Great post. Very important. Thank you.

What you mentioned here would also make for a fascinating read:

"I have a friend in Southern California whose group has been putting microphones in their children's lunchboxes and backpacks, where they've recorded teachers behaving inappropriately towards their kids and they're now confronting their local school board with this evidence and forcing them to fire all of the perverts who are trying to convert their children to their trans cult."

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Amazing! It's really sad that we've fallen so much as a society! I remember the days when teachers were respected and trusted by parents to care for their children as an extension for the parents! Parents and teachers worked together for the health and safety of their children back in those days, and sadly those days are gone now!

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So true Amii. Those days we could also trust, and have faith in our medical community, the food we ate, and at more times than not, our own government who has clearly been cooking this diabolical scheme on humanity for many decades. I loved playing outside with my friends in the early 60's from morn until night, only stopping in home for mom to make a quick lunch., then back out. Many say we have lived in a slave state of life for many, many years, but today's youth are stripped from

ever feeling the freedoms we felt as children. And now we have become aware of the sick and corrupted minds that are literally out to spew their demonic ideology on our children, and as a parent , to have to pack surveillance devices in our kids backpacks..So blessed to of had God open my eyes from this dark slumber. It's ALL about the children..they want them..but mama and papa bear and grand bears, say..You Cannot Have them..come through US first...

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The medical community has never been trustworthy. The starter chemicals for all pharmaceuticals are petroleum (oil) based. Dabbling in pharmaceuticals is dabbling in sorcery. Herbalism is the true medicine of the past, present, and future.

It's never been our government either. Just like with religion, you were born into it. They give you the opportunity to vote to make you think you have a say so. You don't. Last I checked, genocide is a crime. If you pay federal income taxes, you are supporting genocide of Palestinians in Canaan. It seems to be full steam ahead and nobody is stopping them.

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Exactly! We'll have wait and see what Trump wants to do with Palestine since he's planning to take it over! He's got plans for all of that too, and it will be made against the law for any of us to speak out about any of that because it will be considered"antisemitism" and this all just completely does away with our freedom of speech because we won't be allowed to disagree and say anything about what's happening over there!

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Antisemitism is a trick, and actually means someone who the Jews don't like. And when they come at you with their stupid laws, make sure to let them know that they are engaging in genocide which is a capital crime, punishable by death. Rights are to be taken or implemented by force. Learn hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting, and how to shoot a gun.

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Oh yeah I totally agree! I don't have any training like that but I'd love to learn some self defense, me nor my husband own a gun, but we both need one! I think with what's coming along with more chaos and deception in this crazy world that if people want to survive they better have a gun and know to protect themselves and their loved ones!

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We didn't fall so much as a society. I never liked or agreed with any of this sick shit. The descendants of the Bolsheviks, the modern day Bolsheviks are responsible.

According to Yuri Brezmenov, destabilizing society is their agenda. It's George Soros and his ilk, including his stupid son.


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Those “good days that are gone” can be brought back again if enough parents begin to stand their ground and say that I’m not taking this bullshit anymore! Period!

If you can, vote for SCHOOL CHOICE!! Take your child and taxpayer money and choose an alternative school rather than using the morally bankrupt Public School system

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I'm sure I'll be getting an update soon. We talk all the time.

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They should seek monetary damages as well to teach the school boards and directors a lesson. Plus the first $100,000 deductible comes out of the offenders pocket. Hit them in the pocket book.

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She is certainly becoming famous! The world is waking up to the criminality of spraying toxic chemicals all across our land!

Make the geo engineering our weather with the cloud seeding STOP NOW! Where is Trump?

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Her substack is MellowKat

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Our esteemed real President has his hands quite full at the moment. Give him a couple weeks... :~)

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Trump won't stop it! He's really one of them and Trump is only a puppet, just as all politicians are!

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He really is NOT one of them, and he's definitely not a puppet! That's why they tried to erase him twice [that we know of] already. Why is practically every Politician on Capitol Hill freaking out if he was part of the Clinton/Obama/Biden crime syndicate? Answer: they wouldn't :~)

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You don't take hundreds of millions of dollars in individual campaign contributions and not owe the donor anything.

