as he said it's basically collective trauma, once the Globalist can get you or the collective herd to respond "emotionally" to a given situation they have you and can control you...television is all about emotional reaction as opposed to critical thinking..."they" don't want you thinking, "they" want you drowning in emotional confusion...
I think it was for the insurance. I’ll bet there was something wrong with it, or another shuttle they switch out, and repairs would have very costly. But if it blew up, the insurance would be paid out on it.
IMO they did it to end space flight. They didn't want us going to outer space, they feared we might find out some truths they wanted hidden. If you want to know more read Dr. Michael Salla's 2 books: "JFK's Last Stand" (about the real reason he was assasinated, with lots of govt. documents as evidence) and then read "Antarctica's Hidden HIstory, which tells A LOT about space program and why it was ended along with what is really going on in ANtarctica, also extremely well-sourced with govt. and other reliable documents. Dr. Salla has written other books but those 2 will give you lots of info re: space travel and space program.
Ha! I just skimmed over the name Dr Salla as I read your reply. Then fed my cats, came back and saw the name again and it hit me.. I know who he is. I use to watch his videos on YouTube a few years ago. And the French woman. Can’t think of her name at the moment. Starts with a D..?
NASA has always been extremely well-funded and gets lots of $ from "dark" money funding. They don't need insurance money, that isn't how the govt/deep state works. They have plenty of money they can get from secret programs they have in place. I remember this event very clearly; it was the very last time any spaceships were sent into space with humans. JFK was killed by CIA because they didn't want anyone going into outer space, they had way too many secrets about that that they didn't want let out. But space program persisted in spite of deep state efforts, so they had to do something to end it. Our outer space adventures ended on the day Challenger crashed. When asked why we hadn't gone back to the moon since 1969 when we first went there, NASA replied "we lost the technology". Um, no scientists don't do that, they would have made every effort to keep the tech. This wasn't about $, NASA has never had a problem getting funded. This was about ending space programs into outerspace to keep secrets they don't want us to know about. Read Dr. Salla's books I mentioned above; that's just for starters, there's lots of other sources saying the same thing I just did. Just my 2 cents.
Bingo, that’s the elephant in the room. Then comes what else did they do like this! It brings to mind the thought of lightly loaded airliners and buildings falling straight down in ways that the world’s greatest engineers and architects say simply couldn’t happen. This rabbit hole may well go deeper than any of us can imagine.
Maybe the unknown trillions of taxpayer dollars sunk into endless black budgets for war and the domestic police states have, in reality, just all been funneled into the huge industry segments of off-planet development and colonization since the dawn of the nuclear / computer eras, and NASA puts on a bumbling sideshow to distract from the political gravity (pardon the pun) of the very bullish off-world world. Of course the Congress and its usurpers would have it that way, no?
Bullish is a complement. From what I hear it's industrial slavery, DNA trading and just spreading their parasitism out into the solar system. There's no telling how long it's been going on because there's been an alien presence here and out there for tens of thousands of years
Or perhaps instead bearish, from another perspective, if hydrocarbon futures would be hammered permanently by a “local” glut, and it is my understanding that our local solar system is indeed full of hydrocarbons.
In so many words, pigs in space are just as vile as the ones on earth.
Wow! I knew she thought the gozillions she and the other guy found going out the back door of our budget might be going off planet, but I didn't know she thought industrial slavery and DNA trading. I didn't know what she thought was going on out there.
Oh, sorry - I misspoke. CAF believes that the budgets and the debt that we have are so massive that they do not correspond with the assets and the infrastructure that we have on the surface of the Earth. She believes a lot of this financing is building underground bases and going off-world. I don't believe that she's gotten into the weeds of DNA trading.
I watched Alternative 3 on Amazon Prime. I hadn't heard of it before. I haven't really presumed that what's going on off world is for benevolent and protective goals. And while she may not overtly get into some of the possibilities, I don't think CAF thinks it's all that benevolent either, but I don't want to put words in her mouth.
I think, given the sums involved, that what's going on out there must be BIG. I do think the illegal immigrant thing has had many (terrestrial as well as off-planet) goals, the hallmark of the cabal. On-planet is the disruption and decline of our culture, another is trafficking for profit, into sex rings or slave rings or whatever they can make money off of. There have been reports of kids just being lost and unaccounted for in large numbers and groups like Catholic charities involved in shady looking activities. Where do all those midnight planes take their passengers? Mind-controlled Manchurian candidates would be another typical cabal production, very useful for many of their purposes. Off planet trafficking of whatever's saleable is a good possibility, because these aliens are parasites and SLAVERS... wherever they go. I'm not really expecting them to clean up the act out past the stratosphere when we see what they're doing right here.
