The experimental vaccines that re introduced 'polio' that Bill Gates has carried out on men, women and children in third world countries, and that includes secretly adding sterilising agents to his tetanus vaccines, it beggars belief that he has not been imprisoned.
Bill Gates is possessed. For him to repent would be a miracle, but never say never, God does perform miracles.
Life is short, eternity lasts forever. Know that we all have one day, no guarantee of tomorrow in this mortal life. We go to sleep with the angels. If we awake, for one more day, it is a gift, one more chance to serve His will, to reflect the Truth, the Light, and the Way that those who are lost will find their way Home.
Bill Gates is a black hole in the universe that pulls anything within its gravitational pull inside and destroys it. Hatred destroys the vessel in which it is carried. Don’t fall for it. He’s not worth it. He is one of an army of Satan’s servants under his spell. No amount of money or power can satiate the Devil. He is “the walking dead” already.
You know what Satan fears? Faith. One man with faith as that of a mustard seed who says to the mountain “move” and it will be moved. You have that power, use it.
“Small acts of kindness can change the world.” - Confucius (Truth is inside all of us)
Like a pebble thrown in still water, it amplifies. Even the words we use can save someone’s life, even our own. God knows I am a sinner, we all are, and I fall short. But, “where two or more are gathered in My name, there am I also” that is the power of prayer and faith in action.
God bless you Bryan, keep the faith brother, I am praying for you right now 🙏
“We will restore calm and stability to the region and expand prosperity, opportunity and hope to our nations and for all people of the Middle East, including the Arab and Muslim nations. Very important. We want the Arab and Muslim nations to have peace and have tranquility and have great lives.”
All this means is that a lot more Arabs are going to have to die to make way for the “Greater Israel.” Trump will be leading the charge...
I like this writing and your response. A lot to think about. I have been to Hangzhou and always wondered why the tour went there? As far as a map of greater Israel I saw it over a year ago and did not like it. Now to see the idea of fruition of it bothers me even more. And since my new obsession of old and new maps is coming about, I saw one of California as an Island. (Just the top of the Sierras ). The world is not as it seems.
Glad a few of us have the eyes to see. Did you know that the vatican jesuits. created Islam?or that the first pope was a jew? Did you know that the vatican is a giant double headed crowned serpent? People have no idea what we see today was planned well over a 1000 years ago now. See for proof of this.
And ask God for understanding, because mankind can twist the Word of God for his own evil purpose as we all know. We are Created to know the Truth if we see it or hear it, when we ask God with a sincere heart and let no man come between us and our Creator. He did not Create us needing an interpreter to tell us and there are so many that try.
What deal are the Arabs being asked to make? It appears they are offered a choice; stay off the field or make a bad choice to support Hamas. I haven't heard of any deal being offered.
What does it mean to like a post like this? I don't think I understood much of what I read? I don't know how much of it was true? And it involves unlikable stuff on both sides.
I guess I do like having a chance to re-read it and re-think about it. Yet, even doing that leaves a questionable taste in my mouth.
Good luck to those of us who care about our troubled world.
I couldn't help the horrible thought that perhaps the father of the Blackhawk pilot was another case of one of these satanists sacrificing one of their children in some kind of sick ritual way to further the "cause" of their cruel "god." I feel strongly that this has occurred before. They seem to have no problem with using their own children in this way. I also remember the father of the man who shot President Reagan was a best buddy of GHW Bush. so most likely one of these kind of people. had no trouble with them using his own son as some kind of MK Ultra mind controlled assassin.
2. Decouple from China, requiring step 1. First because the CCP has infiltrated the USA through the deep state.
3. Force other empire-minded countries to discontinue their quest for other peoples’ land, I.e., Russia, Israel and China and to some extent the USA.
4. Expose and disassemble Christless mafia-type groups that suppress and take advantage of people around the world for their profit.
5. Educate all humans around the world on true history and instill self-respect for themselves and all human life.
6. Utopia on Earth is created for all.
However, time is better spent not fighting the Prince of the Air; the ruler of this world. Spend time spreading the Gospel and a deep understanding of the human being owner’s manual aka the Bible. The book of Revelation reveals that utopia is not the end that will come to Earth. The book of Ecclesiastes also teaches that worldly knowledge leads to depression and ‘a chasing of the wind’.
