Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Wow, this gets weirder and weirder. It has always seemed to be pretty easy to get the masses to believe anything no matter how unlikely or how much evidence there was to the contrary using the taling heads and supposed "authority" figures. Now with the technology available it is even easier. One thing is clear here, things are not as we are told and even stranger than we can imagine. Actually as shown in the video on the roof where the man in black suit with dark glasses is talking to the agents over the dead body of Crooks they tell him that there was an agent "Greg" in the open window that saw Crooks wandering around. So if the shot came from there it was actually a gov agent who took the shot.

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

There’s a lot of angles here, but one idea is that this whole thing is fakery and the sole reason for that is to get the audience to believe the fakery as truth. It’s a very deep psychological strategy: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/false-flags-and-fake-false-flags

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

What about the fireman that died? He's definitely dead. The Dr that was in the crowd did CPR on him until rescue came. The Dr stated on TV that there was brain matter coming out the back of his head. I pray for our great Country everyday. This is all getting crazy. 🙏💪🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Michael Moore?

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Good guess! Fits the bill doesn't it?

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Well the "preferred narrative" regarding the event that has been put out by literally every "news" outlet was immediate and lockstep, almost like they all had the same script, so that's been quite suspect.

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The script is always written well before the event. That's evident in previous hits too. The newspaper on the other side of the world that printed the article on JFK's assassination before it happened; and the news broadcast that the 3rd building had come down given by a news reader standing in front of the live feed of that building which came down as she was finishing her reading. Everything is planned in advance and all the perps and colluders have their script in their hands before the event.

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, I think everyday more and more people wake up to this. I'm pretty sure we've reached the 100th monkey, dispite all of the whacked out "college educated" wine moms and their "bi/trans everything" spawn and/or cats.

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I hope so.

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you for your research and ideas

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

eyesiswatchin and Max Egan have given two of the best documentaries on this false flag event that took place. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DY78kGKAPqhG https://www.bitchute.com/video/iuj37fBTWMoD

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

― William Shakespeare, The Tempest

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I just got my first 404 from Bitchute. It's been taken down.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

I saw the photo of Trump covered by SS at the rally, and it distinctly shows a bullet hole in the suit over his right chest. It almost freaks me out that everyone is ignoring this. Note body armor he wore would not have stopped rifle rounds! The scum can't help but repeat what worked in the past - as in when RFK, Sr was shot from behind by an FBI agent as Sirhan Sirhan , the patsy, attempted to fire from in front.

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Jul 27Liked by Forbidden.News

We have another choice!

RFK Jr. has my vote. Kennedy is the remedy!

Kennedy 2024! ❤️


For a better USA,

Vote for R F K Jr.!

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There's no way that knowledge of the inside job can be avoided if people keep putting their coverage online. We see NBC busily working to alter film to create a narrative that Crooks took the intended kill shots (not the SS from the window). But we've been seeing in many films that Crooks was way over to the right of the position of the window ( on the right looking toward the window), but NBC puts him on the same trajectory as a shooter in the window. This is proof that NBC was complicit, after the fact, in the assassination attempt. If NBC created the SS guy in front of Trump's windshield, then there's more evidence of complicity. What's the narrative? In one case (where they moved the shooter's position) the fake evidence tries to make it look like the SS was not involved, and in the case of the windshield gunman, tries to make it look like the SS was involved. Why would they make conflicting fakes? I don't know but in both cases they were altering evidence. Even though they're caught, will anything come of it? They will put forth their narrative to the dupes who watch them and the other outlets who will pick it up, creating the usual 35% or so of dead heads who believe whatever they're told on msm. You know, eventually, on JFK and 911, the real evidence was found, but nothing was ever done to anyone, no charge ever brought against any who were shown to be culpable or complicit in those cases. In both cases, the evidence brought forth was simply called conspiracy theories and dismissed. Now that we have coverage in real time, not twenty years later, we will see if that changes. The potential here is to pretty quickly prove that there was a stand down order from above, but the real question is who gave the order. Will they ever ask that question?

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Oh, yes, and don't forget that the SS was on the roof pressure washing evidence of Crook's position very soon after the shooting. Obviously to support the new story that would deflect suspicion of the open window shooter.

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Ken Burns? he's a hardcore lefty, he's woke, has the right "contacts," an' in far better shape than the "overstuffed lazyboy" Mistah Moore More More who seems way too unhinged... (There ain't a lotta famous "documentary filmmaker" faces out there--doubtful this is either Errol Morris or the Berliner boys...) anywhoo--it's all interestin'--I do think it's a set up with some real DOAs ... not 100% on anythin' 'but there's a lotta masonic monkey bizness goin' on there... fwiw:


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Ken Burns is who came to my mind, as well. He has a high TDS rating, supporting Cassidy Hutchinson, who lied to Congress for the Coup asswipes: https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/unum/playlist/donald-trump

Tore said she would release that information last Tuesday but she set it to Private, here: https://rumble.com/v57w5qp-assassination-attempt-of-president-trump-and-vp-pick-and-kamala-presidentia.html

She also blocked me from commenting or seeing the comments on her Telegram channel, for reasons I don't know. She either sees me as a threat or she's protecting me. No idea.

