I still don't how you do it day after day with little to no pay after being brutally censored but just to let you know Alexandra, you are admired and appreciated.

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I have no life but I have to do what I can, as someone with communications skills to stop this Rockefeller-Communist NWO garbage.

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Yes you are!!!

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She looks like Al Sharpton, but, whatever, good on her. I've had the same question, Alexandra, WHO "greenlighted" them to target LEOs? They keep saying that but who is behind that? Suddenly this is all the news, so that, number one, makes me suspicious that we're being distracted from something bigger or worse, but also it makes me wonder whether the gang thing has been "greenlighted" to stir shit up until the Dems can say, "We have to declare martial law, lock us down, and cancel the election. Everyone has been predicting---from Martin Armstrong to Clif High to the astrologers and tarot readers on Beyond Mystic that September is going to be hellacious. Our world is in labor pains, folks. We have to be midwives and get the new world born!

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My retired Military Intelligence/Special Ops Marine Captain friend tells me he thinks that a lot of this is a distraction from the vaxx genocide operation.

Some of the predicted horror that you're talking about may have been averted by the re-scheduling of Trump's sentencing last Friday to after the Election. I'm told that Trump's arrest/incarceration would have activated the ~10 million highly-trained military veterans still alive in this country into a complete, knock-down, drag-out civil war with the invaders and the Dems. (But I thought that's what they wanted?)

I'm still wondering if that delay deal was related to Hunter Biden's guilty pleas on Friday? His sentencing for that case is a week after the Election. He has another sentencing for another felony case in December. Would Trump pardon Hunter, if he gets in?

Also, what few know is that at least two major bombing and mass-shooting events were stopped during the DNC Convention in Chicago and that at least 20 arrests made but this was not reported in the news, at the behest of the Biden Regime. They didn't want anything to "besmirch the image" of their event (as if! LOL).

But it is, essentially Red Dawn. There are thousands of trained Chinese military troops on US soil right now, 300k Islamic extremists who have come in over the past 3 years, hundreds of whom were well-known and on the Terror Watchlist.

Juan O Savin says that in addition to all of the above, there are pallets and pallets – billions and billions – of paper dollars that are about to be shipped-in to the US and handed-out to these invaders for them to spend and to buy whatever, that will completely demoralize the American populace and completely implode the value of the US dollar, so he advises us to get as much of our cash into tangible assets, in order wait-out this harrowing operation, which he describes as being modeled after the operation that he personally worked on against Russia during the 1990s, which was absolutely brutal. Revenge/karma. It's on.

Who do you think is behind Venezuela and Tren de Aragua? It's China & Russia, as far as training but Tren de Aragua is also allied with the largest Brazilian gang, Primeiro da Capital, which is owned by the Imperial House of Brazil, Orléans-Braganza that are also involved in human trafficking, which is a specialty of Tren de Aragua. The Brazilian gangs' signature is to use minors to commit crimes, because in Brazil, they would never be tried as adults (in order to keep that scam going). Anyway, that was who robbed several gun stores in Colorado: 13 and 14-year-olds!

The Primeiro da Capital Brazilian gang is also allied with the Sinaloa Drug Cartel (just like Hillary Clinton's favorite law firm, Perkins Coie).

The Sinaloa Cartel is partially-controlled/owned (i.e., has some of its money laundered via the Vatican Bank) by the aristocratic Ruspoli Family in Rome.

All of the above is what is known as "the Deep State". It's a bunch of bigtime, longtime criminal aristocrats, using highway robbers and gangs and who have controlled our planet for millennia by being absolute bastards.

More here: https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/the-black-nobility

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Love dat laydee--she got SPUNK! (tellin' it like it is--may she wake up more sleepyheads)--speakin' of the "snoozers" yer oh too right--sleeper CELLS all over the USA--I had no IDEAR that many are HQ'd in Brooklyn (my home 'til oh too velly recently)--take a gander here--site is kinda messy but the evidence is there!



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I've read also that the gearing up for "the next pandemic" is also to cover for the coming demise of vaxxers in the next year (it WAS said that in about 3 yrs, they'll start dropping like flies). They can blame mpox and zika and whatever and even get a few of the NPCs to take even more vaxes!

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Sep 8Edited

We need more strong, vocal citizens that are not ashamed or scared to speak the truth of what we are facing in our country. The Democratic Party is no more! It has gone to the far side and will not come back. Power is an elixer that eats the brain from the inside out. We will be facing existential decisions very soon on which way this country will respond. We have 2 choices, choose to fight the evil that is in our backyard, or look away and watch the total destruction of it.

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Didn’t we read just a few weeks ago that the black nobility of Europe is at the root of all gang activities? This is just the chaos they are creating to divide and conquer so that they can come in and Ave the day- like they always do -and always have down. Hegelian dialectic- question is - is this enough for the collective to stand up to them?

