I’ve heard about this for years. I can’t stomach these vile creatures. Hollywood is filled with very sick perverted evil disgusting creatures and I hope they all rot in hell. I didn’t know about the tape she bought. That’s beyond sick. Justin was used and abused by these sick fu*kz and I feel bad for him. I pray Oprah gets what she deserves. She can’t escape what’s coming.

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Politicians too

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Yeah I forgot to add all the “leaders”, politicians, millionaires, billionaires, pedo’s that roam this earth. CIA, WEF, Satanist’s, etc. They are in every segment of society. It’s one big club destined for the black pit of hell 🔥

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Well they did align themselves with the Devil. Funny thing is how Satan is going to spend and eternity laughing his ass off at these F'ers.

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Oct 10
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The didn't make it based on talent, that's for sure.

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Might start looking among those people who just suddenly go zombie in the middle of speeches or being on air. Mitch McConnell, that Black guy on one of the morning shows and others. Recently it was a GOP guy in a state senatorial election debate. I don't know whether the clone malfunctions or the million dollar mask stops working or if the Big Reptilian pulls them in for a conference, but obviously they're under some form of control.

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The vax too

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I heard it's a certain word that triggers them ,from the MK ULTRA program.

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Or Kamala Harris and her salad speeches.

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Kamala sounds like she's been hitting the weed. You think like that on weed. It's dumb and circular. You come up with a superficial idea you believe is profound and round and round it goes until you spit out a conclusion you also believe is profound, but it's just a re-statement of the original superficial thought. Rather than A + B = C, it's A +A + A= A. Classic weed.

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There is clearly something wrong with Kamala and I agree with your assessment except that I believe it's something much stronger than weed. They way she talks, to me, sounds like someone who has been using a lot of amphetamines. I have had plenty experience with both weed and amphetamine and they are very different. I also don't think she's really that smart lol.

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I definitely think more is wrong with Kamala than whatever she's using. She's probably the least presidential material we've ever had as a candidate, dumb is an understatement. She's a fake, she has no real regard for the country or its people, she's a liar, she has no idea what she's doing, she has no policy ideas that aren't so un-American she can't admit to them and she's an empty suit and shill for the deep state. I'll let her slide for the moment on where here heels naturally go. That's a different kind of Peter Principle than we're used to, although she also rose to her level of incompetence.

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Well, she is planning to legalize it all. I think that white powder stuff found in OUR House may have been hers too. I've heard she likes her booze. Some of those videos seem to confirm sonething is amiss

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All that "joy" and raucous laughing sounds like booze. There was one video obviously by someone's phone where Kamala was doing her thing and the person next to the filmer asked, "Is she drunk??"

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How to bring down an icon?? Pull 'em up on charges, handcuff and carry 'em off in front of the press, stick 'em in a prison cell, and ask questions/investigate months later. Same treatment as innocent ground-walkers at Jan 6th.

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You are all a bunch of nutcases. I cannot wrap my head around how you believe the things you believe. I hope someone springs you all from Q.

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LOL… oh dear, I was just thinking the same about y’all. Clearly, we are NOT related!

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What if it is true ....then who is the nutcase ?

There are scores (that's a lot) of infamous conspiracy theories that turned out to be true. Here's another one. Suck on it.

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So the Diddy parties are all lies?

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Oct 11
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Haul them to communities where they are not owned. Prisoners don’t like other prisoners who hurt children.

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Im sick of hearing about “whats coming” and that so and so cant stop it. Thats a bs line meant to pacify those who believe it so they dont act out or seek justice. The truth is these nasty creatures have been doing it their whole careers and they will continue unless we stop them. Our corrupt officials and agencies are all in the same circle. We have been poisoned, tortured, had our children maimed, our loved ones murdered by this same system . It is a sign post of the level of mind control they have over you that you still believe justice is somehow coming to any of these demons. Other than the wrath of God and the lake of fire that awaits them, not a thing is likely to happen to them otherwise. Keep pacifying yourselves with these Q psy op Hope to Cope mentality. Ill be busy wasting my time on some other tailored psy op that resonates with me.

Get out now or die with her. This hole is doomed.

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So true....how long since the whole Epstein story broke, and what's happened since? Oh...sorry.....I forgot; there have been supposedly thousands and thousands of executions, with clones, robots and blow-up dolls replacing the perpetrators pretending to live their lives. Nothing can stop what's coming, nothing....TRUST THE PLAN. Eye roll.

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The people that control the DOJ and FBI etc are part of that Epstein list. OF COURSE nothing has happened since he got "offed" in jail.

One of the reasons Trump is so hated is that these scum realize he's not part of their perverted orgy. They would assasinate him if they could, and they have tried. You do realize that triusm , yes ?