You don't give hundreds of millions of dollars in individual campaign contributions and not expect something in return.

Maybe Trump just has some different puppet masters from those of the globalist presidents?

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No one misses twice all an illusion Hollywood at its finest ,if they wanted him dead he’d be dead. Actions speak louder than words just look at Covid. They are all in it together and they want us all dead wake up

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Tobias, Stop already & get a grip, enough is enough. I am so sick & tired of people like you spewing hatred against President Trump & his administration. And as far as your irrational statement "if they wanted him dead he'd be dead". Apparently you don't believe in God our Almighty Heavenly Father. President Trump is being lead & saved by God's divine intervention. President Trump never made it mandatory for people to get the Covid vaccinations. You seem to forget that Trump was persecuted every second of every day during his tenure as President & it hasn't stopped. What is wrong with you & the rest of you haters (that wasn't a question as we Patriot's already know). President Trump is damned if you do & damned if you don't by the likes of people like you. You evidently wanted the Communist left to be victorious & completely destroy America. Because of God's divine intervention, we have another chance to save America, don't mess it up for the rest of us because of your ignorance.

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Deborah, please see my comment to deneseB.

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Tony, BTW, My name is Debora Not Deborah. Why would I want to read your comment to Denese B.? Does it depict your hatred towards President Trump like in your other comment? No thank-you, I'll pass. I would rather read comments from Patriots that relay messages of hope & how President Trump IS MAGA thru God's grace. God is saving us from the demonic left & Rino right. Remember Patriots, never become complacent & keep praying to God our Almighty God our Father. BTW, the fact that the Communist left & Rino rights heads are exploding says that we are definitely moving in the right direction. Keep praying 🙏!!!

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Yeah a lot of people feel that way about Trump with strong support! That he's not one of them and he's actually working help America and Americans! I'm not so sure because when I think about the statement that "all the world is a stage with actors playing their parts" and this includes politics and politicans too as well as all actors! The "powers that shouldn't be"(black Nobility families and those oligarchs that really run things and run this world) select the world's leaders that they want to fill certain roles and positions(puppets)on this world's stage! We have the illusion of freedom, but we're really not free, yes America has been the most free country in this world but the free country that America was founded as has been sold out by our leaders out from under our feet without the people's knowledge and America was changed to the United States of America, Incorporated! America has been a corporation since the 1800's after the Civil War! American citizens are seen as enemies and treated as employees of the United States corporation as debt slaves! So yes,it's all criminal and our government is run by criminals and has been for a long time now! Americans have been deceived out of their freedom, this pretty much happened when the United States government made Americans turn in all of their gold and the government confiscated all of the gold in 1933! I believe that the leaders(oligarchs)of this world could see that Americans no longer trusted their government so they installed a person who could win over the people and gain the people's trust and support, an outsider and not a regular politician(Trump)to win over the people and get the American people to trust their government again! It's worked! They work hard day and night to keep Americans divided and fighting with each other(the parties R vs.D) I believe that Trump was installed to divide the people(just pay attention to the shit show that's took place since 2016 when Trump got in the first time), then the election steal with gaslighting the public that byedan won getting more votes than Trump! Trump is seen as the enemy to the establishment and hated along with all of the Trump supporters! Then the events of 2020, convid and operation warp speed with the death jab(That Trump prides himself with and continues to support to this day despite all of the deaths from it) I see an elaborate and methodological plan playing out on the world's stage for complete domination and enslavement of the people! Trump gets back in office again to finish acting his part on the world's stage, Trump is winning people over and seen as a rock star right now with plenty of hate getting spewed out by the democrats, it's starting back up again with the democrats pushing hate and division! Trump supporters are excited and happy right now with the beneficial things that Trump is doing, all done by design to keep the trust and support of the people and the people will feel secure and become complacent believing that America is back with a promised "Golden age!" So yeah I believe that everything is an act on the world stage and Trump is playing a major part of a script using deception tactics to manipulate and play "we the people" into accepting whats been planned by the globalist oligarchs which is world domination and enslavement of the people into their 15 minute green cities! I feel like Trump is a Trojan horse and he's not to be trusted! What I see going on and the reactions of "we the people" screams to me deception and manipulation with the rug getting jerked out from under everything eventually! I just think it's logical to think that what we are seeing politically with Trump and all of the promises he's making and doing good is just too good to be true, there's a catch somewhere! I believe we'll see that catch once the rug gets jerked out from under everything and the shit hits the fan! But I do hope I'm wrong! I'm preparing myself for the worst though!