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You are 100% correct. Please see my long reply in this thread to Aelred. I am told that there are millions of highly-trained US Military veterans who are absolutely seething right now and waiting to go off on all of these m-fers. So, the answer to your question is "Yes".

Everyday people, like you and me should be legally armed and prepared to defend ourselves in our homes but we don't have the skills to go out and tangle with hardened, psychopathic criminals (some of whom are alien hybrids, according to Kerry Cassidy - and to one of my contacts, crazy as that sounds).

There are still several million retired veterans alive in this country from (what was?) the best-trained military of the world and they're programming may soon be activated.

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Oh! BTW - I bought the book you suggested, which I don't have time to read right now, 'Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism' by Kerth Barker. OMG, just the Table of Contents and his other titles - how have I never heard of this guy? I wish I had a day off. I wish I had an hour off...

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For some reason my likes aren't working again on my windows 7 computer? So sorry about that. I also wanted to acknowledge you didn't bring up the constitution, but referred to the black nobility and vatican, and rather than just post the 1790 constitution that refers to them I added them all.

Here is the link to where this and much other information can be found you may find interesting (or not), it would be in the third section down.


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As to some of the criminals entering the country doing stuff like occupying apartment complexes, they may well be slaves of alien hybrid satanists in the Black Nobility we know own the cartels. We know this group has mind controlled slaves who function as assassins, criminal agents, traffickers and provide all kinds of illicit services including deviant sexual practices. Seems like a no-brainer. I doubt the criminals are hybrids themselves, because those seem to come from the parasite "elites," not the lower rungs. Lower rungs are slaves.

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I read that book. Spoiler>>>> The author says that the "aristocrats" who are satanists are INSANE, have literally insane, delusional ideas about themselves and everybody else, are not in any way advanced, couldn't get out of a paper bag without their hired flunkies, want us all dead and are trying as hard as they can, and are likely related to grey aliens/reptilians. There are levels of them with different goals, understanding levels and practices. Some are there due to greed, some are looking for psychic powers, some are just going along to get along. They fear each other's betrayal. They are still in control. Everything is about secrecy. The way, the author says, to defeat them is to turn up our own spiritual level, not try to win violently but keep up a threat of violence coming from some quarters. And he further says, they will lose and they aren't strangers to that idea, so they want to get us under before we all find out about them, something which would terminate them.

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Just ran across this reply you wrote. I can't tell who you were speaking to, but wondered if it was to me. I have read Kerth Barkers books and suggested them several times over the past 8-9 years. With all the rabbit hole diving into pedogate, adrenochrome, illuminati info shared online by dozens of people, not one has ever mentioned or featured this guy. His descriptions of growing up should be easy to confirm or blow open, for a decent researcher. Still.... not a word!

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I was replying to my old friend, Joanna, who recommended it on another comment thread I guess last week.

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Thanks for replying. Kerth had a website I left a comment on after reading his first book, "Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers." I have gone back a few times since then to see what may be new. It's gone. I just searched for it and him.... and most links are dead. One page on Whale... all links are dead, but you can get an idea of what his life was like by the bit they published: http://whale.to/c/cannibalism9.html Site is not secure.

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wow - thanks - I did manage to find all his websites last time I looked a few months ago when I originally stumbled on his books - and now I guess they are being scrubbed. They may have finally suicided him. Who knows? I gobbled his books up like candy for the incredible truth they contain - even though it sent me to bed for a 2 week assimilation process, as all the major realizations have done.

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The SSL had expired but the host company fixed that so, now secure.

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He exposes the cannibal layer of "society" - which makes a mockery out of our legal system - what I mean by that is - that since there is a whole branch of trafficking going to cannibalism, only some people get imprisoned for murder when they kill another human while others just get to eat people just cuz and that's ok!

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They control all the authorities.

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You can download that book from Anna’s archive if you can’t afford it. I can’t afford all these books that I have to read to keep up with what the hell is going on. Just FYI

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If you put a book title in Presearch, you can often find a ebook of it. I just downloaded Heritage of Stone by Jim Garrison, which isn't available or is out of sight in cost...Amazon sells it for $181. I think it's been out of print for a long time and they're working with original copies. That's what it looks like anyway.

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Anna's archive?

I found if on amazon for $7.99 or $2.99 kindle which isn't bad, but I agree it is too spendy to buy them all.

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annas-archive.org is a database of pdf books

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Thanks for this link to Anna's Archives. New to me. Saving it for future use.

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Thank you! I'm back on win 7 again and can edit and reply but not like? So I'll get you on the next round of win 11 lol

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Nice story and keep up the great work! I'm lumping everything into this one comment so sorry it's long and mixed.

