Thank you for covering the subject and especially sharing Sabrina's knowledge. Too many writers with huge reach know what's going on but refuse to share the info because it's just TOOOOOO WOOOOOO.

That is one dangerous nerd right there. God love her!!! And God bless you Alexandra 🙏🏻

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Kissinger wanted to get red of the useless eaters? That POS considers himself useful? Him and his globalist cabal have not produced one single thing on history. They consume other people products because they print and steal moneys.

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To all living souls seeking to have their unique immortal soul preserved for all eternity, we have the opportunity to acquire God's faith in our hearts, without which faithful hearts, our survival across judgment can't make it.

But, this faith isn't given freely to us all, not without nicely asking Him for it., with good manners intact.

For example, the following righteous and potent prayer, quoting verbatim, the good lord, Jesus Christ:

1st)- Address Him proper, i.e., "Our Father in Heaven,...";

2nd)- Offer Him some worthy praise, appropriate to His position as

the almighty, true, and living God, i.e., "... hallowed be your

name. Your kingdom come, and your will be done, here on

earth, as it is done in heaven.";

3rd)- In all humility, seek some of His nourishing food from Him,

i.e., "...give us each day, our daily bread, and forgive us of our

sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into

temptation. But, deliver us from evil."; and

4th)- Sign off by affirming our heartfelt faith & loving devotion in

dedication to following almighty God's faithful

commandments & straightway forward, i.e., "... for yours is

the kingdom, the power, and the glory. Now, and forever,


To some of us it is given freely, without asking. But, that's rare. Those people are descendants of God's first chosen tribes of peoples, the legitimate descendants of father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We are blessed with all manner of merciful graciousness & forgiveness, of loving-kindness, and His patient generosity & provenance.

There are certain rules of operation for God's universe to automatically operate smoothly. These laws were set in motion at our initial creation, and they only get broken when He needs to do so. Laws like Gravity, for instance.

Pray for faith, and acquire a stable and strong connection with He who created us, our potential immortality (just waiting to be realised outside of time's constraints), all the heavens & the earth, and all the life that is in them, all the perpetual living systems across all of existing universe, and all the futures He has in mind.

So be it... Amen.


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This is exactly what I needed to see now. Thank you!

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" To all living souls seeking to have their unique immortal soul preserved for all eternity ...... "

So ? The best solution was told in the book .

" The living will hands in hands with the death to come to the last judgement over the guilty ones ."

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I'm not sure what you're trying to ask me... Maybe you were just expressing a comment?

Either way, I'd like to know what you're actually trying to say, and if you help me, I can eventually understand what you mean.


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You said the soul is immortal. In the Book its written that in the End of Times the death and the living come to the Last Judgement of the guilty ones . And they will tell all the crimes of those who will be judged . These souls are the witnesses .

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And remember Steven James, Alexandra and everyone else reading this:

God wins.

ALWAYS! 💖⚔️🙏🏻

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25 years ago I KNEW The X-Files was NOT fiction. I did , however think the Terminator was a bit far-fetched. Not any more !

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Soylent Green is next .

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When your sleazy politicians and leaders state they seek a "Net Zero Carbon" system what do you think they mean? YOU are made of essentially Carbon. What do you think ET or EBE's eat? You're on the menu!!

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this is truly outrageous; the work of madmen. worst part of it, IMHO, is it's all the f*ck there already!

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Psalms 37:1-40 Amen



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Amen 🙏🏻🕊️

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you are right; the only solution is the development of conscience; there is no technical solution

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Intuitive mind is the highest level of intelligence .

What is only humans have .

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Sister, thanks for trying to educate the people about the evil and wickedness in high places. All of these things are warnings. Thanks again, for your input and warning. Let's see how many pay any attention to these warnings. Shalom.

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Always nice to hear from you, Wesley!

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Excellent reporting…. I now can see why Bill Gates made a statement recently about a new web system that will (one day) eliminate the current use of the worldwide web!

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Here's a very concise summary:



A Dr. Cambra in Mexico did an experiment and what he found was that both the vaccinated and those who were unvaccinated, but got a PCR test, give off a M.A.C. address that can be detected with a Bluetooth scanner app that you can download to your phone. His documentary is on Odysee.com. There's a hydrogel on the nasal swabs that contains graphene and that's how people become contaminated. He also found that people who died in 2021 and 2022 gave off M.A.C. addresses EVEN FROM THE GRAVE.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea's work has shown that dental anesthetics and injectable insulin is also contaminated with this sick technology.

If you need dental work try a holistic dentist. If you're diabetics eat low carb and look into herbs that help with insulin resistance.

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I question the CGM continuous glucose monitors. Was very aware of the dentals anesthetics. Insulin injections- was not aware.

I went to a holistic dentist 3 of them - didn’t matter .

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There’s a dentist in Hendersonville, NC who does not use anaesthetics with graphene oxide, a Dr Usama Kamal.

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That is interesting. Yup know him well. He is the first one I saw. This is NOT true.

I can’t believe you just mentioned Black Bear Dental

He is a lie and is not holistic. And we had a very interesting experience together. I tried to email you. Guess you never got it. I know you’re here too.

Uzi Kamal. Pass by the office all the time. Canadian. Moved here from Arkansas. Took over another dentists office who died.

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Really? He purported that his anaesthetics had been tested and they were not contamintated - are you saying that's a lie?

I haven't made an appointment yet but someone gave me his contacts and I passed them to others here.

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This old vet can tell by how you just fearlessly lit-up the filthy lies of these evil bastards - that you are a woman who fears God and who walks in the light of truth - I praise God for you ma'am.

Those of us having just the nous of an ant understand that we can do nothing [against] the truth but only [for] the truth, simply because God is the 'way', the 'truth', and the 'life'.

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wetware is the subject of many scifi novels over the last 50 yrs. how humans cope with being connected to ai grids is the future that we face. the buddhists say 'natural mind' is beyond contamination by man made devices. certainly a new robo sapiens has been created with the vaxware.

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First ....Eat Zee Bugs !!! Then...Eat Zee PEOPLE !!!

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Very good to hear Sabrina. What she has to say is so shocking it’s hard to register. I am posting a very insightful interview with Alexander Dugan that ends on this subject of Transhumanism.


The pressure is on us to realise the God potential within our Minds and which nothing can touch.

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This system is based on electricity . Take it away and they are done . EMP or coronal mass ejection . Human or Divine intervention will finish this experiment .

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What Sabrina Wallace says is in accord with Karen Kingston, Ana Maria Mihalcea, and Todd Callender. So, I have no doubt it is true. But for our own sake, we must find a way to navigate these troubled waters. I think Sabrina is on the right track when she turns to prayer. To trust in God that He will see me through unscathed is essential. Also, I have found solace in the videos that Kerry K puts out. This one speaks to the issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O-kiBUWCcs

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