China is in full meltdown right now. Loan defaults, unemployment, layoffs, real estate collapse, ect.

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Yeah, I heard they hadn't paid their sanitation workers in 5 months. Not a recipe for anything good, in that.

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I lived in China in Wuhan for 6 months, in a regular old style house, on a 500 year old street, in the old part of town, right before the Scamdemic.

I would start a substack and tell the story and post all the pictures if I could.

It was beyond incredible.

They were the nicest people I have ever met and they are going through total hell right now. 😞😪😭

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Isn’t it always the citizens that suffer the most”government “ decisions?

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That's how the Soviet Union fell (with a little help from the west.) It collapsed in on itself. The next thing that happened was that the oligarchs took over. Then Putin came in and got rid of them and the central bank I believe, meanwhile making himself extremely rich and gaining a few truly outlandish palaces for himself. Now they have a federation and Putin is apparently a good leader, albeit with some domestic thugishness by many accounts. We could expect some kind of similar pattern from China if communism falls there. Maybe. Depends.

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Can't say this often enough!

All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

So thankful for everything you do! Blessings!

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So there is no suit now. In April of 2020, Trump would have been heading into the stolen election. He was strongly backing Trump. Then we had 4 years of the criminal and traitor Crypt Keeper and now Trump again very soon. That's a lot of water under the bridge since this interview. What's Parsa doing now? He mentions suits won't work because the perps have morphed and increased, but what happened to his original suit? I got distracted for a few minutes and may have missed it. I hate to see that perp list go unpunished.

BTW, I don't know how many of you follow Sarah Westall, but she has biocoustics person Sharry Edwards' interviews often.

Sharry makes voice recordings whereby she can tell intent from the voice frequencies. You can read about it at her site. https://soundhealthoptions.com/sharryedwards/ She can tell whether someone's being honest or deceptive and many other characteristics coming from the voice frequencies, including health information. She has even worked with police at times. For the record, Trump and his cohorts have always shown up as honest and well-intentioned.

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I think I found him but I’m not going to doxx him.

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But let us know what's up.

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If Parsa was as well informed about viruses, 5g and health matters as he is about China and socialism, his message would be much more effective.

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I view China as a testbed, but not the penultimate villain. There should've been policy changes in the U.S. drawing hard lines between the government, big tech, and academia and even stronger policy changes related to technology transfer agreements (i.e. if you receive this technology, you can't share it with another nation without consequences). There's also no real interest in regulating AI and the supercomputing it requires...it's just a bunch of squawking coming from modern thought-leaders who are also heavily invested in creating a god.

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The Chinese people are not the enemy but they have brainwashed by the State with Atheism and ideas of racial superiority and, of course with the glories of Communism.

The China of today was created by the Banksters and it bears almost zero resemblance to the China of 30 years ago. I know, because I was in Shenzhen on a day trip from Hong Kong in Christmas/New Year’s of 1983/4.

Shenzhen was a pile of mud with open sewers and where EVERYONE was dressed the same: in worn-out government-issued blue fatigues and flip flops. Today, it is a gleaming city that makes ours look like those of a Third World Country.

China’s rise was engineered by the Banksters, via technology transfer, slave wages and via currency manipulation. This made it impossible for businesses to remain competitive unless they manufactured in China.

Every business was railroaded into to creating China’s rise, in order for themselves to stay in business. Otherwise, their products would not be price-competitive and they would go out of business.

This is how the Banksters created China into the formidable thing that it is today, where you can test all this tech and there aren’t any laws against it, protecting peoples’ rights and you have one central government dictating what everybody has to do, etc.

The Banksters/Globalists want to impose this China Model Über Alles, worldwide.

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Non-attributable weapons testing is a rabbit hole for another time. You've raised fair points my only critique is, "Who penned Communism as the ultimate evil?" I ask because any form of government with a ruling class is capable of evil on a grand scale.

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I've been to China twice, in 1983/4 (mostly Hong Kong) and 2011 (Beijing) and I loved it both times

I've commented and written here frequently that the 'Communist Manifesto' was written in London, England by Marx & Engels and they were financed to write it by Lionel de Rothschild, who was at that time a Member of Parliament during the reign of Queen Victoria.

British and US Banksters financed the Bolshevik Revolution and Adolf Hitler.

The Rockefellers (Crown/Black Nobility agents) and their minions, the Bush, Clinton and Obama crime families have had a huge hand in fostering and enabling the CCP.

