I have watched Sabina Williams vids on nonvaxer 420 web site. I dont know what to make of them but believe there is a good deal of truth there. I just dont know what is actionable?
I know a man ready to turn 102, goes thru life happily unaware, like Mr Magoo, off one plank and harmoniously on to another. He is totally unaware of any of this stuff. Lucky guy!!
I have included Bill Binney in my 100 painted portraits of whistleblowers "those who blew the whistle" art project years ago.
In the meantime, have some strange medical symptoms I have yet to figure out. Knowing about targeted individuals can make you paranoid and off track from reality, even though it IS a reality.
We only have so much time on planet earth this go around.
Thank you, so much, for catching us up-to-date on these two. I know I was surprised a few months ago to see they had married! I remember watching many of Horton's videos when she was under attack. Ole D. did a recent interview that exposes how sick a lot of this "behind the scenes" stuff really is!! I am sure they are a comfort to each other as they both have been through so much!!
If I am correct, Binney exposed the Russia hoax by showing the uploads from the DNC were from a drive (Seth Rich) not a hack. For that he retains hero status. I was at a local library meeting last year, under a five g tower and who knows what else, and my hands started breaking out with drops of blood in several places, and I felt pretty darn woozy. So the shit is real. Can’t imagine Binney’s suffering under constant attack, he gets a pass for whatever horrors they have perpetrated on his cranium.
Just because Horton has an ace resume doesn’t mean she isn’t some kind of weirdo - or doesn’t have a personality disorder of some kind. The fact that she is about 1/2 Binney’s age and obviously likes him undoubtedly made a big impression on the old gent and heck, going into a care home is nothing to look forward to. She accepts that he’s an old guy & he puts up with her very strange affect. If it were my dad I would have liked to see him settled in with someone warmer & fuzzier at this late stage than this strange Eastern European Bird. She is like something out of a Jerzy Kozinski novel. The situation is likely very awkward for Binney’s family. Having said that because of the oddness of the entire tableau I wouldn’t give this too much oxygen.
She's not just half his age. He probably has grandchildren her age. He was married to his first wife 6 years longer than Horton has been alive – and his wife died 7 years ago.
Once you accept that off-worlders have been here, are super-advanced and have tampered with our DNA and auras/energy fields, you will grasp the seriousness of what humanity has been facing. Our energy fields and our powers have been hidden from us so the govt.etc. has such control and advantage over us. Our minds can change our fields and reality. Do it!
Wow. You're the only person I've seen here who's not afraid to say that out loud. The Gov't has been lying to us for generations. They stole Tesla's work, so their technology is at least 50 years more advanced than they admit. Science says human DNA wasn't tampered with. So why can't they find the 'missing link'? Why did humans 'evolve' without fur that we would need to keep warm? Why aren't fish still crawling out of the primordial ooze and learning how to build houses? Nope; someone/thing much smarter than humans had a hand in it, and the Gov't has their hands busy trying to keep people docile so they don't freak out like they did during the 'War of the Worlds' radio show; hence fast food, the US Education System, TV, and now cell phones, keeping everyone fat, dumb, sick, and happy, watching cats dance and women put on makeup, so they won't want to become enlightened :~(
Henry Kissinger said, "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
The US Gov't has destroyed millions of peoples' brains, health, livelihoods, and lives Worldwide, with wars, nuclear fallout, geoengineering, GRAS [Generally Recognized As Safe] toxic chemicals in our soil/food/air/water, CIA/MK-ULTRA LSD, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Operation Seaspray biowarfare attack, radiation experiments on pregnant women & babies, and hundreds of other 'research' programs, without anyone's knowledge or consent, just because they could/can. They're rolling out 5G EMF radiation towers everywhere, with ZERO health studies. Do you really think they wouldn't use a DEW, like ...say... oh, those odd 'wildfires' in Lahaina, LA/Paradise CA, Talent OR, where it looks like the A-bomb fell, entire neighborhoods are decimated, but the trees surrounding them are fine? Where EVERYTHING is melted or burnt to ash, except things that are blue, even plastic umbrellas and trash cans? Nah, they would never :~/
I knew of Catherine Horton years before she met Bill Binney. She was being watched and surveilled and gang stalked. It sounded very scary and then she was being attacked with frequency weapons at night. She was married and lived in London at the time and there was an adult daughter. Then she did a number of interviews with Deborah Tavares and another gal—I can’t remember who that was atm. Then she did a series with Bill Binney and later I read they’d gotten married. I did see one clip of them from that time and it did feel “off” to me. He was being tortured all night long with these frequency weapons and he had implants in him. It just seemed too unbearable. I’ll listen to interview tomorrow. I am fading here…
That's exactly it. It's so horrible, nobody wants to look.
