Here's the thing, big pharma is in the business to make money. They've managed to set things up so that when they harm and kill thousands of people, Americans, via some drug, they get fined at some point and the drug is taken off the market. To them, the fines are the cost of doing business. How is it possible that those companies aren't shut down, that the executives aren't sent to prison for life or worse ? Any individual who would harm and kill thousands of people would be sent to death row, every time.
And, here's the kicker : People keep buying drugs from these companies. Now, how idiotic is that ? It's the height of stupidity, this continuing to support the parasite that is then allowed to keep harming and killing us, just to get a slap on the wrist.
Election fraud is just one of dozens of things that need radical changing. We don't need to " Make America Great Again" - if it ever was. We need to Make America Start Over - and this time let's get it right. LOL.
You nailed it. If people stopped buying the drugs, the health"care", the EVs, the bad food, those industries would collapse. Educate the people and vote with your dollar. When that fails, string em up!
And, just like real parasites ( Real parasites excrete fluids that make us desire to eat food that they like. LOL. ), these outfits secrete commercials, news stories, information that makes us want to buy their products, products that end up killing us. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da life goes on brah, la-la how the life goes on.......
Kool-Aid is made by Kraft which was bought up by one of the tobacco companies - This happened when the tobacco companies knew the jig was up and decided to buy up food companies to remain profitable. They took their scientists, the ones who made cigarettes addictive via adding chemicals, and had them do the same to their food products. Thus Kraft and Nabisco and others produced such garbage like Tang, Kool-Aid, Hawaiian Punch........ and on and on.
So, yea dumping out the Kool-Aid in this sense is a good thing. Yes ?
Yikes! You are WAY over thinking it...LOL. I just meant for all the people willing to "drink the kool-aid" (buy into the narrative), you ruined it for them (think Jonestown Tragedy, not food empires). <wink>
Problem is, there's no getting to anyone. Everybody is in their little "knowing box " and nothing gets in that doesn't fit their "reality".
I have a dream, unlike King's, that it'll be like a scene out of Frankenstein :
The people will be chasing the psychopaths up the hill, torches in one hand and pitchforks in the other. Into the barn the psychos go, where they are locked in and the barn is set on fire.
Or, more up to date, the halftime show at the Super Bowl will feature a stellar lineup - Fauci, Gates, Biden, Hunter, and pick a dozen more - and the ceremony will consist of the lot of them tied together standing on top of a pile of straw and citizens who have won a drawing go up and torch the straw. And the crowd yells, " I'm tired as Hell and am not going to take this anymore. " ( Network )
Here's something I've expecting but sadly haven't seen yet: Mothers whose child or children has been ruined by vaccines causing autism, realize the truth about vaccines and start to go after the people responsible. Now, that would be " A Great Awakening ". " How dare you damage my child, on purpose of all things. And then lie about it. "
You are either young or new to the scene. Either way, good for you for seeking the truth! Your expected "Great Awakening" occurred LONG AGO - this topic may be new to you, but it is NOT new! You need to do some research. You could start with The Poisoned Needle, and you definitely need to learn about NVIC and listen to Barbara Loe Fisher tell her story. There are PLENTY of mother's who recognize(d) the reality - have been for decades!! The Vaccine Compensation folks have paid many millions for vaccine damage to parents who went after those touting their safety and efficacy. Also, look up Jenny McCarthy (Jim Carrey's ex) and watch Vaxxed (1, 2, & 3), and research why RFKjr (I'm not a full-fledged supporter) started his campaign against vaccines. There is enough info out there on this to keep you busy for many months full-time...
Hey did anyone hear that there is a connection between the rented truck used in the New Orleans terror attack and the Tesla Cyber Truck that blew up in front of Trumps Hotel in Vegas ? They are saying they were rented from the same place by the 2 guys who were in the military at the same base ! Is this a black op military operation ? So what is really going on......we are under siege from day one in 2025, heads up there must surely be more coming everyone be security minded where ever you travel !
