Excellent piece here. Yes, all of humanity is in their "kill box."
I love the explanation of humans all being labelled as a "threat to national security" (f we've tested positive with a test that produces 97% false positives) thus justifying the extermination of any/or all of us.
Well Dr. Jane Ruby has been correct along with Tenpenny & many more...problem is, no one is fighting back? ...31,000,000 dead in this war globally and another 500,000,000 million ready to die... my numbers in the beginning were based off of Bill Gates. There will be 1.2 billion dead before the next 2 years. Remember when Bill said 15% if we do a good enough job? Well they got that poison into over 5 billion people...15% of the global population is 1.2 billion. Excess death every week is not subsided what your seeing is a transitioning of different types of death... started of with dropped dead then strokes then cancer and now trending back to heart... Peoples bodies are still producing toxic spike... of course deaths are going to continue... this won't be over for another 5 years. It is transitioning to the norm.. that's a scary thought... they are even forging foward with more death jabs and a whole new pandemic... their goal? Total domination of the people and to eventually kill off 7.5 billion.. of course it's not going to end. Everyone is sitting back and thinking, "made it through I'm a survivor" fat chance... THIS IS A FIGHT AND NO ONE IS FIGHTING BACK ON OUR SIDE...NO, NO ONE.. oh putting out info is all fine and dandy but people need to read the 10th amendment... it's not a right it's a necessity...everyone sitting back feeling safe because ""They"" got a mini arsenal... LOL you people who want to live off grid... LMFAO they will find you and your little arsenal... the 10th, it forces us all to toe the line against this evil in harmony....people better wake up, ⏰️.... we are at war and getting crushed... I'd say the global psychopaths are way ahead...
If one does the math of current estimation of death the number as a percentage is tiny. 31 million divided by 8 billion is 31/8000=.003875. So if your sphere of influence is 100 you would know .38 dead people from this kill box operation. That is why there is no outrage yet!!!
As the data dynamics change the outrage will gain momentum. Will it be to late as the next kill box operation is amplified with the distinction of mandatory injection as in New Zealand law?
"100% of COVID-19 vaccine deaths had been caused by just 5% of the batches – batches that can be identified.
"And these deadly batches were not distributed evenly. The top 8 states with the highest vaccination death rate, Kentucky, Arkansas, West Virginia, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota, Wyoming and Tennessee are all Red States.
"19 of the top 24 on the list are Red States and California has been the least affected by the deadly lots of COVID vaccine.
"'The numbers show that Kentucky has a 1,900% worse vacination death rate than the Democrat-controlled California, suggesting the Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of COVID-19 vaccine than the Democrat-controlled state received.'
"Florida, number 20 on the list of most vaccine deaths per vaccination received three times the amount of deadly batches than California, with its vaccination death rate at 200% higher than California’s.
"The author points out that these deadly batches would be better classified as 'rapid kill lots' and 'slow kill lots', as we are now seeing more evidence that they kill over time."
Very plausible, I also have a theory. Everyone who got one will have a certain amount integrated from plasmids to sv-40... if the vials were not handled properly, to which I personally seen, the fluds separate... NLP's float to top, the mrna gravitate to bottom and saline rests in the middle...these vials were multiple shot vials... 10 to 15 shots in some cases... if you got a shot from the bottom, expect to drop dead, middle you win a few extra years you get a shot at the end of it with NLP's you get a few months...that's just my theory but this is fact, mRna is very tiny, even if you get a small amount, integration is still a constant... these cells multiply through mitosis...eventually the body will become spike saturated thus hitting LD 50 values...in essence it can be like asbestos like 10 to 15 years later and ticking time bomb...I digress
.. thankyou so much for space to chat on your forum..
This is all so true. I have personally been under chemical attack since the 1960s. I tell that story and many others in my book "Our Country, Then and Now." I hope you can have a look.
Individuals must learn to say no and resist complying to nonsensical bs. After the Trump lockdown, they told us now we can go to the stores...but, stand in lines 6 feet apart with diapers on your face, and a teenager counting how many people gets in the store, and another teenager wiped the shopping carts from the deadly human hands...I ignored all that bs, and went in from the exit without focking mask! Teenagers workers noticed me...they called the police...they kicked me out of the store...I illustrated that I am not following orders...
What if hundreds of people did that? The police is not going to come and help these libtard stores because they have more important tasks then arresting an old man because he didn't obey the Teenagers dictates.
I wonder if Katherine Watt is still alive? If anyone doubts your government isn't trying to kill you, your family animal must belong to the ostrich...you head is in the ground and you're being F#@# in the arse...
One of my favorite quotes "The World is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The rest of us, all six billion of us; do pretty much what we are told." Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram
Possibly one of the most important contextual descriptions in understanding the parameters for human 'pest-control.' Katherine Watt is a courageous champion for Human Rights and enlightened activism, and we are fortunate to have her on Our team. Another courageous warrior in our midst is Elana Freeland who identified DARPA as a hub for enforced population reduction and control. As Watt points out--the alignment of DoD with NGO's like the WHO essentially removes every human beings voice from any form of democratic potential. This also indicates a gross deception insofar as our elected representatives who continually trumpet the importance of preserving a democracy and defending our Constitutional Rights. As of today, this nation's founding fathers would be turning in their graves as they witness the demise of a former Constitutional Republic. It seems that Jefferson, and Eisenhower were on point when they warned us about Central Banks, and a Military Industrial Complex served by "prostitutes" in Congress. Thank you for publishing this timely article. I hope more people will 'awaken' in order to better understand that we are being programmed for failure, and an early demise.
