Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

David Martin called out the planDemic early and often.

This is absolutely spot on. Especially about the Kabuki Theater in Congress.

I’ve always believed Trump was duped and set up.

Now we know.

The globopsychohomopedos (Gates, Schwab et al) may have overplayed their hands.

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LOL! "Our new word for the day class is "globopsychohomopedos". Can anyone else besides The Green Hornet use globopsychohomopedos in a sentence?"

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

David Martin has a style of his own. He digs the scientific patents, and connect the dots clearly with no histamine to condemn the psychopaths.

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But he gives Orange Judas a pass.

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All that you just heard/read & your glib response: 'he gives Orange Judas a pass [whoa, aren't you the clever bear!]. If he was duped, played, he wasn't a Judas.

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If Trump was duped and so easily played, why do you want such a fool for a president?

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Because the current president doesn't even know where he is or how he got there unless his puppeteer, Obama and team, redirect him. I'd rather have a president who did not know all the scientific shenanigans going on behind the wizard's curtain than the zombie president who is destroying our nation...

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The lesser of two evils is still evil. During COVID, Trump destroyed the country and allowed chaos to reign. And......he broke every campaign promise except the one to Israel. And, in closing, let me leave you with a quote from Ann Coulter: "People cannot believe how incredibly stupid Donald Trump actually is."

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Just one issue to discuss. If Trump is such a pure unknowing angel of light, why does everyone accept him as just a duped uninformed patsy in regards to the whole sum of evil surrounding the scamdemic??

When it’s widely known he’s steeped in the occult??

Do your own due diligence, “ test all things hold fast to that which is good “


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One other thing that’s so important to remember. All of us who support a humanity that has integrity, compassion and dignity - we are all on one team. Stop attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with everything that you do. Those who wish to harm us need to keep us divided and distracted. Our greatest strength is to keep united.

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They had to know the hospital "covid protocols" of Remdesivir and ventilators were deadly. They did it anyway. Ultimately, the exposure of all the covid crimes and the utter uselessness of allopathic medicine will bring big medicine and big pharma down. May take a while, but it's coming.

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Margaret - I have a friend, an retired stock broker who’s made a bundle investing in Pharma, vaccines are the cash cow of the industry. He told me that they bring in scientists and other experts who explain how these are a win-win scenario. They are saving millions of lives while they bag the big bucks. The anti vaxxers are the enemy of humanity. And he’s totally convinced of it. Nothing sways someone’s viewpoint better than a healthy profit. Throughout the scamdemic a lot of people were paid a lot to look the other way or pretend like nothing foul was in play.

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It was the puppet masters who invented money. People like to say that it's the love of money, not money itself, that is the root of all evil. That may be true, but money is an excellent way to work evil. It's a trap. Its very structure is to control by giving or eliminating choices and freedom. If you get control of it from the top in the way the banksters have done, you become the determiner of what choices and freedoms people have, ultimately whether they will eat or starve and you control the misery of their lives. But prior to the banksters who only work for them, there was and is the real power, the Black Nobility, going back into time. They controlled the peasantry and the lower aristocracy. There was always some form of the Black Nobility although a lot of people think they arose in the middle ages. Nope, it goes back to the kings of antiquity. The way they did it was to control the financial strings. Back far enough it may have been expressed in some other form of value: geographic position, resources, or some form of wealth that allowed those who could force-own it to become rich and to deny wealth to others. To control, you must control the wealth. But currency provided a much more effective form of control of that value. So it's a long story of using money as a representative of value and wealth since its development, in the west around 600BC with the first coins. In our current round of history. Don't know about earlier "lost civilizations." Currency was a very good handmaiden of slavery, either physical or financial. All they did was make currency more and more effective to control with until now we're facing the ultimate in the CBDC. I don't think we will ever be free as long as money is our system of value because it is always co-opted by the most psychopathic. I personally believe it was brought here by our Reptilian overlords and was/is a tool MADE to enslave us. I don't know what else we can use besides, but we first have to shake out our heads about money to find something else. What you mention about Pharma and Big Medicine is a really vast manipulation of money. None of it would have been possible without money and the greed that runs it. There have been some systems like Ubuntu https://www.ubuntucontributionism.org/ but they seem to work more locally. I don't know if contributionism can work internationally, but money's got to go. It may not be the root of all evil, but it's certainly the best tool.

