If this is true, and we are now controlled by such demons, then the human experiment has failed. The powers-that-be, called by Gnosticism the Aeons, will cause the human race to be obliterated and rebooted. Nothing this monstrous will be allowed to live in God's universe. How can this happen, when so much goodness and beauty is possible? What accounts for such a gigantic screw-up? Who gave these "people" the right to create hell-on-earth?
I have been researching for almost 6 years mainly to stay alive from all the invisible weapons! I knew windows operating systems on human body during 2020. All of posting were cheering for it. As for i was just so ignorant and really ignored it! I am so appreciative that Forbidden News research and post them! It is going to be heart wrenching for knowing all these invasive 4th Industrial Revolution come to our living body! But keep optimistic please! We have so many people, researchers show only takes 3% of human up against these evil rulers and by then they fail for sure! Let's all have back bones to say No!
The powers that have "always been" have been working toward this agenda for destruction of humanity since the start. They are in fact power hungry, energy sucking, psychopathic, satanic peadophiles. If you have ever heard of mind control, this is "how" it has happened. Repetition and trauma, "chaos and order" gets humans in fear state and makes us all look outside of ourselves for a saviour- our biggest downfall! Humanity has been a form of experimentation/manipulation at the hands of politicians, religion, elites, secret societies, blood lines, war criminals, and paedophiles. It has been a slow creeping introduction of this horrific technology, as "that lot" see us as "hackable animals" (the words of one nasty piece of work- Noah Harari of the WEF)! We have been duped big time. BUT-WE actually have more power than they do, we have forgotten how to use it, but it is there. It could all be over if a few more people woke up- but this won't happen as many are fully indoctrinated into the new world order. We are our own saviours if we work together from the intention of harmony and self responsibility.
The problem is still too many are brainwashed. Good God how dumb can ppl be to still be getting the 💉after all that’s happened. We need to start (if there isn’t already one) an online group that is not on any social media platforms that they can monitor. Just a group of like minded friends sticking together who can count on one another for brainstorming, encouragement, friendships etc. if anyone does start one or are already a part of one, come back here & invite others! Stay safe & always trust your guts!
This is why you have to act locally and connect with your neighbors and hang out, face-to-face with your friends, as much as possible.
I’ve been very blessed to have moved to Asheville in early ‘21, where I was quickly able to find such a community, that meets monthly (officially) and members also meet socially, all the time.
Asheville is pretty devastated and poisoned by the flood but the community I’ve found here is so great, I don’t know where I’d rather be, because the people here are so great.
I have been watching on the ground reports from real humans that have survived the global cults attempt to destroy this area with weather warfare! It is heartwarming and a sign of understanding of their situation (no saviours) at the amount of community spirit and genuine support of each other, to get through very tough times. This is HOW we go forward, helping each other and working together to create a proper life. There would be no "events" such as this in prime earth, as everything would be in balance- as it was meant to be. How did you personally fare after the flood, were you left homeless?
Indeed people really do need to stop living in cognitive dissonance. It has got to the stage where the awakened souls can't continue to tip toe around this with the hands over their ears people. Shout it out loud. If "offence"🙄is taken by this approach, then there needs to be some understanding that they still have the "right" to take it as an offence. Even if the alternative view happens to be the TRUTH! Children continue to be satanically abused, trafficked, tortured and mind controlled (and the whole of humanity has endured some kind of abuse at the filthy hands of these psychopaths)! Nobody has a right to turn a blind eye to this, EVER! The only way to stop this is to face it. Then real change happens, and we can have a balanced earth. Anyway, I think your idea of an online group within a platform that can't be infiltrated by the fucking global cult sounds like a mint idea. When do we start??? I am in the Australian currently existing in the UK. It would be amazing to find other souls nearby that want to fight the good fight and live by the heart :)
Hi Sally, I would like to apologize for not getting back to you back when Al the crazy was happening. How are you guys in 2025? A lot has happened since 😷& 💉craziness. Blew me away at the ppl getting boosters after all the deaths & disabilities it caused. Ppl are still dying. Of course, they will never say what really caused the deaths. Thoughts on RFK,JR?
I think part of the problem is that humanity in general has acquiesced through fraudulently-obtained, and therefore uninformed, consent. We need to stop consenting and complying.
fyi... Dr. Ana Milhacea put out a warnin' 'bout zeolites in Masterpeace an' then Michael Hazen threatened to sue her so that post got pulled... not sure what's goin' on with that battle but I found an' old remnant of the initiation of the disagreement here (fwiw)...
Either way, yup, Sabrina is right, we are just batteries like in the Matrix (eek!)
ps I doubt RFK Jr will even dare address this... this is way more woo than MAHA... we'll need someone within DARPA to undo this... not Bobby Jr's wheelhouse...
true--still it's a HUGE leap ta go from fightin' 5G to fightin' the nano in our bodies that power the NFT Art of the elites who want us dead (after they've zapped ALL our power! in every way!) but given the lidar, the luciferase... I mean it's a real ball of wax but indeed it cain't hurt ta stay positive...
I think RFK is aware, but he's no fool and knows the public at large is struggling already with the info he's been disclosing about the Clot Shot, autism, etc. and can only handle so much trauma and shock at a time. Plus, he may very well think that if he discloses the nanotech info the powers that be will likely off him, and they no doubt have plenty of ways to do that (and Trump too) if they commit to that. Timing is a big part of this global chess game. What will really blow up the whole game is when or whether the public becomes aware of what the end results of the ongoing geomagnetic pole reversal will be, a regular 12,000 solar cycle that has caused global cataclysms in the past, about which scientists have now discovered and disclosed credible data. That can be found on the SuspiciousObservers youtube channel. It is one central reason why the current depopulation agenda has come about and what the elite are preparing for.