Of course they say that ! The FBI has been covering up for the CIA, and the CIA has been covering up for the NSA for ever, and they never tell the people the truth, or what they really know, that is how the National Security State operates that is Policy, just like the Black Budget is never revealed to the Public ! Some time ago many years, I got a FOIA from a Federal Agency, where they finally revealed a hidden policy after being sued via the FOIA (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) provisions, and they were forced to reveal a policy that authorized them to make up false stories to give to the Public in response to inquiries, that was around 1998-1999 which was on the Federation of American Scientists web site. So they are authorized to lie to the Public in their own Policies ! More recently around 2010, another response by the FBI to a FOIA request was revealed on line, where the FBI was forced, after being sued in Court over the FOIA provisions, that it was their training Policy to train new recruits that they, the new recruits, have the power to suspend individual Rights, which means the Constitution, Bill of Rights, "Because there is an Emergency on" ! This flies in the face of the numerous US Supreme Court express statements in Rulings that Emergency does not grant power, Emergency can not be used to suspend the Constitution, or violate any provision in the Constitution ! But yet they do it all the time, and have been outside their Constitutional Authority and Power for a very long time since way back in 1933, and before that, if you want to get really technical ! I am an expert in law, I am an old school lawyer, not a "Bar Attorney", and I have beaten Attorneys and Judges in Court numerous times in the past ! You have not even scraped the tip of the ICE Burg yet ! LoL !
Yes, I read that this morning. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Listen to your gut instinct, if you sense danger, get out of there.
Well, I'm a youthful 78 and am well aware of the people you mention. It's just that the vast majority of women are not awake, otherwise most kids wouldn't still be on the devastating vaccine schedule that is meant to kill off the next generation, most likely; or, cripple it and destroy the lives of countless families. How can a country function when 1 in 30 kids, plus or minus, is autistic ? And, it's getting worse, as I'm sure you know. It's fantastic that the people you mention, and more, are working so hard to wake people up. My dream is to witness hordes
of women going medieval. Speaking the language of those evil perpetrators of destruction on our children. Being polite or logical or persuasive is the wrong language. None of it translates. The evil people of fear only hear the language of fear, not love. Our planet functions on fear. We grow up in fear, like fish in water we don't even realize it. It's normal, thus Planet Normal. All our problems stem from our living in fear, not love. So, until we learn to live in love, the recognized language on this planet is fear. What happens to those who live in love ? Comedian Bill Hicks sums it up; " We kill those people "
I would suppose that showing them excessive love might just kill them. LOL
You gave me a marketing idea: Produce a spray can product that kills psychos, and only psychos. Spray it on a loving person and it has not effect. Spray it on a psycho and he/she melts. I'd name it, " The Exterminator " ( Not to be confused with The Terminator ).
Right, and thank you, Putin, for getting rid of them. But, we still need to get our PsychoLabs up and running. Pre-order your " Melt a Psycho" cans today.
Or, " Melt A Psycho " . One can, one psycho melted. Discounts for buying a dozen cans or multiples thereof. Open carry allowed, though the element of surprise may be the better option. Holsters in development.....
Possibly, as an incentive, take a photo of a melted psycho and receive a free replacement can. No limits.......
Wondering if you might be interested in helping solve the worldwide fogging problem. Here's a tip to dive deep:
CAARE AEROSOL FOG. Thanks in advance. I think this problem will tie in to mass illness to claim bird flu fault, then mass rollout of the vax already on shelves to be deployed per EUA with new pandemic Emergency Powers and policies. Readers could help propogate exponentially to get ahead of their obvious scheme.
Thank you for your contribution. The unit shown in Alameda, CA depicts what is likely occurring worldwide. Satelite images show circles popping off strangely prior to swaths of 'fog' showing up in various regions systematically. These small portable units must be everywhere and at sea using carriers.
Perhaps even drone carriers? I dont know, but it’s terrifying, nonetheless to the misinformed or uninformed- even worse. How can we share only within our closest, when most are in denial? Thank you for your valuable insights!
No doubt in my mind, 2020 will be overturned. The real Joseph Robinette Biden is dead. Everything "actor/clone" Biden has done, these past four years, is null and void, he's a fraud, he's not the real POTUS.
