Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

People keep going on and on about Communism, NAZISM (aka Socialism), Marxism and Fascism.

And, YES......these are all absolutely VERY BAD THINGS.....but, they are merely TOOLS.

Tools to get to THE END GAME!


And if people don't know what TECHNOCRACY is, they'd better quickly LEARN!

It is FAR WORSE than any of the fore mentioned 'control systems'.

Your Masters have 'you' FOCUSED on the TOOLS......instead of THE END GAME!

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That's exactly right - these "isms" are all tools created by the Black Nobility to confuse and control us. It's a game to them.

if you look at my post about the Black Nobility, you see, for example the Wittelsbach Family was involved in Nazism, the Jewish Mafia (US Territory), the Benedictine Monks and the Jesuits.


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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Divide and conquer. It's a very old playbook!

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

Absolutely, Alex! Yes; I saw that post........good one!

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

I subscribed to your Substack because I discovered your interview by Robert David Steele, where I got to know you a little bit, and realized you are a genuine truth-seeker with a heart that is in the right place.

I haven't viewed the film yet, but I'm delighted to see that you're taking on Zionism and WWII—because it's time to set the record straight.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

Nice piece. Most times one can achieve clarity by looking at etymology of "the word" by connecting .the symbolic dots created at it's root(s). One could also look into the bios of the players, e.g., Karl Marx whose real name was Moses Mordechi Levy, and was descended from a long line of Talmudic scholars; or Leon Trotsky who was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a Ukrainian Jewish family of wealthy farmers. One cannot overlook the Frankfort School, and web connecting the black nobility to the Vatican. It doesn't require much research to get so deeply into the rabbit-hole, that one loses sight of the exit. It is interesting to connect the dots. Ye shall know them by their fruits.

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Two wings of the same bird: Bolshevism and Nazism. Communism and Fascism.

Please don't try to forward the idea that right-wing means "freedom" (from socialism).

The original designation of "right" and "left" comes from the freemasonic understanding of the masculine and feminine pillars.

Same government; same totalitarianism; different styles.

The Left does it appealing to mothering instinct and the "human family."

The Right does it appealing to the protective father as a militarized state.

Hitler's Nazis were handed political power over the "fatherland" by the conservative wing. To protect the fatherland and "keep the peace."

The United States is a decayed, militarized fatherland being pushed into accepting communism as a way of governing.

No one is free under any state, and there is no escape from the truth that -

Government is Slavery -

under any style of state.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

If someone has written that we should destroy the family unit, Christianity, the white race 150 years ago. That someone is Jewish. Fast forward to another American Jew lady who was sent to destroy Sweden; she said we the jews are instrumental in the race mixing and the Swedish people will end up resenting us. Hence it is difficult to say you can't generalize about who are the evil gangs behind the destruction of the west?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

I would say that these people are absolutely evil and they have their agenda but what I'm saying is that there are people more powerful than them who are pulling their strings and enabling them.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

By design.

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When I watched this film a couple of years ago, it became clear that I’m living in the Twilight Zone.

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Have you read William Bramley's famous The Gods of Eden, 1985? (There is another book called Gods of Eden, 1989, by Andrew Collins that's about the possibility of a very ancient race and the Great Pyramid/Sphinx. Although quite interesting, Bramley's book is the topic here.) Bramley, like Biglino, makes the argument that sinister arrivals from elsewhere have over millennia "conspired to dominate humankind through violence and chaos...a conspiracy that continues to this very day." I don't agree with all of his history, for example I don't think the ancient Egyptians built, or were remotely capable of building, the Giza pyramids. And I also don't agree that our civilization began with what we have been taught were our earliest cultures, Ur, Sumer, etc.. But Bramley discusses the domineering, mind controlling, role of what he calls "The Custodians" outlining the activities of these evil doers in the catastrophes of our history in a way we can see clearly by just looking around. The mainstay of their activities is conflict, from provoking continuous war to multitudinous other other forms of mayhem, the purpose of which is to obscure their presence and prevent their accountability for all the chaos. They lurk behind the villains of history and corrupted the ancient positive Brotherhood of the Snake into the dangerous secret societies of today. I don't think many would deny this kind of activity in the history of the world or even that its goal is world domination. The question revolves around who's responsible. At this point, it's not just gullible, semi-crackpots like Kerry Cassidy, but solid researchers like David Icke, Joseph P Farrell, and Mauro Biglino who say overtly or between the lines that our opposition is not terrestrial in origin. What looks like the height of sinister to us is only the merciless parasitism of an alien species with the goal of totally controlling and harvesting this planet and its occupants. We do to animals what they do to us with less technical virtuosity, so this kind of behavior is hardly shocking other than in the sense that it's being done to US. We can't overcome an enemy unless we know who that enemy is. I have no doubt that the enemy operates through human or semi-human henchmen and profiteers like the Black Nobility, royal and papal lines, religion itself, political actors of every ilk, including those referred to as Nazis, and the bloody secret societies. But the characteristic chaos goes back a very long time indeed. I really recommend Bramley's book if you want to consider that there might be a unifying hand in all of it, one that still runs this world. At the end of the book, Bramley makes a number of suggestions for practically and spiritually escaping the prison we find ourselves in. I think many of us realize the battle is practical but also largely a spiritual battle, meaning mastering the use and evolution of our own consciousness and understanding the nature and creation of realities. We're not going to be able to duck it, I believe.