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Interesting perspective on the history and power dynamics of money. It’s true that money can be used as a tool for control and manipulation. It’s definitely worth exploring alternative systems of value and exchange.

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“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity” - Paul Vonharnish - January 2, 2020

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The viable alternative to highly concentrated and secret control of money, and all the evil that that has facilitated, is through transparent public control of money, in conjunction with eternal vigilance by us commoners.

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I wish I could say eternal vigilance was one of our skills. Maybe we will learn it in the upcoming days.

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Yes indeed. There is that quote from one of the Rothschilds saying give me control of the money system and it matters not who is in power. We’ve certainly seen this too often.

But as you’re probably aware, the greed that has overcome every aspect (well almost every aspect) of our lives is reaching a boiling point and the whole house of cards is about to crumble. The next few days, months, years are critical for all of us who care about peace, freedom, dignity etc. We need to stand tall an be a light to the billions who are about to have to face the reality of the massive crime committed against not just humanity but all life on earth. Because I’ve been at this for a long time, I have to remain optimistic that in my lifetime I’ll see the beginning of a brand new day. One thing I know about people is that we are incredibly resourceful and creative especially when facing dire adverse circumstances. It’s what has gotten this far despite our weaknesses and foolish ways. I believe that the evil controlled power structure will destroy itself - hopefully enough good people will persevere and we will finally be able to realize the divine purpose we were put here for. I know it sounds dreamy but one thing that’s very clear to me is that this is all a dream which we wake up from the moment we depart and enter the next realm whatever and wherever it puts us.

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Jun 30Liked by Forbidden.News


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I agree. It's always been up to us.

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Jun 30Liked by Forbidden.News


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This is the legal principle that can bring down the whole structure at one time when the time is right. All the evils... Washington DC as a foreign power representing as a federal government, incorporation of federal and state governments and creation of strawman "citizens," the destruction of common law with maritime law and birth certificates as a way to trade us like commodities on the markets, the Federal Reserve Act....fiat currency, central banking, investment banking scams, fractional reserve banking, the never properly ratified 16th Amendment/IRS, all the enslaving racketeering the Black Nobility has been inventing, engineering and expanding since our republic was in its cradle. And hopefully they will be forced to take down those goddam fasces we've been forced to look at behind our corrupt, incorporated, fascist money-whore corporate Congress lawmakers whose only job has been to endebt us to banksters with spending bills, war profiteering and suborning of wars by false flags. It's all been fraud. Beware mainstream media which is demonstrably lies and fraud, and all the agencies and NGOs built to do Black Nobility skullduggery. GONE!

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

There is no unity. On one side is the Democrat marxists who want total control and a war with Russia. On the other side is the fox news, boomer, flag waving zionist christian right who want a war with China.

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And both are the unwitting handmaidens of the criminal the cabal that underlies everything. Look here, look there, but never locate the puppet masters.

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Wow, so you're anti-everything?

- fox news (hasn't been maga in years)

- boomers (those over 60)

- flag waving (anyone patriotic?)

- zionist (sick code for hating 'jews'?)

- christian (hating any expression of a metaphysical reality?)

So everything's relative? Follow the fake science, follow the dark side mentor. Sure, that'll work out fine.

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"Anti-everything." Only the things you mentioned.

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As long as it’s not anti-peace or anti-truth or anti-freedom etc. Early on back in my college days I was very active in the “Peace Movement ”. But it’s was very disheartening to see so many of my comrades didn’t appear to very peaceful at all.

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Jun 23Liked by Forbidden.News

During Vietnam, I lived in Baltimore. We took the train to DC for every protest march. I was there for all the big ones. We marched, and we were not afraid, even the cops teargassed and beat us. We were determined to stop the carnage, and eventually we did play an important part. Once upon a time the left was antiwar. Now the democrats want war with Russia, and the Republicans want war with China. The peace movement in the US is dead. And now, it is impossible to stop WW3, which has already started.

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Yes, there's a physical war brewing and they will continue to manipulate geopolitics until they get it. But the warfare isn't limited to that. WW3 has been going on for many years as the Marxists "demoralize" us and the Chinese infiltrate everything silently. The war is all around us. What we don't see is who's waging it against us.