"But THIS WAS COUP 5.0, Lou [Dobbs]. I mean there was no reason to think that the Democratic operatives that spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating the Russia Hoax, the Steele Dossier, taking us through a Special Counsel operation for two years, trying an impeachment hoax, the apocalypse hoax, the obstruction hoax wouldn't go so far as to create every means of voter fraud that they could come up with to steal this election." ~ Sidney Powell, attorney for President Trump's re-election legal team
In real life, statistical anomalies don't occur in such a uniform manner as to just happen in seven Democratic majority states at virtually the exact same time. Mistakes do happen, but they usually all take different directions. When all the "glitches" -- the mistakes and "errors" -- go in the same direction and benefit the same people, groups, entities or parties, in this case Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they aren't "mistakes" or "errors". They are malfeasance and criminal and treasonous acts against the people of America.
The Wisconsin Stealth Ballot Dump was approximately 98.4 percent for Joe Biden. That's a better percentage than anyone has ever seen in even the most staunch Democratic strongholds and cities. That's better than Biden did in the District of Columbia, and it's basically a statistical impossibility.
Many apologists for the amerikkan Communists quickly dismiss these improbable spikes with "of course the mail-in voting favors Biden -- Republicans vote in person." However true, the ratios are still way off normal, since they usually fall in the 60 to 40 or 70 to 30 range. But 97 to 3? OH HELL NO. So, either Biden is a better campaigner to the inner-city Takers (rarely leaving his basement) than his much more eloquent partner in crime Barack Obama, or something deeply troubling and grossly criminal has occurred.
Wisconsin's voter turnout was twenty points higher, at 90 percent, and it represents the highest national number in American history, since the extremely fraudulent vote of 1876. And here's the real kick in the ass from these numbers. Once one investigates these improbable vote dumps favoring Joe Biden, one finds several districts with TWO HUNDRED PERCENT TURNOUT. There are seven with over 100 percent and a bunch of the districts with over 90 percent.
Add to this that all of America recently heard from a whistleblower from a Michigan post office saying that the postal workers were handed ballots on November 4th and ordered to postmark them for November 3rd so they would still be valid, and it is readily evident that massive fraud was occurring in these Democratic ruled states, seven battleground states that had heavy Democratic Party influences inside the big cities.
Voting by mail has always been known to generate many problems associated with it, and it greatly facilitates cyber-attacks and the manipulation of the vote through technologically advanced computer software and ballot dumps. This was largely the reason for the mask mandates and the COVID-19 fearmongering, as the Democrats needed something to justify such a massive use of mail-in ballots nationwide.
Anyway one reviews the timeline, from the Democratic Primary to the present, the Biden/Harris ticket shouldn't have been a "winning ticket". Biden suffers from severe confusion, and probably a host of other mental illnesses, and his campaign events were barely attended. Harris was the first to leave the primary, since her support was so dismal and the Democrats rejected her, and yet, she is now set to be the Vice-President of the United States should America's luck run all the way out. America watched, as one Democratic Party held region after another saw cities looted, burned and destroyed, from New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Chicago on to Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and even Kenosha, Wisconsin.
How can a party so abysmal as the Democratic Party now be poised to win the presidential election? Only one answer suffices -- Fraud.
For days and weeks prior to the election, United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney warned anyone who would listen of the existence of HAMMER, a top secret special software, developed by the National Security Agency and largely now controlled by the CIA, that can be used to alter vote counts in elections, primarily to be used against America's foreign enemies. But his warning pointed to his belief, after conversations with past and current Intelligence personnel, that something nefarious was underfoot to use HAMMER and another software, Scorecard, to help Joe Biden steal this election.
On November 6th 2020, Sidney Powell, a member of President Trump's legal team (and General Michael Flynn's attorney), made the following allegation to Lou Dobbs -- repeated to Maria Bartiromo on Nov. 8th -- on Fox News Business: "There are any number of things they need to investigate, including the likelihood that three percent of the total vote was changed in the pre-election (early) voting. Ballots that were recorded digitally by using the HAMMER program and the software program called "Scorecard" that would have amounted to a massive change in the vote, that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what we're seeing. In addition, they ran an algorithm to calculate votes they might need to come up with for Mr. Biden. (This is why they shut down counting the votes -- something never before done in the history of U.S. elections.) In specific areas, I think that explains what happened in Michigan where a computer glitch resulted in the change of about 5500 [votes that favored] President Trump, just in one of 47 districts. All those districts need to be checked for that same "software glitch", that would change the result in Michigan dramatically.