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Finally someone that still has a brain,common sense, good critical thinking skills I feel the exact same way and absolutely believe it’s going down that way.its amazing how many people cannot even comprehend much less analyze or challenge anything that the tv tells them

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Ummhmm! And Trump wants a third term! He said during a campaign speech before the election that "this will be the last election, you won't have to vote anymore!" I tried to support Trump too, but my gut just kept a nagging feeling "nah, this is too good to be real!" I choose to listen to those gut feelings! Whenever I went against that that's when I got in trouble! I honestly don't know what I feel anymore about everything going on! Nowadays I'm just trying to numb the "uneasiness" feelings out that I'm having! I'm just gonna watch what happens in these next 4 years! I'm at the point thinking that if another plandemic gets started and they roll out mandatory jabs making people take them and they come in my house trying to force that shit on me, they're gonna have a fight on their hands, they'll have to kill me first because I will fight back with everything I got!

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Amii, Please be sure to read my response to Tobias as my statement is directed to you as well.

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Wish more people would get their heads out of their a## and realize that his words don’t match his actions our politicians don’t represent us anyway. Trump ain’t saving anyone but himself he’s going to put the nail in the coffin and us in concentration while he goes and hangs out with gates and Epstein and of course all his JEW friends in Israel

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Tobias is dialed in. No time to waste. Stock up now. Starvation is the name of their game. Study the Bolsheviks. They create starvation then put a gun in your hand and say "wanna eat? go kyll those people over there".

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I have asked that question many times..even though I am elated he is our leader and putting pen to paper..but, humanity needs to know why this Evil spraying on ALL our families and communities, including theirs..is not STOPPED! Or, at the very least, talked about by the administration

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The only valid and legitimate "government" is personal governance. You are your own leader, Kim. We know! ANSWER: 'They' want us sick and ded. Talking about it will only get us sick and ded.

Only action will solve the problem. Psychopaths don't stop or prosecute themselves. They must be physically stopped.

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🎯 They all work together to keep us distracted, divided and sick, spraying us like bugs! If we all were healthy, strong, not brainwashed and divided by religion and governments and we all actually realized 👁 that we are our own leaders because we are made in the image of the Creator then they would back off and leave us alone because then there would be too many of us working together and we all would crush them like bugs, the parasitic bugs 🐛 that they really are! Now if what I said would actually take place and happen for real, then we could create a real "golden age" for all life on this planet, but we have to eliminate them because they are cancer keeping us weak!

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So true Amii. I say community immunity on a local level. Small groups working coherently with each other towards a common or shared goal.

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Yeah I think local groups working together in all 50 states might be our saving grace! People can work together to create alternative offgrid independent communities out of this beast system that they are creating! They have no right to force anything on us because that goes against natural law!

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Feb 8Edited

Whenever I hear something from INFO wars, I tell myself, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” One of the main reasons I listen to Forbidden News is that I trust Alexandra. I could go into a tirade about clown man Alex Jones, but I won’t. Instead, go to https://geoengineeringwatch.org/

Buy their tee shirts and bumper stickers and show America that you can look up from your slave device occasionally and that what you see is our demise, and yes! Regular people have power! Thanks for posting, Alexandra...

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr.Seuss

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Message over messenger, always.