Thanks for this report. Dr. Jane Ruby's Aug 5th post on X, showing Katherine Watt connecting attorney Todd Calendar's dots is vey helpful. It's great to see everyone involved learning from each other and carrying the information further -- all represented in your single report. Awesome!
“National Security” became code for restrictions/loss of individual sovereign freedoms. What the global powers / Black Nobility never wanted was the Brotherhood of Sovereign Nations!!
I agree that Katherine Watt is one of humanity's great ones. There are many who have been heroes documenting the vast medical crimes led by our own government under color of our 'defense'. It should be apparent to anybody paying attention that we are under a very sophisticated genocide worldwide. It always traces back to the DOD. This is Black Nobility stuff of course, those El hybrids who are clearing the world of human inconveniences for their takeover. I hope Katherine's right that they will eventually be tried for their crimes. I do see that people are running interference against them, especially the WHO. We do have to see that this genocide has long been in the works, laying down the legal and strategic groundwork for the crimes they are committing now. If not, we won't see the profound pervasiveness and focus of their works. These were stated in the long-denied Protocols of Zion kill box vision, brought to you by the same people who brought you the El, and as Henry Ford said in his day, they're right on schedule.
responded to the Catholic/Jewish. Two things: I am married to a Jewish man and live in a culturally Jewish area so I have some understanding. Most traditional Jews who live in Jewish communities don’t even know the difference between Protestant and Catholic but generally hate them both. In terms of hidden history I’m thinking that it was not the 18th century Illuminati. The Frankists probably involved in the Illuminati. The Jesuits opposed the Illuminati and sided with the Rosicrucians against them, even though the Illuminati took some of their symbolism like the pyramidal hierarchy that comes from Ps. Dionysius. As you know in 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled converted Jews from Spain. Some went to Italy by invitation from the House of D’Este in Ferrara who was a vassal of the Papacy. The Pope could ask favors, yet Milan was much closer to the Papacy in the 15th century. The House of D’Este was famous for its Renaissance humanism. When humanism went out of style so did all the Hellenism, Kabbala, etc. So, not much there. There is the possibility of conversos going to Spanish America. I have heard that. The Jesuits were super intellectuals like Anathasius Kircher. Famous universities and schools are Jesuit-- Georgetown University, Boston College. The financial monastics were the Knights Templar who did do banking. Jesuits were much later and I have never hear of them banking. I have no doubt there are criminal gangs in South America who are Catholic. And maybe a rival Jewish gang. For example, the porn industry is 100% Jewish and I don’t think any Catholics are involved. The two groups are generally opposed. Catholics are opposed to abortion; not so Jews. Catholics oppose the porn industry which is Jewish. There is rivalry and hatred due to the Inquisition. I don’t see these two groups as natural allies.
The global crime syndicate is compartmentalized. Our intelligence services are not only serving them but they are based on their model, which is very old.
"Most traditional Jews who live in Jewish communities don’t even know the difference between
Protestant and Catholic but generally hate them both"
mebbe the community you "know" is like this (?) but as a joo raised in the faith 'round many "traditional" jewish friends far more religious than myself--includin' quite a few Orthodox--this is grossly untrue and spreads the kinda animosity fer joos folks are already buildin' up-- A friend of mine just became a rabbi now that her kids are grown an' livin' outta the house (they are conservative with involvement in ALL NYC's communities due to their fambly's educational work) an' they are not only kind to all faiths but they work in spaces helpin' Christians all the time. As a longtime homeschoolin' fambly ourselfs from NYC, our community included BOTH a good number of Orthodox chews, very conservative Christians (includin' evangelicals) as well as many of us who taught secularly an' we all got along and mutually respected each other and helped each other. I have never in more 'n a half century on this planet livin' with joos heard this talk--neither about Christians OR Protestants. Not sure where it comes from... but ta say "most traditional joos hate BOTH protestants & catholics is just plain inaccurate" an' sad.
I can speak to joos in: New York City, Chicago, Paris, Detroit an' the areas "near" these cities--eg Westchester, Long Island, Catskills, Skokie!, Evanston...an' so on... NEVER in all my days have I heard this kinda talk... I say this sincerely--our fambly (always Dems) worked hand in hand with folks of all faiths--Some (since our fambly lost some to the Nazis) expressed less joy towards the Germans BUT that said, my very jooish great uncle married a Catholic German lady (she was his nurse in the war hospital in Berlin after he was injured) an' our fambly WELCOMED this lady in along with her Catholic son (as her 1st husband, a luftwarft pilot, had been killed in the war) Duz not compute... just sayin' -- by all means dislike whom ya like but speakin' for "all traditional joos" is not right--also joos were very actively involved in the Civil Rights movement an' the blacks needin' assistance were all Christians (however religious or not)...
Kapoore’s comment may be a sad commentary on how insane and nasty the headspace in California is, for all of their bogus Woke sweet talk (which is my experience. I'm not a fan of California!) But I do love Kapoore, obviously and other fine people there. I just find the energy in Cali to be terrible. It feels like being in a Mass Extinction Event - or worse - a museum diorama exhibit about a Mass Extinction Event – it just feels so dead. I don’t know how anyone can be there. Probably linked to whatever’s going on tectonically, might affect the consciousness of the people, IDK.