Much of the case for proving that President Trump actually did win the election hinges on a number of dynamics, and, as he waved affidavits that actually hold up in court as evidence, he told the gathered journalists that their claims of "lack of evidence" for fraud were ridiculous. His legal team's assertions include fraudulent mail-in ballots -- Back-dated ballots, Unobserved ballots and Unsigned ballots and thousands of them from multiple states; and massively evil electronic shenanigans focused on Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic.
During the briefing, Sidney Powell explained; "There is no doubt that it (Dominion) has been used to alter elections in other countries. The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election ... we have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. This affidavit is attached ... it is a stunning, detailed affidavit because he was with Hugo Chavez when he was briefed on how it works. He has seen it operate and as soon as he saw the multiple states shut down the voting the night of the election, he knew the same thing was happening here. ..... Powell continued, alleging that Dominion systems were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in the November 2020 election. ..... "One of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set up and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to Joe Biden. Notably, the Dominion executives are nowhere to be found now. They're moving their offices overnight to different places. Their office in Toronto was shared with one of the Soros entities."
Adding his own concerns, Giuliani explained how the aforementioned whistleblower had gone into great detail on the foreign interference that is also part and parcel of any Dominion package, as Giuliani also alleged that U.S. votes in 27 to 28 states that were counted by Dominion, calculated and analyzed, were sent outside of our country, and they don't go to Canada. They were sent to Germany and Spain, where a company called "Smartmatic" performed the actual count. Giuliani further observed that this was Dominion's expertise -- rigging elections, and that they have already executed such fraudulent elections several times in Venezuela, Argentina and even Chicago, as noted in the official U.S. Congressional record. This crooked, corrupt, criminal enterprise was at the helm of the vote count on the night of November 3rd 2020.
Giuliani said: "And they did all their old tricks. They stopped it (the election count). They also switched votes around subtly, maybe 10 per district so you don't notice. They got caught in Antrim County (Michigan) which is how we found out about them, and we are in the process of investigating this in great, great detail."
The U.S. Military funds ISIS along with the skank state of Israel. The U.S. Military is the “Deep State,” along with the infiltration of the skankers from Israel, who were put there by Joe “Clone” Biden and Donald “Jewish” Trump. So, the psychopathic minds of the Deep State started the New Year across the world with its reign of Terror. There are too many flies around the fruit, so smash a few to message the other flies. And yes, we are nothing more than pesky flies to these psychopaths. While the reign of terror begins this New Year, Trump, Musk, and all the other corporate stooges will start the “smart” siege against Americans. All Eyes Wide Open. I aim to achieve higher vibrational energy: Truth, justice, and authenticity. Be your authentic self and continue to speak out against tyranny! Happy fucking New Year!
Exactly. In the beginning when Dominion and the election fraudsters started suing us for defamation, we thought surely this will be our chance thru discovery and depositions to prove they cheated! NOPE! The "justice" system completely failed us.
A whole lot of retribution is riding on this change of administration. It's going to take months before the full staff gets settled in, and my guess is the priorities have already been set (i.e. address the budget, change of DA's, addressing Ukraine, Syria, the UN and so forth. People have high expectations, and are accustomed to Amazon's Prime service - they want it delivered in two days! I do believe much is already happening behind the scenes, but this is one big ship, that doesn't turn on a dime. Stay alert, and continue to share good news.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Here's the thing, big pharma is in the business to make money. They've managed to set things up so that when they harm and kill thousands of people, Americans, via some drug, they get fined at some point and the drug is taken off the market. To them, the fines are the cost of doing business. How is it possible that those companies aren't shut down, that the executives aren't sent to prison for life or worse ? Any individual who would harm and kill thousands of people would be sent to death row, every time.
And, here's the kicker : People keep buying drugs from these companies. Now, how idiotic is that ? It's the height of stupidity, this continuing to support the parasite that is then allowed to keep harming and killing us, just to get a slap on the wrist.
Election fraud is just one of dozens of things that need radical changing. We don't need to " Make America Great Again" - if it ever was. We need to Make America Start Over - and this time let's get it right. LOL.
You nailed it. If people stopped buying the drugs, the health"care", the EVs, the bad food, those industries would collapse. Educate the people and vote with your dollar. When that fails, string em up!
So true.
And, just like real parasites ( Real parasites excrete fluids that make us desire to eat food that they like. LOL. ), these outfits secrete commercials, news stories, information that makes us want to buy their products, products that end up killing us. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da life goes on brah, la-la how the life goes on.......