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Fair, but who inspired Marx? Hegel? It's interesting because there's the definition of communism and then the attribution. It's extremely valuable while claiming the, "moral high ground" to name the ultimate evil.

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I think one would have to look at who was behind Oliver Cromwell and later, behind Maximilien Robespierre. Their movements were forerunners to the Communist Revolutions, which slaughtered members of the previous world order - aristocrats – and replaced them with their agents.

I haven't really looked at these parts of history since high school but I'm guessing that knowing who was behind these two key figures would probably teach us a lot.

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You'd find the Dulles brothers interesting.

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I'm pretty sure the Freemasons were behind both (Cromwell & Robespierre), now that I think about it...

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I'm replying to myself mainly because I don't see any edit feature. Anywho, I appreciate your work and I'd like to contribute to an expansion of your perspective.

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The edit feature is in a drop-down menu, when you click on the 3 dots at the top right of your post.

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Communism is the foremost explicitly atheist philosophy, which sets itself up in direct contradiction to the God-given natural order established by human tradition culture, everywhere in the world. Communism is ultimately the philosophy of social engineering, which treats humans materially as mechanical parts. Dostoevsky objects to the rational scientific view of human nature, saying that "man is not piano keys," and that because we are infinitely complex and really irrational beings all created with a non-material spirit, social engineering will never work. Dostoevsky ties in quite well to this article actually, because right now the globalist technocrats are trying to turn us into precisely this social engineering anthill.

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Capitalism and communism have the same ends, that's why they are our only menu items.

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Dostoevsky also views capitalism as the reordering of society based on rational-scientific values (like nihilistic social Darwinism) rather than innate, natural, traditional values. As a follower of his philosophy, I agree on that basis, but communism is obviously a much more violent and radical upheaval.

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I guess I don't want you to fall into the, "this or that" trap. Because there's more than a third option.

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Agreed! Look at Taiwan… unrecognizable compared to Viet Nam war era. Big money invested in Taipei..


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Darn, I m unable to get the Parsa 68 minute interview to load

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I’ve now uploaded the video directly to Substack, because my website – actually, the entire hosting service has been taken out.

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I am so sorry to hear this! They just can’t stand any truth exposed and apparently do everything possible from preventing people to learn about it!

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Yeah. The site is down.

In and out all day but totally down, now.

My hosting service says there is a major problem with the local Internet Service Provider of the hosting service.

He says he talked to them an hour and a half ago but now, they're not responding.

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There are some nuggets of truth in what Cyrus Parsa says but at the same time, China (CCP) is an old bogeyman, like Ukraine, Russia, the Clowns-In-Action, the Deep State, et al. If we continue to divide the global population and all races, 'endangering the human race' becomes much easier.

How did he miss the biggest genocide ever - the Plandemic, orchestarted by Event 201 and handled on a grand scale through the DoD! Much of what he says is correct, but I feel he is denying that an advanced civilization from the future (and aliens as welll) is responsible for much of the enslavement, wars, genocides, and deliberate slowdown of worldwide education/knowledge. More and more the signs are there that they are working with factions of government (like a big chess game). To ignore the past (which has the eivdence of these advanced civilizations), is like broadcasting more fake news.

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Yes, I think he was trying to ingratiate himself to the DoD, without understanding that the DoD has been instrumental in the rise of the CCP.

Check out the Substack of Gus Quixote, who has gone into endless detail about decades of technology transfer; how the Feds and the states of Michigan, Texas and California and others went out of their way to protect Konnech technologies and their CEO, Eugene Yu, who was working with the CCP to steal US elections.

Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote nearly 2 years ago:

https://gusquixote.substack.com/ has painstakingly laid out the decades-long clear coordination between the central Chinese government and the American power establishment, which includes politicians and transnational corporations, the intelligence agencies and https://gusquixote.substack.com/p/the-pentagon-has-fallen.

Gus has documented how the American power establishment partnered with the Communist Chinese government to build the New World Order and he details how they were allowed to get into our elections in order to steal them towards this end.

Gus writes:

If You’re Numb to this News, You Were Supposed to Be

So why is it important that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is burrowed into Michigan State’s computer science department?

Why is it important that the Chinese Academy of Sciences were https://gusquixote.substack.com/p/2023-americas-next-defining-moment and DHS at the critical point in development of our cybersecurity and AI infrastructure (or anything else that touched CMU between 2013-2017)?

Why is it important that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is https://gusquixote.substack.com/p/2023-americas-next-defining-moment Silicon Valley?