I haven't been here or reading much lately, and even though I'm not supposed to vote anymore as a I'm no longer 14th amendment U.S. citizen legal fiction, I couldn't help wanting to hear her live after reading your article. I do have a different take on Trump who will still be working for the British Territorial government services Incorporated (or 2nd body of the federal government and incorporated, but won't go into that here but will post the 1787, 1789 British Territorial, and 1790 Holy Roman Empire aka Vatican constitution links below.

Why I'm responding is I took the time to even read the comments and really like your reply to the first one, and why so much above. It was this reply and reference to the book apparently Joanna suggested and I just read the introduction to on amazon. It provides a lot of the information regarding the black nobility, vatican, gangster bankers ,and royalty to the dark magic I've know about, but takes it more in depth.

1787 Constitution of the United States (1787)


This one is important as it specifies "the" vs "The" legal terms and definitions I have an AI chat I'd forgotten as my files are so unorganized and on multiple unlinked computers. The would refer to the American government vs Federal government as seen in the 2nd link only 3 pages.



the is left out of this one for United States of America's Constitution of 1789


the is back in this one Constitution of the United States of America... in Convention, May 29, 1790


Why I always have to ask which constitution people are referring to like a comment here https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/another-trip-around-the-sun/comment/67913449?utm_source=activity_item

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AIM4Truth.org says that Coutts Bank, which is the bank of the British Royal Family are the ones who paid Trump billions of dollars for their investment in TRUTHSocial, so there’s definitely evidence for what you’re saying.

I’m never going to tell someone not to vote, though.

You do you, that’s fine.

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I found the article you speak of


There are videos and pictures of Trump in his masonic robe, and one sketchy video I think I saw on Dustin Nemo's the seraphum.com site about his Scottish rite ceremony.

Only time will tell with all of it.

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Trump was actually the least point of my comment, but I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone not vote either, that's the main privilege afforded U.S. citizens allowing them to vote for chairman's of the board, just like for any corporation of which all portions of our government are.

A pdf of the many Dunn and Bradstreet numbers of the U.S. corporate government and most of it's major agencies, States and the capitol's, and U.N. and it's several agencies.


Yes, we all do us as we see fit for ourselves. It's a choice we make of which most people are unaware it's been made for them. I just choose to be an American vs a British territorial U.S. citizen legal fiction, living in America under the Residency act. I just find it amazing that most researchers are unaware we have multiple (ooops corporations) constitutions, and had four bodies of unincorporated government until the south walked out of session. Nor that it's never mentioned that one of the reasons South Carolina and the other states seceded was due to the election of a Lincoln that fell under the since removed 13th Amendment which did exist.





Our history has been rewritten by these globalist elites, and as long as we continue to stay under their jurisdiction and allow our government to exist within it, elections won't give us our country back. However which side ultimately rules it does make a difference. Is it an election or a selection?

I'm sure you've read the Protocols and Waters Flowing Eastward, and that would be what I was referring to regarding Trump, as it's mentioned the final phase would be the election of a Businessman or woman, and something I was concerned about when I first voted for Trump in 2015 and 2019. As I've not filed my 928's to the proper agencies regarding my status and it's only on file in the Minnesota Assembly recording office I may still actually vote for him, but I'm pretty sure he will hold office regardless. I'm more concerned if I don't vote, someone will be voting for me as that's one of the notifications of cancelation regarding my voters registration.

I may just be an idiot with a GED, but all my info and knowledge comes from various well researched sources, of which yourself is included. I then do my own research to try and verify what's being said. What I've come to find is that no one has everything right, but one can take bits and pieces as they go to formulate as accurate a picture to defend themselves against the onslaught we're facing. How we all choose to deal with it is as you said, up to one individually. Finding common ground to stand on is what will defeat them, but knowing which jurisdiction one's in can make a difference whether it's on the Land and Soil above all other Jurisdictions like our Sovereignty related to this country was won by the Force of Arms when we won The War of Independence, and it was settled upon this nation by William Belcher, a Colonel in the Continental Army, and of which he inherited Sovereignty in his own right in England as a result of the Norman Settlement, which granted each of the Norman Barons sovereignty in their own right and their own kingdom in England.


Or in the Sea Jurisdiction under Maritime/Canon law where all U.S. citizens reside and more so due to the birth certificate fraud, of which there are no statutes of limitation on fraud.

Let alone the Air Jurisdiction few know about controlled by the Vatican.

At any rate much peace and success

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THANKS. You might enjoy this interesting dive into the origins of the elite I just ran across: Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Our Hidden Rulers are Phoenician


He says:

Note: I highly recommend reading the original essays, all seven of them (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and maybe more to come. These excerpted reviews were meant for the tired, hustled and weary masses. They are not teasers, and they gives away all the important details. Last Updated on April 20, 2022 by Hamad Subani

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Hillgal, you aren't following the post paths correctly as mine was to forbidden news. If you follow the line straight above each post it will lead to the post replied to.

