I consent to removing these detrimental vaccine schedules now.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Deep state ruling class have a name? How about REPTILIANS? OR CHRISTIANITY HATERS? OR EVIL MOFO?

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Rothchilds!!! They control the CCP & every other source of evil, on this planet!!! Prove me wrong!!!!

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See the article The Black Nobility on Forbidden News Substack. The Rothschilds and other Illuminati families take orders from Black Nobility.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Actually the Reptilians created organized religion to hide themselves,there's over 4000 organized religions,we are a remarkably brainwashed mind controlled species,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3906-awakening-beyond-humanity-as-sinners

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

And there's a number of the brainwashed right here at this substack. Don't be surprised when, forthwith, you get a huge lecture from one of them.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

I would think not as brainwashed here but yeah,I Know that and don't give a flying,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwc9lVIXe0U

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

I have never understood the need for childhood vaccines! I had mumps, two types of measles and chickenpox as a child. Now I have natural immunity .

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

As kids we were deliberately exposed to these childhood diseases to prevent contracting them as adults when they would be worse.

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.... the education system demanded that we have those nasty vaccines...

I was raised military so no chance of rebellion there. Of course now we find out that the military are the ones behind the 'Jab'. You just can't make this shit up.

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When I found out the older style vaccines contained thimerosol (mercury,) and that mercury binds to brain tissue, I said "No more".

Now theyre putting graphene oxide in covid 19 vaccines. This is what's causing people to emit M.A.C. addresses and causing the massive rubbery clots that are killing people. And, BEWARE, they're also putting graphene

oxide in the nasal swabs, dental anesthetics and injectable insulin. Dr. Ana Mihalcea, on Substack, has demonstrated this in the case of insulin and anesthetics. A Dr. Campra in Mexico did an experiment showing that non vaccinated people who had gotten a nasal swab also emitted M.A.C. addresses.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Greed has no bounds. The medical “industry” is a huge money making machine and ranks with the likes of climate control, politics, etc.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

From the very beginning big pharma was created by the Reptilians to poison humanity and make money.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

All of our institutions are for the same purpose as religion. Medicine, Education, Food production, Politics, Government, Banking...they all destroy and rake in money from us. We always pay for our own destruction.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

You can influence people's perceptions externally by broadcasting frequencies,https://stop5g.cz/us/spike-protein-possible-protection-against-covid-vaccine-dna-internet-wave-genetics-and-induced-wave-immunity-rezotone-11-5g/

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

They want us dead or zombified and there's no end of the list of the ways they do it. What's amazing is that we're as intact as we are. When you go to the doctor with all the symptoms of EMF disease, they do what they always do....look to treat the symptoms with big pharma drugs. So your doctor will send you to a number of specialists to do that without ever even being aware of the cause. Medical doctors know NOTHING about cause of anything.

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They want to destroy our diamond sun DNA,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Blood

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News
Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Our Congress should be guarding these rights, but Our Congress is the handmaiden of the reptiles.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

We know that autism & many other ailments are brought on by vaccines. Time to stop murdering our children.

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When I had thousands of dollars per quarter from the criminal organization, GlaxoSmithKline, to use "science" to buy the minds of physicians, and their staff, I came to see how sleazy, and driven by abject greed Big Pharma is. Human health is a very, very distant second to greed, so much so that when drug companies know a blockbuster drug, like Avandia for type 2 diabetes, for example, is killing, and injuring people the executives insist on making certain that the thousands of sales reps know how to create doubt in the minds of physicians who have concerns about the drug. GSK did this with Avandia, Merck did it with Vioxx, and other companies all do it with dangerous drugs until the drug is finally pulled from the market or gets a black box warning on its package insert labelling. In the meantime the execs are fine with killing people as long as the profits keep rolling in.

The way the industry buys physicians is by putting specialists on the company's payroll to speak. A speaker gets $1,000, probably more now, to basically do a tightly controlled 45 minute live ad to other physicians at the most expensive restaurants available. Big Pharma is all quite a scam.

Vaccines do not improve human health. They degrade it. The FDA, and the CDC are criminal organizations. The CDC touts fluoridated water as a major advancement for human health. A federal trial concluded a few months ago at which a number of experts testified about a significant body of evidence that fluoride harms the brains of children and negatively impacts their intelligence. This was probably known before fluoridated water was common which is one of the lilely reasons it was added to water supplies. There's no evidence that fluoride prevents tooth decay.

The reason socio-psychopaths like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and others like these two freaks want to depopulate earth of humans is because they are really, really dumb, miserable moral reprobates. Bill Gates oozes stupidity from his eyeballs, and anyone with a scintilla of intuition can readily see he is a low grade moron who is extremely unhappy. The affects of dumb, moral reprobates like Schwab, and Gates is always quite uniformly flat. They're emotionally stunted, flat, dumb reprobates. They can only be happy with the power to make others miserable and when they feel so superior, and have the ability to murder people under the guise of helping humanity. They're deeply socio-psychopathic freaks.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Nuremberg. Executions are called for beginning at the top of the $food$ chain.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

"In 1986, the US passed legislation that indemnified the manufacturers of vaccines. In that legislation, it says the vaccines have unavoidable harm."

