I don't know... this could be a ploy to start a civil war; it's pretty obvious by this time that what we do doesn't affect what the deep state wants to do. That may sound defeatist but I don't mean it to; it's just that people have been at this for 70 + years and it's still going on and getting worse. This proposal would simply create another "J6" scenario that the deep state would use against us.

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I understand your concern but he's NOT calling on flabby couch potatoes to mass-riot and to start a civil war.

He's calling on vets who have been disciplined and trained to do clearly-defined military operations, like a surgical take-down of these criminals.

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Well, maybe if they went about it like special ops, in small groups, clandestinely, etc. But it sounded like he just wanted them all to descend on D.C.

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That is exactly what he was talking about.

He is a 70-ish-year-old man, jogging as he talked and live-streamed. I was very athletic but don't think I could have done that in my 20s. He probably takes testosterone, IDK.

I know someone like him, who is well-connected to the retired SPECOPs community and this is exactly how these people feel right now.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

What I REALLY would like to see is a special ops take down of the Black Nobility. Smash the head and the tail stops wagging. Is there any talk about that?

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I'm guessing that would be a very black op that would not be talked about, at least beforehand.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

The blackest.

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That is the head of the Beast.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News


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Sep 21Liked by Forbidden.News

Me too.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

I'm glad to hear this too.

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Good to know. I'd love to see that.

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Omfg.... at this stage how can you even think that let alone think what you just typed????.. it's either fight & die or boil and die or boot on the neck and die... it's a global depopulation plan that's been implemented... they ain't done... act 2 is on the horizon....if i may suggest, just be ready.... they are coming for us all...

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I agree that we're in the middle of a (fill in the blank)-or die, global depopulation plan situation but I'm not clear what you mean by "how can you even think that let alone think what you just typed????"

Please help.

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Talking bout top comment... at this stage if people are typing defeatist crap, then they're thinking it... civil war, less of 2 evils... blah blah blah

... plain and simple... you know what I know.... estimated 31 million dead... not one eye batted or flinched... it is almost to late to do what we should be doing..... 10th amendment type shit.... first second third shots have been fired and we are dropping dead.... ohhh wait a second, I don't want to start a civil war....or what if I vote for the "LESSER" Evil.... lmfao... omg we are fuckin doomed

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I agree. Blackpilling is not the Way.

Crazily, I do have hope. I need it, to stay sane (or my version of sane).

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I got your six... I know your feet are on solid ground...

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People are listening to Q garbage.

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Q who???

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Remember DC is not a state and it is a corporate “no man's land”. That is why J6 folks are still incarcerated, without actual due process. Do not be tricked into going enmasse anywhere. DO NOT BE SUCKERED AGAIN!!! DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION!!!! Oathtakers that are not oathkeepers are TRAITORS, PERIOD. I WAS ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS IS NOT GOING TO SAVE YOU THIS TIME, TRAITOR!!!!

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The Vatican and City of London are also private city-states of the Marrano papal families. That's why Rothschilds intermarriage with the Aldobrandinis--so they can be treasurers for DC, the Vatican and Bank of England.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Maybe they should read this first. History repeats. https://www.nps.gov/articles/bonus-expeditionary-forces-march-on-washington.htm Surely this guy is just venting. Veterans should remember the power of the military better than anyone. This time the left would make it out like another Jan 6th and the point would be lost. The Dems would attack it as Donald Trump/MAGA aggression. The courts wouldn't support it. No arrest would be allowed. I'm not against it in spirit at all, it just needs to be better thought out. They could capture the bully pulpit in a peaceful rally outside the DC beltway, inviting all patriots to come, for example and make a big show. The idea is to oppose the nuclear war-mongering very visibly, overcoming the media narrative and shaming the government and NATO with the cry of America's patriots... led by its veterans. I know this is just one guy talking, but we don't need a bunch of hotheads on a fool's errand at such a critical time.