Thus, become a Christian, make some popcorn and watch the tragedy of life while sharing the Gospel and its truth in an effort to save as many souls from Hell as possible. Only atheists, agnostics, and non-Christians believe this world can be fixed. Since sin has infested Earth, the only fix is total destruction. Being a Christian is the only way for inherent peace. Knowing that all souls are headed to eternal existence and that we, as humans, get to choose where eternity is spent. Heaven and the new Earth or Hell. The time to choose is before you die. The time to choose is now.
We will see with Ukraine. Prince Alwaleed said on Tucker today that Putin misses the territory once held by the USSR. Can argue whether that could be considered a desire to build his empire or a return of the empire once had. I don’t claim to know his heart, but after Crimea and now Ukraine one could argue that he’s still open to building the Russian empire by acquiring land by force.
Putin's homeland spans 12 time zones. How much more does he need, with a relatively small population? How much more does he want? Crimea and "the breadbasket of Europe" are historic Russian holdings. And Putin is charged with protecting the "Motherland." What would you do, in his situation?
Trump governs like a Mafia Don by "making you an offer you can't refuse" while sweetening the pot with a win-win strategy. I picture him telling BiBi that we need something in return for all the trillions of dollars we have invested in Israel, so they need to give us Gaza. In return, they no longer have to worry about Hamas or the Palestinians, plus they get access to a ritzy seacoast vacation spot that the U.S. will build at their back door. Trump and his family will, no doubt, benefit from developing the area. The Palestinians will get new housing and peace, but not a homeland. Of course, this is a blatant land grab, but Trump just sees it as a business move. By executing a million things at once and at blinding speed, Trump keeps his enemies confused and unable to focus. Love him or hate him, Trump is bringing a new perspective to geopolitics.
The trouble with gain-of-function theories is that there are no viruses in the first place whose functions can be gained. Gain of fiction! (Or gain of gaslighting maybe)
However I do question that a "Drone" has our name on it. I also never carry my cell phone anywhere, I stopped that a few years back. I just use it for calls or text, and I never utilize it for surfing the web. I only use my desktop computer. Far easier to navigate, view videos/movies and type!
I have followed the links also. I've know about Dr. Martin for years since 2020, he's been excellent with his research.
Thank you very much for all the work you do.
Oh, bye the way, I write to the "Christian" community warning them about the Masonic infiltration into the "main-stream institutionalized church system, and their "Christian schools for children", and how ALL of the Bible Universities, Colleges, Seminaries. Also how those who are members of the ATS, ALL receive grants or funding from the ATS group "The Association of Theological Schools". Here are a few who contribute to that ATS:
Association of Theological Schools/ATS—Rockefeller-affiliated agency for accrediting seminaries, since 1936
Supported by individuals and grants from a group of U.S. foundations including:
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological Education/The Fund
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Grants offered/available to ATS members include:
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Gates Foundation is represented on the CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Advisory Board See CCCU below:
As long as Martin claims that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists, he will be persons non grata to me.
There isn’t a paper anywhere in the world to document its existence, as been proven by the fact that FOIA requests to do so come up empty, so why he continues to talk that it does is baffling
Dr. Martin has the Eye of Horus tattooed on his shoulder. Many of the “covid truthers” have ties to a group associated with New Age. Think Martin is in it. Del Bigtree is. Many others too.
Bill Gates needs a 45 in his head
The experimental vaccines that re introduced 'polio' that Bill Gates has carried out on men, women and children in third world countries, and that includes secretly adding sterilising agents to his tetanus vaccines, it beggars belief that he has not been imprisoned.
It’s frightening how much power the psychopath has, openly gloating about killing us all.
Ain't it the truth!
Maybe that’s a clone…
or 2...
Bill Gates is possessed. For him to repent would be a miracle, but never say never, God does perform miracles.
Life is short, eternity lasts forever. Know that we all have one day, no guarantee of tomorrow in this mortal life. We go to sleep with the angels. If we awake, for one more day, it is a gift, one more chance to serve His will, to reflect the Truth, the Light, and the Way that those who are lost will find their way Home.
Bill Gates is a black hole in the universe that pulls anything within its gravitational pull inside and destroys it. Hatred destroys the vessel in which it is carried. Don’t fall for it. He’s not worth it. He is one of an army of Satan’s servants under his spell. No amount of money or power can satiate the Devil. He is “the walking dead” already.
