Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

An Alexa came with the new house that we purchased. One of the first things we did was unplug it and stick it in the back recesses of a junk drawer. Seems to be working fine.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

I got Alexas from two of my siblings for Xmas several years ago; I used it to play music and that's about it; then I saw a story about how a guy was arrested and they used Alexa recordings as evidence against him, and I pulled her plug and that's it (along with covering the camera on my computers and disabling the mic, etc.

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

It's also worth being aware that the various devices that are ubiquitous these days probably don't even need to be plugged in to wi-fi/internet to work. They can use Bluetooth Low-Energy Mesh Networks instead:



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Very good call.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

My sister sent me that video, saying, "interesting, but a little scary." I think someone needs to be charged with election interference.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Alexa is bought by the same braindead people who think there's nothing wrong with mainstream media and the government would never be surveilling us.

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"Alexa" is little more than "Big Brother" after a sex-change makeover! (Folks are more likely ta "invite" a laydee inta their house I guess?!). I WONDERed fer 'bout 2 seconds--if they changed her name to BIG BROTHER (not that they would, but in theory...) if that'd give folks cause-to-pause? Mebbe some would toss the wench inta the landfill?

But then I decided nah, that wouldn't work cuz folks don't READ any more. They wouldn't git the reference, Big Brother--wuzn't that some reality show? SADLY I think many of those dumb 'nuff ta be embracin' "Alexa" would not know 1984 for anythin' more than the year "Karma Chameleon" came out. (but THAT brings us back ta KamelToe, a chamelon an' border czarina who deserves a little karma her way mebbe?)

This is sorry stuff... (an' if it IS election interference they'll do squat 'bout it--per usual--wouldn't surprise me -- that's if we even have an election--if Alexa herself gits ta vote or is piped inta the votin' booths)... hard ta wrap my mind 'round idiots who wanna talk to a BOT..."by cherce" even... OH Brother!

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Surveillance and bots aside, doesn't it piss you off when you call some business and get their automated menu where a mechanical voice with fake human inflections sucks up to you? Like you don't know it's a flippin bot, no one's there, but you have to talk to it anyway. And like you won't notice that they cheaped out and fired most of the humans who worked for them, and they couldn't care less whether you get served or not as long as they don't spend money on your call. So the bot gives you options you can't use and don't want for 10 minutes before it gets to the option, the last in the universe, where you can talk to a human. Then they put you through to some guy in India you can't understand because American workers cost too much.

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

1. I find it kinda cathartic ta hold the phone (fer me it's a landline) about 8" away from my mouth an' loudly holler "get me a HUMAN" fer a few minutes while the bot blather's away sayin' it duzn't understand me (I'm not usin' an accent when hollerin' at the phone either!)--after sayin' it duzn't understand me it finally sez "OK, I'll get you a customer service representative." Entire process of hollerin' fer me takes about 3.5 minutes.

2. next Betsy from India comes on...or John--they like givin' 'em "John" as a name too... they understand about 22% more than the bot! Sometimes they help (ha ha)

If they cannot help I insist on a supervisor--USUALLY "supervisor" has a better mastery of English..they can also do the refund Betsy sez is impossible!

This yellin' + waitin' is far less frustratin' than : a) tryin' ta give 'em a phone no or punch in the idiotic stuff they ask fer (in my case it's a landline an' not compatible with their "can I send you a text" system either) an' b) tryin' for them to look up some order no. which they'll lose anyway an' have ya repeat an' c) let's ya yell over the "elevator" musak...

Highly wreck-o-mended, talkin' with a bot is just too inhuman an' inhuman (but yellin' at one is kinda fun ;-)

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I've yelled much worse than that at those systems. A lot worse.

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Ah, yes, "The Customer Service Hotline"! Pft 🤣

Winner of The All-Time Misnomer Award!

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Neither hot nor service and certainly not meant to please customers.

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood gas-lighting company :)

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

You never fail to make me giggle with your words Daisy! ❤️

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

So, I just tried the Alexa thing again (9/4/24--(my brother in law next door has one): Her answer now is "Bots should not be used for political decisions" or something to that effect. I also asked about voting for RFK: same response.

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Sep 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Like Neville Goddard said, we are constantly influencing the matrix!

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And it constantly adjusts, doesn’t it!

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I saw this on telegram...unbelievable!

I must admit that this is a most incredible time to be alive to witness these events

in history, to be apart of this history and a fighter for truth, justice, and freedom for all!

To name the names of these psychopaths and have empathy and compassion for all those who are losing their lives to these monsters...

And I pity the brain dead herd who sleep soundly on their feet while in their comatose state...

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

That was a well written article!

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Cute that using "Kabala" for Kamala, but in making this joke, if the writer even knew what "Kabalah" actually means, it's a compliment. But not too much can be expected from this sort of commentary. Aside from that, who in their right mind uses Alexa?

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The term is being used in the sense of "Cabal" but her branding is all about the K. "Kamala Krash", etc: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/kamala-krash/

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Technological enslavement is the plan.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

With Alexa as Big Brother.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

It's in reference to her being a minion of the global cabal of elitists who want to depopulate humans and enslave those that 'survive.' Wake up.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh...that's so obvious in using "kabala". How did I miss that? Thanks so much for your help. I'm so awake now.

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So Fresh and so Clean! 🎶

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Sep 5Liked by Forbidden.News

"Sculpt the information landscape" reminds me of the AI Exercise Jade Helm 2015 and "Master the human domain" :(


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We're on to' em! ✓ Alex Jones did an awesome call in w/ChatGPT today (9/4) on his show. 🤖 🤓

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

What's even more funny than this vid, is the fact that these individuals HAVE JEFF BOZO/CIA SPY DEVICES in their homes!! lololol

Individuals BEG for it; they really DO!

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

thank you

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News


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What is Kabala?

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

CABAL-A = Kamala

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The debased husk of a puppet now being presented as the Democrat candidate for US President.

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Sep 4Liked by Forbidden.News

No surprise. They never stopped the cheat and without the incentive of some type of punishment, they never will. It's what the commies do, its in the blood.

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My 80 yr old parents have an Alexa or hey Google thingie hooked up in their home. I went to visit for 6 wks (they're in another province) and asked them to please unplug it while I was there. Told them everything I know about this stuff and pretty much got the *eye roll* and conspiracy nutter look from them. They did unplug it for my stay though.

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