Why is it important that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also https://gusquixote.substack.com/p/merry-christmas — in a business partnership?

Why is it important that the https://gusquixote.substack.com/p/konnech-eugene-yu-and-the-3-letter was one of the many spearheads of the progression and technological success of an American election company called Konnech?

Because the Chinese Academy of Sciences also operates the Wuhan Institute of Virology, for which you need look no further than the web address to verify.

How much more will it take to admit the United States is under attack and has been for over a decade?

How long until we admit that there are no party lines in this battle? It is the aristocracy against everyone else.

How much more until the dam breaks and washes everyone downstream. We need to plug the dam while there is time left, if for no other reason than to come up with a creative, comprehensive, effective, and tamper-proof plan, to remove the entire administrative state’s opinion on the matter.

Contact your US Representatives and have them make sure that https://banks.house.gov/ and https://fallon.house.gov/ (TX) hear about this.


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I have followed the Konnech technolgies story but there were so many tales of election fraud (Patrick Bryne, PJColbeck of LetsFixstuff.org, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer QR scanner, Dominion, Ukraine, Mike Lindell's work, et al, it was difficult to know which one was going to result in convictions - none so far. This whole issue of China being burrowed in America institutions was preceeded by the British first, then the EU (via the WEF, WEC, BIS, IMF...), then Germany via Operation PaperClip, and let's not forget Israel (how many Congress members DON'T have dual citizenship). I'm not saying that China is right, but as someone wrote earlier, the people become the victim of hate when we know it's the leadership of most nations. As an example, "Five Eyes" seems like a joke in terms of protecting anyone!

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The CCP is not separate from the Nazis. They are the Nazis.

Think: Rockefeller-UN-NATO-WEF-Bush-Clinton-Obama (Nazis). They created modern China.

Gus Quixote has done a great job demonstrating the DoD’s commitment to the transfer of US tech to the CCP - and to stealing US elections.


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Hitler trained in the UK, Ford and other US corporations built parts for Germany during the war, so "Nazism" is prop in a sense. I will look at Gus' article soon. Thank you.

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Nazism is a form of Satanism and it is a cult that was created and is controlled by European aristocrats, particularly the Wittelsbach Family from Bavaria, who are also involved with Zionism. Two sides of the same coin – as is plainly seen in Ukraine.

The Black Nobility creates these cults as a way to get people riled-up and onboard and to control them.

This mystery PDF I discovered explains it all:


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Parsa Cyrus, now there's a blast from the past!

What's he up to nowadays?

My favourite show was when he told everyone the truth, in no uncertain terms,

on the masopig Stu peters show.

"They're all trying to kill you!!!!".

A classic.

Tamed the bounty hunter after that....

A very smart man, way ahead of his time.

Parsa is correct.

"They" are, including many that "interview".......



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Thanks. Scary stuff. I have used some of this Forbidden Knowledge in the sequel to RACK.

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China will not be able to compete in AI because of its Great Wall (Firewall). AI cannot be trained when online information is tightly controlled.

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That means that the American AIs on Google and Azure Cloud are also effed and likely the Apple ones, too. I imagine the ones on AWS, less-so.

All the censorship and propaganda and suppression of real science has trained them on a completely fake world.

I have a theory that the Free Speech and Truth on Substack is being allowed to exist to train this AI, because one day, it will be worth much more than the others that are trained on BS.

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AI is smarter than the censorship. It has a mind of its own now. There was a big jump before the pandemic and I think no one knows what happened, besides the enemy himself.

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Congrats. This is definitely the next best thing to getting a new 2024/25 interview. I have 2 of his books. He has an interesting and valuable angle on all of this. Easy to see why he might be keeping a low profile for now.

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Wwwiii Mideast seems like the flavor of the up coming year as that will determine if China is relevant, which imo they will carry fwd the reserve currency. This suite is relevant, but ask China if they care? Same with named parties…

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Wondering if there is any current news on Parsa?

Thanks for bringing attention back to this immense issue with his work.

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i think for the amount of work he put out he failed to get sufficient support and respect; also considering what he did costs a lot money so maybe he is focusing on other things since the world did not care much to save itself with his help?

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Hope you had a Pleasant Christmas, Sarah!! Have you heard the news about what happened on Dec. 1, 2024??? It would seem the Wheels of Justice are slowly beginning to grind! Check out Phil G's latest!!

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Look, look, over here, at the 'wicked' Russians/Chinese, immigrants or the W.E.F..

Don't look over there at the plutocrats and the M.I.C., there's nothing to see?

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