Thx Daisy...I just posted a PSA about MP as well...
RFK Jr. has no clue about any of this...most in any position of power will never wrap their heads around it...and part of the reason is that it is not really a medical issue...it is a wetwork military OP. And you are right, it will take a carbon/graphene and graphene HYDROXIDE specialist/bioengineer/whistleblower within the diabolical military programs to expose it... they're still arguing about polio vaccines...we will be borgs by the time this insane info reaches critical mass...sorry, it will NEVER reach critical mass...they are not going to get this...and we are out of time...it sukkkkks...
I don’t see how you cannot have critical mass when you already have this (below and the many hyperlinks I included and the many more that simply would have overwhelmed the article) – and the trillions behind it and many buying into it, with their Fitbits, etc.
Sabrina Wallace just ripped a new on on the PetVet & the BabySitter (i.e. the Mooster-piece Makers) AND on... MissPiggy (ha! she said it not me) & Hubs sellin' Sparkley Morroccan Baloney Chips (apparently they did sumthin' dirty to Sabrina behind the scenes tho' she ain't tellin' at least yet..).
Now I know even my mentionin' this might rub some folks raw b/c they're fans of zeeeee-o-lite & Moosterpiece Theater (which per Sabrina is like nano toxic dynomite in yer BodIeeeeee...an' Dr. Ana agrees....) but since it came up here...I'm'a lettin' her rip...damn the torpedoes! May the best non-treatmint win! (but at least it'll save y'all some $)
pps lead paint on the walls... REALLY? (notta good idea...gettin' the lead OUT is haaarrrd work!--not just on the walls but internally--that stuff's crazy-toxic)
couldn't say--there are overcoat paints that are safe latex (lead abatement via encapsulation)-- I wouldn't risk it myself but there are copper infused EMF paints that do the trick (have not tried 'em myself but on my radar... ) even dried lead paint flakes, jus' sayin'--
If properly managed and maintained, it poses little risk.
When lead-based paint deteriorates however, it can become a hazard, especially for children under six years old. In this state, lead from the paint can be released into the air and dust, increasing the risk of lead poisoning.
The rub is "properly managed and maintained" over time...I'm not clear if you can just paint over it again, or if you literally have to hazmat suit up and strip the walls and clean up before repainting.
The attempt to create superhumans is always associated with psychic degeneration and failure. One process to be initiated is the obligation of states to create Wi-Fi radiation neutral zones or suspend them until technology allows. This is just my opinion, and I understand that even states cannot force human people to share an unnatural environment!
You have never experienced being railroaded by local politicians and their wannabe mercenaries. Whole family's can be taken hostage, and those doing the taking are never questioned in their kangaroo courts.
Exactly & they WILL do what they want. Our rights & feelings do not matter to them. We are all expendable if we don’t fall in line. Guess I’ll be expendable. We truly must all stick together & say no together. Go off grid.
I read a quote from Ron Paul the other day that was probably considered "common knowledge, common sense" to those who founded this country.
It was in effect: " We get our life from our creator, we get our liberty from our creator, it has nothing to do with the government issuing these things". Those in the special interest group cult calling or self identifying as Government or authorities, are not as amused by the idea of a creator as they are musing themselves with their own inventions. Covetous narcissist who Idolize their own inventions will never rule over a free spirit. They are too myopic to understand that life doesn't end with the body. I've been off grid since May, 2022.
Yes, our unalienable rights were enshrined in the laws of Ancient Britain and the Usages of Britain, which derive from Troy and Ancient Greece, and which form the basis of the common law on which our legal system is based.
But these bioweapons don't come under these laws. They come under military law - something I know even less about that common law, civil or criminal law...
These programs are running into the ground far sooner than planned. Lockdowns and vax series were meant to be multi-year episodes leading up to 2030, by some accounts.
Does anyone remember the vids going around during the beginning of Covid with that satellite dish installation tech or whatever he was, opening one of the dishes guts to show the words stamped inside? They read: "COVID-19"
also the router "thingies" inside the 5G towers had a "covid 19" label--thus connected with a signal... I think it was the bigger towers... I'm sayin' "thingie" as I have NO CLUE what the piece of equipment was but the tech fella said there were diff. ones for different frequencies an' that any tower could broadcast multiple frequences AT THE SAME TIME... diabolical is bein' generous here...
And they are poised for a marburg release...the frequency has been patented...vaxxes are ready to go...I'm surprised that CA just went with an emergency declaration for bird flu...thought for sure we were doing the Marburg thing...but I'm sure that is still in the Q
Todd Callender saw Marburg was a line item in the NDAA of 2022 or 2023 that had already been allocated and paid for, so the materiel for that psyop is already waiting in the wings.
It's a question of how many grifts can you get in, before you can't grift no mo'!
Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in Law
......These clauses bypass the medical choice provisions of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
They violate the conclusions of Phase 1 of the Royal Commission on the pandemic which found that vaccine mandates hurt people and the economy.
They pre-empt the findings of Phase Two of the Royal Commission which has yet to examine the safety of COVID-19 vaccines produced via gene editing.
It empowers the Minister to make health decisions affecting all Kiwis on the say-so of foreign gene regulators of his choice.
The Bill is being passed under Fast Track legislation designed to prevent public discussion of its controversial provisions and adequate understanding of its impact by MPs. .....
Well that would be unconstitutional and would also violate the King's Coronation Oath; so it needs to be quashed before it becomes law, or attacked in court if it becomes law.
