8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

They are pure evil! SO IN OUR FACES and obvious!

If this situation and it's mishandling doesn't wake those still in a lethargic slumber, NOTHING WILL!!


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Nothing wakes someone up like having their life on the line.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

We can only hope you're right. We've got alot of fellow citizens sleepwalking around us

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The evil have an agenda - One that requires them to state their intentions, that they be left with a clear conscience, no bad karma! This is the reasoning behind stating, being in your face and broadcasting their ill intentions!!!

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Know what? Karma is not that easily fooled.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News


I thought it was because they believe that they've won and the game's almost over........ :/

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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Make this go viral! Sharing!!! Thank you for being human! Those in gov are not!

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Literally not human.

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Similar to that of Lahaina, there is a quota to meet & the general public is not on a need to know basis. Creator bless us all as we work at taking these thugs down.

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Alexandra...I received 3 copies of your newsletter today, so they're getting through but on your end they seem not to be loading.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Xactly - all according2their age-old 25point Plan & u're right, They never hit with just One Thing but with a multitude of things.

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Incoming everywhere. Time for the quantum balloon to blow.

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Yeah, sorry! There was a bug, where my scheduled posts weren't appearing on the backend of my account, so I frantically made three versions of one as my computer was losing battery power.

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No problem for me. I just wanted you to know.

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With folks like this fellow and Alexandra on the ground for in depth reporting, the flunkies in the gov’t are about to get exposed for their apathy, cruelty and complete inconsistency. Time for Team Humanity to come together and kick these clowns in the butt and show the world what real people with open hearts and functioning brains can do. Our only hope is us!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News


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We are fast coming to the tipping point. We're seeing exactly what you're saying come to pass. People are seeing that they're the last resort. Those are the people in the air trying to help while the captured government sits on its hands, just as with Katrina. Katrina was the trial run, just as covid was. The "Cajun Navy" civilians, always the first to show up to help after hurricanes would be with the Helena survivors now but they have boats, not helicopters. It would not surprise me to know they're trying like hell to get helicopters right now.

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In my culture (as I continue to do so), we respect all life! Unfortunately, many have lost their way - It is up to us, we who hold the light, to show them the way -

It is up to us, we who hold the light - To show them the way!

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Another way to erase the past, write a victor's story...

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My sister lives in Knightdale. Phoned, nothing...

Hang em high!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Duh! This is where we get to see more and more of everyone's true colors.

The government is DEAD.

Rise to the occasion people! Adversity and chances to HELP one another instead of all the BULLSHIT 🍞&🎪 everyone is constantly face fucking their screens for.


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There comes a point when "exciting" gives way to sheer terror....up close and personal.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

If you're lucky, you'll REALLY get to experience some "sheer terror". Tis the season, after all!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

I suppose, if you're actually there. The great white shark comes to mind...

Everybody having different experiences. SO AMAZING.

Glad I live a bit west of the Rockies.

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Trust me, living a bit west of the Rockies won't help you. They're sitting in some dark room right now figgering out what to do with you since they've completely destroyed life on the west coast. How about some deadly HAARP-steered Arctic blizzards, 10 feet of snow and minus temps for weeks? That's a good one! How about you freeze in the dark week 3? Meanwhile your groceries, gas, housing and all costs have left the chart, and are still going up. You ARE "actually there" already. It's just that the absolute terror hasn't arrived yet. You can stop being so fucking amused.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Everybody has to DO THEIR OWN TIME. OWN IT.

I mainly made that crack that triggered you because of population density and how most are unaware and not responsible for their own shit. But what's happening during this flood is hopeful, cause people step up and help one another, help strangers, get out of their bubbles and boxes. This could be the thing that breaks THE FED. ALL of THE FED. And we make this country what it could be but never fucking has been.

There will be lots of death and peeps jumping ship cause they're SUCH a product of the OLD world and can't adapt to the NEW one. All across the board.

Buckle up, butter cup!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Is that "amusing" enough for you, bitch? FUCK OFF and die in a fear ridden hole. Or strap on and nut up or shut up.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Speak for yourself. I'm gonna get BAD on you now.

How do you fucking know anything, fear porn addict?

The dominant paradigm is DEAD. There is no consensus reality. We're all having unique experiences.

AND, we've been out of the motherfucking Kali Yuga and the "dark ages" for 325 years now, despite what retards think because of the way it APPEARS out there. That's because the light is just going to increase for the next 11, 675 years. The cockroaches don't have anywhere hide anymore. There's also application of that realization to one's self.

Also, we're no longer a piece of shit slave herd. Now, it's about individual development and deciding how we want to come back together and for what.

Can't wait for the internet and rest of the media to continue to shit itself to death.

Drives me CRAZY when people continue to give their power away to "them" or that piece of fuck adage "tptb". NUTS. Fucking sheeple losers. INSANE. BULLSHIT.

Oh, and if you haven't gathered from my reactive response, it's HIGH FUCKING TIME people stopped telling each othet what to do, think, believe, say... Doesn't work on children, and it sure doesn't work on any of the idiots all over the internet throwing words around like everyone even understands them the same.

I'm about done with it all. Pearls before swine and all that. I'm going to full emojis, and who fucking cares.

Dumb fear ridden assholes.