Having grown up in private schools populated mostly by WASPs and Jews in NYC & Chicago (along with a smattering of others - two of my best friends in 4th-8th grades were actually Black, before I was taken away, when we moved to Brazil) and later, same at an Ivy League university, I NEVER heard anything about ANY group hating the other, EVER. We all loved each other. But it’s true, that there weren’t a lot of Catholics around in my earliest years.
Later, in my early-20s, my best friend was Catholic, who took herself to church, alone every Sunday at Our Lady of Pompeii in Greenwich Village. I went with her a once and it was nice.
My Brazilian mother was an atheist. Her mother (descended from 16th century Portuguese colonists) was a rabid Communist, who was actually arrested for it. My mother taught me to revere Jews, as did my Scottish-American uncle (very influential in my early life) – and both married Jews in their second marriages.
I married (and divorced) a Jew in my early 20s.
My 5 step-siblings and 2 of my cousins are half-WASP, half-Jews (ethnically).
I consider myself to be Jew-adjacent (culturally), as this was the milieu in which I was raised.
Alexandra, yer a good egg--I love that "Jew adjacent!"--an' like me, growin' up I'd say the same as you: "I NEVER heard anything about ANY group hating the other, EVER. We all loved each other. " DITTO! I was in every Christmas play with the blessin's of my own fambly--an' our temple (up until 18 months ago when we left NYC)--Emanu-El welcomed folks of all faiths for both services an' concerts & performances. Those are the joos I know & have always known so this...LA thing I do not git but it paints us joos as all ugly & intolerant... I do not know ANY of these people an' again--I've grown up 'round joos all my life...
I don't understand the toxic headspace in CA (I have avoided the state actively lol!)--but (funny) my friend the NYC Rabbi is from LA an' grew up in a very frum fambly (kosher, sabbath, etc) an' she loves EVERYONE. So I don't git it.
I grew up 'round all faiths includin' Catholics--our next door neighbors when I was little was a HUGE Catholic fambly with 17 kids (some had left home by the time the youngers were born lol)--an' we loved them, they loved us an' I was like one more kid at the table--an' my best friend for years was their youngest boy--They ran a Catholic School ("Jesu") an' had no issue with us being joos or the reverse. Later when I went ta "privit" skool (DeyTwat got dangerous...this wuz 'fore we ended up in NYC), I befriended all the theater boyz from Brother Rice--an'nuther Catholic school an' I can say we all got along great--my best pals for years were also black kids an' Irish & Italian Catholic kids with a few Greek Orthodox thrown in. Nobody had issues with anyone.
Ironically at one point in 2nd grade in a velly waspy neib. it was a bunch'a Catholic "mean girls" that chased me down callin' me "Christ killer" (I had no idea 'bout Christ but I sure hadn't killed anyone!) an' after a disastrous wipe out on the gravel -- cuz playgrounds were once like that--wherein my entire front -- legs to face were a bloody mess (an' after a generous application of toxic Mercurochrome that covered 'bout 1/3rd of me) I recovered an' still had both Catholic an' Protestant friends at that skool. (I did avoid the mean girls after that). I held no grudge... the teacher of course was a "winner" an' said it was my own fault because I "didn't look jooish" an' shouldn't have brought a menorah for "show & tell" (oy, America) or they'd never have known!
But sounds like you've met / are related ta plenty of us joos that ain't either demonic (they keep tellin' us this) or haters... I let folks hate whom they wish but when others tell me "who I am" an' who "all traditional joos" are -- many'll believe 'em if the rest of us don't speak up (I know I'm in the minority an' many just let the haters hate...) It's not a good time fer joos now, that's fer sure!
(An' as I've posted before--the baddies are the baddies--not an honor ta the faith/race/whatever indeed--but joos are joos--the Khazarians died out within their brief moment on the planet--a couple few hundred years that's it--but as the actual joos didn't marry the fake Turkish Khazarians--we can use the term Khazarian Mafia but genetically there's nothin' to it. Matthew Ehret does a whole thing on the Khazarians--as merchants etc.. don't have the link handy but it would be on his stack--I think it was an interview with Mel K who is also of the tribe an' tours with Christians incl. Charlie Kirk...) Bottom line (as ya know) most joos not only do NOT hate Christians--we embrace all faiths an' are so grateful to be in a country that doesn't wanna kill us all (or at least didn't use ta wanna do that) that we often got screwed (there's a better name fer that in Yiddish!) helpin those who were really not our pals... So it goes...
I know this is about another type of immunity, but the 1986 act that gave pharma immunity over vaccine injury of children and has caused the vaccine schedule to explode was not the Black Nobility. I know it was Congressman Waxman of my district. I can guarantee you he would never even set foot in a Catholic church. He is so engaged in being Jewish I once heard him talk and all he talked about was Israel and how to fix the Israeli economy. I was suspicious that giving pharma that immunity might have had something to do with the economy of Israel. Then there is California’s SB 277 of 2015 and that debacle came from State Senator Ben Allen and Senator Barbara Boxer. Ben Allen is part of the Jewish coalition in the legislature that promotes holocaust awareness or something like that—zero to do with the Catholic church. Plus Ms. Watts is Catholic. The Catholics (Black Nobility) did not do this, guys. It’s so obvious who is behind this whole vaccine thing.
The Jewish Mafia/"Khazarian Mafia" are part of the same system.