In the US, Hexa-X appears to be military doctrine - same as with the C-19 vaxx. The FDA “approval” dance was a complete, ridiculous PSYOP. This is why the FDA trials were fake and Brook Jackson’s Fraud case against Pfizer was thrown out.
The jab was never a pharmaceutical product; it was a DoD Medical Countermeasure, never requiring commercial FDA approval, at all.
The C-19 jab is 100% related to this Hexa-X jazz; same nanotechnology deployment agenda. In the US, it’s all coming from the Pentagon, so maybe that means it needs to be dealt with in the military courts?
This thing appears to be further advanced in the EU, BTW.
I have zero legal training, so this is just a guess; but I would imagine that we as civilians have no standing in military courts? Not knowing any better, I would go at it from the constitutional/USSC angle?
Like I said, this Hexa-X Project is a highly-funded military-telecommunications Titanic that's moving fast and we've got to turn this big ship around, somehow.
And suddenly the whole 'blood is life' starts making a lot of sense... the chalice of light, the chalice of blood... blood is light and light is energy... life.
Exactly! That's why they tried and succeeded with forcing the jab on people! One great deception that people agreed to and lined up to take! The vaxxed people have lost that light in their blood, which can explain the bizarre way many people are acting today and doing shit and saying shit that's completely out of character! I've experienced this with people that I'm close to! People are worried about shedding from the poison jab and just being around vaxxed people with casual contact, I'm not worried for myself! I would think that if you're pure blooded and unvaxxed and have a decent immune system then your immune system would take care of all of that! I think what really matters is if it gets in the bloodstream, and what better way than through a jab! In the end of all of this and at the end of the day, I think that what truly matters is if you are vaxxed or not, with the unvaxxed being a stark difference from the vaxxed people as in changes in DNA and those changes in DNA will show in the vaxxed people! vs the unvaxxed people! People can also do detox cleanses and fasts regularly to cleanse their body and blood!
I was just scanning the pages of a Vanity Fair Hollywood "Who's Who" book, with photos of all the movie stars-and LO!...around the halfway mark was a photo of the Technocratic elite. About 30 people on the page. Buffet is in upper left hand corner, and his student-Billy Gates is in the lower right hand corner. The usual suspects (G00gle kingpins) are all there for everyone to see. And I believe this book was published in the early 1990's [***RTT correction: it was published 24 years ago...time flies!]. The Chosen photographer for the H'wood dream machine is as usual-Annie Leibovitz. I mention this because, hind-sight is most instructive when looking at the bigger picture. Since we know that a depopulation agenda, and total control of a human-slave hybrid is not some fantastic dystopian sci-fi narrative, we have a few options (for the brave of heart): Opting out. Living as far away as possible from the control-grid. Tax-revolt!... Afterall--we financed the Technocratic order. We paid for the grid. Next...?
Human blood is only one molecule different than cloraphile and that is iron. Sunlight feeds and heals us. The trend to cover all up in sunscreens was to weaken us. The videos in China showed us how easy the turning on of 5G killed people in the street. This is one fkkked up reality show. Any investors here to back up mass production on Ferraday (sp?) homes? Feels like there will be many plot twists to this that the developers have not seen or thought of yet.
Enigmatic proprietary, great idea, Faraday home. Could be combined with a Moon Cocoon which is a home you can build yourself with sand and very little lumber. The shape and materials allow for fire resistance and ability to withstand extremely high winds.
enigmatic proprietary....I might add, covering our blue skies with chemtrails everywhere, depriving us of the suns healing energy. Even at night, so we are cut off from our primal connection to the stars and the wonders of the universe. Canceling out everything that is positive, beautiful, healing and natural. Time to fight back.
I don't fight back. It's best to create something useful in a different direction. Not sure why but I get an image of large groups of people coming together for activities with no electrical devices.. kind of the opposite of what we see daily.. large crowds all with their face in the phone. Encouraging more group interactions, creating family days.. without phones... hard to do, right, as phone became our cameras too... WE volunteered by participating...
Yeah, They'll probably shut down the internet and the power grid at the same time because shutting down the internet will keep us from communicating, and with no power and electricity people will start dying from temperature extremes and the elements! If They do this during the winter months, more people will die from freezing to death! I'm pretty sure that They've got more ways planned to take the majority of us out like that at one time!
Fighting back can also mean resisting, saying no with conviction, including a non-violent pushback by not participating as "enigmatic proprietary" mentions. This is powerful. But, are we ready whatever the cost?
Honey it's passed time to start fighting! The majority of humanity has sat on their asses too long already! People are too complacent believing that Donald Trump is gonna save them and save the day! 🙄 When the majority finally wakes up and sees that their "savior" "Zion Donny" has greatly deceived them, it's gonna be a painful thing for me to watch, a painful day is comin' I'm doin my best to prepare myself, especially my mind for the hard times comin!! The majority of Americans are gonna get a hard ass slap in the face and it ain't gonna be pretty!
Nice comment Amil. If you didn't know, the five-pointed star is the international symbol for Ziomism. Thank you Juri Lena, Book; Under The Sign of the Scorpion. The book that was on my laptop, somehow got disappeared.
My comment still stands. I didn't say anything about David or six anything. And yes Talmudic Judiasm = Communism = Satanism. You got that part right. I said Zionism.
Yeah! That's exactly how I feel and what I'm preparing my mind for, if I'm unable to find a place offgrid! They will come after us, I do hope that the majority of people are aware of the noahide laws and what those are! That's just one of Their plans to take us out along with more forced poison jabs, so I would think that if you refuse the jabs, then you die, so I guess I'm gonna die then because I will never consent or comply!