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Alex Jones is controlled opposition. He admits it. He also admits multiple times that he is Bill Hicks. With Alex it's maybe 90% truth, 10% lies. Beware anyone selling products through their platform, like Alex Jones, Mike Adams or Danny Jones. Sure, you can find some truths, just don't buy anything from them because they are also selling lies and 'fear porn'.

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I would say 10% truth and 90% lies...but that’s just me...cheers

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Thank you Liam. I agree. I was trying to be agreeable or rather not extremist. I don't listen to Alex because I don't like liars and his voice and appearance are disturbing to me.

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I've always had a fear of clowns too...

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🎯🎯 All we need to do is take our complete power and control back from the government and stop complying with governments, leaders and these globalists! We have to educate ourselves and stay vigilant and on top of things and watch out for their manipulation and control techniques! They trick us into complying through deception, they always have with their agendas! They tell us one thing making us believe that what they do is beneficial for everybody and life in general but behind closed doors and through backroom deals and discussing classified information they work under the table, discuss and plan out their true agenda and reasons for what they do and it's not to benefit the people! 9/11 was a great example for them to get the start of the surveillance state going! Put up surveillance cameras everywhere and monitoring devices to watch out for and to catch terrorists and fight terrorism, we were told! "We the people" were convinced to agree to increased surveillance inorder to stay safe from terrorists and we agreed to sacrifice some of our privacy rights for increased security! What a clever way for the oligarchs to start gaining more control over our daily lives than to condition us to being monitored by cameras everywhere we go in the name of security from terrorists! Social media was the next step on invasion of privacy and government control in our lives sold to us as staying connected with family, friends and loved ones and also meeting new people and connecting with different people all over the world 24/7/365 through sharing ideas, hobbies, sharing various likes, where we like to go and what we like to do and encouraging people to describe themselves by giving out certain personal information, sounds cool right!😀 because people are social beings anyway and all the while the governments monitor, track, follow and watch everything we do online harvesting all of our personal information and data and controlling that information on us inorder to gain complete control over us and what we see, what we do and where we go! People don't have a problem giving up some personal information and posting details about their lives on social media(Facebook and Instagram)! Governments use our personal information that we freely give out inorder to manipulate us! The next big thing was Ancestry.com and 23 you and me(or something?) with the DNA tests so we can all learn our genetic/family ancestors! 😃 fantastic and how cool is that right! Swab the inside of your cheek for the test and mail it back to these organizations so they can test then create your DNA profile online and also mail the results too! Well now the government has access to your DNA, your most personal information! These organizations say they don't share this information but this information is online now anybody can access it! I bought a DNA kit from Ancestry and I almost did it and sent it in! As I started to open it up to take the test I started having second thoughts and feeling uncomfortable sending this to a non-medical organization! This was before Covid too! I stopped and didn't take the test and I threw it in the trash, I'm glad I didn't do that now!

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OK, Mr. Pilot, so if your Boss told you to go shoot someone, you'd do it and say, " It's my Boss's responsibility, not mine. " Basically, you are shooting your own family along with all the other families you drop toxic chemicals on, you braindead moron.

Sold his soul for a paycheck is what it amounts to. What's his modus operandi ? Fear. He's afraid that if he develops a conscience and quits and/or confronts his Boss, he won't have a job and so no income. Just Planet Normal in action. ( It's Normal to live in fear on this Planet. So, what's the problemo ? )

George Orwell, 1984, sums it up nicely, " They fear love, because it creates a world they can't control. "

So, we have a world living in fear, which they can control. And, the end result of living this way will be our living under absolute tyranny. Here's a saying that illustrates that: " Peace through strength." meaning, Peace through fear. So, the strongest wins, Absolute tyranny being absolute strength. Simple as that. And, Orwell points to the solution, the solution to all our problems - Learn to live in love. Start with the children......and our individual selves........

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Excellent analysis. It's true, I've felt the fear. It does keep people from speaking out. It takes some courage to stay a free people, it takes people like this courageous and involved lady who take a stand and do something. May God bless and support her valiant efforts.