I'm old enough to remember when President JFK told us we'd be going to the moon and we did. I noticed that after Challenger "crash" we weren't focused on going to outer space any more. I think that was the real reason for this "hoax". I also think it isn't just a theory but is fact; few years ago I stumbled upon all this info and looked up every single person on that flight. ALL pictures of these people matched photos from the folks that were on the Challenger, names were also perfect matches and it all made sense. Prove me wrong.
world domination, power, you have to think in terms of a psychopath...even as far back as Plato's Republic the elites discussed the controlling of the masses, those in power are addicts of for thought...
Joanie, if you haven't noticed yet, the authorities lie about everything. Trying to discern the why of the lie is not productive, as they will never tell you.
Once you come to the realization that they lie, you can start to investigate what else they lie about. Moon landings, history, JFK, vaccinations, the list goes on.
Don't bother trying to figure out their motivations. But realize that we are easier to control if we believe their deceptions. That is the most likely motivation.
Oh, I've noticed. And the only "conspiracy theory" I'm NOT on board with is the flat earth theory. I'm amused that you assume I need to "start investigating" all this. It's been the air I breathe for the last several years. My handle (Fake Crisis Real Tyranny) should be a clue as to where I stand on things. It's only the space explosion "conspiracy theory" that I was not aware of until now, and had me stumped as to motive.
If you haven’t investigated FE theory, you can’t be on board with it. You have to navigate around sensors and steer clear of the misinformation sites like the Flat Earth Society to do an adequate investigation.
Anyone with average or above average intelligence can’t help but see the fallacy that is the heliocentric model. You can tell when you are on the right track when you encounter globers that will claim you are ignorant and call you names for questioning the globe theory. And they will also denigrate honest FE investigators like Austin Whitsit, Jeranism, FE Dave, Eric Dubay, Kaleb.fe, Cari Ki, among others that are sincere truth seekers.
If this is true, and I believe it is because this is the second article I've read about this same subject, think about all the tears people shed for the people on that Space Shuttle that day, including mine. I hope the story doesn't end here because me, and millions of others, want to know the truth.
Level With Me 3 that they put out was at minimum thought provoking especially the scientific experimentation and demonstration in realm time near the end.
I get firmament might make one want to turn it off, hard sell and yet if you hear them out and then follow those nuggets a bit to dumb ass it became abundantly clear they are asking some pretty basic and have some pretty pretty compelling evidence , especially their “alternative” model of gravity.
turned out unless im simply retarded (entirely possible) to not only be plausible but a simpler cleaner model model that is measurable and observable to everyone, it also doesn’t rely on any contradictory properties or requirements of faith that core assumptions are correct for it to it to work.
I have no idea what’s true other than an increasingly large group of people seem to fundamentally to “believe in science” as a marketing gimmick to shield narratives from criticism , certainly not a methodological framework and approach to actually bother to adhere to.
"Flat-Earthers reject gravity because it does not support the flat Earth model. To explain the various phenomena explained by gravity, they invented many different ‘alternative facts’ in place of gravity."
I think all of these theories are psyops, adding to the general confusion and the terrifying belief that we can't know what's real. It seems like a bunch of blue pills swallowed whole by people who think they're the ultimate in red-pilled. Just common sense how is it that with ships coming in we see the top of them first and later the rest? Or that flight computer programs allow for the curvature of the earth? And hasn't the math been out there for centuries describing the solar system? Who among the flat earth group has produced the math to contradict it? Don't know if it's true, but I've read that flat earth was invented by DARPA just to see how gullible people are. It looks to me like the same people who believe flat earth also go for the recent Najadi theories , Tartaria, geocentrism and that Juan O Savin is JFK. Not gonna say dingbats, but there it is. Despite that they don't know the science that refutes their claims, they claim science has been perverted. I don't disagree with that point, but flat earth does little to un-pervert it.
I have a list of things that piss me off and Flat Earth, JFK Jr Is Alive, JFK Jr Is Juan O Savin, Tartaria, All Celebrities Are Actually the Opposite Gender are all on the list.