Election fraud and vaccine fraud go hand in hand?
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Complete and utter insanity. Thank you for sharing this. May we all be blessed with health love peace and joy!
Wow. You really just had to dump out the kool-aid...
Not sure what you mean, Deni ?
Kool-Aid is made by Kraft which was bought up by one of the tobacco companies - This happened when the tobacco companies knew the jig was up and decided to buy up food companies to remain profitable. They took their scientists, the ones who made cigarettes addictive via adding chemicals, and had them do the same to their food products. Thus Kraft and Nabisco and others produced such garbage like Tang, Kool-Aid, Hawaiian Punch........ and on and on.
So, yea dumping out the Kool-Aid in this sense is a good thing. Yes ?
Yikes! You are WAY over thinking it...LOL. I just meant for all the people willing to "drink the kool-aid" (buy into the narrative), you ruined it for them (think Jonestown Tragedy, not food empires). <wink>
Yikes, Kool-Aid on steroids ! ( Jonestown ).
OK, color me "party pooper ".
Problem is, there's no getting to anyone. Everybody is in their little "knowing box " and nothing gets in that doesn't fit their "reality".
I have a dream, unlike King's, that it'll be like a scene out of Frankenstein :
The people will be chasing the psychopaths up the hill, torches in one hand and pitchforks in the other. Into the barn the psychos go, where they are locked in and the barn is set on fire.
Or, more up to date, the halftime show at the Super Bowl will feature a stellar lineup - Fauci, Gates, Biden, Hunter, and pick a dozen more - and the ceremony will consist of the lot of them tied together standing on top of a pile of straw and citizens who have won a drawing go up and torch the straw. And the crowd yells, " I'm tired as Hell and am not going to take this anymore. " ( Network )
Here's something I've expecting but sadly haven't seen yet: Mothers whose child or children has been ruined by vaccines causing autism, realize the truth about vaccines and start to go after the people responsible. Now, that would be " A Great Awakening ". " How dare you damage my child, on purpose of all things. And then lie about it. "
You are either young or new to the scene. Either way, good for you for seeking the truth! Your expected "Great Awakening" occurred LONG AGO - this topic may be new to you, but it is NOT new! You need to do some research. You could start with The Poisoned Needle, and you definitely need to learn about NVIC and listen to Barbara Loe Fisher tell her story. There are PLENTY of mother's who recognize(d) the reality - have been for decades!! The Vaccine Compensation folks have paid many millions for vaccine damage to parents who went after those touting their safety and efficacy. Also, look up Jenny McCarthy (Jim Carrey's ex) and watch Vaxxed (1, 2, & 3), and research why RFKjr (I'm not a full-fledged supporter) started his campaign against vaccines. There is enough info out there on this to keep you busy for many months full-time...
Hey did anyone hear that there is a connection between the rented truck used in the New Orleans terror attack and the Tesla Cyber Truck that blew up in front of Trumps Hotel in Vegas ? They are saying they were rented from the same place by the 2 guys who were in the military at the same base ! Is this a black op military operation ? So what is really going on......we are under siege from day one in 2025, heads up there must surely be more coming everyone be security minded where ever you travel !
The Post Millennial reports that the FBI says there was no connection between both events;
Who trusts what the Fib Bureau of Non-Investigation says?
Exactly. That was the joke, lol.
Of course they say that ! The FBI has been covering up for the CIA, and the CIA has been covering up for the NSA for ever, and they never tell the people the truth, or what they really know, that is how the National Security State operates that is Policy, just like the Black Budget is never revealed to the Public ! Some time ago many years, I got a FOIA from a Federal Agency, where they finally revealed a hidden policy after being sued via the FOIA (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) provisions, and they were forced to reveal a policy that authorized them to make up false stories to give to the Public in response to inquiries, that was around 1998-1999 which was on the Federation of American Scientists web site. So they are authorized to lie to the Public in their own Policies ! More recently around 2010, another response by the FBI to a FOIA request was revealed on line, where the FBI was forced, after being sued in Court over the FOIA provisions, that it was their training Policy to train new recruits that they, the new recruits, have the power to suspend individual Rights, which means the Constitution, Bill of Rights, "Because there is an Emergency on" ! This flies in the face of the numerous US Supreme Court express statements in Rulings that Emergency does not grant power, Emergency can not be used to suspend the Constitution, or violate any provision in the Constitution ! But yet they do it all the time, and have been outside their Constitutional Authority and Power for a very long time since way back in 1933, and before that, if you want to get really technical ! I am an expert in law, I am an old school lawyer, not a "Bar Attorney", and I have beaten Attorneys and Judges in Court numerous times in the past ! You have not even scraped the tip of the ICE Burg yet ! LoL !