So from that point vaccine manufacturers couldn't be sued for the damage our lawmakers KNEW AND STATED vaccines would cause. And what did Donald Trump say 34 or so years after that law had been passed? That the vaccine manufacturers would never put out a vaccine that would harm us due to fear of being sued. Just another thing he should have known that he was fooled on? Or did he just lie?

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

To author,

Sorta off topic but very germane to this killing, maiming and sacrifice!

Got onto Harold at the beginning of this ordeal of mass killing. I have the dearest respect for his research and I deed a rare person that truly understands the entanglement of science and spiritual aspects. I have repeatedly watched his stuff, taken notes and use it as a basis for understanding. It coincided with my thinking lacking his genius.


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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News


Made my day .

And please have inquiries, and check the studies that are being inverted as we read ..convict the Abusers and treat them for what they are.

Here is an example from New Zealand. Gardasil is shafted into ALL our school children , who since the ' emergency' orders around the COVID, at the age of twelve make the decision about vaccines thenselves. Sitting ducks when given in the schools , peer pressure is to comply.

However, in the retraction notice, the authors were forced to admit that the “findings were inverted,” and the data showed the opposite!

In other words, the data showed that the HPV vaccine increased the chances of very preterm births!

The study's lead author, who also initiated it, Prof. Beverley Lawton, hid that she is financially sponsored by the rights holder to the vaccine from editors and reviewers.

The researchers, from New Zealand, also failed to appropriately disclose their financial ties to a company, CSL Limited, which owns the rights to the HPV vaccine in Australia and New Zealand.

The scandal happened during the peak of Covid hysterics in 2020 and would have gone unnoticed had it not been for a friend of this blog, arkmedic, who mentioned this amazing story on telegram. Please subscribe to Arkmedic’s substack!

NZ still recommends the HPV vaccine and refuses to release the data that, when appropriately un-inverted, shows an increase in the chance of very early premature births for HPV-vaccinated mothers.

Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine "Reduced Preterm Births" - By INVERTING THE DATA

The data showed that the HPV vaccine increased the chances of very preterm births!


Gardasil 9

Immunisation Advisory Centre

https://www.immune.org.nz › vaccine › gardasil-9

Gardasil® 9 vaccine is funded on the National Immunisation Schedule for all aged 9 years to under 27 years. Gardasil 9 covers the same four human ...

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Alex...(18Jun2024) ... Do not confuse (1) Military countermeasures and (2) vaccines.

1. There is no 'Covid-19 virus'.

2. Covid-19 is a LABEL... used per instruction from The Protocol Committee to all hospitals, nursing homes, etc... authorizing the use of Remdesivir, which is Cobra Venom... with the intent to kill.

2. The FDA had nothing to do with approving 'Covid-19 vaccines'....and the US Military was in on the Gain-of-Function from the beginning to the end.

3. A military 'COUNTERMEASURE' is a weapon... and one of those weapons was branded as 'Covid-19 vaccine'... produced by military contracts with Pfizer et al.

4. The mRNA that was used in the countermeasures IS NOT a biological mRNA... instead it is a manufactured MOLECULE that was branded as mRNA so the medical community would accept it.

5. . Per Dr. Ardiis with Stew Peters.... the Cobra venom peptides (proteins)... were laced into drinking water, foods, medications, etc.... They SYMPTOMS produced in humans are: Shortness of breath, loss of taste, and loss of smell.... the same symptoms used to diagnose 'Covid-19'. The CIA began testing venom peptides in drinking water to make people sick in 1975... per government documents.

6. ARTICLE....... (09Jun2024) Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit


Ignoring the good evidence.... is leading you astray.... and again COVID-19 never was a virus.


R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences

24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)

9 years-(DOE/SRS) Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector

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“COVID-19” is the CDC’s term to describe the syndrome or the suite of symptoms, i.e., “the disease” caused by the alleged artificial virus (aka bioweapon), SARS-CoV-2, which was outsourced by the US Government to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Paraphrasing: The best results are without vaccines but we still need them and manufacture exemption from liability. In fact, I endorse transfecting ones genes with a new liability-free mRNA shot because the medical establishment is so trustworthy and it may do some good along with its harms.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

This tragedy rests solely on the shoulders of the doctors who if they were a good doctor should have known that the vaccines were absolutely no good! This fact is historical! they should be held personally responsible. These doctors were interested in money not caring for the well-being of their patient. I would say that 80%, or more, of the medical doctors are incompetent and dangerous. Today one has to perform their own analysis based on their research and find a doctor that is a real doctor that will answer questions and give reasons. Very hard to find! MedBeds will soon change all treatments thru genetic restoration. and hey are coming fast. The only doctors of value today are those who can fix broken bones, replace hips, etc. and repair other physical / mechanical circulation problems. They can save some lives. The others need to be reeducated. Most pharma is destructive and hides the symptoms and prolong life but does not provide a cure.

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Jun 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Just a slight comment to author, "not no" is a double negative term, making it a positive.

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