In some video the other day somebody said Schumer has a trophy wife. This person was obviously mistaken. Anyway Vindman's grinning face makes me want to punch it.
What I notice is that the people who make videos touting flat earth and its related nonsense seem to be religious fundamentalist types. Their arguments seem informed by the same kind of gullible belief and faulty logic. I was watching a link somebody put up here but I could only watch a few minutes because there was one non sequitur conclusion after another. And they've got a million rationalizations to keep cycling back to how it all has to be true. Can't fix stupid.
Was intrigued by tartaria and have not concluded what the premise is? Historic odd grandiose buildings throughout the world lead us to conclude what and why?
A friend's family used to move 10,000 ft mansions using horses and giant logs as rollersin the 1890s here in Minnesota, quarry's existed I'm impressed with the effort but intrigued by the tartaria of how was it done and who was here before?
They aren’t monolithic and they don’t reject gravity either rather they assert with actual proof it is an electrical phenomenon.
There’s a denial of jargon and linguistic use not the phenomena we are all able to see feel and witness.
Denial, better said as demands of proofs for all the associated claims that gravity is the lynchpin of is the only “denial” consistent with the scientific method :/
I remember seeing the incredible evidence for this amazing deception years ago, photos and all, and yet it was suppressed and ignored, just another "conspiracy theory" they said. NASA is a fraud on the American people. Nothing but lies and fakery to where nothing they present is to be believed or trusted. Very sad, waste of an incredible amount of money and resources.
This is the main challenge of living in clown world, there is an old saying..."we're all Bozos on this bus." "Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news." -Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972
Center technician Clark McClelland who had been with NASA since its inception in 1958 and was thrown out immediately after reporting the sighting of an 8 foot tall suited astronaut directing the deployment of a military satellite while Clark was assigned overnight duty watching a live feed of the Shuttle mission.
I first heard about the switched out Shuttle astronauts about 10 years ago, reported by someone who had performed an amazing research job in an investigation of the suspected switch which I figured right off that he must have had some inside track helping him relocate maybe 5 of the astronauts. That means they also knew the Challenger was about to be sabotaged.
I heard folks have tried to talk ta her knowin' this--she politely declines showin' discomfort (I think I saw it happen in some old footage but don't quote me) A few more have been approached too. Either they were all really well paid or brainwarshed that this was some kinda "good thing" ta do via some twisted logic--mebbe they only knew they'd be playin' a role and NOT that the ship would be destroyed--but havin' already "signed on" an' sworn ta silence... they too might've been conned... that's whut they did to Oswald (so I hear!)
yup! same "m.o."--they are not all career spooks or even crisis actors--they pick folks they think'll fit the bill, sign 'em up for their patriotic security "exercise" -- an then they they pull off the event as they planned it leavin' patsies like Oswald.... or the others who are paid or threatened ta be "mute"-- I'll never fergit the sad looks on the Apollo astro-NOTs faces when interviewed... they had ta lie an' they felt bad... otherwise it would have been elation... dang gubbamint, hoodwinkin' us again!
I remember a quote from a top CIA operative from years ago. “When everything the American people believe is a lie, my job is done” or something to that effect. Sounds on point.
Nobody likes to be made a fool of. IMO we've been lied to about EVERYTHING and NASA is a Freemason/CIA controlled money laundering operation that's funding black ops around the world.
The very top of my comment below was cut off. I started it by saying that my cousin was the Shuttle backup computer programmer on all the Shuttle flights up until he was cut following the Challenger event. I watched the Shuttle missions closely. I had lived in Brevard County as a teenager during the Apollo years and watched the Moon mission launches standing nearby them at the Kennedy Space Center. My cut off comment continued with my contacting 35 year veteran KSC/NASA technician Clark McClelland...
Alexandra: Please contact me regarding the original 100 page "Censorship Machine" article I have at I could not figure out how to attach it....
This does not surprise me in the least. NASA has been deceiving the public now for decades. Millions still believe we went to the moon even though there is a mountain of evidence that reveals NASA's deception. In an interview decades later when a reporter asked why there were no more missions to the moon, NASA said they need to figure out a way to get past the Van Allen radiation belts without it being lethal to astronauts. Huh?? I guess that they forgot they supposedly passed through radiation which was so intense that it fried Van Allen's Geiger counters, 6 TIMES before between 1969 and 1972. So for the very first time in history folks technology has been lost lol! Then there is the moon rock that turned out to be petrified wood but still my all time favorite is the photo taken on moon's surface that when examined closely had a mojave ground squirrel in the background...oops!