What makes you think I'm going to consent? Check my screen name. It's still happening on your timeline....consenting/complying or not is another topic entirely.
I am currently writing a book on Revelation 18:23, which says the "light of the candle" (us) will be snuffed out by the merchants of the world through the pharmaceutical industry.
Then, you make this statement in this article,, “Since the entire system runs off your DNA, it cannot just be turned off. That action would turn you off as well.”
If DNA doesn’t really exist, then does the entire WBAN system become harmless to humans? 🤔
No, because you're still bathing, non-stop in carcinogenic radiation, that sucks electrons out of your energy-generating blood cells and from your biofield.
Dr Young does not say what Sabrina says about DNA being the basis for contact-tracing and targeting you, he says it's the superconducting materials in the shots and in the chemtrails that are in your body, that form a platform allowing us to be contact-traced.
He also believes that all degenerative illness comes from these enviro-toxins and radiation.
Unless we can create a pro-human civilization, where everything isn't toxic, from the petrochemical-based agricultural fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, to the GMOs, to the chemtrails and the blood-clotting, to the incessant, malicious communications radiation...yeah.
All of this can be fixed and remediated but we need a pro-human, non-genocidal model to do that.
Yeah I'm afraid so! But you don't ever have to comply nor give your consent to Them! Ever, and then let the chips fall where they may! Some people will survive and some won't, if I don't survive the worst of what's coming, I'm OK with that, because I will never consent to living in the world that They are creating! I'm not living in fear and I'm not afraid!
Other than that, people have to do the best they can, eat healthy organic foods, don't put trash and chemicals into your body and keep your immune system functioning and healthy! Not being afraid and living in fear is key, that's why we have fear based news all over the place with "Divide and Conquer" agenda's going on all the time, because They know and understand that fear, living in fear and stress is damaging and deadly to our immune system!
Amil, exactly. Be afraid, very afraid is the message I received from under two minutes of the evening 'news'. The television is a mind control weapon. I hate t.v. and pedowood aka Hollywierd.
I don't own a TV or watch or consume anything Mainstream, whatsoever. This makes it impossible for me to interface with Normies but I'd rather that than to be a brainwashed pile of 💩.
Even when I worked in TV, I couldn't stand watching it and I would throw out my TV, even when the music videos I directed were on "High-Rotation" on MTV.
Horrible frequencies being blasted out if the box. Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS). Unbearable. You have to be a total zombie, not to feel the horror of it - but those who watch that sh¡t have become zombies, which means the project was a success! I have many loved ones who have fallen victim to this.
Yeah me too! The only TV shows I do like are old from the 1960's through the 1990s! But TV is definitely a mind control weapon! I enjoy the older TV shows and I believe if people are aware of what TV is and what the evil intent of TV is then people can control all of that and not allow what they see on TV control them! Knowledge is key! I look at TV shows like I'm watching a fictional book instead of reading it!🙂
The battery metaphor is not a metaphor. There are people who regard the planet (and regard us as part of it) as the battery that supplies them with what they need.
I've heard that HAARP-related tech can alter the Schumann Resonance or at least, cause spike in it.
I'm not a biologist - I mean geophysicist - not that an actual geophysicist could or would answer that question, because our science is all blackmailed shit.
If this is true, and we are now controlled by such demons, then the human experiment has failed. The powers-that-be, called by Gnosticism the Aeons, will cause the human race to be obliterated and rebooted. Nothing this monstrous will be allowed to live in God's universe. How can this happen, when so much goodness and beauty is possible? What accounts for such a gigantic screw-up? Who gave these "people" the right to create hell-on-earth?
It’s so anti-human, it isn’t human.
I didn't make a bazillion hyperlinks for no reason. This is not an "if" situation.
• https://hexa-x.eu/
• https://www.nokia.com/about-us/news/releases/2022/10/07/nokia-to-lead-the-next-phase-of-europes-6g-flagship-project/
• https://www.ericsson.com/en/news/2022/10/ericssons-major-role-in-ec-hexa-x-ii-6g-initiative
• https://www.bell-labs.com/institute/blog/hexa-x-the-joint-european-initiative-to-shape-6g/
It is daunting - and we've been hacked for much longer than we know...
I have been researching for almost 6 years mainly to stay alive from all the invisible weapons! I knew windows operating systems on human body during 2020. All of posting were cheering for it. As for i was just so ignorant and really ignored it! I am so appreciative that Forbidden News research and post them! It is going to be heart wrenching for knowing all these invasive 4th Industrial Revolution come to our living body! But keep optimistic please! We have so many people, researchers show only takes 3% of human up against these evil rulers and by then they fail for sure! Let's all have back bones to say No!
Nobody gives them the right & they do not care about our rights. We must all ban together & fight back against this. This is the incoming mark.
It's already here, the vaxxed people have the mark!
The powers that have "always been" have been working toward this agenda for destruction of humanity since the start. They are in fact power hungry, energy sucking, psychopathic, satanic peadophiles. If you have ever heard of mind control, this is "how" it has happened. Repetition and trauma, "chaos and order" gets humans in fear state and makes us all look outside of ourselves for a saviour- our biggest downfall! Humanity has been a form of experimentation/manipulation at the hands of politicians, religion, elites, secret societies, blood lines, war criminals, and paedophiles. It has been a slow creeping introduction of this horrific technology, as "that lot" see us as "hackable animals" (the words of one nasty piece of work- Noah Harari of the WEF)! We have been duped big time. BUT-WE actually have more power than they do, we have forgotten how to use it, but it is there. It could all be over if a few more people woke up- but this won't happen as many are fully indoctrinated into the new world order. We are our own saviours if we work together from the intention of harmony and self responsibility.
