FBI Director Wray Resigned the Day Before the Inspector General Report Revealed J6 Was Crawling with FBI Operatives
Last Thursday night, Jesse Watters gave these scathing and cathartic closing remarks on his nightly Primetime show on Fox News, following the release of the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz' report on January 6th, 2021: "A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Handling of its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead-Up to the January 6th Electoral Certification".
Jesse Watters: Fox News alert, the Justice Department just released the bombshell report that we've been waiting for: What actually happened on January 6th?
The FBI had 26 Confidential Human Sources there, that day. 26.
A "Confidential Human Source" is a guy the FBI pays to spy for them. Of the 26 Confidential Human Sources who were in DC on Jan 6th, four entered the Capitol during the riot. An additional 13 entered the restricted area around the Capitol.
So, more than a dozen FBI spies participated in the so-called "Insurrection". A bunch of them broke into the Capitol. Their own Inspector General says this is what happened – but that's not what they told you, when they testified under oath!
(Roll video of Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar questioning former FBI Director Christopher Wray on July 12, 2023)
Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ): Those who were there, in an undercover capacity on January 6th, how many were there?
FBI Dir Christopher Wray: Again, I'm not sure that I can give you that number, as I sit here. I'm not sure there were "Undercover Agents", on-scene.
Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ): I thought I heard you say you didn't know whether there were FBI agents or "Informants" or "Human Sources" in the Capitol or in the vicinity on January 6th. Did I misunderstand you? I thought that's what you said.
FBI Dir Christopher Wray: Well, I referred very specifically to "Undercover Agents".
Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ): Yeah. And so are you acknowledging, then, there were undercover agents?
FBI Dir Christopher Wray: As I sit here right now, I do not believe there were "Undercover Agents" on-scene.
Jesse Watters: Do you think the director was hiding something? So Congress asked the question a different way. Listen:
(Roll video of Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins questioning former FBI Director Christopher Wray on November 15, 2022)
Rep Clay Higgins (R-LA): Did you have Confidential Human Sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on January 6th, prior to the doors being opened?
FBI Dir Christopher Wray: Again, I had to be very careful, in what I –
Rep Clay Higgins (R-LA): – It should be a "No!" Can you not tell the American people, "No, we did not have 'Confidential Human Sources', dressed as Trump supporters, positioned inside the Capitol"?
Committee Chairman: The Gentleman's time has expired.
FBI Dir Christopher Wray: You should not read anything into my decision not to share information about Confidential Human Sources.
Jesse Watters: Wray's right. The FBI didn't have "Undercover Agents" at January 6th – they had "Confidential Human Sources"!
So what's the difference? Well, a "Confidential Human Source" doesn't get health insurance or a pension. They're just freelancing for the Feds: Rats in MAGA hats!
They're basically Paid Informants that the FBI runs out of Headquarters.
A lot of these FBI Rats get picked-up on some other charge. They get sat-down and the FBI says, "You're going to work for me now. And if you don't, you're looking at 20-years-to-life."
So these guys say, "Yes, Sir!" And they cozy-up to people like the Proud Boys and anyone the Feds wants to watch and control from the inside.
And these Confidential Human Sources are under pressure to "deliver". What does "deliver" mean? It means "intelligence" and Big Busts, that get the FBI good headlines.
According to the Inspector General Report, the spies were feeding the FBI intel, that said January 6th was going to get a "Little hairy". But FBI Headquarters did nothing about it – and then, lied to Congress and said they did!
So why did Headquarters let January 6th get so out, of hand? And what were all these FBI spies doing, that day and the days before?
Were they riling everyone up, like they did in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot? In that case, the FBI informants instigated the plot! They even used an FBI credit card to buy the ammo, supplies and hotel rooms!
Did the FBI pay for Jan 6 hotel rooms? We don't know!
Remember, the media and the Democrats said this whole thing was a "conspiracy"?
(Roll video montage of Joy Reid with Michael Fanone, intercut with video of Nancy Pelosi)
Joy Reid: Where do you think this idea comes from that this was somehow "Done by the Feds"?
Cut to:
Nancy Pelosi: I heard that one of the debaters said it was an "inside job". It was an inside job on the part of Donald Trump and his henchmen.
Cut to:
Eric Swallwell: (To former CNN Host, Don Lemon) Republicans have blamed the FBI and said it was an "inside job".
Cut to:
Jamie Raskin: It certainly was not an "inside job" by FBI agents or Antifa! They go around blaming it on "Antifa" and "FBI agents".