Yes, I read that this morning. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Listen to your gut instinct, if you sense danger, get out of there.
Psyops and red-flags are all around. What really happened? Who knows?...
Now we know there is a connection. Wray said he acted alone.
We should be expecting word on the Brunson case, too. Even though it's being suppressed from us at this time.
I am. I am. I am, is the name where Truth must be sought. Go into thy closet…and pray.
Hi Deni,
Well, I'm a youthful 78 and am well aware of the people you mention. It's just that the vast majority of women are not awake, otherwise most kids wouldn't still be on the devastating vaccine schedule that is meant to kill off the next generation, most likely; or, cripple it and destroy the lives of countless families. How can a country function when 1 in 30 kids, plus or minus, is autistic ? And, it's getting worse, as I'm sure you know. It's fantastic that the people you mention, and more, are working so hard to wake people up. My dream is to witness hordes
of women going medieval. Speaking the language of those evil perpetrators of destruction on our children. Being polite or logical or persuasive is the wrong language. None of it translates. The evil people of fear only hear the language of fear, not love. Our planet functions on fear. We grow up in fear, like fish in water we don't even realize it. It's normal, thus Planet Normal. All our problems stem from our living in fear, not love. So, until we learn to live in love, the recognized language on this planet is fear. What happens to those who live in love ? Comedian Bill Hicks sums it up; " We kill those people "
I am a woman and I agree with you.
I completely agree. Kill ‘em with love. That likely won’t function. So..extermination in order. We do NOT comply.
I would suppose that showing them excessive love might just kill them. LOL
You gave me a marketing idea: Produce a spray can product that kills psychos, and only psychos. Spray it on a loving person and it has not effect. Spray it on a psycho and he/she melts. I'd name it, " The Exterminator " ( Not to be confused with The Terminator ).
Sounds like one of those gene-specific weapons they were developing in the biolabs in Ukraine…
Right, and thank you, Putin, for getting rid of them. But, we still need to get our PsychoLabs up and running. Pre-order your " Melt a Psycho" cans today.
Or, " Melt A Psycho " . One can, one psycho melted. Discounts for buying a dozen cans or multiples thereof. Open carry allowed, though the element of surprise may be the better option. Holsters in development.....
Possibly, as an incentive, take a photo of a melted psycho and receive a free replacement can. No limits.......
Wondering if you might be interested in helping solve the worldwide fogging problem. Here's a tip to dive deep:
CAARE AEROSOL FOG. Thanks in advance. I think this problem will tie in to mass illness to claim bird flu fault, then mass rollout of the vax already on shelves to be deployed per EUA with new pandemic Emergency Powers and policies. Readers could help propogate exponentially to get ahead of their obvious scheme.
Thank you for your contribution. The unit shown in Alameda, CA depicts what is likely occurring worldwide. Satelite images show circles popping off strangely prior to swaths of 'fog' showing up in various regions systematically. These small portable units must be everywhere and at sea using carriers.
US1338343A is a patent for a process and apparatus to create intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists:
Hydrolyze an anhydrous chloride in a moist ammoniacal atmosphere, then add a substance to increase the fog's opacity Potential uses
Concealing airplanes or drones during war, or creating special effects fog for theaters
Yes. The illnesses and hospitalizations will trigger false PCR testing and media meltdown again.
Perhaps even drone carriers? I dont know, but it’s terrifying, nonetheless to the misinformed or uninformed- even worse. How can we share only within our closest, when most are in denial? Thank you for your valuable insights!
Your welcome. Persevere and resolve.
Yes. Thank you. I saw this and restacked recently.
No doubt in my mind, 2020 will be overturned. The real Joseph Robinette Biden is dead. Everything "actor/clone" Biden has done, these past four years, is null and void, he's a fraud, he's not the real POTUS.