The problem is still too many are brainwashed. Good God how dumb can ppl be to still be getting the 💉after all that’s happened. We need to start (if there isn’t already one) an online group that is not on any social media platforms that they can monitor. Just a group of like minded friends sticking together who can count on one another for brainstorming, encouragement, friendships etc. if anyone does start one or are already a part of one, come back here & invite others! Stay safe & always trust your guts!
This is why you have to act locally and connect with your neighbors and hang out, face-to-face with your friends, as much as possible.
I’ve been very blessed to have moved to Asheville in early ‘21, where I was quickly able to find such a community, that meets monthly (officially) and members also meet socially, all the time.
Asheville is pretty devastated and poisoned by the flood but the community I’ve found here is so great, I don’t know where I’d rather be, because the people here are so great.
I have been watching on the ground reports from real humans that have survived the global cults attempt to destroy this area with weather warfare! It is heartwarming and a sign of understanding of their situation (no saviours) at the amount of community spirit and genuine support of each other, to get through very tough times. This is HOW we go forward, helping each other and working together to create a proper life. There would be no "events" such as this in prime earth, as everything would be in balance- as it was meant to be. How did you personally fare after the flood, were you left homeless?
Indeed people really do need to stop living in cognitive dissonance. It has got to the stage where the awakened souls can't continue to tip toe around this with the hands over their ears people. Shout it out loud. If "offence"🙄is taken by this approach, then there needs to be some understanding that they still have the "right" to take it as an offence. Even if the alternative view happens to be the TRUTH! Children continue to be satanically abused, trafficked, tortured and mind controlled (and the whole of humanity has endured some kind of abuse at the filthy hands of these psychopaths)! Nobody has a right to turn a blind eye to this, EVER! The only way to stop this is to face it. Then real change happens, and we can have a balanced earth. Anyway, I think your idea of an online group within a platform that can't be infiltrated by the fucking global cult sounds like a mint idea. When do we start??? I am in the Australian currently existing in the UK. It would be amazing to find other souls nearby that want to fight the good fight and live by the heart :)
Hi Sally, I would like to apologize for not getting back to you back when Al the crazy was happening. How are you guys in 2025? A lot has happened since 😷& 💉craziness. Blew me away at the ppl getting boosters after all the deaths & disabilities it caused. Ppl are still dying. Of course, they will never say what really caused the deaths. Thoughts on RFK,JR?
Richard… perfectly said! I concur…
I think part of the problem is that humanity in general has acquiesced through fraudulently-obtained, and therefore uninformed, consent. We need to stop consenting and complying.
Yes indeed, no consent and no complying! AND NO FEAR!!
fyi... Dr. Ana Milhacea put out a warnin' 'bout zeolites in Masterpeace an' then Michael Hazen threatened to sue her so that post got pulled... not sure what's goin' on with that battle but I found an' old remnant of the initiation of the disagreement here (fwiw)...
Either way, yup, Sabrina is right, we are just batteries like in the Matrix (eek!)
ps I doubt RFK Jr will even dare address this... this is way more woo than MAHA... we'll need someone within DARPA to undo this... not Bobby Jr's wheelhouse...
Maybe not. Bobby has more than one article about the dangers of 5G on his website.
true--still it's a HUGE leap ta go from fightin' 5G to fightin' the nano in our bodies that power the NFT Art of the elites who want us dead (after they've zapped ALL our power! in every way!) but given the lidar, the luciferase... I mean it's a real ball of wax but indeed it cain't hurt ta stay positive...
I think RFK is aware, but he's no fool and knows the public at large is struggling already with the info he's been disclosing about the Clot Shot, autism, etc. and can only handle so much trauma and shock at a time. Plus, he may very well think that if he discloses the nanotech info the powers that be will likely off him, and they no doubt have plenty of ways to do that (and Trump too) if they commit to that. Timing is a big part of this global chess game. What will really blow up the whole game is when or whether the public becomes aware of what the end results of the ongoing geomagnetic pole reversal will be, a regular 12,000 solar cycle that has caused global cataclysms in the past, about which scientists have now discovered and disclosed credible data. That can be found on the SuspiciousObservers youtube channel. It is one central reason why the current depopulation agenda has come about and what the elite are preparing for.
Because what are the elite planning?
The same kind of total control as the CCP has over China
Thx Daisy...I just posted a PSA about MP as well...
RFK Jr. has no clue about any of this...most in any position of power will never wrap their heads around it...and part of the reason is that it is not really a medical issue...it is a wetwork military OP. And you are right, it will take a carbon/graphene and graphene HYDROXIDE specialist/bioengineer/whistleblower within the diabolical military programs to expose it... they're still arguing about polio vaccines...we will be borgs by the time this insane info reaches critical mass...sorry, it will NEVER reach critical mass...they are not going to get this...and we are out of time...it sukkkkks...
I don’t see how you cannot have critical mass when you already have this (below and the many hyperlinks I included and the many more that simply would have overwhelmed the article) – and the trillions behind it and many buying into it, with their Fitbits, etc.
• https://hexa-x.eu/
• https://www.nokia.com/about-us/news/releases/2022/10/07/nokia-to-lead-the-next-phase-of-europes-6g-flagship-project/
• https://www.ericsson.com/en/news/2022/10/ericssons-major-role-in-ec-hexa-x-ii-6g-initiative
• https://www.bell-labs.com/institute/blog/hexa-x-the-joint-european-initiative-to-shape-6g/
Sabrina Wallace just ripped a new on on the PetVet & the BabySitter (i.e. the Mooster-piece Makers) AND on... MissPiggy (ha! she said it not me) & Hubs sellin' Sparkley Morroccan Baloney Chips (apparently they did sumthin' dirty to Sabrina behind the scenes tho' she ain't tellin' at least yet..).