The Vatican and all of the major religions and cults, including the Jesuits; the political movements – like Communism – the governments, the militaries, and intelligence agencies, the corporations, the Khazarian Mafia and all of the major criminal gangs and drug cartels who have besieged Latin America and taken over the US Southern Border are all controlled by the Black Nobility, with different families controlling specific territories and cartels – and thIs document names all the names:
"The Black Nobility is the base of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet…The 'New World Order' is an attempt to take control of society by these fascist families with the purpose of the total slavery of humanity."
Israel is a Black Nobility agent, drawn from the same Rothschild well that has served the Black Nobility for ages. But even the Black Nobility isn't the pinnacle...that place belongs to the El. Those you mention are also agents in the same service. The agents wear many masks in many ages and do many crypto head fakes, but it's all the same operation. The El minions are called Catholic, Jesuit, Jew, secret societies, governments, politics, monarchies, central banks, corporates, even the Black Nobility itself.....ad nauseum. The long and short of it is that we have been under an extraterrestrial slo-mo siege for thousands of years. All the rest is detail.
I just see no evidence for it, and I am writing a history that involves the Latin Middle Ages and the Renaissance—actually an occult history. Jewish people were marginalized in the Latin Middle Ages which was called Christendom. Jewish people HATE the Catholic church and I think this Black Nobility thing is another way of undermining the Catholic Church, just as happened in the French Revolution, just as happened in subsequent revolutions. It’s true that Jacob Frank converted to Catholicism ( Poland, not Italy) and the purpose was to undermine the Church. He loathed the Catholic Church but identified as Catholic, sort of, but not really.
Yes, and the Communists (Jews) infiltrated the Catholic Church and Catholic Charities is the biggest NGO involved with leading the Southern Border invasion.
Khazarians and Black Nobility are intermarried and interbred, at some points, they are no longer totally distinguishable from one another. It is a global crime system. I think Margaret's comment is spot-on.
I think the model is more like the interlocking corporate Boards of Directors and the ownerships of the largest corporations than that "The Black Nobility is on top". In terms of linear history, that is true but it's a never-ending power struggle among quadrillionaire psychopaths. Is the Jewish "Khazarian" Mafia on top or is it the Vatican? It's a situation of constant leveraging. I'm hearing that the LA gangs are holding some of the Black Nobs hostage, right now.
The CIA was getting sick of the Sinaloa Cartel (which controls Arizona, New Hampshire and big chunks of Illinois and North Dakota and more), so they finally arrested the new top guy there last week, after having arrested El Chapo in 2017. They want to unseat Sinaloa as the dominant cartel and replace them with the Jalisco Nueva Generación.
And for kapoore, by all accounts, the El/Annunaki invaders conspired against and were murderous against each other from git go, and that has ever been the pattern (maybe instructions) for their hybrids and minions. They call it geopolitics now. Wars back centuries and probably millennia were/are fought to get advantage among themselves. They were never fought for the patriotic reasons given, which were simply propaganda fed to the masses they wanted to force into being the cannon fodder. Aristocrat/Black Nobility factions don't necessarily like each other although few not of their blood get to run things often or long. That's what history shows...this blood "elite" owns and runs everything. They fight wars against each other while together securing that they possess the planet and the human slaves on it.
Many Jews have been politically forced into or have purposely infiltrated other religions. They're called Crypto Jews.... secretly Jews still. Historically many Jews infiltrated the Masons and the Jesuits, completely repurposing them to corrupt gain. You can't tell who anybody is by their cover, or even by what they say, any more than you can tell their true purpose. If they are El descendants you will see the corruption characteristic of that race. That's the constant.
This just in re the Kill Box--Sabrina Wallace is sounding an alert that Tore is now sayin' FISA is good as is "selective" surveillance--which Sabrina is full-out against--the plot/pot thickens (re who is on what side?!) -
Responding to long comment about my experience in a Jewish community. You are right. I think some places are different—maybe New York is different than where I live in Los Angeles county. I was surprised myself by the level of exclusivity. When I first moved here a neighbor asked me what Temple I was joining. When I said “none” she said that I would be completely isolated and would know no one. She was nice, but honest. That’s about right—it’s been nearly 30 years, kids, schools, volunteer work, etc. etc.
When I visited California in the 1980s, it seemed like everybody was racist and that the cops there were all blond Nazis. Now, it's back-flipped - it's the same but in reverse. Everything is anti-white. PSYOP Central.
I lived in LA off and on for 5 years, 2007-2012 full-time for 3 and I was never a homeowner or really part of a community (I was renting a tiny apartment in a small apartment building owned by my stepbrother in WeHo, where I started my blog in 2010) but the vibe of California to me, coming from New York was total Zombie Apocalypse. Everybody was so stupid and zoned-out, with a dead look in their eyes and just the deadly vibe of the land, itself and the high-particulate, unbreathable air. My body is not set-up for the desert. I don't get it. I don't know why anyone wants to be there.
Excellent piece here. Yes, all of humanity is in their "kill box."
I love the explanation of humans all being labelled as a "threat to national security" (f we've tested positive with a test that produces 97% false positives) thus justifying the extermination of any/or all of us.
Never did, never will!
For the world to stop all of it at the user end.....don't play, don't okay, don't obey and don't pay.
Yep. It always comes back us IGNORING their demands entirely, even the 1st-level ones that initially seem innocuous/harmless.
That "innocuousness" is what David Icke calls the "totalitarian tiptoe."