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The one thing that will come is the wrath of God. In the end they will pay for all eternity. It has nothing to do with “Q” or anyone saving the world.

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Halleluya God is on the field and in charge.

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Lets hope not!

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Obastard &BIG MIKE raped Justin on tape? Good thing TRUMP brought back execution for these SICKOS!


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OMG. I'll check that out.

It's a Bottomless Pit of debasement.

It's Satanism.

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Obama w Epstein and a child along with others

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Where is Stedman in all of this?? Hope they all get their just desserts. I cannot find it in my soul to pray for these evil things

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Oprah Winfrey, The Clinton’s, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, Bush’s, Zuckerberg, Volodymyr Zelenskyy & WEF Luciferians are destroying our culture & countries with Child Trafficking & Satanic Sacrifices. Many of the presidents and their cabinet’s members are Satanists. Time for locking them up!

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But will it actually happen???

I pray so.🙏🤞🙏

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But will it actually happen???



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Locking them up will accomplish nothing … they need to be executed -- 'with extreme prejudice' …

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Time for locking them up!


Problem being who is going to do so because seemingly everyone is complicit.

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This goes from the rich and famous, all the way down to our local officials and our own neighbors.


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Well iterated, they are controlled by the one world leader

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Yes, but law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the judges/courts are enabling them to do so.

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Oct 11
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If Trump were involved why would Elon Musk just tell Tucker Carlson when Trump wins he's going to publish the Epstein Island list? Elon says there are approximately100 elites running the World and he knows about 80 of them.Believe me when I tell you if the elites had anything to keep Trump from running for President they would have announced it before he was chosen by the RNC because they hate the fact he can't be controlled.

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I have to also wonder about the parents of these child stars, they are probably satanists or perverts as well, you cant tell me they dont have a clue whats going on-if theyre paying attention & care about their kids.

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They are ALL related - Ever take a peek thru the credits, my friend - Same playas for years of this sick shit!

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Just more parents wanting to pimp their children … and for the bragging points accruing to the parents from their social set -- just like the parents who've enjoyed bragging rights about their children being trannies (the ultimate will be the woman who announces that her unborn child is a tranny) or 'on the spectrum', as if it somehow glorifies the parents.

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I doubt if that’s true in the case of Justin Bieber’s Mom. They were new to the industry and she probably could not have conceived of how evil utterly evil these seemingly “helpful” industry people are.

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Really? I doubt that.

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m...they love $ more than their children

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A lot of women do unfortunately

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As Rheiner Fuelmich has repeatedly said, this subject will in the end bring the elites down.

It’s the one subject the public at large simply will not tolerate.

This appears to be how “ leader” control is achieved across the west


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t’s the one subject the public at large simply will not tolerate


The issue being that by the time they get around to that thought process, this milquetoast , Woke, namby pamby generation will have been mowed under. Victims of their own stupidity.

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Right on BaBe - Muwah!

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They’re not really the elites. Perhaps our opponents?

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Not elite, parasites.

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So … once Orpah (the true spelling of her name -- ask her) is finally arrested and charged … will she get Arkancided the way Epstein and others have been? After all these years, we still haven't seen the Epstein client list … my bet is that the same phenomenon will happen when Orpah is finally arrested and charged -- everything will magically disappear. In other words -- will we ever find out just who Orpah answers to and serves?

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Are you serious? It’s Orpah?!?! Autocorrect just tried tried to change it back to Oprah.

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OMG. THAT was one unexpected Rabbit Hole! Wikipedia confirms that Orpah was her original name and that this Old Testament name is basically accursed! Was she born into a Satanic family? She was famously sexually abused as a child, right?


"In rabbinic literature, the treatment of Orpah is almost entirely negative. Orpah is identified with Harapha, the mother of the four Philistine giants (2 Samuel 21:16), one of whom was Goliath...

"The name Harapha stems from the word for threshing; she allowed herself to be 'threshed' by many men, as one would thresh wheat (Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 42b).

"The Sanhedrin tractate in the Talmud says that she was killed by King David's general Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, with her own spindle.

"Orpah was the name originally given to Oprah Winfrey."



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Thanks for the additional history!! #TruthMatters 🇺🇸🙏✝️🙏🇺🇸

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I wondered about that while reading the Holy Bible

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What did Oprah do with the Diddy sex tape she bought for $75 million? She wouldn't blackmail Diddy, the rapist, and he obviously trusted her. Did she use it to blackmail the victims? Did she resell it on the dark web? Or did she use it for her own auto-erotic purposes?