Now I know even my mentionin' this might rub some folks raw b/c they're fans of zeeeee-o-lite & Moosterpiece Theater (which per Sabrina is like nano toxic dynomite in yer BodIeeeeee...an' Dr. Ana agrees....) but since it came up here...I'm'a lettin' her rip...damn the torpedoes! May the best non-treatmint win! (but at least it'll save y'all some $)
pps lead paint on the walls... REALLY? (notta good idea...gettin' the lead OUT is haaarrrd work!--not just on the walls but internally--that stuff's crazy-toxic)
He’s a doctor, I’m not. If it’s bound to the latex and you’re not eating it I think you should be good.
couldn't say--there are overcoat paints that are safe latex (lead abatement via encapsulation)-- I wouldn't risk it myself but there are copper infused EMF paints that do the trick (have not tried 'em myself but on my radar... ) even dried lead paint flakes, jus' sayin'--
If properly managed and maintained, it poses little risk.
When lead-based paint deteriorates however, it can become a hazard, especially for children under six years old. In this state, lead from the paint can be released into the air and dust, increasing the risk of lead poisoning.
The rub is "properly managed and maintained" over time...I'm not clear if you can just paint over it again, or if you literally have to hazmat suit up and strip the walls and clean up before repainting.
The attempt to create superhumans is always associated with psychic degeneration and failure. One process to be initiated is the obligation of states to create Wi-Fi radiation neutral zones or suspend them until technology allows. This is just my opinion, and I understand that even states cannot force human people to share an unnatural environment!
You have never experienced being railroaded by local politicians and their wannabe mercenaries. Whole family's can be taken hostage, and those doing the taking are never questioned in their kangaroo courts.
Exactly & they WILL do what they want. Our rights & feelings do not matter to them. We are all expendable if we don’t fall in line. Guess I’ll be expendable. We truly must all stick together & say no together. Go off grid.
I read a quote from Ron Paul the other day that was probably considered "common knowledge, common sense" to those who founded this country.
It was in effect: " We get our life from our creator, we get our liberty from our creator, it has nothing to do with the government issuing these things". Those in the special interest group cult calling or self identifying as Government or authorities, are not as amused by the idea of a creator as they are musing themselves with their own inventions. Covetous narcissist who Idolize their own inventions will never rule over a free spirit. They are too myopic to understand that life doesn't end with the body. I've been off grid since May, 2022.
Yes, our unalienable rights were enshrined in the laws of Ancient Britain and the Usages of Britain, which derive from Troy and Ancient Greece, and which form the basis of the common law on which our legal system is based.
But these bioweapons don't come under these laws. They come under military law - something I know even less about that common law, civil or criminal law...
Surely, as the supreme/primary legislation, the constitution - if it is still in force and we are not under CoG?! - would take precedence?
Yes! I've been saying this since their fake plandemic! Get off grid!
These programs are running into the ground far sooner than planned. Lockdowns and vax series were meant to be multi-year episodes leading up to 2030, by some accounts.
This is terrifying, diabolical shit.
Does anyone remember the vids going around during the beginning of Covid with that satellite dish installation tech or whatever he was, opening one of the dishes guts to show the words stamped inside? They read: "COVID-19"
They have put towers by Walmarts & assisted living homes & by areas where mass amts of ppl are for a reason….
they want older people dead immediately...unfunded liabilities and all...
In the EU, there's a whole movement to require special permission to live past 70 or 75 and there's a law that's being deliberated about this, there.
They want to complete their population/cultural replacement as quickly as possible.
also the router "thingies" inside the 5G towers had a "covid 19" label--thus connected with a signal... I think it was the bigger towers... I'm sayin' "thingie" as I have NO CLUE what the piece of equipment was but the tech fella said there were diff. ones for different frequencies an' that any tower could broadcast multiple frequences AT THE SAME TIME... diabolical is bein' generous here...
different frequencies to unload specific poisonous payloads in the nanocapsules that are in our bodies.
This is one of the best payload vids I've come across...
And they are poised for a marburg release...the frequency has been patented...vaxxes are ready to go...I'm surprised that CA just went with an emergency declaration for bird flu...thought for sure we were doing the Marburg thing...but I'm sure that is still in the Q
Here's a clip on Marburg...Zeee and Callender
Thx, Daisy...
Todd Callender saw Marburg was a line item in the NDAA of 2022 or 2023 that had already been allocated and paid for, so the materiel for that psyop is already waiting in the wings.
It's a question of how many grifts can you get in, before you can't grift no mo'!
this one's related an' enuf ta make yer hair stand on end--w/Lisa McGee (who works with Todd C)
Yes, Lisa McGee works on Todd Callender’s team and she was the one who actually stumbled on all of this that I quoted above.
Thanks for these links. 💖
Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in Law
......These clauses bypass the medical choice provisions of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
They violate the conclusions of Phase 1 of the Royal Commission on the pandemic which found that vaccine mandates hurt people and the economy.
They pre-empt the findings of Phase Two of the Royal Commission which has yet to examine the safety of COVID-19 vaccines produced via gene editing.
It empowers the Minister to make health decisions affecting all Kiwis on the say-so of foreign gene regulators of his choice.
The Bill is being passed under Fast Track legislation designed to prevent public discussion of its controversial provisions and adequate understanding of its impact by MPs. .....
Well that would be unconstitutional and would also violate the King's Coronation Oath; so it needs to be quashed before it becomes law, or attacked in court if it becomes law.