Well Dr. Jane Ruby has been correct along with Tenpenny & many more...problem is, no one is fighting back? ...31,000,000 dead in this war globally and another 500,000,000 million ready to die... my numbers in the beginning were based off of Bill Gates. There will be 1.2 billion dead before the next 2 years. Remember when Bill said 15% if we do a good enough job? Well they got that poison into over 5 billion people...15% of the global population is 1.2 billion. Excess death every week is not subsided what your seeing is a transitioning of different types of death... started of with dropped dead then strokes then cancer and now trending back to heart... Peoples bodies are still producing toxic spike... of course deaths are going to continue... this won't be over for another 5 years. It is transitioning to the norm.. that's a scary thought... they are even forging foward with more death jabs and a whole new pandemic... their goal? Total domination of the people and to eventually kill off 7.5 billion.. of course it's not going to end. Everyone is sitting back and thinking, "made it through I'm a survivor" fat chance... THIS IS A FIGHT AND NO ONE IS FIGHTING BACK ON OUR SIDE...NO, NO ONE.. oh putting out info is all fine and dandy but people need to read the 10th amendment... it's not a right it's a necessity...everyone sitting back feeling safe because ""They"" got a mini arsenal... LOL you people who want to live off grid... LMFAO they will find you and your little arsenal... the 10th, it forces us all to toe the line against this evil in harmony....people better wake up, ⏰️.... we are at war and getting crushed... I'd say the global psychopaths are way ahead...
If one does the math of current estimation of death the number as a percentage is tiny. 31 million divided by 8 billion is 31/8000=.003875. So if your sphere of influence is 100 you would know .38 dead people from this kill box operation. That is why there is no outrage yet!!!
As the data dynamics change the outrage will gain momentum. Will it be to late as the next kill box operation is amplified with the distinction of mandatory injection as in New Zealand law?
It depends on where you are, if you will know people who were killed by the Death Shot, because there are "fast kill" and "slow kill" batches:
"100% of COVID-19 vaccine deaths had been caused by just 5% of the batches – batches that can be identified.
"And these deadly batches were not distributed evenly. The top 8 states with the highest vaccination death rate, Kentucky, Arkansas, West Virginia, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota, Wyoming and Tennessee are all Red States.
"19 of the top 24 on the list are Red States and California has been the least affected by the deadly lots of COVID vaccine.
"'The numbers show that Kentucky has a 1,900% worse vacination death rate than the Democrat-controlled California, suggesting the Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of COVID-19 vaccine than the Democrat-controlled state received.'
"Florida, number 20 on the list of most vaccine deaths per vaccination received three times the amount of deadly batches than California, with its vaccination death rate at 200% higher than California’s.
"The author points out that these deadly batches would be better classified as 'rapid kill lots' and 'slow kill lots', as we are now seeing more evidence that they kill over time."
Very plausible, I also have a theory. Everyone who got one will have a certain amount integrated from plasmids to sv-40... if the vials were not handled properly, to which I personally seen, the fluds separate... NLP's float to top, the mrna gravitate to bottom and saline rests in the middle...these vials were multiple shot vials... 10 to 15 shots in some cases... if you got a shot from the bottom, expect to drop dead, middle you win a few extra years you get a shot at the end of it with NLP's you get a few months...that's just my theory but this is fact, mRna is very tiny, even if you get a small amount, integration is still a constant... these cells multiply through mitosis...eventually the body will become spike saturated thus hitting LD 50 values...in essence it can be like asbestos like 10 to 15 years later and ticking time bomb...I digress
.. thankyou so much for space to chat on your forum..
The distinction you mentioned of rates is extremely important. Yes, targeted kills!
Hard to fathom this real data. I’m in a dem controlled state. Uber wok. Walz wok.
Outside the 7 county metro and Duluth we the people are distinctly conservative.
A blessing, hmm, not really.
Great response
This is all so true. I have personally been under chemical attack since the 1960s. I tell that story and many others in my book "Our Country, Then and Now." I hope you can have a look.
The worldwide genocide is real.
I agree, Katherine is a mental giant and national treasure.
Individuals must learn to say no and resist complying to nonsensical bs. After the Trump lockdown, they told us now we can go to the stores...but, stand in lines 6 feet apart with diapers on your face, and a teenager counting how many people gets in the store, and another teenager wiped the shopping carts from the deadly human hands...I ignored all that bs, and went in from the exit without focking mask! Teenagers workers noticed me...they called the police...they kicked me out of the store...I illustrated that I am not following orders...
What if hundreds of people did that? The police is not going to come and help these libtard stores because they have more important tasks then arresting an old man because he didn't obey the Teenagers dictates.
There is a strength in numbers...grow some balls!
I wonder if Katherine Watt is still alive? If anyone doubts your government isn't trying to kill you, your family animal must belong to the ostrich...you head is in the ground and you're being F#@# in the arse...
One of my favorite quotes "The World is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The rest of us, all six billion of us; do pretty much what we are told." Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram
Possibly one of the most important contextual descriptions in understanding the parameters for human 'pest-control.' Katherine Watt is a courageous champion for Human Rights and enlightened activism, and we are fortunate to have her on Our team. Another courageous warrior in our midst is Elana Freeland who identified DARPA as a hub for enforced population reduction and control. As Watt points out--the alignment of DoD with NGO's like the WHO essentially removes every human beings voice from any form of democratic potential. This also indicates a gross deception insofar as our elected representatives who continually trumpet the importance of preserving a democracy and defending our Constitutional Rights. As of today, this nation's founding fathers would be turning in their graves as they witness the demise of a former Constitutional Republic. It seems that Jefferson, and Eisenhower were on point when they warned us about Central Banks, and a Military Industrial Complex served by "prostitutes" in Congress. Thank you for publishing this timely article. I hope more people will 'awaken' in order to better understand that we are being programmed for failure, and an early demise.