I viewed it about 4 years ago in a video that debunked the moon landing. Cannot remember the name of it right now but if I do will send the link. Could not stop laughing at the time. In November of 2015, NASA ran a contest in the science section of the Telegraph. They offered $30,000 to anyone that could come up with a solution to enable NASA to handle more than 14 hours of human waste on their space missions. Since the missions to the moon supposedly averaged 3 days each way plus time on the surface, it looks like once again they lost that technology that they once had 46 years ago Lol! Did you see this video?
You don’t say. I’ve been saying this for years. NASA is a hoax.
But the most interesting part of this theory is: what could possibly be the motivation for such a hoax?
as he said it's basically collective trauma, once the Globalist can get you or the collective herd to respond "emotionally" to a given situation they have you and can control you...television is all about emotional reaction as opposed to critical thinking..."they" don't want you thinking, "they" want you drowning in emotional confusion...
Like Orson Welles's radio broadcast about Martian invasion 80 years ago .
Dam that's brilliant
Tell a vision told by the puppeteers
I think it was for the insurance. I’ll bet there was something wrong with it, or another shuttle they switch out, and repairs would have very costly. But if it blew up, the insurance would be paid out on it.
It reminds me of the Titanic and the Olympic
IMO they did it to end space flight. They didn't want us going to outer space, they feared we might find out some truths they wanted hidden. If you want to know more read Dr. Michael Salla's 2 books: "JFK's Last Stand" (about the real reason he was assasinated, with lots of govt. documents as evidence) and then read "Antarctica's Hidden HIstory, which tells A LOT about space program and why it was ended along with what is really going on in ANtarctica, also extremely well-sourced with govt. and other reliable documents. Dr. Salla has written other books but those 2 will give you lots of info re: space travel and space program.
That’s a very strong possibility too 👽
But ‘they’ are known for killing two to three birds with one stone. Again referring back to the Titanic and Olympic. Hell, 911 for that matter too.
And thank you for the book referrals
I couldn't agree more.
You can count on multiple goals whenever "they" do anything. That's what "they" do with the 600 IQ scores they're supposed to have.
Ha! I just skimmed over the name Dr Salla as I read your reply. Then fed my cats, came back and saw the name again and it hit me.. I know who he is. I use to watch his videos on YouTube a few years ago. And the French woman. Can’t think of her name at the moment. Starts with a D..?
Elena Danaan.
Yes! Thank you!
Therisa be careful . Big brother is watching .
And he's an angry tranny.
That statement might just be more truthful than hyperbole 🤔
Big Bro can KMA 😎
Oh boy ! Now you did it . You hurt his feelings .
I think your theory here makes the most sense.
Another 911 psyop to emotionally terrorize the population. They feed off of our emotion.
Public empathy fueling more funding.
I think Therisa's comment above is the most likely.
NASA has always been extremely well-funded and gets lots of $ from "dark" money funding. They don't need insurance money, that isn't how the govt/deep state works. They have plenty of money they can get from secret programs they have in place. I remember this event very clearly; it was the very last time any spaceships were sent into space with humans. JFK was killed by CIA because they didn't want anyone going into outer space, they had way too many secrets about that that they didn't want let out. But space program persisted in spite of deep state efforts, so they had to do something to end it. Our outer space adventures ended on the day Challenger crashed. When asked why we hadn't gone back to the moon since 1969 when we first went there, NASA replied "we lost the technology". Um, no scientists don't do that, they would have made every effort to keep the tech. This wasn't about $, NASA has never had a problem getting funded. This was about ending space programs into outerspace to keep secrets they don't want us to know about. Read Dr. Salla's books I mentioned above; that's just for starters, there's lots of other sources saying the same thing I just did. Just my 2 cents.
control of human emotion is a very powerful tool
... and never benign.
Bingo, that’s the elephant in the room. Then comes what else did they do like this! It brings to mind the thought of lightly loaded airliners and buildings falling straight down in ways that the world’s greatest engineers and architects say simply couldn’t happen. This rabbit hole may well go deeper than any of us can imagine.