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

I’d like to hear a conversation between David Martin and Sabrina Wallace.

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Too late for conversations. The global population cull is well underway.

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you David - Much respect.

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He gave the Orange Buffoon a pass.

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Don't you realise that 'orange buffoon' is fighting for your liberties. I have followed deeply for 8 years and fully understand. I believe Trump was badly advised by people who he wrongly trusted. He is not a Dr and so obviously felt he had to listen to those with more experience on the subject. I'm sure he has worked out he was badly advised & those 'advisors' like Fauci will get what is coming to them.

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If you think Trump is fighting for your liberties, then that places you in the camp of the cultist. So tired of the Fox news christian boomers making excuses for Trump. His list of failures is too numerous to describe. Either Trump is a moron or he is in on the plot.

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You are seriously misguided.

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Said the cultist.

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Lol, doing what liberals do best, project. YOU are part of the problem.

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Belittling and name-calling as first resort is a hallmark of the left. Poster boy.

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You talk of Trump failures while you seem to ignore all the positives while he was in power. Why not talk of the democrat failures 0ne after another. even worse than failures. A cult is the following of one man. Trump is representing the (good) military generals who are trying to save your ass - we shall have to see how that pans out. I am from UK but can see clearly what is going on in your country & wish you well.

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Jun 23Liked by Forbidden.News

Here we go with the white hat black hat paradigm...

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So many excuses for this abject failure. He broke every campaign promise except the not to Israel.

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Sorry John, I think you are referring to Obama

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Obama kept his promise to completely transform America. Look around at how different the country is now due to his handiwork. Trump broke every campaign promise except to the Tribe who owns and controls him. Do I really have to list all the lies and failures of Trump?

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Trump is nothing but a Zionist POS

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Trump isn't a Jew.

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If you don't know the difference between a jew and a zionist you need to open a book once in a while

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MostJews are Zionists, and all Republicans and Evangelicals are Zionists.

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Trump is owned by the Tribe. He gave them his daughter. When Trump went bankrupt, the Tribe bailed him out, and have owned him ever since. By the way, every evangelical church in the US is Zionist, and every Republican is a Zionist.

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Again, 🎯

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deletedJun 21
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There is no plan B. The collapse of Western civilization, and the global population cull is well under way.

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deletedJun 21·edited Jun 21
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The Constitution is dead.

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Not yet, but it's close. Because it still exists and they haven't been able to revoke it legally, the problem is one of being ignored. It may pull us out yet. We'll have to see but job one is to expose when it's ignored. America has let this happen with its silence or maybe I should say snoring asleepness. You always get the government you deserve.

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

I have sent text, email and directly asked Rand Paul to quite campaigning and do something! Now I understand why these snakes do nothing tangible 🤔, they are bought out empty souls living a lie.

It always will up to us!!! Leser of two evils will never be a choice.

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Rand Paul is not his Father. Rand likes to talk, but nothing ever happens. No politician is coming to help. They are all bought and paid for by Israel, the corporations, and the MIC.

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All the focking doctors have been brainwashed, threatened, intimidated, and bribed into conformation. You cannot be environmental engineer if you believe the global warming is a hoax. You cannot be Jew if you don't believe Israel has the right to kill children. You can't be black if you for merits and no set aside. You can't be a woman if you think the glass ceiling is a myth.

The group narrative Trump's the truth.

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Doctors are arrogant and greedy. The vast majority are narcissists at best and psychopaths at worst. During COVID they tried to kill everyone who stepped into their office.

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This was supposed to be my reply here but I posted it below by mistake:

They had to know the hospital "covid protocols" of Remdesivir and ventilators were deadly. They did it anyway. Ultimately, the exposure of all the covid crimes and the utter uselessness of allopathic medicine will bring big medicine and big pharma down. May take a while, but it's coming.

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Rand is very similar to Trey Gowdy who sat on the Moriarity's evidence in the Benghazi investigation. That information would have showed that Hillary Clinton brought terrorists into Libya to bring down Kaddafi, murder him brutally in the streets, steal the gold he intended for a non-Rothschild African currency and open a Rothschild central bank, and reduce the country from a well-administered prosperous one to a devastation where slaves are sold in public markets. Gowdy was praised to the rafters for his questioning of Clinton, but he never got anywhere close to the real facts of what Hillary did in Libya. People wanted him to run for president! I don't know why he dropped out of politics, but it would be very interesting to know the real reason.