Corrupt (likely bribed) judges need to be tried & sent to PRISON. There are THOUSANDS of them subverting and corrupting our judicial system.
It's good to be in the season of justice and accountability. Happy New Year!
"But THIS WAS COUP 5.0, Lou [Dobbs]. I mean there was no reason to think that the Democratic operatives that spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating the Russia Hoax, the Steele Dossier, taking us through a Special Counsel operation for two years, trying an impeachment hoax, the apocalypse hoax, the obstruction hoax wouldn't go so far as to create every means of voter fraud that they could come up with to steal this election." ~ Sidney Powell, attorney for President Trump's re-election legal team
In real life, statistical anomalies don't occur in such a uniform manner as to just happen in seven Democratic majority states at virtually the exact same time. Mistakes do happen, but they usually all take different directions. When all the "glitches" -- the mistakes and "errors" -- go in the same direction and benefit the same people, groups, entities or parties, in this case Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they aren't "mistakes" or "errors". They are malfeasance and criminal and treasonous acts against the people of America.
The Wisconsin Stealth Ballot Dump was approximately 98.4 percent for Joe Biden. That's a better percentage than anyone has ever seen in even the most staunch Democratic strongholds and cities. That's better than Biden did in the District of Columbia, and it's basically a statistical impossibility.
Many apologists for the amerikkan Communists quickly dismiss these improbable spikes with "of course the mail-in voting favors Biden -- Republicans vote in person." However true, the ratios are still way off normal, since they usually fall in the 60 to 40 or 70 to 30 range. But 97 to 3? OH HELL NO. So, either Biden is a better campaigner to the inner-city Takers (rarely leaving his basement) than his much more eloquent partner in crime Barack Obama, or something deeply troubling and grossly criminal has occurred.
Wisconsin's voter turnout was twenty points higher, at 90 percent, and it represents the highest national number in American history, since the extremely fraudulent vote of 1876. And here's the real kick in the ass from these numbers. Once one investigates these improbable vote dumps favoring Joe Biden, one finds several districts with TWO HUNDRED PERCENT TURNOUT. There are seven with over 100 percent and a bunch of the districts with over 90 percent.
Add to this that all of America recently heard from a whistleblower from a Michigan post office saying that the postal workers were handed ballots on November 4th and ordered to postmark them for November 3rd so they would still be valid, and it is readily evident that massive fraud was occurring in these Democratic ruled states, seven battleground states that had heavy Democratic Party influences inside the big cities.
Voting by mail has always been known to generate many problems associated with it, and it greatly facilitates cyber-attacks and the manipulation of the vote through technologically advanced computer software and ballot dumps. This was largely the reason for the mask mandates and the COVID-19 fearmongering, as the Democrats needed something to justify such a massive use of mail-in ballots nationwide.
Anyway one reviews the timeline, from the Democratic Primary to the present, the Biden/Harris ticket shouldn't have been a "winning ticket". Biden suffers from severe confusion, and probably a host of other mental illnesses, and his campaign events were barely attended. Harris was the first to leave the primary, since her support was so dismal and the Democrats rejected her, and yet, she is now set to be the Vice-President of the United States should America's luck run all the way out. America watched, as one Democratic Party held region after another saw cities looted, burned and destroyed, from New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Chicago on to Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and even Kenosha, Wisconsin.
How can a party so abysmal as the Democratic Party now be poised to win the presidential election? Only one answer suffices -- Fraud.
For days and weeks prior to the election, United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney warned anyone who would listen of the existence of HAMMER, a top secret special software, developed by the National Security Agency and largely now controlled by the CIA, that can be used to alter vote counts in elections, primarily to be used against America's foreign enemies. But his warning pointed to his belief, after conversations with past and current Intelligence personnel, that something nefarious was underfoot to use HAMMER and another software, Scorecard, to help Joe Biden steal this election.
On November 6th 2020, Sidney Powell, a member of President Trump's legal team (and General Michael Flynn's attorney), made the following allegation to Lou Dobbs -- repeated to Maria Bartiromo on Nov. 8th -- on Fox News Business: "There are any number of things they need to investigate, including the likelihood that three percent of the total vote was changed in the pre-election (early) voting. Ballots that were recorded digitally by using the HAMMER program and the software program called "Scorecard" that would have amounted to a massive change in the vote, that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what we're seeing. In addition, they ran an algorithm to calculate votes they might need to come up with for Mr. Biden. (This is why they shut down counting the votes -- something never before done in the history of U.S. elections.) In specific areas, I think that explains what happened in Michigan where a computer glitch resulted in the change of about 5500 [votes that favored] President Trump, just in one of 47 districts. All those districts need to be checked for that same "software glitch", that would change the result in Michigan dramatically.