Maybe the unknown trillions of taxpayer dollars sunk into endless black budgets for war and the domestic police states have, in reality, just all been funneled into the huge industry segments of off-planet development and colonization since the dawn of the nuclear / computer eras, and NASA puts on a bumbling sideshow to distract from the political gravity (pardon the pun) of the very bullish off-world world. Of course the Congress and its usurpers would have it that way, no?
Bullish is a complement. From what I hear it's industrial slavery, DNA trading and just spreading their parasitism out into the solar system. There's no telling how long it's been going on because there's been an alien presence here and out there for tens of thousands of years
Or perhaps instead bearish, from another perspective, if hydrocarbon futures would be hammered permanently by a “local” glut, and it is my understanding that our local solar system is indeed full of hydrocarbons.
In so many words, pigs in space are just as vile as the ones on earth.
True… a pig is a pig is a pig (no matter where it’s parked its fat lazy self).
This is the position of Catherine Austin Fitts.
Wow! I knew she thought the gozillions she and the other guy found going out the back door of our budget might be going off planet, but I didn't know she thought industrial slavery and DNA trading. I didn't know what she thought was going on out there.
Oh, sorry - I misspoke. CAF believes that the budgets and the debt that we have are so massive that they do not correspond with the assets and the infrastructure that we have on the surface of the Earth. She believes a lot of this financing is building underground bases and going off-world. I don't believe that she's gotten into the weeds of DNA trading.
"Industrial Slavery" reminds me of the "Batch Consignments" of 'Alternative 3'
I've wondered if something like this might be happening to the illegal migrants?
I watched Alternative 3 on Amazon Prime. I hadn't heard of it before. I haven't really presumed that what's going on off world is for benevolent and protective goals. And while she may not overtly get into some of the possibilities, I don't think CAF thinks it's all that benevolent either, but I don't want to put words in her mouth.
I think, given the sums involved, that what's going on out there must be BIG. I do think the illegal immigrant thing has had many (terrestrial as well as off-planet) goals, the hallmark of the cabal. On-planet is the disruption and decline of our culture, another is trafficking for profit, into sex rings or slave rings or whatever they can make money off of. There have been reports of kids just being lost and unaccounted for in large numbers and groups like Catholic charities involved in shady looking activities. Where do all those midnight planes take their passengers? Mind-controlled Manchurian candidates would be another typical cabal production, very useful for many of their purposes. Off planet trafficking of whatever's saleable is a good possibility, because these aliens are parasites and SLAVERS... wherever they go. I'm not really expecting them to clean up the act out past the stratosphere when we see what they're doing right here.
I'm old enough to remember when President JFK told us we'd be going to the moon and we did. I noticed that after Challenger "crash" we weren't focused on going to outer space any more. I think that was the real reason for this "hoax". I also think it isn't just a theory but is fact; few years ago I stumbled upon all this info and looked up every single person on that flight. ALL pictures of these people matched photos from the folks that were on the Challenger, names were also perfect matches and it all made sense. Prove me wrong.
I can't prove you right or wrong. This is one rabbit hole too many for this exhausted warrior!
But nothing would surprise me now.
Get use to it . We are all just small citizens of the Empire of Lies .
I'm already "used to it", which I wish wasn't the case.
It was as a weapons test to show the Russians who were at the cape that day to watch, among other things.
world domination, power, you have to think in terms of a psychopath...even as far back as Plato's Republic the elites discussed the controlling of the masses, those in power are addicts of for thought...
Joanie, if you haven't noticed yet, the authorities lie about everything. Trying to discern the why of the lie is not productive, as they will never tell you.
Once you come to the realization that they lie, you can start to investigate what else they lie about. Moon landings, history, JFK, vaccinations, the list goes on.
Don't bother trying to figure out their motivations. But realize that we are easier to control if we believe their deceptions. That is the most likely motivation.
Oh, I've noticed. And the only "conspiracy theory" I'm NOT on board with is the flat earth theory. I'm amused that you assume I need to "start investigating" all this. It's been the air I breathe for the last several years. My handle (Fake Crisis Real Tyranny) should be a clue as to where I stand on things. It's only the space explosion "conspiracy theory" that I was not aware of until now, and had me stumped as to motive.
If you haven’t investigated FE theory, you can’t be on board with it. You have to navigate around sensors and steer clear of the misinformation sites like the Flat Earth Society to do an adequate investigation.