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Yes, I did read William Bramley's 'Gods of Eden', way back in 1990 or so and I actually wrote him a letter (this was pre-internet days) – and he wrote me back! What a cool guy and what a great book that really sums-up the situation!

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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, for me that book was a life changer!

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In 1990, I would have been shocked to my shorts reading Bramley's book. Times change... I would love to meet him. I saw he has a small website williambramley.com He no longer writes but will answer questions. If I think of a good one, I'll write him.

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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Well said! This recent video from Jay Weidner is also relevant:

"Rise of The Archons"


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Yes, I think it's all the same thing. I just read today that the new draft law passed. The custodians are getting ready to DINE.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

A key linchpin to justify Israel and to shame away anyone who dares question the Official Story, is the gas chambers of Holocaust. Or the magical 6 million number. Break this shackle on your mind and then you begin to ask: If THEY can make us believe this (and even now imprison you if you dare question or critique),...what else is an in-your-face LIE?

Codoh.com (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) is a huge repository of factual info presented in an even tempered manner, with scholarly research. It's a miracle this site is still out there. Download the books before it's gone.

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For clarification: Is "the Lie" that six million were killed? Or that the killing was exclusively done in the gas chambers at Auschwitz?

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Both are lies. 6 M is vastly exaggerated number.

Gas chambers are forensically disproven. Yes Zyklon B used commonly to delouse clothing and prisoners. Go to codoh.com for all data.

Someone asked ChatGPT what average time it takes to cremate a body. Couple of hours. Then divide the number of claimed gassing victims by cremation time. Chat calculated it would take hundreds of years.! Ooops.. Better re-program Chat!

NOTE: The main 3 books that recount WWII are from those who would know real data: Eisenhower, De Gaulle, and Churchill. Not one mention of GC.

PLUS, the Brits early on could decode ALL German encoded transmissions and listened to all daily traffic, including from camp commandants back to HQ. NO mention at all of any stats on prisoners killed by gas or huge cremation numbers.

Yes victims have right to be pissed and after the war the survivors have made up the most outlandish stories of depravity that have been debunked. During wartime all sides use exaggerated propaganda and fake stories of enemy brutality (babies on bayonets WWI, incubators in Kuwait etc).

After the wars we hope for historians to look back and give us clear honest stats. However the Tribe has a differing value: whatever will defend their "uniqueness" is fair game. Massive lying is standard practice.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

I keep meaning to watch this film. Thanks for the reminder.

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Jun 17Liked by Forbidden.News

America's SHAME, as the German people are the ones genocided. Rhine Meadows prison cages, a detail, like many, conveniently left out of US history class:


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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

This is an important video production, though the attempt to pin it all on an essentially undefined "Black Nobility" is not helpful.

To trace the source of today's crisis, the best reference IMHO is British journalist Douglas Reed's magnum opus, "The Controversy of Zion." This book traces the development of the modern nihilist movement beginning with the mid-17th century English Revolution up through 1950 when Reed completed the book. It went unpublished for many years but is now available on-line.


Reed finds the antecedents of modern nihilism in Talmudic Rabbinism and the Book of Deuteronomy. He says that the European revolutionary impulse evident through the "enlightmentment" and its attack on Christianity merged with Jewish Zionism in the 19th century which virtually took it over. Zionism then became the predominant revolutionary force of modern times.

Reed believes the Protocols are an authentic record of actual meetings of the core nihilist group and give a blueprint of the underlying program of the destruction of all civilized values and creation of a totalitarian state. We are now far advanced in that direction. The current "plandemics" are their creation, as are the Ukraine and Gaza wars. They run the Biden administration and NATO.

But it's no longer the Black Nobility that is behind it but the core group that runs the globalist financial oligarchy and the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire.

A book you will find immensely interesting is Guido Giacomo Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe."

Also see my own book, "Our Country Then and Now" for how the US was "recovered" for the British Empire. https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858

For a recent article, see https://rickycook21.substack.com/p/us-collapse-triggers-end-of-500-year

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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Thanks for this. Well, and bravely, done.

I just started watching that so-called documentary. I do so in small chunks at a time. It's all I can manage. Otherwise, I'll start punching my computer screen while screaming, "Yeah! Sure! Fine! But who were they taking their orders from?!?" Everything, and anything, points to "The Jews!" and then, past that, NOTHING?

I'm going to attempt to watch it to the end to see if the underlying intent of its production clearly emerges. At the moment, it seems like its maybe a defence of Fascism (a la Moseley)? I also found it fascinating that Baron Rothschild speaks with a "posh" British accent while King Charles doesn't sound even the slightest bit Yiddish. Who own whom?

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As I said, the first 10 minutes were so shocking to me, it was like falling off a building.

There’s another 9 episodes - I haven’t seen them yet.

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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Please, the music (?) is overwhelming. I was unable to pick the voice out so I gave up on the video. Maybe it is an old age issue but really wanted to see this. Is there a text version that I can get so software can read to me?

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There’s a transcript beneath the video and article on this page:


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Jun 16Liked by Forbidden.News

I may have overlooked it but Karl Marx real name was Chaim Mordechai. Both parents were rabbis. His "Wikimedia" page was says he was converted to Lutheran after birth...sure. also Chaim was 3rd cousin to Rothschilds by marriage.

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Jun 15Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you for your truth Chanel

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Thanks for the link to the 1st. part.

Seems, this time, the collective West is slipping into a Holodomor, version 2.0.

Virtually ALL components needed therefore are in place ...

Same script, same producer, same directors ...

Welcome to "the New Normal" !!!

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