That may be an overestimation. The 60's loosened up sexual practices. But that could probably have taken some loosening...although perhaps not as loose as it got. Not going to say it became a loose screw. And there was a rebound when AIDS showed up. Reality checked in. The 60's also loosened the class structure, a good thing. And it introduced the idea of continuous war being a profiteering game and that maybe more was going on there than met the eye. That was a wild hair the cabal didn't expect when it built up social protest. I think an argument could be made that the lingering stench of Victorianism that hadn't been destroyed by two world wars needed to be revamped. Victorianism wasn't about morality. Far from it. It was the enjoyment of judgment, social exclusivity, competition to be the most priggish, class obsession and a tendency to dominate the world dog-eat-dog style. "Morality" was just the cudgel used. White man's burden was a bullshit excuse for ravaging the world and sucking up the profits. Now they don't much bother to make excuses. What's worse? So I think we have to be careful when we talk about moral loss now. We've been compromised morally by Marxist efforts, it's true, although I think that's rebounding as people do what they always do....rethink. Not all the results were negative, although I can see that we became too flaccid ethically as a culture. But like all extremes we get bored with them and we find out that they ultimately don't work. Now it's up to us to stop being led by the nose and make our own decisions based on what actually works in a civilization rather than ideology. Ideology of any stripe is "just people talkin'" as the 70's Ronstadt song said. That song was about ideology too...the ideology of "freedom," being the golden ring, not connection with our fellow humans. That kind of illusory freedom was part of Marxist ideology to split people apart and leave a debilitating emotional vacuum for them to deal with instead. People got over that because it sucked. So, no, I don't think all the ills of the world can be blamed on music back in the day. Even torture-based MKUltra programming eventually fails. I believe there is a built-in self righting mechanism in the human. When you hold the cork underwater it will pop up as soon as you don't. That's why they're so anxious to get rid of the human in us.
I believe the pop culture of the 60s & later was/ is a mind control psyop designed to mould values & behaviours which it successfully did.
Most of the ills in our present day world can be traced back to the ‘values’ created in the 60s.
That may be an overestimation. The 60's loosened up sexual practices. But that could probably have taken some loosening...although perhaps not as loose as it got. Not going to say it became a loose screw. And there was a rebound when AIDS showed up. Reality checked in. The 60's also loosened the class structure, a good thing. And it introduced the idea of continuous war being a profiteering game and that maybe more was going on there than met the eye. That was a wild hair the cabal didn't expect when it built up social protest. I think an argument could be made that the lingering stench of Victorianism that hadn't been destroyed by two world wars needed to be revamped. Victorianism wasn't about morality. Far from it. It was the enjoyment of judgment, social exclusivity, competition to be the most priggish, class obsession and a tendency to dominate the world dog-eat-dog style. "Morality" was just the cudgel used. White man's burden was a bullshit excuse for ravaging the world and sucking up the profits. Now they don't much bother to make excuses. What's worse? So I think we have to be careful when we talk about moral loss now. We've been compromised morally by Marxist efforts, it's true, although I think that's rebounding as people do what they always do....rethink. Not all the results were negative, although I can see that we became too flaccid ethically as a culture. But like all extremes we get bored with them and we find out that they ultimately don't work. Now it's up to us to stop being led by the nose and make our own decisions based on what actually works in a civilization rather than ideology. Ideology of any stripe is "just people talkin'" as the 70's Ronstadt song said. That song was about ideology too...the ideology of "freedom," being the golden ring, not connection with our fellow humans. That kind of illusory freedom was part of Marxist ideology to split people apart and leave a debilitating emotional vacuum for them to deal with instead. People got over that because it sucked. So, no, I don't think all the ills of the world can be blamed on music back in the day. Even torture-based MKUltra programming eventually fails. I believe there is a built-in self righting mechanism in the human. When you hold the cork underwater it will pop up as soon as you don't. That's why they're so anxious to get rid of the human in us.
Loose screw. You said it 🤣
Same psyop and mind control after WWI.
I agree, and society never truly recovered.