One of the main themes running through all of Tore's podcasts is her constant harangue about all the journalists – and especially so-called "Patriot" internet influencers – who DON'T pick up her stories.

I have been faithfully and accurately reporting what she says for some 5-6 years. I have promoted her, never disparaged her, in any way, which she constantly complains about others. It's pretty mind-blowing, to be de-platformed by Tore, after having also been de-platformed by a dozen of the major social media sites!

I've tried to be re-instated 3 times since Elon bought Twitter but no dice.

She has said that a major battlespace of FISA has been social media and how the unprecedented de-platforming of millions of social media accounts during the Trump Era was for the purpose of sending ALL of the data from those millions of accounts to the FBI, so that they could work up ways to frame us as “Domestic Terrorists”.

The grounds for my numerous de-platformings were extremely spurious and unwarranted. Presumably, the Government wanted to get me away from the Normies – and also to get my data. Being that I’d had my Facebook and Twitter accounts for around 16 and 13 years, respectively, that’s a lot of data.

But why would I even want to give these assholes more data (like I'm doing on this platform)? The internet has been weaponized to get us to build our own social credit prison, the more we use it.

We’ve been using the internet every day, without fully grasping that *it* is using *us* to build the Internet of Things (IoT), the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) and the Internet of Behaviors (IoB), to say nothing of Artificial General Intelligence.

Last November, I got a glimmer as to potentially why I’m not being let back on Twitter/X and a glimmer that justice may be restored and that we will have something like an Internet Bill of Rights in future (if we win this war being waged against the US), when Tore tweeted the following:

"Those that didn’t get their accounts back were mostly under FISA– or lumped up in POTUS supporters that made a difference…. People OFF SCRIPT… others were NOT important or are working with feds...The accounts that have not been reinstated are being used as evidence against deep state=GITMO"

So, I think I fall into the "off-script" category. I am not some Johnny-Come-Lately "MAGA influencer", I've been blogging daily for 14 years. I was a registered Democrat in 2016 (now, Unaffiliated).

I was born in the US but I am also a dual citizen of Brazil, so they can construe me as a "foreigner" and don't even need a warrant, despite my having a great-great-great grandfather who fought on the Union side in the Civil War – a favorite theme of Ken Burns, BTW.

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Ah yes Ken & the Civil War.--TIMELY now!.. I know folks that knew 'im (his early stuff all went to DuArt labs where I had many a contact let's say & I knew two talented sound editors that did work fer him...let's say it paid well....)... Very (VERY) ambitious guy, very picky (read that as ya will) an'--as ya said--total TDS an' spooky connections by now too (for years, actually)... My pick!

Strange Tore blocked ya--I don't foller her direct as she's so.... "prolific" but when you share somethin' of hers, thenk I look! (so on my scorecard that's a point on her side for each reader ya steer her way). Surely others are in the same boat...

But hearin' what yer sayin' too--fer reasons totally inscrutable ta me--I'm blocked by the Breggins--they won't reinstate me no-how, can't even "like" one'a their posts. An' I've ONLY sung their praises, specially with my older girl bein' on the spectrum an' my havin' ta reject offers ta drug her up right & left an' Dr. Peter bein' one of the only (ONLY!) voices of reason (for years!) sayin' the drugs do harm an' fix zilch... that's goin' back some time as my girl's 22 now too.

Methinks it could be anti-troll software that scans yer stack or site an' auto-blocks stuff... perhaps wrongly but mebbe that's it?! I can see Tore usin' "tech" to manage... Otherwise makes no sense with Tore or X for that matter---unless it's by ass-o-CIA-shun (was it yer "podner in moviemakin'" James that said some of Tore's credentials were bogus? -- BUT I also know that a) pulenty of folks have ta fudge their credentials for safety--if they totally gave out who the are / worked with they'd be at risk... b) some folks have non-disclosure issues with their positions...if top secret...so statin' something adjacent might be a safer bet an' c) a bit of bullshart doesn't erase who someone is--lotta "acteurs" made up their pasts completely! Actually one of the wildest singers--Yma Sumac wuz Amy Camu from Brooklyn an' invented an entire exotic history for herself--I cut folks a LOT of slack!)

I do hope they let'cha back on X tho' it's a major time sucker...I don't use it but I look when links are sent--we need all we kin git now 'til they pull the plug.

