Jul 12Liked by Forbidden.News

Natural Laws.

What part of that is being ignored for an outcome?

New age populist beliefs imposed upon dopes are the armies being implemented to bring about our demise.

If that is 1/2 the population or more, well, a formidable challenge is upon us.

We the useless eaters will be killing each other orchestrated by refined mkultra techniques. This ushers in a new science of human control, nano synthesis biology.

This brings us to the fifth Gen, digital controlled devolved humans, chattel property like animals on a farm. Never forget the formation of money as power over us to implement this transformation, ongoing to mostly clueless dopes compliant by ignorance.

Oh what a wonderful future for the children of today.

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Jul 12Liked by Forbidden.News

Do you know what is really happen in Cuba?

Do you know that for 63 years the country is controlled by an elite and almost all the Cubans are struggle with famine every single day?

No Cuba is not an example, is a failure.

And not because the "embargo".

Your article is pure leftist propaganda based in opinions, not in facts.

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It’s not my argument it is that of the filmmaker. I’ve never been to Cuba.

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US embargoes crippled Cuba. Anybody under 60 has been fed Zionist fabricatons on every subject and needs to shut up and learn. Cuba produced the best doctors in the world because it was run by people of integrity, not by a rich and powerful elite. The Florida fanatics really do need deaing with.

The US has invaded and crippled the economies, taken over the governments, ransacked their resources, and exploited the peoples, of sixty-one nations since WWII.

That is all anybody needs to know.

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That’s not all one needs to know.

Post WWII, the US Taxpayer has been enslaved to both financially subsidize and to shed blood for the wars of the Globalists.

These wars were not desired by Americans, nor have they benefited Americans. They have destroyed the Treasury, in tandem with the export of our manufacturing base to China, for the purposeful pump-and-dump of America, with BlackRock feeding on its carcass.

The point I’m making is that is is false to equate everyday American people with the Globalist pawns and traitors in the military-industrial complex who are cruelly imploding “their” own country, to which they clearly have no allegiance.

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Au contaire. The only study of its kind ever undertaken in the US was in 1969, with the intention of demonstrating empirically, how Americans are the most prosperous people in the world, thanks to US Capitalism. Cost of the study was no barrier. The objective was American propaganda.

This project was discontinued because the results shocked Americans, and the world, and not in a nice way. Basically, the cameo is that much of Americans' wealth was plundered from the invaded nations. That is where American prosperity came from. Another was the 10% tax on every citizen in the world through enforcement of the US Petrodollar. Almost all Americans have chosen to believe the propaganda and have denied the truth by claiming other people in the world are jealous of US freedom and democracy.

However, the study also showed that 40% of Americans were locked into poverty; that 12% suffered permanent and severe brain damage due to malnutrition. Other figures were almost as unpalatable. Almost no Americans questioned the claim that "the US has the right to protect its legitimate interests" in the nations it invaded. There were no legitimate interests. Not even the foremost economist of the time, Kenneth Galbraith, questioned this. In fact he whitewashed the FederalReserve and claimed the Rothschilds were a spent force, bested now by their technologically savvy employees ("THe New Industrial State".)

Essentially, nobody in America questioned all of this until a Bhuddist Monk immolated himself in Saigon square, viewed by all Americans on national TV. That triggered a wakeup. Nevertheless, most Americans still firmly believe their wealth, albeit dwindling rapidly, is due to US execellence. Last time I looked, the US was 39th on the global literacy scale, which might explain much. I suspect the percentage is now many points higher. Note that I am Australian, one of your government's victims and yet how many Americans know we are a militarily occupied stste; with our resources plundered for nix.

At age 81, I lived and researcched through all of this. Your CIA tried to shoot me; and it terminated the Australian government and our zero unemployment, and is now trying to kill of the entire population. Yes this is complex, which is why I generalise. If these facts are not acknowledged, the US will be disintegrated by a world that has run out of patience for the willingly blind little Americans.

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You must be stupid to fall for this crap.

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I have heard that claim so many times: That Genetically Modified Crops were an integral part of the Green Revolution. Where is the proof of that?

All GMOs did was further standardize industrial agricultural practices, engineering seeds and plants to CONTAIN and create poisons (in this case herbicides/pesticides). THERE WAS AND IS NOTHING "GREEN" ABOUT GMOs! They are biotechnology that has disrupted and harmed the soil, soil biome, beneficial insect life, birds, water life, and destroyed the DNA integrity of valued food plants like corn. In addition, GMOs have destroyed farmers' rights to choose the seeds they prefer, violated their land rights by polluting their fields with GMO contamination, up-ended farm economics so badly farmers commit suicide when GMOs' failure to produce as well as old crops is finally revealed!

PLEASE never buy into the Monsanto/Bill Gates/GMO Biotech/SEED MONOPOLY INDUSTRY untrue propaganda that GMOs are a winning part of some overblown Green Revolution tale. When the costs to the stability of the farming sector, the environment, and long-term health of the Earth's biosphere and people's well being is factored in, any claimed production of higher yields is meaningless and cancelled out if it ever existed beyond media marketing hype and lies in the first place.

From the perspective of 2024, you know what GMO crops and seeds look like? Another depopulation and EUGENICS weapon of mass destruction.

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Of course no one wishes to address the *massive* numbers of civilian aircraft flying around 24 hours a day, or the millions of tonnes of aviation fuel spent into the atmosphere every. single. week.

No one wishes to address the waste and expenditure of resource via military and para-military operations world wide. You know? In hell holes like the Ukraine or in lovely locals like Palestine...

And no one wishes to address urban cultures wherein assholes romp around in SUV's the size of school busses. Do you pricks really NEED 450 horse power engines to haul your overstuffed asses around? The list could go on. But let's avoid reality and talk about Cuba and elitists...

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deletedJul 19
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But since it wasn’t an Act of Congress, it can just as easily be EO’d in reverse.

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deletedJul 12Liked by Forbidden.News
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Science or pseudo-science? We are experiencing population replacement and miscegenation and nothing short of armageddon will stop this madness.

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deletedJul 12
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Brawndo has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAqIJZeeXEc Drink Brawndo!

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