Much of the case for proving that President Trump actually did win the election hinges on a number of dynamics, and, as he waved affidavits that actually hold up in court as evidence, he told the gathered journalists that their claims of "lack of evidence" for fraud were ridiculous. His legal team's assertions include fraudulent mail-in ballots -- Back-dated ballots, Unobserved ballots and Unsigned ballots and thousands of them from multiple states; and massively evil electronic shenanigans focused on Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic.
During the briefing, Sidney Powell explained; "There is no doubt that it (Dominion) has been used to alter elections in other countries. The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election ... we have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. This affidavit is attached ... it is a stunning, detailed affidavit because he was with Hugo Chavez when he was briefed on how it works. He has seen it operate and as soon as he saw the multiple states shut down the voting the night of the election, he knew the same thing was happening here. ..... Powell continued, alleging that Dominion systems were used to flip votes from Trump to Biden in the November 2020 election. ..... "One of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set up and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to Joe Biden. Notably, the Dominion executives are nowhere to be found now. They're moving their offices overnight to different places. Their office in Toronto was shared with one of the Soros entities."
Adding his own concerns, Giuliani explained how the aforementioned whistleblower had gone into great detail on the foreign interference that is also part and parcel of any Dominion package, as Giuliani also alleged that U.S. votes in 27 to 28 states that were counted by Dominion, calculated and analyzed, were sent outside of our country, and they don't go to Canada. They were sent to Germany and Spain, where a company called "Smartmatic" performed the actual count. Giuliani further observed that this was Dominion's expertise -- rigging elections, and that they have already executed such fraudulent elections several times in Venezuela, Argentina and even Chicago, as noted in the official U.S. Congressional record. This crooked, corrupt, criminal enterprise was at the helm of the vote count on the night of November 3rd 2020.
Giuliani said: "And they did all their old tricks. They stopped it (the election count). They also switched votes around subtly, maybe 10 per district so you don't notice. They got caught in Antrim County (Michigan) which is how we found out about them, and we are in the process of investigating this in great, great detail."
Dominion won a huge lawsuit. How does that play into this scenario?
Fox laundered money from 2 Chinese sources to pay Dominion. The timeline corresponds also to Fox's firing of Tucker Carlson, their most popular host.
Somebody put this together perfectly a couple of months ago. I'm forgetting who it was. It might have been Patrick.
Wonder what the details were with that. There was plenty of youtube video evidence of their cheating, until youtube covered it up.
The U.S. Military funds ISIS along with the skank state of Israel. The U.S. Military is the “Deep State,” along with the infiltration of the skankers from Israel, who were put there by Joe “Clone” Biden and Donald “Jewish” Trump. So, the psychopathic minds of the Deep State started the New Year across the world with its reign of Terror. There are too many flies around the fruit, so smash a few to message the other flies. And yes, we are nothing more than pesky flies to these psychopaths. While the reign of terror begins this New Year, Trump, Musk, and all the other corporate stooges will start the “smart” siege against Americans. All Eyes Wide Open. I aim to achieve higher vibrational energy: Truth, justice, and authenticity. Be your authentic self and continue to speak out against tyranny! Happy fucking New Year!
Trump is gonna fix it, $1.68 a gallon and a few mean tweets says it all (John Rich).
Exactly. In the beginning when Dominion and the election fraudsters started suing us for defamation, we thought surely this will be our chance thru discovery and depositions to prove they cheated! NOPE! The "justice" system completely failed us.
A whole lot of retribution is riding on this change of administration. It's going to take months before the full staff gets settled in, and my guess is the priorities have already been set (i.e. address the budget, change of DA's, addressing Ukraine, Syria, the UN and so forth. People have high expectations, and are accustomed to Amazon's Prime service - they want it delivered in two days! I do believe much is already happening behind the scenes, but this is one big ship, that doesn't turn on a dime. Stay alert, and continue to share good news.