It all sounds to me rather like what the mystery schools teach about The Eighth Sphere, as discussed by Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and others more than a century ago:


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wow. Thank you Kerry. what is going on is mind-blowing;

and we ought to listen to our hearts: do not hurt another human being; everything we do

comes back to us, sooner or later. There is so much darkness, badness, ignorance, unconsciousness....we must respond with a higher consciousness; perhaps prayers and a continuous effort to stay in God's light and respond with Love; loving kindness.

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Be very careful not to confuse loving kindness with allowing destructive behavior. All that does is confirm a victim position and Universe will give us more of the same. We have to stand up against the darkness in any way we can, as individuals and collectively. Doing so does not have to be accompanied by hatred or fear, but by firmness, standing in sovereignty and refusing to be victimized. The key is always the emotional state in which we do things. Humans are literally a different breed than the aliens who have invaded us. We're by nature more trusting, innocent and more honest. We've had our freedoms taken by these very aggressive, soulless entities and they wish to take more. If we want our freedoms we will have to stand up to them while also standing in the light. Those are not mutually exclusive. Remember that these entities need to be shown the consequences of their ways, not just for our good but for their own.

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Appreciate the article and information. However the mastermind is Satan and the “aliens” are Demons, principalities, and powers in his hierarchy. Some live in earth and inhabit humans; some appear in human form; some operate in the second heaven and some are “marine spirits”; some are actually the Nephilim spoken of in the Bible and the book of Enoch. The alien narrative is to throw people off as to their true identity. God resides in the third heaven, above all. Jesus conquered all the power of the aforementioned -all demonic powers and structures-by His death and resurrection. He died for humankind to escape all these evil powers. Jesus is above them. His name Jesus is more powerful than any of them. His blood shed in the Cross redeems out of these evil powers. Jesus went to hell and told the Nephilim the hybrid offspring of “the watchers” spirits who fell from heaven and mated with human women before the flood(and gave humanity celestial knowledge of metallurgy, pharmakia, and now AI-etc. All demonic and evil spirits and powers know Jesus and know they are subject to Him. Don’t be deceived by the “alien” narrative-they are demons -it is a narrative to explain Biblical events orchestrated by God.

Original Babylon was destroyed by God and the re-emergence of Babylon in the form or AI etc will be destroyed by God. Get on the Truth side-Gods side to save your soul.

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Who's saying Greys aren't demonic powers?

I don't think it's fair to shut down conversations and to make people "wrong" who are trying their best to articulate on a topic that is occluded, as a matter of its very existence and to nit-pick the semantics for words and concepts that haven't been properly defined in the secular realm.

Kerth Barker was raised in a Satanic Cult and his amazing book, 'Cannibalism, Blood-Drinking & High Adept Satanism' gives an incredibly informative introduction to the different forms of Satanism, which I highly recommend that everybody read, because you finally understand the evil philosophy driving the insanity in our world and it truly is a relief to be disabused of your former ignorance of the details, as grisly as they are.

Kerth Barker was saved by Jesus and he was a beautiful person, after suffering the worst youth imaginable.

After a lifetime of firsthand experience with SRA, being forced to be raised as a girl and to be filmed in transgender child porn, where he became and underground star and his films were traded for lots of money, Barker had come to the opinion that "Satan" is some kind of a Grey Alien or Reptilian or *something, for which we don't have the proper words to express*.


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I agree with your assessment 100%. Theologians who study Demonology I believe would agree as well.

I believe the rapture will be blamed on the alien narrative as to further the deception which will lead to beginning of the seven years of the tribulation.

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All these conspiracy theories! LMAO. Governments and The Church have been lying to/stealing from the people they're supposed to help since before Jesus Christ set foot on Earth. If anyone's shocked or surprised, they don't know history. So why haven't aliens attacked us, since ancient religious paintings show they've been coming here since before Jesus, too? They've been here every century, but they're not the threat. The Black Nobility, DeepState/BigBusiness/Pharma are... :~/

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Very interesting read. Thank you and sorry to hear about your data challenges.

As I was thinking about the impact of this Alien AI attack, I was reminded of something very fascinating to me which I read recently in a David R. Hawkins book, Discovery of the Presence of God, Devotional Nonduality.

David Hawkins, using kinesiology muscle testing, calibrated the map of human consciousness and “laid out the entire spectrum of consciousness, from the lower levels of Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Fear, Anger, and Pride; to Courage, Acceptance, and Reason; all the way up to the more expanded levels of Love, Ecstasy, Peace, and Enlightenment. These "higher" energy fields are a carrier wave of immense life energy.”

The Spectrum ranges from the lowest to the highest - 0-1000 - with 200 being the shift that happens with integrity. In 2020, shockingly, 70% of the overall calibration of human consciousness on the planet calibrated below 200.

What fascinated me was an observation he made (which he wasn’t expecting):

“Critical to the development of an empirical clinical science of consciousness calibration research was a fortuitous observation that whereas fluorescent light, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners made everyone go weak, they did not do so in a group of students of A Course In Miracles after they had progressed to about Lesson 75 (in the ACIM Workbook of 365 lessons) “

In the context of ACIM ( one of many spiritual pathways), these students had reached a level where they no longer saw themselves as a victim of external ‘causes’ but had transcended to re-owning one’s power.

Alien AI has been able to take advantage humanity’s lower frequency of consciousness (especially through fear (calibrates at 100).

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The pure strain of human DNA from Adam came down through Noah -the rest of demon-human hybrids were destroyed in the flood. God protected that strain through to Jesus. Jesus had to have the pure Adam-DNA to be the perfect sacrifice for human saving-redemption. Jesus initiated the new birth, new creation spiritually by Holy Spirit-it’s this Holy Spirit strain of God in his “born from above” Spirit in humans that keeps the demonic in check on earth-God’s Spirit and activity on earth. That’s why mRNA -to disrupt human DNA to try and hybridize human bodies. Jesus saves, cleanses, delivers-will come to hell for you if you call out to Him. Read Colossians -“All things”.

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Really if the Greys or whomever you think are the source of all the strife ARE SO POWERFUL why the petty political gamesmanship? China, sex tapes, CBDC!

I believe in the ROCKEFELLERS and those behind them. If “the Greys” want our wonderful planet or our human energy and ARE SO POWERFUL why don’t they just TAKE IT??? These are some really weak bored Aliens…

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Do NOT use my recently deceased freind to push your alien crap....

I will not warn you again.

Talk about what he talked about, or NEVER USE HIS NAME AGAIN.

5G or Ai....

No respect for the dead.

You are now being watched.


Remove this post immediately.

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Whew! Fascinating. Revealing. Tragic. Excellent reporting.

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Operation Blue Beam is on the front burner. Nicolson 69 made this know years ago. It'll be a Spielberg production with very realistic holograms and special effects.

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