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Feb 8Edited

I'm not afraid, I'm angry! I'm angry that "we the people" have sat back, trusting our leaders a little too much to do what's right and in our best interests and in the best interests of our country all the while these so called leaders sell us and our country out behind our backs in backroom deals made with wealthy millionaires/billionaires and corporations! "We the people" have trusted these politicians too much by giving them complete control over our lives for, I don't know how many generations or for millennia and for generations worldwide since the beginning of time! "We the people" and people in general all over this world have failed to question leaders/politicians and stand up to these leaders when they violate our human rights and we don't hold them accountable! These leaders are psychopaths and psychopaths crave control and domination and if these leaders can get the people to bend to their will and not question just a little to start with, then this is how they(psychopaths)gain control over the people and these psychopaths continue pushing the people to bend to their will by pushing agendas even harder! Maybe these psychopathic leaders didn't start out using fear to get the people to bend to their agendas in the beginning but they tried many different ways and the people never questioned anything, until fear was used then these psychopaths could up their game by using fear tactics as leverage because the people never questioned anything and the people always complied because they trusted their leaders to do what's right even when the things these leaders were doing didn't feel right, people never questioned, giving these leaders control over their lives and these psychopathic leaders continued to up their game because they could easily manipulate the people through fear! A little manipulation and fear to start with and as the people comply then they up the game a little more and gain more control and domination over the people until one day these psychopaths have enough trust and control over the people that they can pull off a mother of all in their control and domination agendas, 9/11 was a perfect example of this because the people trust the government and never question anything so they( psychopaths)know they can get away with it! 9/11 was the beginning of their complete control and domination agenda and "we the people" have let them manipulate us right into place where they want us! The complete surveillance state run with AI is their goal with complete control over humanity! "We the people" have let them increase surveillance and invade our privacy more since 9/11 that's been disguised as keeping us safe from terrorists and terrorism! Covid was the next major step in their agenda! These globalists using their puppet leaders have been planning this takeover for millennia by manipulating us through fear using their small agendas to gain more control and domination each time over our lives! "We the people" and people worldwide have let these psychopaths manipulate us back into a corner now and we have very little choices left to work with today because we(the people worldwide)let and gave the psychopaths a little more control over our lives through each of their agendas over time that we're to the place of "you better comply and go along or you will die" today! AI is growing more and controlling more and more and soon we will have no privacy left because AI will be in control of everything! We have gotten to this place because people have been afraid to speak out, ask questions,stand up for human rights, we've compiled out of fear because we've been Threatened with jail/prison time or having basic survival resources cut off if we don't comply! Why, is because we trusted our leaders to do what's right and we gave them control over our lives!

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There was a woman, whose name I forget, a former Illuminati type who was on youtube years ago speaking about the degradation of the upper military ranks. She married into that culture. According to her they are all a bunch of alcoholic, child trafficking criminals, more interested in buggering each other than in protecting the country. I see no reason to doubt her. She also said that we, the ordinary folk, are "like children," in other words easy to take candy from, to force, dominate and manipulate. Sounds like the ultimate recipe for disaster.

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You're talking about Kay Griggs but she doesn't dis ordinary people. I think that was her explaining how these MKULTRA'd Globalists regard regular people.

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That's her. I watched her say we were like children. She wasn't talking about what globalists think, but her attitude wasn't dissing, just telling it like it is. She dissed the military. Ordinary people ARE like children in how easily we trust and leave things to our "leaders." That's how we got where we are now. We were given a free republic and it was systematically taken from us because we didn't stop the theft. Incorporation, the Fed with it's inflation resulting in the debt trap, the IRS and a dozen other landmarks. It's only now that any effective offense is being made with Trump supported by the people who are now growing up fast. But Kay was right when she said it.

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What I mean is that Kay Griggs wasn't acting as if she were a superior being, like maybe her gay/drunk/mind-controlled husband and his pals believed that they were, because they were victims of MKULTRA.