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He's venting feelings that are shared by some 10 million US vets living in our country. I was venting when I posted this, although I am in no way a military veteran.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

I totally get it. I'm beyond pissed too. I want something to work, though, not fizzle.

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My apologies. My article was poorly-written. I had been up all night trying to implement new ad code on my site and it wasn't working the way it was supposed to.

I am insanely over-worked, at the moment.

I've tweaked the article for clarity.

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Alexandra; I am one of your biggest fans. Your work is some of the best on the internet and shows your commitment to the truth. Take care of yourself. Your work is important, yes, but do not overextend yourself. As everything is escalating now, you'll have much more to contend with so we need you to somehow preserve your skills. May God bless you and keep you safe. We need your input now more than ever!

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Normally I read what you write, but this morning I was really rushed and went right to the video. So it wasn't anything you wrote.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

"They're going to start a war with Russia, and they're talking about it, right now. They have our long-range missiles. First one they fire into Russia is going to start a fire we can't put out."- this part!! Whose bright idea was it to give them the opportunity to start ww3?

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Don't be a woosey! If Civil War is what we need to get our country back in order, then so be it! It is past the time when We the People join forces and eliminate the insanity that has overridden our precious Constitution. Who better than trained, patriotic veterans who have fought to free people from tyranny in other countries. We need freedom from the same tyrants. I hope they are serious. God's speed!

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This CANNOT be allowed to go forward! ACTing in whatever realm we are involved with, legally and lawfully! Criminal laws by criminal imposters? DO THE RIGHT THING!!!

"An appeal to Heaven' 🙏🏻☝🏽✊🏻

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

So this is incredible, attack the author, & defend MTG, who, btw is only doing her job & not that well, who has been arrested, tried & ssntence out of sll the scumbags who have "testified" to Congress? How many?

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Why slam MTGreen???… shes the only politician consistently against CORRUPTION the deep state and …. ??? THIS IS ASS BACKWARDS….

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He's not slamming her. He's telling her to walk her talk.

But I hear that she's heavily-invested in defense stocks, so...

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

We will see what she does, at this point how can you trust any of them? And please dont foster dissent in the ranks based on personal bias of what you beLIEve you know about any of them doing theater in DC.

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Arrest? I think we're long past that...it is time for the Guillotine..."Off with their heads." ---Queen of Hearts

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Not ideal. We're supposed to be America and to give people Due Process.

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They voided their right to due process during the lock downs and using an experimental “vaccine” (death shot) for a “pandemic” with a low death toll. The CARES act was even introduced about a year prior to any “oubtreak” on American soil. The powers that be got rich off of this. No due process is due to them.

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You have a very good point.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh, you mean war crimes trials, corruption trials, like in Nuremberg Germany...then the Guillotine...got ya!

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Hopefully, more effective than the Nuremberg [Show] Trials but something like that.

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I agree with the others stating their concerns!! Why attack MTG? No one who is a patriot should March on Washington!!! Go the state capitols, but not Washington. They will attack the vets and innocent Americans and this time it will be worse since they’ve gotten away with torturing, injuring, killing, tracking down innocent people, etc., by the Capitol police, FBI and other corrupt three letter agencies!!!!

Who is behind this substack??? Congress should be stopping the use of long range missiles to stop WWIII! But we all know the democrats and rhinos want this! Wait until the election is over. This will decide what we all need to do to save America!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Again, he's not attacking her - he's calling her out, to walk her talk, telling her to shut down any such authorization of the use of long range missiles, immediately. If not, she's just one of them. Get it?

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

By then it may already be too late, they are pushing hardnto stsrt this BEFORE the election, that is the point here.

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I wonder if this (incipient) movement is related to Ivan Raiklin's efforts? At the moment I tend to agree with Aelred A. Everybody would be walking into a trap.

Raiklin seems to be very organized and very knowledgeable.

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Raiklin does seem all of those things but I have my suspicions about him, due to his association with a particular ⭐⭐⭐.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Whether you are right or not, & I wonder too, there sure are alot of people who are not patriotic & dont know the meaning of what that means anymore.

