itself known via this nebulosity, pulverization of these many different fragments.Â
In other words, the human being is made up of individual parts that, together are a parliament of independent elements of a body, that do not form a union with each other. How crazy is that?...
And so what will come after this Postmodern? Well, the answer is nothing! Because postmodernism is already nothing! Postmodernist text is irrational idiocy...
Reason tried to unite the disjointed elements of human knowledge. Today, postmodernists offer us the possibility of freeing ourselves from the bonds of knowledge, taking us into the world of absolute freedom.
Freedom from what? It has nothing to do with freedom to speak. It has to do with freedom from responsibility. Freedom from history, from obligations, freedom from knowledge. Or you're absolutely free to kill yourself if you are, because there are too many of us. Help us out. Let's save the world by killing ourselves.
That's what the Club of Rome would say. We are the enemy. That's what they're doing in Canada. They're paying you money to kill yourself. They're doing the same in Japan.Â
So, what about these postmodernist politics? Well, it means that democracy stops being the power of the majority and becomes the power of minorities, which is what we're seeing right now. Why? Because the majority of people is still related to the modern world that could elect a dictator or an authoritarian character.Â
But if a minority rules – also different minorities, ethnic, religious, sexual, sex, perverts, pedophiles, Black Lives Matter – then these minorities are going to create a society where there will be nothing concrete or sacred.
Everything will be fine. Everything will be virtual, just like gay parades. Everybody is happy, momentarily happy. Everything is instantaneous, immediate pleasure now. Immediate and non-fundamental satisfaction and not anchored in values.Â
And so what this does is it brings us closer to the pre-established objective, celebration of total nihilism. And that's where we're heading right now, unless we stop. And that's why they need to destroy Alex Jones. That's why they need to destroy Trump.
That's why they’ll do anything to destroy Reason or anything that makes us think. The Divine Spark of Reason, Logic.Â
Instead of that, they want to give you the claptrap of 60, 70, 80, 90 different, you know, men and females don't exist anymore. "You have choices". We're going to separate one whole into these little bite-sized pieces. They've always done that. Divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide.
Running Time: 60 mins
A full transcript of this interview appears beneath the video linked above.
Make no mistake if WE THE PEOPLE don't change the trajectory of this AGENDA we will can kiss all of our asses good bye !
From the get go this thesis is based on a flaw: "masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth. " This is a dualism based on the core software structure of human thinking. To think we have to categorize, decide what is "this" and "that," we slice and dice the "seamless garment" of Creation into tidbits put into neat cubby holes.
If "God" or Source is All-in-All then everything that manifests is within this Body, Substance, Field of the ALL. For reasons the lower analytical human mind cannot understand (since it cannot grok the ALL , but our 'mystical' Heart can) this ALL APPEARS to our senses (limited instruments of perception reception) to subdivide ITSELF into levels, a spectrum of frequencies, numbers, which underlie the elements.
The spectrum is a continuum, and the divisions we assign to it are human mind projections. There are no borders within the spectrum of frequencies. You have to contemplate how we automatically divide everything up into parts that are never really disconnected...only in our minds, which puts us into a virtual reality projection and overlay upon the Real.
Both "heaven" and "earth" are part of the ALL...which we give the name "God" to. It is mental error to assign God to heaven, as heaven is really higher frequencies part of the spectrum, while earth is lower or condensed. Spirit and Matter are somewhat better expressions of PHASES within the ALL.
So "man" is NOT closer to "God". In pre-chemistry this Substance used like "clay" to manifest the Cosmos existed in a spectrum from volatile ("spirit") to fixed ("earth").
If you consider "us" to be spiritual beings, that is without the gender polarity that only occurs on this denser 3D aspect level or plane of the ALL. Animal and plant life. Where is gender in atomic scale?
As spiritual beings we are androgynous with no need for gendered bodies. If everyone was like Casper the Ghost without ding-dongs and fo-fo's, the whole gender freakout would be moot. Ghosts can just moosh it up with each other swapping ectoplasmic joy!!
We are made of waves of energy that get excited. We wiggle. Right now Earth's magnetic field is weakening, we receive more highly energized cosmic rays, a 6000 year periodic cycle of higher energy is upon us again (see Suspicious Observers videos), and it's rattling the old Movie Set and Mythos we assumed was "reality." End of Kali Yuga. We and our holographic "reality" we assume is solid is being rapidly accelerated and electrified in only the past say 150 years.
We are ALL and each "on the Spectrum (!)"