By now, we should know that anybody who, like Oprah, has a meteoric rise to fame and outlandish money is Luciferian. Bob Dylan said in an interview you can probably find online that he sold his soul to the big guy for fame and he was going to keep up his end of the bargain. Kinda odd for a guy whose message was disdain for materialistic attitudes. I never understood the attraction he seemed to have. His voice was awful and his lyrics seemed like a jumble of pretty meaningless images that he sold as profound. But it was like he had a spell cast on himself and people thought he was magical. Apparently, that's the deal when you sell your soul to the highest Reptilian. You get fame and money. But you have to be his monkey in this life and maybe in more than one. We can see what Oprah does for her fare. Wonder what Bob does for his.

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That’s why these old rockers never retire - Dylan, Rolling Stones, McCartney, Springsteen et al. Still having to perform in their 70s & 80s.

The Devil exacts a heavy price.

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The interview from 60 Minutes with Dylan is telling…. and very creepy. The master probably works/lives in Hollywood.

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Was it Morley Safer that interviewed him? I remember the interview. He said something like " the supreme commander of this world and others..." that he was upholding his bargain with...

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Yes, Chief Commander. Not Morley. Ed Bradley: https://youtu.be/jNn72qnp6kI?si=XoLXN5Xm0AHGq19H

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Wow 😯 Thanks for sharing... #TruthMatters 🇺🇸🙏✝️🙏🇺🇸

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Not sure they have to … seems like at some of them just want to … it's their 'drug' … and, from what I've from folks who've seen the Stones recently -- they're still doing a good job.

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I question how 80 year olds could do this. The gruelling treadmill of rehearsing, travelling & performing live on stage for 1 - 2 hours before moving on to to the next gig. 30 year olds find it grueling. Do you know an 80 year old who could do this? What are they on? Is it even really them?

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I never understood why anyone liked his horrible music, either!

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Because the satanists hyped him and people think hype means good. Idiots.

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None of them have any talent, imo, its more about mind control.

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You mean like the Swifties? Taylor’s voice and performing ain’t anywhere near Michael Jackson’s level, yet look at her. And MJ was blackballed/blackmailed and probably killed because he wouldn’t play their game. Word is he wasn’t the pedophile he was made out to be. Ironic and very, very sad.

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The having children sleep in his bed still bothers me, but if he's innocent, we need to know that

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I've expressed this opinion before....If we think about the Laurel Canyon story where many of the mid-60"s rockers were children of intelligence operatives, and how drug-laced the music was, it may have been a mind control thing. Tune in, turn on, drop out. But it didn't really make it for very long. It was a hippie phase that people got tired of as they grew into adulthood. So, the next thing in the 80's, was a rash of Wall Street greed glorification, consumerism movies, which seemed to take better. Be a yuppie. Not that I didn't like the 60's-70's music, I did. I just never bothered with following the message. Most didn't, at best it just made for a fun rebellious bohemian phase, and then they moved on to repeat their parent's materialism.... that itself had its seeds in the strictures of the Depression and WW2 and blossomed with post war prosperity. It's always something.

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I believe the pop culture of the 60s & later was/ is a mind control psyop designed to mould values & behaviours which it successfully did.

Most of the ills in our present day world can be traced back to the ‘values’ created in the 60s.

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That may be an overestimation. The 60's loosened up sexual practices. But that could probably have taken some loosening...although perhaps not as loose as it got. Not going to say it became a loose screw. And there was a rebound when AIDS showed up. Reality checked in. The 60's also loosened the class structure, a good thing. And it introduced the idea of continuous war being a profiteering game and that maybe more was going on there than met the eye. That was a wild hair the cabal didn't expect when it built up social protest. I think an argument could be made that the lingering stench of Victorianism that hadn't been destroyed by two world wars needed to be revamped. Victorianism wasn't about morality. Far from it. It was the enjoyment of judgment, social exclusivity, competition to be the most priggish, class obsession and a tendency to dominate the world dog-eat-dog style. "Morality" was just the cudgel used. White man's burden was a bullshit excuse for ravaging the world and sucking up the profits. Now they don't much bother to make excuses. What's worse? So I think we have to be careful when we talk about moral loss now. We've been compromised morally by Marxist efforts, it's true, although I think that's rebounding as people do what they always do....rethink. Not all the results were negative, although I can see that we became too flaccid ethically as a culture. But like all extremes we get bored with them and we find out that they ultimately don't work. Now it's up to us to stop being led by the nose and make our own decisions based on what actually works in a civilization rather than ideology. Ideology of any stripe is "just people talkin'" as the 70's Ronstadt song said. That song was about ideology too...the ideology of "freedom," being the golden ring, not connection with our fellow humans. That kind of illusory freedom was part of Marxist ideology to split people apart and leave a debilitating emotional vacuum for them to deal with instead. People got over that because it sucked. So, no, I don't think all the ills of the world can be blamed on music back in the day. Even torture-based MKUltra programming eventually fails. I believe there is a built-in self righting mechanism in the human. When you hold the cork underwater it will pop up as soon as you don't. That's why they're so anxious to get rid of the human in us.

