Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

Blackroach must feel like it's like taking candy from kids with the help of their DoD implants in high places playing bad guys with their lethal and destructive weather toys to their benefit and the NWO coup of the democratic world and their planned and executing total world dictatorship.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

When you know, you know.

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www.stepstoknowledge.com because our world is under attack and we need more who can't be deceived!

Join The Human Party.

Vote Human.

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Let's not forget about the QUARTZ that is there in that area too. It's not just the LITHIUM !


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There are many quartz mines also here in SC.

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I have a huge Azezulite quarts from a rock shop just south of Ashville. The mine has been totally mined out already. I made the world's finest crystal balls as a youth but this one's too fine of a specimen to cut into!

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And Arkansas. Lots of quartz.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Considering no one has ever owned their homes in the first place they can do whatever they want. Mortgages are a scam. No money is ever exchanged at a closing. Money is printed upon approval of the loan. Fake money...fiat debt notes. Then we pay the mortgage plus interest. It's a win for the bankers. We are considered tenants in our homes. Tenants are renters.

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If your not outraged your not paying attention!

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Oh my heavens the libtards (yellow hats) are so asleep they don't see ANYTHING!!!!!!!

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Its the precursor to 15n minute cities

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Another interesting take. Don't forget what lithium does when ingested or inhaled:


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For the integrity challenged and morally bankrupt nothing is off the table. The PTB are steering all of us off a cliff. Still patiently waiting for the comet....or perhaps otherworldly intervention.

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they have this on the stock market and if you read any contract when you purchase any property it states you do NOT own the mineral rights, oil or any other commodity.Most folks do not read their contracts........all of this carnival show is at its curtain call......rough times for those trapped in the hollers and all the rocky terrain, may the turn be swift and those in need find a solid footing soon. thanks for the post. take care.

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The morning of September 11th, 2001, Hurricane Erin was out in the Atlantic Ocean gathering in intensity and heading due west on a collision course for New York City...... when she suddenly and inexplicably took a sharp ninety degree turn and headed north. There are no natural weather patterns happening anywhere on Earth at this point in time, it is all being manipulated and controlled for the benefit of a few.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News


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This level of EVIL is mind boggling https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1841636020187431216

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For any ritual sacrifice, The BLOOD must be returned to the land. Makes sense WHY they are not picking up the bodies, Evil fukkers!

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The world is beautiful, but there are just a few festering boils that need lanced and squeezed. You are the best Alex. Thank you. I'm behind you all the way to the winning. It's OUR minds and OUR world that are under siege.

But we're not going to let that happen are we.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

🎯 👁👁 but Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned.

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Thank you for continuing to put this out there! Every catastrophic event over the last few years has been purposely manufacturered. The latest, Helena, the biolab plant in Conyers, GA, covid, bird flu, chicken plants burning, cattle slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands, forest fires, unexplained dust storms, seeding our breathing air, and on and on...

It's not about the red or the blue, it's about the families and the Vatican, those with more money than you can imagine. The same families that have funded all the wars. No one is in the WH making decisions, the decisions are made for them. They are only high paid puppets to implement their plans. Look at all the chaos taking place, no one is paying attention to the an behind the curtain, so to say. Problem is, people can't think for themselves. Ask any tri-colored haired lovers why they are rebelling? The usual answer is, I don't really know, I'm just going along with my friends. Eventually, all the lemmings will go off the cliff because everyone else is doing it. The popular thing to do, right? Good God, please let these crazies wake up from their singular, uninformed way of thinking and see what the world is coming to!

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Right on. We need 1% awake and activated. Share and keep up the good work!

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

... Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. Sigh.

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Very astutely stated!

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DARPA is an agency of the Department of Defense. The purpose of the Department of Defense is to make war against enemies of the US. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to declare war which Congress has not done. So who are they waging war against? Who have they been waging war against with their weaponized COVID virus and mRNA vax? You tell me.

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They did the same thing with Lithium in batteries (making them explosive) as they did with refrigerant coolant back in the 80's. They changed from R12 to 134A & now vehicles & refrigerators are marked as "explosive" on the backend. Coincidence?

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