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6’ underneath. Threats to loved ones.

Epstein tape.

All three or take a door..

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

🚩Andrew Bridgen's inside knowledge on the corruption of our democracy, exposes that if Labour get elected in UK, it hands totalitarian control of our lives & those of our descendants to the WEF New World Order, One World Government.


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See also this new one, called a 'bombshell interview' with Andrew Bridgen, which it certainly is. Extraordinary revelations... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidSG5nMkW8&t=6155s

Everybody in the English speaking world needs to watch this and learn what's been going on.

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

This guy has been saying this since the beginning.... they hate this guy for his progress because he has been trying to educate as many people as possible... meddlers stand in his way..... If you want the truth ..... Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief twitch.tv/videos/2175381494 #truthovertribe

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I used to hate hearing this kind of crap, mainly because it was so full of conspiritorial (that a word?) bullshit.

Now, I hate hearing this shit because it's on our doorsteps.

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Jun 21Liked by Forbidden.News

Great coverage!

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Excellent coverage.

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Jun 23Liked by Forbidden.News

Paradoxically I fear that all this will be of no use, they can obscure everything, they are doing so, little or nothing of this speech is known by the victims and by the majority of humanity.

They can overshadow everything with disruptive events that distract attention, create chaos, they can literally eliminate witnesses, just think of what they did to Robert Fico, threaten them, there are new and old laws that protect the crimes of the powerful. History teaches that neither truth nor reason is effective enough against force. Everything they did with this fake pandemic, and before that, in its preparatory phase, the biological weapons they used against people, are part of a war. Constitutions are violated, broken and crumbled, democracies without a popular force that supports them, an army, a real power, are nullified.

Since Costitutions only make sense in nation states. And they are destroying nation states, undermining their economic independence, their industries and their laws.

The only possibility is that some of them break away from these dystopian plans compared to which the Nazis were beginners, and move to the side of reason and justice. But it will be difficult, because in recent years, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower already denounced, the Deep State, has come to coincide with the actual state, there is no longer any difference. Now these elites have such economic power that they own citizens, like a farmer owns his farm animals.

Like a slave owner he owned his slaves. No law protects us from their dystopian plans, we are naked, worse we are dehumanized by them. The process of dehumanization is in full swing. The alienation that Marcuse spoke about was still a human situation, which could happen to a human being without completely distorting it, at a certain level of being there was still the possibility of a critical awareness, the human being was not has yet to be reduced to an automaton, to a machine.

It is not easy to fight against such totalitarianism.

Not even in the darkest times of feudalism was there such control and such enslavement.

Above all, we are isolated from each other, socially fragmented. Their true terror is socialism, which is why they have managed to manipulate and erase ("foreclusion") from the minds of human beings the idea of ​​democracy and socialism, equality, justice, replacing them with fetishes, with a state of enslavement and collective deprivation of resources and speech which resembles the condition of the Helots in ancient Sparta. but which they, with truly satanic malignity, call socialism. Their nightmare is the possibility of a revolution from below, as in France in 1789, that the people will revolt and their heads will fall. May someone like Spartacus be born again. We are like serfs, Worse, even contact with the earth is taken away from us, even the visit of the starry sky, natural light, air and water: We are laboratory animals on which the most inhuman and monstrous experiments are performed.

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Great works 💪🏽⚔️🦅

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March 19, 2018

Anthony Fauci, MD

National Institutes of Health

Director, National Institute for Allergy

and Infectious Diseases

Building 31, National Institutes of Health

31 Center Drive, Room 7A03

Bethesda, MD 20892-2520

Dear Dr. Fauci,

The NIH All of Us Research Program is a historic effort to gather data from over

a million participants to accelerate research and improve health. Lessons from the

All of Us (AoU) Program will transform the practice of medicine from a one-size-

fits-all paradigm to a more individualized approach. Currently readying for its

national launch, AoU Program research will help link the impacts of

environmental exposure, diet, and genetics to our understanding of health and

disease, which will subsequently impact recommendations for treatment and care.