You know what Satan fears? Faith. One man with faith as that of a mustard seed who says to the mountain “move” and it will be moved. You have that power, use it.
“Small acts of kindness can change the world.” - Confucius (Truth is inside all of us)
Like a pebble thrown in still water, it amplifies. Even the words we use can save someone’s life, even our own. God knows I am a sinner, we all are, and I fall short. But, “where two or more are gathered in My name, there am I also” that is the power of prayer and faith in action.
God bless you Bryan, keep the faith brother, I am praying for you right now 🙏
The BEST THING I have heard all week.
“We will restore calm and stability to the region and expand prosperity, opportunity and hope to our nations and for all people of the Middle East, including the Arab and Muslim nations. Very important. We want the Arab and Muslim nations to have peace and have tranquility and have great lives.”
All this means is that a lot more Arabs are going to have to die to make way for the “Greater Israel.” Trump will be leading the charge...
Be aware of the OCGFC.
I like this writing and your response. A lot to think about. I have been to Hangzhou and always wondered why the tour went there? As far as a map of greater Israel I saw it over a year ago and did not like it. Now to see the idea of fruition of it bothers me even more. And since my new obsession of old and new maps is coming about, I saw one of California as an Island. (Just the top of the Sierras ). The world is not as it seems.
Glad a few of us have the eyes to see. Did you know that the vatican jesuits. created Islam?or that the first pope was a jew? Did you know that the vatican is a giant double headed crowned serpent? People have no idea what we see today was planned well over a 1000 years ago now. See for proof of this.
Read your bibles, folks. It’s all in there.
And ask God for understanding, because mankind can twist the Word of God for his own evil purpose as we all know. We are Created to know the Truth if we see it or hear it, when we ask God with a sincere heart and let no man come between us and our Creator. He did not Create us needing an interpreter to tell us and there are so many that try.
Why would Arabs die unless their effort is to destroy Israel? Why would they care about Gaza? They obviously have no interest in Gazans.
When you make a deal with The United States of will be betrayed...
“To be a enemy of the US is Dangerous, but to be a friend is Fatal.” Henry Kissinger 56th United States Secretary of State
Watch out for Kissinger. He betrayed his own countrymen (US citizens).
What deal are the Arabs being asked to make? It appears they are offered a choice; stay off the field or make a bad choice to support Hamas. I haven't heard of any deal being offered.
The United States of Israel, under Donald Trump, is being asked to build refuge camps to house the Palestinians...that's the deal..
Asked by whom? Arabs? Why would they care?
What does it mean to like a post like this? I don't think I understood much of what I read? I don't know how much of it was true? And it involves unlikable stuff on both sides.
I guess I do like having a chance to re-read it and re-think about it. Yet, even doing that leaves a questionable taste in my mouth.
Good luck to those of us who care about our troubled world.
So, if you're interested in understanding what's been put forth, start here: Then, do your own research online, (mockingbird media won't discuss any of this).
God is in charge, keep the faith 🙏
I couldn't help the horrible thought that perhaps the father of the Blackhawk pilot was another case of one of these satanists sacrificing one of their children in some kind of sick ritual way to further the "cause" of their cruel "god." I feel strongly that this has occurred before. They seem to have no problem with using their own children in this way. I also remember the father of the man who shot President Reagan was a best buddy of GHW Bush. so most likely one of these kind of people. had no trouble with them using his own son as some kind of MK Ultra mind controlled assassin.
Well, you could try to:
1. Decimate the Deep State
2. Decouple from China, requiring step 1. First because the CCP has infiltrated the USA through the deep state.
3. Force other empire-minded countries to discontinue their quest for other peoples’ land, I.e., Russia, Israel and China and to some extent the USA.
4. Expose and disassemble Christless mafia-type groups that suppress and take advantage of people around the world for their profit.
5. Educate all humans around the world on true history and instill self-respect for themselves and all human life.
6. Utopia on Earth is created for all.
However, time is better spent not fighting the Prince of the Air; the ruler of this world. Spend time spreading the Gospel and a deep understanding of the human being owner’s manual aka the Bible. The book of Revelation reveals that utopia is not the end that will come to Earth. The book of Ecclesiastes also teaches that worldly knowledge leads to depression and ‘a chasing of the wind’.