Anyone with average or above average intelligence can’t help but see the fallacy that is the heliocentric model. You can tell when you are on the right track when you encounter globers that will claim you are ignorant and call you names for questioning the globe theory. And they will also denigrate honest FE investigators like Austin Whitsit, Jeranism, FE Dave, Eric Dubay, Kaleb.fe, Cari Ki, among others that are sincere truth seekers.
Tell me this: what could possibly be a reason for those who own the world, to want us to think of planets as spheres, and not as dinner plates?
What are they hiding in Antarctica? When we know that, the answer to your question will be clear. Until then we can only speculate.
Well, we do live in "The Truman Show," don't we?!
If this is true, and I believe it is because this is the second article I've read about this same subject, think about all the tears people shed for the people on that Space Shuttle that day, including mine. I hope the story doesn't end here because me, and millions of others, want to know the truth.
Thanks for getting this information out there. I’ve never heard of this before. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to federal government.
Level With Me 3 that they put out was at minimum thought provoking especially the scientific experimentation and demonstration in realm time near the end.
I get firmament might make one want to turn it off, hard sell and yet if you hear them out and then follow those nuggets a bit to dumb ass it became abundantly clear they are asking some pretty basic and have some pretty pretty compelling evidence , especially their “alternative” model of gravity.
turned out unless im simply retarded (entirely possible) to not only be plausible but a simpler cleaner model model that is measurable and observable to everyone, it also doesn’t rely on any contradictory properties or requirements of faith that core assumptions are correct for it to it to work.
I have no idea what’s true other than an increasingly large group of people seem to fundamentally to “believe in science” as a marketing gimmick to shield narratives from criticism , certainly not a methodological framework and approach to actually bother to adhere to.
"Flat-Earthers reject gravity because it does not support the flat Earth model. To explain the various phenomena explained by gravity, they invented many different ‘alternative facts’ in place of gravity."
I think all of these theories are psyops, adding to the general confusion and the terrifying belief that we can't know what's real. It seems like a bunch of blue pills swallowed whole by people who think they're the ultimate in red-pilled. Just common sense how is it that with ships coming in we see the top of them first and later the rest? Or that flight computer programs allow for the curvature of the earth? And hasn't the math been out there for centuries describing the solar system? Who among the flat earth group has produced the math to contradict it? Don't know if it's true, but I've read that flat earth was invented by DARPA just to see how gullible people are. It looks to me like the same people who believe flat earth also go for the recent Najadi theories , Tartaria, geocentrism and that Juan O Savin is JFK. Not gonna say dingbats, but there it is. Despite that they don't know the science that refutes their claims, they claim science has been perverted. I don't disagree with that point, but flat earth does little to un-pervert it.
5GW, Baby!
I have a list of things that piss me off and Flat Earth, JFK Jr Is Alive, JFK Jr Is Juan O Savin, Tartaria, All Celebrities Are Actually the Opposite Gender are all on the list.
There are exceptions though. Chuck Schumer's wife really *is* Alexander Vindman:
5GW indeed.
In some video the other day somebody said Schumer has a trophy wife. This person was obviously mistaken. Anyway Vindman's grinning face makes me want to punch it.
What I notice is that the people who make videos touting flat earth and its related nonsense seem to be religious fundamentalist types. Their arguments seem informed by the same kind of gullible belief and faulty logic. I was watching a link somebody put up here but I could only watch a few minutes because there was one non sequitur conclusion after another. And they've got a million rationalizations to keep cycling back to how it all has to be true. Can't fix stupid.
Was intrigued by tartaria and have not concluded what the premise is? Historic odd grandiose buildings throughout the world lead us to conclude what and why?
A friend's family used to move 10,000 ft mansions using horses and giant logs as rollersin the 1890s here in Minnesota, quarry's existed I'm impressed with the effort but intrigued by the tartaria of how was it done and who was here before?
They aren’t monolithic and they don’t reject gravity either rather they assert with actual proof it is an electrical phenomenon.
There’s a denial of jargon and linguistic use not the phenomena we are all able to see feel and witness.
Denial, better said as demands of proofs for all the associated claims that gravity is the lynchpin of is the only “denial” consistent with the scientific method :/
NASA = Not A Space Agency. enough said.
Who knows, maybe that's exactly what the letters NASA really do mean.
That graphic looks the symbol for paedophilia. And then there's Big Mike!