I’m thinking all the gov agencies are not on humanities side.😞
You get the understatement of the decade award.
Thanks for this report. Dr. Jane Ruby's Aug 5th post on X, showing Katherine Watt connecting attorney Todd Calendar's dots is vey helpful. It's great to see everyone involved learning from each other and carrying the information further -- all represented in your single report. Awesome!
Great post! Thank you.
“National Security” became code for restrictions/loss of individual sovereign freedoms. What the global powers / Black Nobility never wanted was the Brotherhood of Sovereign Nations!!
I agree that Katherine Watt is one of humanity's great ones. There are many who have been heroes documenting the vast medical crimes led by our own government under color of our 'defense'. It should be apparent to anybody paying attention that we are under a very sophisticated genocide worldwide. It always traces back to the DOD. This is Black Nobility stuff of course, those El hybrids who are clearing the world of human inconveniences for their takeover. I hope Katherine's right that they will eventually be tried for their crimes. I do see that people are running interference against them, especially the WHO. We do have to see that this genocide has long been in the works, laying down the legal and strategic groundwork for the crimes they are committing now. If not, we won't see the profound pervasiveness and focus of their works. These were stated in the long-denied Protocols of Zion kill box vision, brought to you by the same people who brought you the El, and as Henry Ford said in his day, they're right on schedule.
responded to the Catholic/Jewish. Two things: I am married to a Jewish man and live in a culturally Jewish area so I have some understanding. Most traditional Jews who live in Jewish communities don’t even know the difference between Protestant and Catholic but generally hate them both. In terms of hidden history I’m thinking that it was not the 18th century Illuminati. The Frankists probably involved in the Illuminati. The Jesuits opposed the Illuminati and sided with the Rosicrucians against them, even though the Illuminati took some of their symbolism like the pyramidal hierarchy that comes from Ps. Dionysius. As you know in 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled converted Jews from Spain. Some went to Italy by invitation from the House of D’Este in Ferrara who was a vassal of the Papacy. The Pope could ask favors, yet Milan was much closer to the Papacy in the 15th century. The House of D’Este was famous for its Renaissance humanism. When humanism went out of style so did all the Hellenism, Kabbala, etc. So, not much there. There is the possibility of conversos going to Spanish America. I have heard that. The Jesuits were super intellectuals like Anathasius Kircher. Famous universities and schools are Jesuit-- Georgetown University, Boston College. The financial monastics were the Knights Templar who did do banking. Jesuits were much later and I have never hear of them banking. I have no doubt there are criminal gangs in South America who are Catholic. And maybe a rival Jewish gang. For example, the porn industry is 100% Jewish and I don’t think any Catholics are involved. The two groups are generally opposed. Catholics are opposed to abortion; not so Jews. Catholics oppose the porn industry which is Jewish. There is rivalry and hatred due to the Inquisition. I don’t see these two groups as natural allies.
The global crime syndicate is compartmentalized. Our intelligence services are not only serving them but they are based on their model, which is very old.
RE yer statin' that :
"Most traditional Jews who live in Jewish communities don’t even know the difference between
Protestant and Catholic but generally hate them both"
mebbe the community you "know" is like this (?) but as a joo raised in the faith 'round many "traditional" jewish friends far more religious than myself--includin' quite a few Orthodox--this is grossly untrue and spreads the kinda animosity fer joos folks are already buildin' up-- A friend of mine just became a rabbi now that her kids are grown an' livin' outta the house (they are conservative with involvement in ALL NYC's communities due to their fambly's educational work) an' they are not only kind to all faiths but they work in spaces helpin' Christians all the time. As a longtime homeschoolin' fambly ourselfs from NYC, our community included BOTH a good number of Orthodox chews, very conservative Christians (includin' evangelicals) as well as many of us who taught secularly an' we all got along and mutually respected each other and helped each other. I have never in more 'n a half century on this planet livin' with joos heard this talk--neither about Christians OR Protestants. Not sure where it comes from... but ta say "most traditional joos hate BOTH protestants & catholics is just plain inaccurate" an' sad.
I can speak to joos in: New York City, Chicago, Paris, Detroit an' the areas "near" these cities--eg Westchester, Long Island, Catskills, Skokie!, Evanston...an' so on... NEVER in all my days have I heard this kinda talk... I say this sincerely--our fambly (always Dems) worked hand in hand with folks of all faiths--Some (since our fambly lost some to the Nazis) expressed less joy towards the Germans BUT that said, my very jooish great uncle married a Catholic German lady (she was his nurse in the war hospital in Berlin after he was injured) an' our fambly WELCOMED this lady in along with her Catholic son (as her 1st husband, a luftwarft pilot, had been killed in the war) Duz not compute... just sayin' -- by all means dislike whom ya like but speakin' for "all traditional joos" is not right--also joos were very actively involved in the Civil Rights movement an' the blacks needin' assistance were all Christians (however religious or not)...