I saw a video 5 years ago and I couldn't bear it, because all the COVID BS was unfurling at the same time and I was overwhelmed with horror, already.
But when Bill Still posted this again last week, I was determined to power through it.
It was not a rewarding experience, at all.
On the one hand, I'm sorry to put people through this story, on the other hand, I feel irresponsible if I don't cover it and I do want more eyes on this, especially from people more trained in abusive situations, because there may be actual malfeasance, here.
As I say, I've supported Binney's efforts for many, many years.
You think Catherine might have some borderline personality disorder? Bill Still I thought really wasn’t taking it seriously. It was a strange exchange, for sure. I have always liked Bill Binney. If the NSA had just used his thin thread technology a whole lot more of the bad guys might have been rounded up.
I have had two incidents that seemed as if I had been assaulted vibrationally. Scary as hell. But I survived them. Way different than what Catherine describes she has endured and others that have been targeted. I don’t know if you know of Suzanne Maher of Bye, Bye Blue Sky. She was a beautiful gal and really into informing folks of Geoengineering. Lived in Ontario and had a couple of billboards up with the trails and crap. She was very active with a big following. According to a friend that knew her, she was hit badly in her home and I think she passed. This is a few years back.
This is a sordid affair . Nerds are us .tech geeks ...you gotta watch um. How will catherine react when big Bill. B starts hangin with tulsi showing her all his junk in the trunk ...madness ...MADNESS!
Complicated people spending too much time on details, as far as I am concerned I never liked math or mathematicians. The problem is far more profound than they seem to think.
I have watched Sabina Williams vids on nonvaxer 420 web site. I dont know what to make of them but believe there is a good deal of truth there. I just dont know what is actionable?
I know a man ready to turn 102, goes thru life happily unaware, like Mr Magoo, off one plank and harmoniously on to another. He is totally unaware of any of this stuff. Lucky guy!!
I have included Bill Binney in my 100 painted portraits of whistleblowers "those who blew the whistle" art project years ago.
In the meantime, have some strange medical symptoms I have yet to figure out. Knowing about targeted individuals can make you paranoid and off track from reality, even though it IS a reality.
We only have so much time on planet earth this go around.
Id like some peace of mind and happiness.
Thank you, so much, for catching us up-to-date on these two. I know I was surprised a few months ago to see they had married! I remember watching many of Horton's videos when she was under attack. Ole D. did a recent interview that exposes how sick a lot of this "behind the scenes" stuff really is!! I am sure they are a comfort to each other as they both have been through so much!!
The plausible and likely accurate explanation is not for the faint hearted.
If I am correct, Binney exposed the Russia hoax by showing the uploads from the DNC were from a drive (Seth Rich) not a hack. For that he retains hero status. I was at a local library meeting last year, under a five g tower and who knows what else, and my hands started breaking out with drops of blood in several places, and I felt pretty darn woozy. So the shit is real. Can’t imagine Binney’s suffering under constant attack, he gets a pass for whatever horrors they have perpetrated on his cranium.
Just because Horton has an ace resume doesn’t mean she isn’t some kind of weirdo - or doesn’t have a personality disorder of some kind. The fact that she is about 1/2 Binney’s age and obviously likes him undoubtedly made a big impression on the old gent and heck, going into a care home is nothing to look forward to. She accepts that he’s an old guy & he puts up with her very strange affect. If it were my dad I would have liked to see him settled in with someone warmer & fuzzier at this late stage than this strange Eastern European Bird. She is like something out of a Jerzy Kozinski novel. The situation is likely very awkward for Binney’s family. Having said that because of the oddness of the entire tableau I wouldn’t give this too much oxygen.
She's not just half his age. He probably has grandchildren her age. He was married to his first wife 6 years longer than Horton has been alive – and his wife died 7 years ago.
Maybe Horton was assigned to manage him….weirder stuff has happened. Sorry for getting carried away…
methought THIS too!
Once you accept that off-worlders have been here, are super-advanced and have tampered with our DNA and auras/energy fields, you will grasp the seriousness of what humanity has been facing. Our energy fields and our powers have been hidden from us so the govt.etc. has such control and advantage over us. Our minds can change our fields and reality. Do it!