Jesse Watters: How did the media know it wasn't an "inside job", when the FBI had 26 of their people on the Inside?
January 6th certainly benefited the media, the FBI and the Democrats: 1,500 arrests; humiliated Trump, got him impeached; criminalized the MAGA movement.
Trump got indicted over January 6th. Remember? They tried to throw him in prison over this.
The January 6th Committee – it's all Democrats did, for two years. Why didn't the Committee find any of these snitches? They did a one-sided investigation and teed-up Garland to charge Trump, so they could run against the "Convicted Felon."
So, the media is going to apologize, right? No.
The media, today is cherry-picking the report, to say there were "No undercover agents" there, on January 6th. The whole thing is a "conspiracy". These aren't articles. They're FBI press releases. And they wonder why their ratings are trash and no one trusts them? It's because of this.
They don't want the truth. They want to hide it, if it hurts the Left. And they can't admit they were wrong, because it's too embarrassing – and they were a part of the cover-up.
But the FBI is worse than the media. The FBI knew what was in this report. They covered it up, before the Election – and then the Director says he's resigning the day before it comes out! Give me a break!
This kind of sliminess is why Trump nominated Kash Patel. I wonder what else Kash is going to find in the Bureau, when he looks under the hood?
(Roll video of Kash Patel on Timcast)
Kash Patel: As a former Federal Prosecutor and a Public Defender, who defended a lot of these types of cases, what you need to show is whether or not the FBI and Government Agents were using Undercover Operatives and Informants on the day of January 6th. Once you prove that, then you defeat the "Insurrection" narrative, with the FBI's own documentation.
Jesse Watters: And what does this report do to the January 6th defendants?
"None of the [Confidential Human Sources] who entered the Capitol or a restricted area has been prosecuted to date."
– Department of Justice Inspector General
Jesse Watters: These guys were right alongside everyone walking into the Capitol. But you're in prison for years.
If you're a defense attorney for a Jan 6er and this drops after the case was decided, that could change everything!
Constitutional Law professor, Jonathan Turley says this, quote:
"There is a question of why the [Confidential Human Sources] who entered the Capitol were not charged as part of an operation that the Justice Department described, as an effort to "shock-and-awe", targeting everyone involved, that day...This report does not find specific wrongdoing or direction from [Confidential Human Sources] in the rioting... Congress, however, is likely to seek more information on these Sources and their conduct on the day."
Jesse Watters: Are you allowed to commit crimes as a spy for the FBI and not get charged? Because they said this was "The Greatest Attack on Democracy, Ever!" Said it was "Up there with 9/11!"
"Traitors!" they said. "Seditionists!" They're off scot-free? You can try to overthrow the Government, if you're an FBI Rat and just walk away? Congress has to find out.
And what does this mean for pardons? I mean, the Hunter Biden pardon already greased the runway for Trump, but this report's all the ammo Trump needs!
He told Time magazine, "It's going to start in the first hour. Maybe the first nine minutes."
Now, if I were president, I don't think I'd pardon J6ers who were slugging cops. But if you were wandering around peacefully, come on!
And it's not just Kash Patel that's going to clean house. Tulsi's on deck.
(Roll video with Trump's Director of National Intelligence [DNI] nominee, Tulsi Gabbard and Florida Senator Marco Rubio earlier this week)
Marco Rubio: I'm here with Tulsi. She's here on the Hill meeting with my colleagues. She's going to be a great DNI, Director of National Intelligence. It's a really important job. It oversees all of our intelligence agencies and it's in need of reform. I think everybody would admit that. And so we need to bring in a reformer.
Jesse Watters: Now, the Deep State's never been this backed into a corner, ever. We have Trump assassination files that we want to release! JFK assassination files! COVID files! Epstein! Diddy!
What about that pipe bomb? (Laughs) Is the FBI still working on that one? Who planted that?
It's just another "conspiracy theory" that you were right about!
The Lab Leak, the Laptop – and now January 6th. No wonder Biden's under pressure to dish-out more pardons.
Who knows how high this thing goes?
Running Time: 8 mins
All those in jails and prisons from the 6 January corporate media fiasco should be released and compensated for their illegal confinement.
UTTERLY DISGUSTING. None of the BLM & Antifa rioters, looters and business burners have been prosecuted. None of the idiots that toppled historical public monuments were jailed prior to this incident... and yet THIS happened to many innocent, peaceful people, after being goaded by government agents to enter the Capitol, and were calmly escorted into various rooms by police on staff. Pelosi, and everyone else in on this deal should be put to death for this crime and the "lost" transcripts of proceedings afterward.