Yup, do not give 'em ANY data--not only is this true:

"We’ve been using the internet every day, without fully grasping that *it* is using *us* to build the Internet of Things (IoT), the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) and the Internet of Behaviors (IoB), to say nothing of Artificial General Intelligence."

BUT... it's INSIDE US fully--they don't even need the 5G towers per Sabrina Wallace... it's in our DNA so if they turn off their tech--we're turned OFF too... data is stored in our frickin' DNA... It's so dystoypian... but seems ta be legit that's what they're doin'... OH an' FWIW Sabrina sez that Tore is the beans--knows what she's sayin' and is... hold yer hat... "enhanced" like herself (not total super soldier stuff but somehow "augmented" which makes sense given a few exceptional commonalities 'tween the two)

Anyway, mebbe Ken's cheeks are "burnin'?!"--- (lol...literally?!)

(in respondin' I got thinkin' of NYC's famous documentary makers so I went ta check an' ta my full surprise BOTH David Maysles & Frederick Wiseman are still ALIVE!--in their 90's! Bless' 'em--an' no, of course they could not possibly have been the "ones" (I'd guess both are too smart an' too old ta have TDS) but it's nice ta hear these "REAL" filmmakers are hangin' on! Unlike Burns, Wiseman is supposedly really the nicest guy....)

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

It wasn't Ken Burns.

Tore publicly published this today, saying that ABC Producer/Editor, Art Vizthum has been identified as "the cameraman". If you know anyone over there, maybe have them do a wellness check:





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never "hoid" of him... most of my ol' pals at labs an' in editing changed careers or shifted metiers within the biz (when it all went digital--mag stock an' manual color timing an' film projectionists went out with the bustle... an' the steenbeck!) or went velly woke (sigh)... I have a couple folks I can email tho'--will post if they know him but nooz & the indie film world don't meet cute often...

arming a cameraman is purdy dark stuff. (very hollyweird script-ish too)... could Vizthum have been remotely "triggered?"-- Sabrina Wallace mentioned in one of her viddeyos shared by nonvaxxxer (fergit which one) 'bout a program where they can implant thoughts an' trigger actions in brief spurts leavin' no memory of wha'happened in the brain of the perp--so it's not regular "mind control" but it's remote control... I think it has ta do with the graphene tho'... who knows? TDS is also a powerful aphrodisiac for murder...

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Don't I know it, about when video post-production went from analog to digital. I edited all of the music videos I directed (I was kinda big for a brief moment) but when Avid first came out (remember that? We are going into the Jurassic period of non-linear editing, here. It was a nightmare), I was like, "I don't want to do this."

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ditto here too! flatbed editin' an' hand-buildin' tracks by hand, guillotine splicer, etc (movieola kinda scared me! that was TOO fast!)... (I DO 'member "Avid"--I wasn't a bit "Avid" about it--I did a leeeetle basic digital editing on the ol' dinosaur consoles an' declared myself DONE!--the sound of timecode alone--'member that?--was even worse than foil rubbed on a chalkboard...) I still find viddeyo ugly... miss seein' "real" prints projected... Dailies!!!! imho not only jobs were lost when they dumped analog... whole bizness (with a few exceptions) went down with a flush... can't have 'em all--good, fast, cheap--pick 2--with diggy-tail they wanted fast -- they got it-but wasn't good an' ta do fast well wasn't cheap--cheap diggy-tail is fugly as all heck... to this day no diggy-tail matches a slow Kodak stock (100 asa-ish). I don't miss what it's all become... but I knew SO many good people that just walked away when it went diggy-tail... old dogs can learn new tricks but don't wanna bother if they suck! (sigh, right?)

so all that ta say, many'a my old pals in the biz up an' changed careers with the demise of analog... a few stayed a while but not close ta most 've 'em...

ps mebbe make a postin' of yer old stuff if ya transferred it? it'd be fun ta see! (I find stuff at least shot on film far more appetizin' even when transferred ta digital than anythin' shot on viddeyo--HD included)

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It’s just all actors and the big phi op to distract the masses. Both side are evil to humanity!😡

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And do you really believe the dumpster would miss an opportunity to shout loudly about ‘taking’ two bullets instead of one? Nope. Not even if advised by his entourage to be discreet. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself. It’s impossible for him. Like putting his secret service bodyguards in mortal danger by not allowing them to get him to and inside the safety of his vehicle as quickly as possible. What a complete dick. No consideration for anyone other than himself.

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God. Please just stop. Fuck.me. How much divisive hate do you need to spew to finally be satisfied? Or is that only attainable with a little infant blood cocktail….

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You are all fools. The truth is that Trump was killed and replaced by a shape-shifting alien. ACCEPT NO OTHER THEORY!!!!!!

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