Thank you for the additional information one can never have enough resources.

Yes they have roots back to the Phoenician, Sumerian, and even further back of their money making scams and funding both sides of conflicts, and bribing, blackmailing, and/or bankrupting those in power.

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Thanks Kelly. I got in a rush and missed the lines, which are a very light gray. Old, heavily used eyes here. Appreciate all your comments.

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Spookdblog.com results are in Trump is still CIC

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I hoping you're right, because all I've seen the in-service military we pay for accomplish in past 25 years (when these veterans were likely serving) is bioweapon development and mandated implementation targeted to decimate the population and the military itself, cooperation with CIA provocateurs, notably on 911 and in the near two decades of middle east wars that followed, standing down in 2020 for a stolen election they well knew was stolen, and now pushing Marxist agendas of DEI hires and promotion of trans freakery. Not once do I recall the military standing up for the people and the Constitution they swore to uphold.

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Yes, the sleeper cells. I am intimately familiar...

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I'm reaching out to bring light to an unprecedented legal battle with far-reaching implications for intellectual property rights, due process, and constitutional protections. In March 2021, I filed a revolutionary VR treadmill patent, US 11,577,177, which was stolen directly from the USPTO upon filing.

My name and this very patent are now listed at the top of Netflix's US Patent 11,810,254, granted on November 7, 2023, for the EXACT same technology — filed just 12 days after my initial application.


This technology is essentially the 'holy grail' of VR/AR, the metaverse, military training simulations, and virtual film production.

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/potential-military-and-ai-applications <-- Military use cases

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/2021-2023-building-business-and-prototype <-- Me building prototype

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/consider-this-an-official-introduction <-- My working prototype

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/google-steals-infiniset-name <-- Google steals my company name

The U.S. State Department, DARPA, DIA, Air Force, and multiple other defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin, Janes Defence, Forcepoint, 3Gimbals, along with many others all appear to be directly involved in the targeted destruction of my future as a whole due to the vast implications my patent holds in military training simulations.

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/linked-in-search-count-graph <-- Unbelievable 'post-facto' analysis I conducted

The Hennepin County District Court is currently depriving me of due process and constitutional rights through a blatantly false determination of incompetency, with the clear goal of 'disappearing' me into a mental institution under the guise of being 'psychotic.' The enormous financial stakes tied to my stolen patent and the court's unprecedented actions demand broader attention.

I urgently need support to expose these unconstitutional actions and bring justice to my case, which could set a dangerous precedent if left unchecked. The integrity of our legal system, the protection of intellectual property, and my future itself are all at great risk currently.

MN Federal District Civil Rights Case -


8th Circuit Court of Appeals Case -


My Substack -


My Personal Portfolio Page -


My completely compromised defense attorney 'CLR Bruce Rivers' whom I've known for over twenty years -


is either being paid off / threatened / highly incentivized, but he REFUSES to withdrawal from my case despite multiple direct requests, being named as defendant in my federal lawsuit, a pro se filed 'motion for substitute counsel', and a HUGE list of 'issues' overall which prove he is not working on my behalf at all - he will not even take any of the actions I have suggested such as a neutral examiner, a competency hearing, etc.

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/clr-bruce-rivers <--- Defense attorney is working against me


Here is my second to last filing into my MN Federal District case which is rather profound as the defendants and the court MUST address this point to maintain any sort of credibility as I have irrefutably 'trapped' ALL of the defendants with ZERO DEFENSE OF MY FRAUDULENT DISCOVERY CLAIM AGAINST THE COURT ITSELF


^^^ "The situation you have constructed is effectively a 'checkmate' in legal strategy" ^^^

If anyone can help bring more attention to this case (blog post, independent media coverage, videos, etc) or offer legal assistance (amicus curiae briefs, civil rights, or criminal defense support), it could make a significant difference.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for interrupting the comment section with unrelated content but I am very worried about what is taking place for obvious reasons.

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You go girl tell those evil demonrats that We The People are their boss and cheating isn't gonna help them this time because we all gonna vote conservative all down the ballot. TRUMP IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR AMERICA TO SURVIVE IF THEY PULL OF THEIR ELECTION FRAUD SCHEMES AGAIN WE ARE DOOMED.


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Interesting times indeed !!!

.... and getting more interesting by the day . ..

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Nobody can preach it like a riled-up sister!!

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Sep 8
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Wait a minute......Nobody should have to tell you that Blacks are a very diverse community including a million rich entrepreneurs, middle class business people and academics, honest working class people, as well as Welfare junkies and scum like those who burned the cities, often targeting black businesses (and accompanied by white liberal activists destroying everything they could.) I'm hardly "woke" but I think this situation has way more nuance than you're giving it.

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I blocked that racist POS.

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