Actually, they were not unlike how Patrick Byrne describes Venezuela's Chavista regime, just more covertly gay, I guess:


The person interviewing her for 7+ hours was a Christian pastor:


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Money Magicks since 1913. All money is loaned and/or printed into existence. Only the principal and never the interest. The loan can never be repaid. It's fraud and therefore void. All laws in US, the legal system, are based on the use of the funny money.

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🎯 You are 💯 right! In talking about our free republic! America was founded as a constitutional republic, we are not supposed to be a democracy! Most people get it wrong and say America is a democracy!

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Margeret, you just described the Globohomo Sodomites running our world into the ground. An ex-navy infantry special-ops man told me recently that methamphetamine use is the unspoken addiction in the military.


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The good news is that they won't live long.

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Oh yeah! Definitely! That's quite a story and I believe it! Is that woman still around? On YouTube?

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Once Alexandra told me her name, I looked her up. Turns our Kay Griggs is still on youtube. The video is from 1998 and is over 7 hours if anyone wants to wade through. This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fdS5cdtPOA

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Oh wow, the last time I checked in 2023, I couldn't find her videos on YT, so I posted a version I found on Bitchute.

I'd been following this story since around 2005.

I'm always logged-in to Google, so maybe it was my wonderful, personalized algorithm, keeping me from finding her, because that page says it was posted 3 years ago.

The algorithms have been changing...

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I haven't seen her in probably 10 or more years.

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I misplaced the post above to Amii and now can't cancel it.

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Well said. What's wrong with "Peace through peace"? Dennis Kucinich (Who recently was RFKjr's first campaign advisor) was lobbying as a Dem congressman for a cabinet post of Dept of Peace created. His reward? The Dems gerrymandered him out of his district.

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Department of Peace. Love it.

I think it's Bhutan that has a happiness index. A way to measure how the population is doing. LOL.

Now, RFKjr is someone, the rare someone, who seems to be living in love. Notice how he doesn't criticize or attack, but tries to find common ground. I've been inspired by him, actually.

Thanks for your comment.

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it is Bhutan - GDH

'gross domestic happiness'

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GDH, love it.

" GDH is down this year. Get the Department of Peace in here. ASAP. And, where's the Bureau of Joy ? " And play that Bobby McFerrin song over the intercom today. You know the one - Be Happy, Don't Worry. Thanks. "

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People doing evil are allowed to do evil because evil is Institutionalized. Evil is allowed to flourish from the top down. If those pilots doing the unspeakable stopped living in fear and started creating something of value, then they could stop being evil. I call it 'diversify to survive'. The world would be a better place.

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These Evils have no respect for any living people or our animals.Well done for speaking your mind 🙏👏🌟.

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I bet a lot of this has been funded all over the world via USAID. Maybe some of this will stop now that the money spigot has been shut off?

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Brilliant. Here in the UK we had cloud all summer ‘24 but nobody in Government seems to care about weather modification, chemtrails etc. This has to stop. It is effecting the soil (crops) and our health but they keep saying pollution is caused by fossil fuels. When all the time it’s because of the spraying these pilots are doing.

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In the UK you had cloud all winter, too. Six months of winter followed by six months of bad weather 🤣

They're certainly not spraying you to modify solar radiation, that's for sure!

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Anthropogenic global warming is a total scam. They will be taxing us to breath and breed in the near future.

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After all that, there is no name of the company..... You get 500 people in front of the company office, or more, or perhaps in front of the house of the pilot, maybe something would happen. The elites have something right: the plebs are stupid. This is an example of someone so ignorant, or just doesn't give a shit, that he is willing to spray poison for a paycheck.

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According to The Diva, it's Weather Modification, Inc. in North Dakota:


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According to Juan O Savin, who posted this to his Rumble on Saturday afternoon, most of the chemtrail spraying we're seeing currently is part of the Space Defense Initiative (SDI), to defend against EMP and/or ICBMs.