In the US, Hexa-X appears to be military doctrine - same as with the C-19 vaxx. The FDA “approval” dance was a complete, ridiculous PSYOP. This is why the FDA trials were fake and Brook Jackson’s Fraud case against Pfizer was thrown out.
The jab was never a pharmaceutical product; it was a DoD Medical Countermeasure, never requiring commercial FDA approval, at all.
The C-19 jab is 100% related to this Hexa-X jazz; same nanotechnology deployment agenda. In the US, it’s all coming from the Pentagon, so maybe that means it needs to be dealt with in the military courts?
This thing appears to be further advanced in the EU, BTW.
Yes, I agree about the Covid op being DoD led.
I have zero legal training, so this is just a guess; but I would imagine that we as civilians have no standing in military courts? Not knowing any better, I would go at it from the constitutional/USSC angle?
Like I said, this Hexa-X Project is a highly-funded military-telecommunications Titanic that's moving fast and we've got to turn this big ship around, somehow.
This is an anti-human agenda that may as well be alien, as suggested by Cyrus Parsa: https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/ai-the-plan-to-invade-humanity
Completely agree. I've been convinced for years that what we're up against is not human.
It's not human and it obviously hates human beings!
And suddenly the whole 'blood is life' starts making a lot of sense... the chalice of light, the chalice of blood... blood is light and light is energy... life.
Exactly! That's why they tried and succeeded with forcing the jab on people! One great deception that people agreed to and lined up to take! The vaxxed people have lost that light in their blood, which can explain the bizarre way many people are acting today and doing shit and saying shit that's completely out of character! I've experienced this with people that I'm close to! People are worried about shedding from the poison jab and just being around vaxxed people with casual contact, I'm not worried for myself! I would think that if you're pure blooded and unvaxxed and have a decent immune system then your immune system would take care of all of that! I think what really matters is if it gets in the bloodstream, and what better way than through a jab! In the end of all of this and at the end of the day, I think that what truly matters is if you are vaxxed or not, with the unvaxxed being a stark difference from the vaxxed people as in changes in DNA and those changes in DNA will show in the vaxxed people! vs the unvaxxed people! People can also do detox cleanses and fasts regularly to cleanse their body and blood!
Ability, getting into the bloodstream through the portal created by the hollow needle poking into the skin, that leaves a small hole/portal.
Stupid spellchecker, comment for Amil
😆 that's alright!👍
I was just scanning the pages of a Vanity Fair Hollywood "Who's Who" book, with photos of all the movie stars-and LO!...around the halfway mark was a photo of the Technocratic elite. About 30 people on the page. Buffet is in upper left hand corner, and his student-Billy Gates is in the lower right hand corner. The usual suspects (G00gle kingpins) are all there for everyone to see. And I believe this book was published in the early 1990's [***RTT correction: it was published 24 years ago...time flies!]. The Chosen photographer for the H'wood dream machine is as usual-Annie Leibovitz. I mention this because, hind-sight is most instructive when looking at the bigger picture. Since we know that a depopulation agenda, and total control of a human-slave hybrid is not some fantastic dystopian sci-fi narrative, we have a few options (for the brave of heart): Opting out. Living as far away as possible from the control-grid. Tax-revolt!... Afterall--we financed the Technocratic order. We paid for the grid. Next...?
Human blood is only one molecule different than cloraphile and that is iron. Sunlight feeds and heals us. The trend to cover all up in sunscreens was to weaken us. The videos in China showed us how easy the turning on of 5G killed people in the street. This is one fkkked up reality show. Any investors here to back up mass production on Ferraday (sp?) homes? Feels like there will be many plot twists to this that the developers have not seen or thought of yet.
Enigmatic proprietary, great idea, Faraday home. Could be combined with a Moon Cocoon which is a home you can build yourself with sand and very little lumber. The shape and materials allow for fire resistance and ability to withstand extremely high winds.
Engineered plans are available.
enigmatic proprietary....I might add, covering our blue skies with chemtrails everywhere, depriving us of the suns healing energy. Even at night, so we are cut off from our primal connection to the stars and the wonders of the universe. Canceling out everything that is positive, beautiful, healing and natural. Time to fight back.
I don't fight back. It's best to create something useful in a different direction. Not sure why but I get an image of large groups of people coming together for activities with no electrical devices.. kind of the opposite of what we see daily.. large crowds all with their face in the phone. Encouraging more group interactions, creating family days.. without phones... hard to do, right, as phone became our cameras too... WE volunteered by participating...
I almost never take my phone out of the house. I don't want to give the assholes any "hops" to the innocent bystanders around me.
Good idea FN, I leave my phone at home alot, and I never take it with me into a restaurant. If they don't have a paper menu, I don't eat there.
I just bought a faraday bag for my phone.. a few minutes ago!
Yeah, They'll probably shut down the internet and the power grid at the same time because shutting down the internet will keep us from communicating, and with no power and electricity people will start dying from temperature extremes and the elements! If They do this during the winter months, more people will die from freezing to death! I'm pretty sure that They've got more ways planned to take the majority of us out like that at one time!
Fighting back can also mean resisting, saying no with conviction, including a non-violent pushback by not participating as "enigmatic proprietary" mentions. This is powerful. But, are we ready whatever the cost?
Honey it's passed time to start fighting! The majority of humanity has sat on their asses too long already! People are too complacent believing that Donald Trump is gonna save them and save the day! 🙄 When the majority finally wakes up and sees that their "savior" "Zion Donny" has greatly deceived them, it's gonna be a painful thing for me to watch, a painful day is comin' I'm doin my best to prepare myself, especially my mind for the hard times comin!! The majority of Americans are gonna get a hard ass slap in the face and it ain't gonna be pretty!