Kapoore’s comment may be a sad commentary on how insane and nasty the headspace in California is, for all of their bogus Woke sweet talk (which is my experience. I'm not a fan of California!) But I do love Kapoore, obviously and other fine people there. I just find the energy in Cali to be terrible. It feels like being in a Mass Extinction Event - or worse - a museum diorama exhibit about a Mass Extinction Event – it just feels so dead. I don’t know how anyone can be there. Probably linked to whatever’s going on tectonically, might affect the consciousness of the people, IDK.
Having grown up in private schools populated mostly by WASPs and Jews in NYC & Chicago (along with a smattering of others - two of my best friends in 4th-8th grades were actually Black, before I was taken away, when we moved to Brazil) and later, same at an Ivy League university, I NEVER heard anything about ANY group hating the other, EVER. We all loved each other. But it’s true, that there weren’t a lot of Catholics around in my earliest years.
Later, in my early-20s, my best friend was Catholic, who took herself to church, alone every Sunday at Our Lady of Pompeii in Greenwich Village. I went with her a once and it was nice.
My Brazilian mother was an atheist. Her mother (descended from 16th century Portuguese colonists) was a rabid Communist, who was actually arrested for it. My mother taught me to revere Jews, as did my Scottish-American uncle (very influential in my early life) – and both married Jews in their second marriages.
I married (and divorced) a Jew in my early 20s.
My 5 step-siblings and 2 of my cousins are half-WASP, half-Jews (ethnically).
I consider myself to be Jew-adjacent (culturally), as this was the milieu in which I was raised.
Alexandra, yer a good egg--I love that "Jew adjacent!"--an' like me, growin' up I'd say the same as you: "I NEVER heard anything about ANY group hating the other, EVER. We all loved each other. " DITTO! I was in every Christmas play with the blessin's of my own fambly--an' our temple (up until 18 months ago when we left NYC)--Emanu-El welcomed folks of all faiths for both services an' concerts & performances. Those are the joos I know & have always known so this...LA thing I do not git but it paints us joos as all ugly & intolerant... I do not know ANY of these people an' again--I've grown up 'round joos all my life...
I don't understand the toxic headspace in CA (I have avoided the state actively lol!)--but (funny) my friend the NYC Rabbi is from LA an' grew up in a very frum fambly (kosher, sabbath, etc) an' she loves EVERYONE. So I don't git it.
I grew up 'round all faiths includin' Catholics--our next door neighbors when I was little was a HUGE Catholic fambly with 17 kids (some had left home by the time the youngers were born lol)--an' we loved them, they loved us an' I was like one more kid at the table--an' my best friend for years was their youngest boy--They ran a Catholic School ("Jesu") an' had no issue with us being joos or the reverse. Later when I went ta "privit" skool (DeyTwat got dangerous...this wuz 'fore we ended up in NYC), I befriended all the theater boyz from Brother Rice--an'nuther Catholic school an' I can say we all got along great--my best pals for years were also black kids an' Irish & Italian Catholic kids with a few Greek Orthodox thrown in. Nobody had issues with anyone.
Ironically at one point in 2nd grade in a velly waspy neib. it was a bunch'a Catholic "mean girls" that chased me down callin' me "Christ killer" (I had no idea 'bout Christ but I sure hadn't killed anyone!) an' after a disastrous wipe out on the gravel -- cuz playgrounds were once like that--wherein my entire front -- legs to face were a bloody mess (an' after a generous application of toxic Mercurochrome that covered 'bout 1/3rd of me) I recovered an' still had both Catholic an' Protestant friends at that skool. (I did avoid the mean girls after that). I held no grudge... the teacher of course was a "winner" an' said it was my own fault because I "didn't look jooish" an' shouldn't have brought a menorah for "show & tell" (oy, America) or they'd never have known!
But sounds like you've met / are related ta plenty of us joos that ain't either demonic (they keep tellin' us this) or haters... I let folks hate whom they wish but when others tell me "who I am" an' who "all traditional joos" are -- many'll believe 'em if the rest of us don't speak up (I know I'm in the minority an' many just let the haters hate...) It's not a good time fer joos now, that's fer sure!
(An' as I've posted before--the baddies are the baddies--not an honor ta the faith/race/whatever indeed--but joos are joos--the Khazarians died out within their brief moment on the planet--a couple few hundred years that's it--but as the actual joos didn't marry the fake Turkish Khazarians--we can use the term Khazarian Mafia but genetically there's nothin' to it. Matthew Ehret does a whole thing on the Khazarians--as merchants etc.. don't have the link handy but it would be on his stack--I think it was an interview with Mel K who is also of the tribe an' tours with Christians incl. Charlie Kirk...) Bottom line (as ya know) most joos not only do NOT hate Christians--we embrace all faiths an' are so grateful to be in a country that doesn't wanna kill us all (or at least didn't use ta wanna do that) that we often got screwed (there's a better name fer that in Yiddish!) helpin those who were really not our pals... So it goes...
Thank you for posting this incredibly important piece!!!
God Help and Protect Us ALL!!🙏🙏🙏
We must keep standing up for the truth - telling the truth - even when many refuse to SEE!!!👍💜🤓
I know this is about another type of immunity, but the 1986 act that gave pharma immunity over vaccine injury of children and has caused the vaccine schedule to explode was not the Black Nobility. I know it was Congressman Waxman of my district. I can guarantee you he would never even set foot in a Catholic church. He is so engaged in being Jewish I once heard him talk and all he talked about was Israel and how to fix the Israeli economy. I was suspicious that giving pharma that immunity might have had something to do with the economy of Israel. Then there is California’s SB 277 of 2015 and that debacle came from State Senator Ben Allen and Senator Barbara Boxer. Ben Allen is part of the Jewish coalition in the legislature that promotes holocaust awareness or something like that—zero to do with the Catholic church. Plus Ms. Watts is Catholic. The Catholics (Black Nobility) did not do this, guys. It’s so obvious who is behind this whole vaccine thing.