Juan tells everybody to stop crying, because until we can upgrade to a new technology (which he says is coming), that's the best we have right now:


I posted about this project back in early 2015, it's called Operation Indigo Skyfold. The difference in density and/or electrical charge from HAARP arrays provide an electromagnetic shield against incoming ballistic missiles, causing ICBMs to bounce off the charged layer:


I've been noticing that my car is suddenly filthy and covered in dust and there's even sudden corrosion happening on the rear roof spoiler, which may be this sh¡t, which according to the above may actually be radioactive and for all I know, it may be the source of radioactivity that was detected in the recent lab tests near my area in Western North Carolina following the flood.


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If the simple adage, "do unto others as you would want done unto yourself", was practiced , all would be so much better.

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There's a famous quote from Burke I think that goes to the fact that evil flourishes when good men do nothing. I am ashamed to say that I have not always been proactive in taking the kind of heroic efforts of this brave and valiant woman. God bless her. We all owe heroes like this a debt of gratitude. Most of the freedoms we have were because people like this did not live in fear but were willing to confront the evil doers and expose their crimes. Some of these whistle blowers have paid a cruel price for their efforts to expose these criminals. We need to stand up for them as only a courageous people will for long enjoy freedom and the human rights we are all entitled to.

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I just forwarded this to the geo-engineering experts, as I did the other day when the story first came out. Thanks for spreading the news.

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"I was just following orders." That was the Nazi defense at Nuremberg.

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You remind me of Erin Brockovich. Thank you for taking action while most prefer to stay asleep. We need more humans like you! I was at the first Earth Day celebration in SF, when we shamed the Gov't into creating the now-corrupt EPA. We've been trying to save the planet for 50 years and look where we're at: toxic water, air, soil, food, medicines, and people are sicker than ever. Besides giving us Alzheimer's and death, the chemicals in our skies exacerbate all these 'wildfires'. Aluminum dust is flammable, and with megatons of it floating around, we are risking firefighters lives so elitists can build their Smart Cities, like Lahaina and LA 2.0 :~(

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Watch all the chemtrailing videos at FKTV and you'll get a larger picture of what, and who, we're dealing with. Trump could stop the military chemtrailing tomorrow as commander in chief. Do they threaten him now with planetary destruction as revenge, as they do the pilots if the program is terminated? Would they even obey his order to stop? The ice cold, soulless way pilots are threatened/coerced/forced into becoming killing-machine automatons without any human connection is very characteristic of deep state ops. It shows clearly the nazi, non-human roots. "National security," a lying accompaniment adding insult to injury, is always used in dark programs and of course only protects the psychopathic criminals. We have no right to protection of any kind in their view because we're their targets. Their entrapment of earth's people in a web of endless, heartless, murdering machinations produces in me what I can only describe as a deep, smouldering rage. It's long past time we put an end to them permanently. I don't think there's any question that we are under capture by an alien force whose objective is the max loosh collection via our abject slavery and the slow extinction of humans so that the planet can be used for whatever other demonic purposes they have. Those who act out their will like these pilots won't be excepted from murder although they think they will be. As Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." They won't get the slightest mercy, nor will we, from the kind of enemies we have.

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These pilots don’t go up for free. Where is their money coming from? Someone speculated that they hadn’t seen chemtrails for a couple days overhead right when USAID shut down. Shutting these people down could be as simple as turning off their bank accounts. When DOGE is done wars cease, no more chemtrails no more directed energy weapons shooting at us. No more directed hatred. No more directed violence. No more direction. Follow your heart, that advice that once frustrated me, may be the only way to go from here on out.

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Wow! Good for this lady in being brave to call out and confront this pilot! Of course they know what they are doing! It's no telling how long they've been spraying us like bugs! These people need to be held accountable and punished! These globalists and whoever else is behind this needs to get caught, put in a room with no windows or doors and get exposed to a gas that contains the same poisons and heavy metals that's getting released and sprayed in the atmosphere on top of us! They need to get a taste of their own medicine! This way the punishment fits the crime! If you intentionally and maliciously poison somebody, then your punishment should be that you get poisoned yourself in the exact same manner! Let the punishment fit the crime done! If we as a society started punishing malicious and intentional crimes this way, then maybe the crime rates for malicious crime will go down and society might become a better place!

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