I remember seeing the incredible evidence for this amazing deception years ago, photos and all, and yet it was suppressed and ignored, just another "conspiracy theory" they said. NASA is a fraud on the American people. Nothing but lies and fakery to where nothing they present is to be believed or trusted. Very sad, waste of an incredible amount of money and resources.
This is the main challenge of living in clown world, there is an old saying..."we're all Bozos on this bus." "Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news." -Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972
Good Luck to all
everything we think we know is a lie!
Yes and his evil daughter is helping to make that come true on MSNBC.
Center technician Clark McClelland who had been with NASA since its inception in 1958 and was thrown out immediately after reporting the sighting of an 8 foot tall suited astronaut directing the deployment of a military satellite while Clark was assigned overnight duty watching a live feed of the Shuttle mission.
I first heard about the switched out Shuttle astronauts about 10 years ago, reported by someone who had performed an amazing research job in an investigation of the suspected switch which I figured right off that he must have had some inside track helping him relocate maybe 5 of the astronauts. That means they also knew the Challenger was about to be sabotaged.
I wish I’d been aware earlier, the woman Judith was in the Syracuse area when I was. I’d have tracked her down too.
I heard folks have tried to talk ta her knowin' this--she politely declines showin' discomfort (I think I saw it happen in some old footage but don't quote me) A few more have been approached too. Either they were all really well paid or brainwarshed that this was some kinda "good thing" ta do via some twisted logic--mebbe they only knew they'd be playin' a role and NOT that the ship would be destroyed--but havin' already "signed on" an' sworn ta silence... they too might've been conned... that's whut they did to Oswald (so I hear!)
Brainwashed and muted !
I’ve heard that about Oswald, fall guy.
yup! same "m.o."--they are not all career spooks or even crisis actors--they pick folks they think'll fit the bill, sign 'em up for their patriotic security "exercise" -- an then they they pull off the event as they planned it leavin' patsies like Oswald.... or the others who are paid or threatened ta be "mute"-- I'll never fergit the sad looks on the Apollo astro-NOTs faces when interviewed... they had ta lie an' they felt bad... otherwise it would have been elation... dang gubbamint, hoodwinkin' us again!
I remember a quote from a top CIA operative from years ago. “When everything the American people believe is a lie, my job is done” or something to that effect. Sounds on point.
Holy 💩!!!
Nobody likes to be made a fool of. IMO we've been lied to about EVERYTHING and NASA is a Freemason/CIA controlled money laundering operation that's funding black ops around the world.
The very top of my comment below was cut off. I started it by saying that my cousin was the Shuttle backup computer programmer on all the Shuttle flights up until he was cut following the Challenger event. I watched the Shuttle missions closely. I had lived in Brevard County as a teenager during the Apollo years and watched the Moon mission launches standing nearby them at the Kennedy Space Center. My cut off comment continued with my contacting 35 year veteran KSC/NASA technician Clark McClelland...
Alexandra: Please contact me regarding the original 100 page "Censorship Machine" article I have at I could not figure out how to attach it....
This does not surprise me in the least. NASA has been deceiving the public now for decades. Millions still believe we went to the moon even though there is a mountain of evidence that reveals NASA's deception. In an interview decades later when a reporter asked why there were no more missions to the moon, NASA said they need to figure out a way to get past the Van Allen radiation belts without it being lethal to astronauts. Huh?? I guess that they forgot they supposedly passed through radiation which was so intense that it fried Van Allen's Geiger counters, 6 TIMES before between 1969 and 1972. So for the very first time in history folks technology has been lost lol! Then there is the moon rock that turned out to be petrified wood but still my all time favorite is the photo taken on moon's surface that when examined closely had a mojave ground squirrel in the background...oops!
LOL. I found a lot of funny memes but I did not find the ground squirrel image to which you refer. Do you have a link to one?
I viewed it about 4 years ago in a video that debunked the moon landing. Cannot remember the name of it right now but if I do will send the link. Could not stop laughing at the time. In November of 2015, NASA ran a contest in the science section of the Telegraph. They offered $30,000 to anyone that could come up with a solution to enable NASA to handle more than 14 hours of human waste on their space missions. Since the missions to the moon supposedly averaged 3 days each way plus time on the surface, it looks like once again they lost that technology that they once had 46 years ago Lol! Did you see this video?
LOL, I'll check it out.