On March 21-23, NIH is holding a stakeholder-driven All of Us Research

Priorities Workshop to identify key requirements for advancing precision

medicine research at NIH. The program is seeking public input on potential

research questions or use cases. Other funders (including other NIH Institutes and

Centers) may consider use cases that are not incorporated into the All of Us

protocol for additional funding opportunities. As these historic efforts get

underway, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) urges the National

Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to promote infectious

diseases (ID) research considerations as a critical component of the AoU

Research Program, and also consider ways to link current and future Institute

efforts with program data.

Precision medicine and ID research

Since the advent of the All of Us Research Program, IDSA has been ramping up

our ID precision medicine efforts and working to establish infectious diseases as

an AoU research priority. In 2016, the Society formed a working group that

surveyed the landscape of infections and precision medicine to consider research

recommendations at the intersection of both fields.

IDSA has also been invited to participate in the upcoming All of Us Research

Priorities Workshop. IDSA’s submitted use cases to the public portal may be

found here, here, and here. Attendees will review submitted use cases, identify

gaps, create new use cases, and identify data types common across multiple use

PAGE 2—IDSA Comments to NIAID RE NIH All of Us Research Priorities

cases. Factors that will determine whether a use case becomes part of the protocol include

impact, scope, scalability, budget, and value to participants. NIH will make all use cases

available on the All of Us website as a searchable reference and as a principal database for

informing the program’s plans.

ID precision medicine research questions consider different factors than other fields, such as

oncology, that are typically associated with personalized care. Infectious diseases treatment often

occurs in a time-pressured setting (e.g., initiating empiric therapy for pneumonia or sepsis).

Infectious diseases often intersect with other specialties. Additionally, the field stands to benefit

from the increased study of the microbiome – a current NIAID priority that can be realized

through AoU – as well as continued human genome research. These considerations should be

integrated into AoU research priorities at the program’s outset.

It is critical that IDSA, NIAID, and other stakeholders work together to emphasize the

importance of ID precision medicine research as NIH prioritizes efforts in this area. AoU data

can be harnessed to improve ID patient care, diagnostics, vaccines, pharmacogenomics, and drug

development. Suggested research topics at the intersection of ID and precision medicine include:

• Using precision medicine to predict patients at risk for post-infectious complications of

vector-borne illnesses;

• Identifying the metabolic features of patients who develop mild vs. severe manifestations

of influenza;

• Improving precision management of acute infections and sepsis (as a major burden to

healthcare systems);

• Using AoU data to track and test individual responses to population-level emerging

infection interventions;

• The “other” genome: microbiota and the pathogenesis of infectious diseases;

• Using precision medicine to determine optimal antiretroviral therapy in aging people

living with HIV;

• Exploring precision vaccinology to determine who may benefit from particular vaccines,

doses, and/or formulations;

• Discovering microbial causes of illnesses previously not considered to be infectious


As the AoU Research Program matures, the integration of electronic medical record (EMR)-

generated and big data platforms will aid in the advancement of precision medicine. The NIAID

Genomics Centers for Infectious Diseases (GCID) can leverage these advances to improve

innovative applications of genomic ID technologies and more efficiently sequence microbial

isolates, host microbiomes, and invertebrate vectors of infectious diseases. Likewise, the Clinical

Genomics Program builds upon large-scale gene sequencing analysis to better understand,

diagnose, and treat immune system disorders, and the program’s combined focus on genetics and

immunology and multi-disciplinary approach align with the AoU research philosophy. NIAID

should harness AoU program data to help researchers study the etiology of antimicrobial

resistance, autoimmune disorders, host responses, and host-pathogen interactions.

PAGE 3—IDSA Comments to NIAID RE NIH All of Us Research Priorities

IDSA will continue to emphasize the importance of infectious diseases precision medicine

research as AoU shifts its focus from data collection to research considerations. We applaud

NIAID’s work in this area to date and recommend that the Institute join IDSA in championing

critical ID research questions as NIH prioritizes its efforts in this area. We look forward to

continued dialogue as this important issue evolves and appreciate your consideration.


Paul G. Auwaerter, MD, MBA, FIDSA

President, IDSA

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Jun 23Liked by Forbidden.News


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Jun 23Liked by Forbidden.News


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