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Apparently you don't follow me much or you would know that what you say about me is nonsense, I don't care how nuts you get or how many names you call me. However, I'm not blind and I see what's going on. It's still going on and the dominant paradigm is not dead. Yet. As a fact most of what you say is nonsense and you're wrong on most of your dates. If you think it's high time people stopped telling each other what to do, stop telling me. I can promise you, I'm not going to "fuck off and die." How old are you anyway? You sound like an unhinged 14 year old.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News




I don't follow ANYONE.



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3 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

I live in a small town about 20 minutes from Asheville. N.C,near the Asheville Aiport.I was born in Asheville and I've lived in Western North Carolina all my life.I want to tell each of you that the devastation here is amazing, surreal and really ,really heartbreaking. Many people are still missing,destruction everywhere ! We have landslides, town's completely gone, flooding ,trees pulled up out of ground from their roots...it's completely catastrophic ! Our mountains are not used to tornados and hurricanes ,we aren't equipped for this type of destruction...I heard today FEMA is out of money ...I wish our government thought of that before donating billions to other countries ! Please pray for Western North Carolina ...this area is so beautiful and it's my home ...but it will be an extremely long time before we recovery....this is such a tragedy !

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The clever global agenda is extraterrestrial and completely different from visitations in our long past. Now that we have global internet connectivity, the plan for the employment of the remnant, the willing, begging, pacified and compliant remainder is in motion full speed ahead.

Thank you always "Forbidden News" Alexandra. It's not over yet. A unified clarity and determination is the remedy. We have rights as a sovereign world that at least 1% need to learn of and align with. Here's the context for study for that 1% who wear the white hats and are on the field fighting full out for the rest. We are the quorum for humanity. www.alliesofhumanity.org/the-briefings

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Yes, when you study Satanism, that’s where it leads.

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For any of us who tracked the "bail-out" of Zelensky and his cronies in Ukraine, this report will make your blood boil. The equation goes: The US sent approx $200 Billion to Ukraine; left billions of dollars in Military equipment(helicopters perhaps?) in Afghanistan; sent fighter jets to Ukraine; supports Israel, and yet...? It may be fair to presume that the poor folks in Appalachia were always on the 'deplorable-discontinued' engineered-extinction list. We need to reactivate the American Constitution ASAP!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Of course They want them dead - there's Lithium deposits in those mountains They r determined2mine

🤬this was a very well xecuted Plan using high technology.

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The unprecedented Helene Armageddon, courtesy of HAARP no doubt, is not the only cabal operation right now. I am personally facing the housing crisis, another engineered disaster. The housing crisis is as ginned up as this hurricane. What's happening is that billionaires and housing conglomerates are buying up properties and jacking up rents all over the country. Meanwhile, developers are letting huge luxury apartment buildings stand empty in big cities because people can't pay the astronomical rents. (You can't tell me they're not being paid to do so. No way can you sit on that kind of investment property being empty.) These same people are well underway buying trailer parks where people own their trailers but rent the slots to park them. All over the country these vultures are putting the rents up so that people who have lived there for years can't pay. It's just for the slot and they're charging huge money. These people usually can't move their trailers which can cost $20,000 to move someplace else. So they get evicted for not paying the rent, can't move their trailers and have to abandon them. No doubt the trailers are taken for non-payment of rent after a while because they're taking up the space. Right here there was a trailer park that had probably 60 trailers two years ago. Now there's only a few left and those are boarded. That was a long term trailer park. People say it's been there for many years. It was full no more than two years ago. Gone now! Where did the people go? Probably many are now on the streets. The rents have gone up because the hidden hand is taking properties and putting up the prices out of reach. Houses are the highest ever. People can't get into housing are forced to rent, seriously tightening that market. I've seen many articles on this purposeful scheme. It's nation wide. Elderly are most affected on limited fixed incomes and are the fastest growing group of homeless right now. Blackrock has been buying homes as soon as they go on the market for several years now. It's huge, not just a small effort. But taking so many properties out of service is causing a severe housing shortage and running prices off the chart. Inflation contributes, purposely caused by the "covid stimulus," and the huge silent corporate bailout that went with it, and then there's Ukraine (Biden just gave them new billions) while Zelensky buys luxury homes all over the world and his wife just bought a 2.3 million dollar car. They're purposely running up the debt so that now the interest is 3 trillion every 3 months. Of course we can't pay that because we're bankrupt, so it just goes back on the debt. And the inflation and high interest is astronomically increasing that cost. People are in the greatest credit card debt ever and don't have a thousand bucks on hand for any kind of emergency. The banks will fail soon and will take people's savings and accounts under the "bail-in" laws countries were forced to write into law ten years ago. The housing crisis is no fluke of the market. It's being engineered. They want people homeless, desperate and ready for herding into 15-minute cities. Elon's new $10K houses will no doubt factor into tracts of land where old housing will be demolished to make these cities. One of the cabal poobahs said long ago that we will have the new world order whether we want it or not. This is how it's done. Where are the white hats? We better hope for the quantum shift PRONTO.

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Let us define and explore evil as a concept in my podcast here. I also explain fake virus isolation:


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Sounds like the same stunt that was pulled in the people of La Haina, Hawaii

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