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I happen to agree with this guy- the regular military doesnt work for the American people so dont expect them to save you. Not many people are aware of this as they wave their flags & read Q drops that "the military is the only way?" Which military? The white hats? Better go by the Constitution, whats left of it, as it instructs the American people to remove traitors from office by any means necessary. The rest is hogwash. This guy has more courage than Ive seen in years.

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So, this will end up as another 'J6'?!

Unless they go into the District of Criminals with 200,000+ 'troops'........don't even bother!

People, who 'protest' on the District of Criminals.....are, DOING IT ALL WRONG!

If one wants to get at the 'heart' of this Criminal Organization.......one MUST 'protest' at the Federal Reserve/ALL BRANCHES!! Throw in AIPAC, while you're at it.

THESE two 'institutions' are who 'our' CORRUPT PUBLIC SERVANTS ANSWER TO!

I'm glad that people are finally waking up to the fact that WE ARE AT WAR......with those FOREIGN entities that have taken over Our govt. GREAT!

BUT......now one HAS TO FIGHT this WAR, as an ACTUAL ONE; THINK about ones 'response' to what 'they' do......THINK 3, 4....FIVE steps AHEAD of these criminals!

Also, one MUST remember.......Russia are NOT PSYCHOPATHS! They do NOT TARGET CIVILIANS!!!

THEREFORE.........ANY STRIKES that hit INSIDE the USSA, WILL be AIMED AT THESE CRIMINAL PUBLIC SERVANTS (ie those that CAUSED the damage to Russia).

STOP THINKING as the PSYCHO 'WEST' does. 'THEY' would 'Carpet Bomb'.........RUSSIA WILL NOT! And DOES NOT do this; they are very SURGICAL with their strikes.

That being said......IF Russia DOES (justifiably) strike inside this country, AFTER it has been attacked by the west.......in my opinion, this will be a good thing! I actually WELCOME a strike on the criminals within the USSA!

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Stupid clear setup and trap. Who ever set this up is not thinking clearly and is part of the ploy to generate chaos. Sad

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

Do you have another idea? "Our" military are the ones who will push the buttons.

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He's calling on vets who have been disciplined and trained to do clearly-defined, surgical military operations, not a civil war.

But if this post continues to be mistinterpreted and framed the way you're framing it, I will delete it.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Who am I to tell a vet who obviously cares abt what's happening to this country, to the world, what sort of action he should take as a protest? What if he feels it is worth it to risk another "J6"? I surely don't have a plan for protest or means to implement it, so who am I to question this man?

There's massive fear reaction here. Why are so many misinterpreting this as a call to civil war? Take a deep breath ppl and reread/listen before you go off the rails abt civil war.

For what it's worth, I thought what this is abt is similar to what the Canadian truckers did. Different with vets in 2024 USA, brink of nuclear war...

In the past, ETs have turned off US missiles, completely shutdown. I hope they're paying attention now.

Peace out.

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Stellar comment, thank you!

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This confirms my suspicions regarding this Substack, duplicitous

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I think you are a bot with zero followers and I have blocked you.

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Sep 18Liked by Forbidden.News

🤣🤣🤣. Really?

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And your part of it

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*you're 😵‍💫

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Programmed misspelling to look like a what some Commie thinks a Good Ole Boy would post.

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You mean against a stupid idea?

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I was rage posting by sharing this video, TBH.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

It's all good. I've changed my opinion based on your clarifications. Might be cathartic for the world to wake up to key NATO and neocon agents having been surgically excised the night before.

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A lot of what I post is about catharthis. I am extremely emotional. That is the lens through which I experience the world (and it sux), even if I come off as highly-analytical, which is also true (that has been my strategy for survival). After all, I am half-Latina, despite my non-Latina name. First and last names. I actually have 4 middle names lol.

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Sep 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Well, at the very least, you know you're not reptilian.

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