Woman Confronts Chemtrail Pilots with Absolute Proof of Heavy Metal Contamination Under Flight Paths!
(Running Time: 4 mins)
This is a great example of how regular people can do something about the chemtrails they see being sprayed over them and how people can take ownership of problems they see in their own neighborhoods.
After a mother living in the Joaquin Basin area of California's Central Valley and her neighbors observed chemtrail flight patterns over their homes over an extended period of time and after they took 20 rain samples to a laboratory that tested positive for aluminum, magnesium, barium, strontium and titanium, she recorded audio of her confrontation with someone at the company they'd identified as the local chemtrail aviation operator.
She tells him that when she alerted the County Supervisors about the toxic rain samples, they were unaware of contents of this aerosol spraying campaign.
The aviation operator acknowledges that his company's flights are public knowledge.
She counters that the flights are public knowledge but that the contents of the toxic aerosols being sprayed are not, which is in violation of California Codes and Law; that his company should have notified the County Supervisors as to what they were doing and she warns him that her group is about to take legal action against his company.
He brushes her off, telling her she needs to speak to other people at the company.
She replies that she's already tried, many times. She also tells him that she's obtained copies of his company's contracts to spray from November through April.
She then asks him whether he also has family living the area, as the heavy metals that his company is constantly spraying over the peoples' homes and over the farmland are known have negative health impacts, including Alzheimer's, early-onset dementia and other health effects.
The Central Valley is one of the most productive farming regions on the planet and she tells him that she's noticed local vendors selling genetically-modified seeds that can withstand this constant onslaught of aluminum.
She starts to ask him what she's supposed to do, when the audio cuts off.
I have a friend in Southern California whose group has been putting microphones in their children's lunchboxes and backpacks, where they've recorded teachers behaving inappropriately towards their kids and they're now confronting their local school board with this evidence and forcing them to fire all of the perverts who are trying to convert their children to their trans cult.
The era of lying down like a doormat and of being systematically abused at every turn is over. This is a great lesson on how to take ownership of the problems in our local communities.
Harrison Smith: This woman tracked down the company actually doing the chemtrail-spraying and confronted them and recorded the confrontation. Absolutely fascinating interaction. Let's go now to clip number 12, chemtrails exposed.
(Roll audio)
Woman: We've been trying to reach Jody and you for a long time.
Man: OK.
Woman: And we are tired of you dumping heavy metals all over our county.
Man: OK. Well, I'm not the one to talk to you about that.
Woman: No, but you are. You're the one that's doing it. So I've been taking rain samples. I have over 20 samples and every time you fly, we get high amounts of aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium, magnesium.
So, I want to know: are you aware of what you're doing? I know you think it's, like, to increase water supply for Turlock and Modesto, but it's not really happening.
Man: Yeah. You can talk to them.
Woman: I've tried. I've called them and they're not calling me back. So, we're now getting really involved and now, we're going to bring something legal against your company.
Man: OK. Well, you can talk to them about that.
Woman: I know, but I want you to know though, like, we are real people, underneath what you're doing. You spray right over our houses.
We hear you. We know you. We see you. We're watching your planes and your patterns, OK? It's twice a day, now. You did two flights, two, three-hour flights.
Man: Yes, it's public knowledge.
Woman: Yeah. Well, it's not really, though. We're talking about all of the metals and flares that you're using. So, aluminum is being propelled with silver iodide. You're spraying right over us, all the time and our plant life is suffering.
They are now selling aluminum – genetically-modified seeds – to grow food, because our soil is so contaminated, OK?
So, what you're spraying is not good for the environment and it's not good for the people, because there's early-onset dementia. There's Alzheimer's. Things are starting to happen to people's health.
And I really do believe there's a linkage to what we're breathing in, in the environment every day. And you guys spray us in November through April. It's your yearly contract. I'm aware of that, too.
So, I just want to meet the pilots and say, "You know, where's Jody?" I've called Jody. I've talked – I think Leslie was the other one – Leslie Fisher? No, it's another Fisher.
Man: Yeah, that would be his wife.
Woman: OK. Yeah.
Man: Yeah, no, that's their responsibility. That's not our responsibility.
Woman: I understand. Yeah, but the money that you're receiving to do this is coming from – is it Taxpayers that are paying for this?
Man: That's not my department.
Woman: I want you to be aware. Do you have family?
Man: Yeah, I have family.
Woman: I have family, too. I have children. So, we're outside and we hear your plane over us, all the time and I've been tracking this for a long time. And we have tried to get the Supervisors involved and they're clueless. They were not informed.
According to the California Codes and Law, they should have notified – our Supervisors – because you're doing this to benefit [inaudible].
Man: OK.
Woman: But it's not. It's happening over – well, it might be – but it's happening over our area, OK? Sonora, Groveland, Coulterville, you're doing your little figure eight loops.
My 20 rain samples will show you that on the days that you're spraying or releasing your flares, we have copious amounts of aluminum, magnesium; there's been some barium, strontium. Titanium is weird. Is titanium, also in your flares?
OK, that's unique for me. So, I want you to know that there are health impacts and impacts to soil and the plant life, all of those things and when you do this, your whole community is watching. You don't know what to do.
Man: I understand your opinion.
Woman: It's not my opinion, at all. I'll show you my samples.
Man: I don't want to see your samples.
Woman: Why is that?
Man: You can take those.
Woman: But you're flying the plane. How am I – ?
(Audio ends).
Harrison Smith: So there you go. Confirmed: Chemtrail pilots, perfectly aware of what they're doing. But hey, it's just a job, right? That's not their responsibility! They're just the ones flying over residential communities and spraying barium and aluminum and other heavy metals into the air, poisoning everybody underneath.
Is this still a "conspiracy theory"? Tell me if that's still a "conspiracy theory". And we have the people who are doing it on tape, admitting it.
Still going to call that a "conspiracy theory"? I guarantee you it's still called a "conspiracy theory", officially.
Great post. Very important. Thank you.
What you mentioned here would also make for a fascinating read:
"I have a friend in Southern California whose group has been putting microphones in their children's lunchboxes and backpacks, where they've recorded teachers behaving inappropriately towards their kids and they're now confronting their local school board with this evidence and forcing them to fire all of the perverts who are trying to convert their children to their trans cult."
She is certainly becoming famous! The world is waking up to the criminality of spraying toxic chemicals all across our land!
Make the geo engineering our weather with the cloud seeding STOP NOW! Where is Trump?