The Jewish Mafia/"Khazarian Mafia" are part of the same system.
The Vatican and all of the major religions and cults, including the Jesuits; the political movements – like Communism – the governments, the militaries, and intelligence agencies, the corporations, the Khazarian Mafia and all of the major criminal gangs and drug cartels who have besieged Latin America and taken over the US Southern Border are all controlled by the Black Nobility, with different families controlling specific territories and cartels – and thIs document names all the names:
"The Black Nobility is the base of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet…The 'New World Order' is an attempt to take control of society by these fascist families with the purpose of the total slavery of humanity."
Read this, please:
Israel is a Black Nobility agent, drawn from the same Rothschild well that has served the Black Nobility for ages. But even the Black Nobility isn't the pinnacle...that place belongs to the El. Those you mention are also agents in the same service. The agents wear many masks in many ages and do many crypto head fakes, but it's all the same operation. The El minions are called Catholic, Jesuit, Jew, secret societies, governments, politics, monarchies, central banks, corporates, even the Black Nobility itself.....ad nauseum. The long and short of it is that we have been under an extraterrestrial slo-mo siege for thousands of years. All the rest is detail.
Absolutely. Yes.
I just see no evidence for it, and I am writing a history that involves the Latin Middle Ages and the Renaissance—actually an occult history. Jewish people were marginalized in the Latin Middle Ages which was called Christendom. Jewish people HATE the Catholic church and I think this Black Nobility thing is another way of undermining the Catholic Church, just as happened in the French Revolution, just as happened in subsequent revolutions. It’s true that Jacob Frank converted to Catholicism ( Poland, not Italy) and the purpose was to undermine the Church. He loathed the Catholic Church but identified as Catholic, sort of, but not really.
Yes, and the Communists (Jews) infiltrated the Catholic Church and Catholic Charities is the biggest NGO involved with leading the Southern Border invasion.
Khazarians and Black Nobility are intermarried and interbred, at some points, they are no longer totally distinguishable from one another. It is a global crime system. I think Margaret's comment is spot-on.
I think the model is more like the interlocking corporate Boards of Directors and the ownerships of the largest corporations than that "The Black Nobility is on top". In terms of linear history, that is true but it's a never-ending power struggle among quadrillionaire psychopaths. Is the Jewish "Khazarian" Mafia on top or is it the Vatican? It's a situation of constant leveraging. I'm hearing that the LA gangs are holding some of the Black Nobs hostage, right now.
The CIA was getting sick of the Sinaloa Cartel (which controls Arizona, New Hampshire and big chunks of Illinois and North Dakota and more), so they finally arrested the new top guy there last week, after having arrested El Chapo in 2017. They want to unseat Sinaloa as the dominant cartel and replace them with the Jalisco Nueva Generación.
Here, here.
And for kapoore, by all accounts, the El/Annunaki invaders conspired against and were murderous against each other from git go, and that has ever been the pattern (maybe instructions) for their hybrids and minions. They call it geopolitics now. Wars back centuries and probably millennia were/are fought to get advantage among themselves. They were never fought for the patriotic reasons given, which were simply propaganda fed to the masses they wanted to force into being the cannon fodder. Aristocrat/Black Nobility factions don't necessarily like each other although few not of their blood get to run things often or long. That's what history shows...this blood "elite" owns and runs everything. They fight wars against each other while together securing that they possess the planet and the human slaves on it.
Many Jews have been politically forced into or have purposely infiltrated other religions. They're called Crypto Jews.... secretly Jews still. Historically many Jews infiltrated the Masons and the Jesuits, completely repurposing them to corrupt gain. You can't tell who anybody is by their cover, or even by what they say, any more than you can tell their true purpose. If they are El descendants you will see the corruption characteristic of that race. That's the constant.
This just in re the Kill Box--Sabrina Wallace is sounding an alert that Tore is now sayin' FISA is good as is "selective" surveillance--which Sabrina is full-out against--the plot/pot thickens (re who is on what side?!) -
Responding to long comment about my experience in a Jewish community. You are right. I think some places are different—maybe New York is different than where I live in Los Angeles county. I was surprised myself by the level of exclusivity. When I first moved here a neighbor asked me what Temple I was joining. When I said “none” she said that I would be completely isolated and would know no one. She was nice, but honest. That’s about right—it’s been nearly 30 years, kids, schools, volunteer work, etc. etc.
That is horrifying. I'm so sorry!
When I visited California in the 1980s, it seemed like everybody was racist and that the cops there were all blond Nazis. Now, it's back-flipped - it's the same but in reverse. Everything is anti-white. PSYOP Central.
I lived in LA off and on for 5 years, 2007-2012 full-time for 3 and I was never a homeowner or really part of a community (I was renting a tiny apartment in a small apartment building owned by my stepbrother in WeHo, where I started my blog in 2010) but the vibe of California to me, coming from New York was total Zombie Apocalypse. Everybody was so stupid and zoned-out, with a dead look in their eyes and just the deadly vibe of the land, itself and the high-particulate, unbreathable air. My body is not set-up for the desert. I don't get it. I don't know why anyone wants to be there.