Thus, become a Christian, make some popcorn and watch the tragedy of life while sharing the Gospel and its truth in an effort to save as many souls from Hell as possible. Only atheists, agnostics, and non-Christians believe this world can be fixed. Since sin has infested Earth, the only fix is total destruction. Being a Christian is the only way for inherent peace. Knowing that all souls are headed to eternal existence and that we, as humans, get to choose where eternity is spent. Heaven and the new Earth or Hell. The time to choose is before you die. The time to choose is now.
Russia is not a "Christless" country.
Nor does it exhibit any interest in empire building.
We will see with Ukraine. Prince Alwaleed said on Tucker today that Putin misses the territory once held by the USSR. Can argue whether that could be considered a desire to build his empire or a return of the empire once had. I don’t claim to know his heart, but after Crimea and now Ukraine one could argue that he’s still open to building the Russian empire by acquiring land by force.
Putin's homeland spans 12 time zones. How much more does he need, with a relatively small population? How much more does he want? Crimea and "the breadbasket of Europe" are historic Russian holdings. And Putin is charged with protecting the "Motherland." What would you do, in his situation?
Good point. Neither is Israel or China. Bad adjective; poor writing/editing skills on my part. I’ve edited and hope it passes muster.
No worries...Russia has a very strong, large Orthodox Christian community, with Putin being brought up Orthodox.
Trump governs like a Mafia Don by "making you an offer you can't refuse" while sweetening the pot with a win-win strategy. I picture him telling BiBi that we need something in return for all the trillions of dollars we have invested in Israel, so they need to give us Gaza. In return, they no longer have to worry about Hamas or the Palestinians, plus they get access to a ritzy seacoast vacation spot that the U.S. will build at their back door. Trump and his family will, no doubt, benefit from developing the area. The Palestinians will get new housing and peace, but not a homeland. Of course, this is a blatant land grab, but Trump just sees it as a business move. By executing a million things at once and at blinding speed, Trump keeps his enemies confused and unable to focus. Love him or hate him, Trump is bringing a new perspective to geopolitics.
First "smart city" on the Mediterranean, eh?
Why is Bill Gates still free to walk around? Jail this maniac now! EVIL!
The trouble with gain-of-function theories is that there are no viruses in the first place whose functions can be gained. Gain of fiction! (Or gain of gaslighting maybe)
Does anyone else think that Blackhawk helicopter was remote controlled?
Yes, a lot to take in. Love your reference to the Brain Surgeons at the apt.
I wonder if Trump's Gaza plan has anything to do with the offshore gas fields? Will it be re-named Gas-a?
Excellent read.
However I do question that a "Drone" has our name on it. I also never carry my cell phone anywhere, I stopped that a few years back. I just use it for calls or text, and I never utilize it for surfing the web. I only use my desktop computer. Far easier to navigate, view videos/movies and type!
I have followed the links also. I've know about Dr. Martin for years since 2020, he's been excellent with his research.
Thank you very much for all the work you do.
Oh, bye the way, I write to the "Christian" community warning them about the Masonic infiltration into the "main-stream institutionalized church system, and their "Christian schools for children", and how ALL of the Bible Universities, Colleges, Seminaries. Also how those who are members of the ATS, ALL receive grants or funding from the ATS group "The Association of Theological Schools". Here are a few who contribute to that ATS:
Association of Theological Schools/ATS—Rockefeller-affiliated agency for accrediting seminaries, since 1936
Supported by individuals and grants from a group of U.S. foundations including:
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological Education/The Fund
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Grants offered/available to ATS members include:
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Gates Foundation is represented on the CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Advisory Board See CCCU below:
Council of Christian Colleges & Universities/CCCU
Partnerships include:
Ÿ Templeton Foundation
Ÿ Wilberforce Forum
This is just the TIP of the Iceberg!!!!
Thank you!
Put Fauci in front of Congress and a Judge. He can’t plead the 5th! If the Pardons hold true…
DEI makes people DIE. Radical left ruling elites must be curbed.
This privileged but unqualified pilot was totally at fault. People died.
As long as Martin claims that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists, he will be persons non grata to me.
There isn’t a paper anywhere in the world to document its existence, as been proven by the fact that FOIA requests to do so come up empty, so why he continues to talk that it does is baffling
Dr. Martin has the Eye of Horus tattooed on his shoulder. Many of the “covid truthers” have ties to a group associated with New Age. Think Martin is in it. Del Bigtree is. Many others too.