Nice comment Amil. If you didn't know, the five-pointed star is the international symbol for Ziomism. Thank you Juri Lena, Book; Under The Sign of the Scorpion. The book that was on my laptop, somehow got disappeared.
No. The Star of David has 6 points.
The Satanic pentacle has 5 points, with one point at a 90º, pointing down, like the Goat of Mendes.
Look it all up.
My comment still stands. I didn't say anything about David or six anything. And yes Talmudic Judiasm = Communism = Satanism. You got that part right. I said Zionism.
You said "five-pointed star is the international symbol for Zionism".
I said no, the Star of David, the Israeli Flag (aka Zionism) have a six-pointed star. That is the truth.
The five-pointed star, oriented with one point facing straight down (aka the "Goat of Mendes") is the symbol of Satanism.
Not happening on my timeline!
You planning to be dead in the next 2 - 6 years? IF not, then yes, it is...
Yeah! That's exactly how I feel and what I'm preparing my mind for, if I'm unable to find a place offgrid! They will come after us, I do hope that the majority of people are aware of the noahide laws and what those are! That's just one of Their plans to take us out along with more forced poison jabs, so I would think that if you refuse the jabs, then you die, so I guess I'm gonna die then because I will never consent or comply!
I'm with you on that...thus my stack name!
For you maybe, not I. Learn how to empower yourself, Do Not Consent.
What makes you think I'm going to consent? Check my screen name. It's still happening on your timeline....consenting/complying or not is another topic entirely.
Such an awesome post; thank you!
I am currently writing a book on Revelation 18:23, which says the "light of the candle" (us) will be snuffed out by the merchants of the world through the pharmaceutical industry.
Everything confirms this in technicolor!
Your work is Soooo appreciated.
Thank you!
Excellent article and very informative. I read the following article yesterday that claims DNA doesn’t exist at all.
Then, you make this statement in this article,, “Since the entire system runs off your DNA, it cannot just be turned off. That action would turn you off as well.”
If DNA doesn’t really exist, then does the entire WBAN system become harmless to humans? 🤔
No, because you're still bathing, non-stop in carcinogenic radiation, that sucks electrons out of your energy-generating blood cells and from your biofield.
Dr Young does not say what Sabrina says about DNA being the basis for contact-tracing and targeting you, he says it's the superconducting materials in the shots and in the chemtrails that are in your body, that form a platform allowing us to be contact-traced.
He also believes that all degenerative illness comes from these enviro-toxins and radiation.
So, we’re all doomed whether DNA is real or not. 😳
Unless we can create a pro-human civilization, where everything isn't toxic, from the petrochemical-based agricultural fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, to the GMOs, to the chemtrails and the blood-clotting, to the incessant, malicious communications radiation...yeah.
All of this can be fixed and remediated but we need a pro-human, non-genocidal model to do that.
Yeah I'm afraid so! But you don't ever have to comply nor give your consent to Them! Ever, and then let the chips fall where they may! Some people will survive and some won't, if I don't survive the worst of what's coming, I'm OK with that, because I will never consent to living in the world that They are creating! I'm not living in fear and I'm not afraid!
Other than that, people have to do the best they can, eat healthy organic foods, don't put trash and chemicals into your body and keep your immune system functioning and healthy! Not being afraid and living in fear is key, that's why we have fear based news all over the place with "Divide and Conquer" agenda's going on all the time, because They know and understand that fear, living in fear and stress is damaging and deadly to our immune system!
Amil, exactly. Be afraid, very afraid is the message I received from under two minutes of the evening 'news'. The television is a mind control weapon. I hate t.v. and pedowood aka Hollywierd.
I don't own a TV or watch or consume anything Mainstream, whatsoever. This makes it impossible for me to interface with Normies but I'd rather that than to be a brainwashed pile of 💩.
Even when I worked in TV, I couldn't stand watching it and I would throw out my TV, even when the music videos I directed were on "High-Rotation" on MTV.
Horrible frequencies being blasted out if the box. Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS). Unbearable. You have to be a total zombie, not to feel the horror of it - but those who watch that sh¡t have become zombies, which means the project was a success! I have many loved ones who have fallen victim to this.
Yeah me too! The only TV shows I do like are old from the 1960's through the 1990s! But TV is definitely a mind control weapon! I enjoy the older TV shows and I believe if people are aware of what TV is and what the evil intent of TV is then people can control all of that and not allow what they see on TV control them! Knowledge is key! I look at TV shows like I'm watching a fictional book instead of reading it!🙂
Jason Christoff on mind control. Jason also has a video on mind-control and coffee.
My friend just told me he’s building (his job/work in telecommunications) 10G for 2026!
That's the speed the new nodes are capable of.
What have we done to our perfect creation? When 6G comes around I will quit all technology. This is like satan himself~
I have seen Satan's footprint built into the network.
The battery metaphor is not a metaphor. There are people who regard the planet (and regard us as part of it) as the battery that supplies them with what they need.
NVDIA to decentralize AI? https://x.com/thegrahamcooke/status/1869427504303481072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1869427504303481072%7Ctwgr%5Ee9972df949f3ca0dd27d7f1b2b571f864b01aee1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.godlikeproductions.com%2Fforum1%2Fmessage5878306%2Fpg1
What about Schuman Resonance with all this?
I've heard that HAARP-related tech can alter the Schumann Resonance or at least, cause spike in it.
I'm not a biologist - I mean geophysicist - not that an actual geophysicist could or would answer that question, because our science is all blackmailed shit.