Wow. You're the only person I've seen here who's not afraid to say that out loud. The Gov't has been lying to us for generations. They stole Tesla's work, so their technology is at least 50 years more advanced than they admit. Science says human DNA wasn't tampered with. So why can't they find the 'missing link'? Why did humans 'evolve' without fur that we would need to keep warm? Why aren't fish still crawling out of the primordial ooze and learning how to build houses? Nope; someone/thing much smarter than humans had a hand in it, and the Gov't has their hands busy trying to keep people docile so they don't freak out like they did during the 'War of the Worlds' radio show; hence fast food, the US Education System, TV, and now cell phones, keeping everyone fat, dumb, sick, and happy, watching cats dance and women put on makeup, so they won't want to become enlightened :~(
Henry Kissinger said, "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
The US Gov't has destroyed millions of peoples' brains, health, livelihoods, and lives Worldwide, with wars, nuclear fallout, geoengineering, GRAS [Generally Recognized As Safe] toxic chemicals in our soil/food/air/water, CIA/MK-ULTRA LSD, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Operation Seaspray biowarfare attack, radiation experiments on pregnant women & babies, and hundreds of other 'research' programs, without anyone's knowledge or consent, just because they could/can. They're rolling out 5G EMF radiation towers everywhere, with ZERO health studies. Do you really think they wouldn't use a DEW, like ...say... oh, those odd 'wildfires' in Lahaina, LA/Paradise CA, Talent OR, where it looks like the A-bomb fell, entire neighborhoods are decimated, but the trees surrounding them are fine? Where EVERYTHING is melted or burnt to ash, except things that are blue, even plastic umbrellas and trash cans? Nah, they would never :~/
Not to mention mind-invasive and physically destructive electronic weapons, and theft of intellectual property, & Zeresetzung, modern American Style
Let's not forget when they changed music from nature's 432Hz to the bone-jarring 440Hz, that actually makes one's mind numb... or is that dumb?
They are using them daily.
Gotta make room for their 'Smart' cities, like LA 2.0 and Lahaina, which Hawai'i's governor signed in 2018 }:(
I knew of Catherine Horton years before she met Bill Binney. She was being watched and surveilled and gang stalked. It sounded very scary and then she was being attacked with frequency weapons at night. She was married and lived in London at the time and there was an adult daughter. Then she did a number of interviews with Deborah Tavares and another gal—I can’t remember who that was atm. Then she did a series with Bill Binney and later I read they’d gotten married. I did see one clip of them from that time and it did feel “off” to me. He was being tortured all night long with these frequency weapons and he had implants in him. It just seemed too unbearable. I’ll listen to interview tomorrow. I am fading here…
That's exactly it. It's so horrible, nobody wants to look.
I saw a video 5 years ago and I couldn't bear it, because all the COVID BS was unfurling at the same time and I was overwhelmed with horror, already.
But when Bill Still posted this again last week, I was determined to power through it.
It was not a rewarding experience, at all.
On the one hand, I'm sorry to put people through this story, on the other hand, I feel irresponsible if I don't cover it and I do want more eyes on this, especially from people more trained in abusive situations, because there may be actual malfeasance, here.
As I say, I've supported Binney's efforts for many, many years.
You think Catherine might have some borderline personality disorder? Bill Still I thought really wasn’t taking it seriously. It was a strange exchange, for sure. I have always liked Bill Binney. If the NSA had just used his thin thread technology a whole lot more of the bad guys might have been rounded up.
I have had two incidents that seemed as if I had been assaulted vibrationally. Scary as hell. But I survived them. Way different than what Catherine describes she has endured and others that have been targeted. I don’t know if you know of Suzanne Maher of Bye, Bye Blue Sky. She was a beautiful gal and really into informing folks of Geoengineering. Lived in Ontario and had a couple of billboards up with the trails and crap. She was very active with a big following. According to a friend that knew her, she was hit badly in her home and I think she passed. This is a few years back.
As far as I can see, your suspicion is well-founded. These people, including Wallace, seem to perform like actors.
lol, oh stop, Wallace, thot the same thing, but then CIA are ruthless.
I guess I should watch the video or read the transcript before I comment... huh.
I thought that these two were an odd couple and something about it seems off.
This is a sordid affair . Nerds are us .tech geeks ...you gotta watch um. How will catherine react when big Bill. B starts hangin with tulsi showing her all his junk in the trunk ...madness ...MADNESS!
Complicated people spending too much time on details, as far as I am concerned I never liked math or mathematicians. The problem is far more profound than they seem to think.
LOL. I am also a mathphobe. Blecch.
Remember that old saying, Alexandra?:
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
One of my 'heroes', Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, was interviews by Dr. Horton in 2018......
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell - Special Investigators (Stop 007)
Anything and everything 'Dr. Farrell' is always awesome!