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Loose screw. You said it 🤣

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Same psyop and mind control after WWI.

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I agree, and society never truly recovered.

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I went to a concert of Bob's w my friend and husband (and the slanky woman whoring herself). I never cared for him, but they did. I'm not sure why...ok, wait, I do remember, found the slanky woman in my seat when I returned..

But, back to the story. I went down w the crowd and found they were passing pot or something stinky around. I told them to put it out b4 they got in trouble. They harrased me a bit and moved away. I went back to my seat. What a waste of time. He was nearly 2 hours late also. I only stayed bc the other 2 were.

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Terrible voice. Pretentious, baloney "message." No talent instrumentally. And he's LATE too????

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Thanks for bringing up all that about John of ‘god’, the worst of the worst, which makes porcine Oprah the whore of hades. It seems the attacks against us are accelerating concomitant with the revelations. . . We vehemently disagree with those who keep telling us we chose to incarnate at this time. . . Duped, I tell you, duped!

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Ar you fat-shaming that cow?

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Love that word "duped". Best if intentionally mispronounced as if it rhymes perfectly with stupid. Like, wow you are so duped it's hard to fathom.

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This article has a picture of Diddy and Justin taken in 2016. Diddy has his arm casually slung around Biebers neck who's wearing a leopard print jacket. If you don't know, MKultrad female stars often wear animal prints to show they're sex kittens. I believe this is a humiliation ritual and Bieber looks very unhappy.


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I look to Beiber's mother who "feels guilty" - I call Bullshit on that, wonder how much they paid her for her son.

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I do feel bad for what Diddy did to the Beav...what a cesspool industry concerning Hollywood movies and music...I remembered once Michael Jackson made a comment about the President of Sony records calling him "the devil."

What sickness resides in man to make him want to diminish another person's God given light?

The realization that pretty much all our politicians, TV talking heads , the war mongers, the bankers, medical industry and some of our family members and neighbors have lost their minds to this current madness...it's pretty scary times we live in...I'll just continue to observe the madness around me and keep my distance...

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Why do people refer to these nonces as ‘elite’? They are skum. They are twisted madmen and women. They are not the top of the pyramid of power and they are victims of their own stupidity, being exploited by the predator class who claim a divine right to rule. They are trapped by their addictions.

Why do people want to read about these weirdos?

Surely they are beneath our contempt?

Let’s look at the REAL RULERS and stop THEM from creating and grooming monsters to do their bidding.


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i call them elitists.


but generally pathetic cowards.

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Mike Yeadon says Useless Eliters 😄

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They are parasites and they need us as their hosts. Time to do a parasite cleanse!

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I call them the ‘self-elected elites’ or the powers that be (PTB). Low IQ grifters fundamentally.

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No doubt there is some truth in this article, but I would not trust "The People's Voice" as a rule, and would fact check everything thoroughly before quoting them.

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As a longtime publisher, I would say that, in these times, everyone should make their #1 hobby to be one of fact-checking everything, as a part of their daily routine.

I love you all!

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Thats right, how does anyone know for certain about most things these days!

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Especially venues like "The People's Voice"!

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EXACTLY!!! “Research for yourself” is frequently my mantra... #TruthMatters 🇺🇸🙏✝️🙏🇺🇸

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I yearn for the day this entire industry is destroyed. Maybe then, it can be reborn. At this point, though, there is no salvaging it, not with the evil throughout it.

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This must get out far and wide and justice can not be swift and severe enough! This is pure evil, satanism, pedophilia and they are both tied to the globalists agenda!

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Normal people or what I'd call normal people. Can't get their heads around this type of behaviour. Simply because it's that horrendous it doesn't seem like anything a normal person could relate to. But it goes on in these circles & always has. People find it hard to believe because the main stream media refuse to do anything but promote these vile creatures. Because they're part of the same crowd. Obama has as many skeletons in the closet as Killery. But somehow the talk of him & his companion is kept to a minimum. He has 2 very suspicious deaths very close to him & only him. I'd be really interested to know who is behind Diddy's prosecution & why it's happening. It's been an open secret for decades. Here's a question I'd love anyone to answer me if they can. Gislane Maxwell is in jail for trafficking kids for sexual abuse. Who was she trafficking these kids to? How come weve not got a single name? How come she's in jail if no one can say who she trafficked kids to?

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Well said ,Sir! And I wanna know one more thing ? Where the hell IS Kanye at ?? He calls Diddy and the Kardashians out and then just drops off the face of the Earth ? I'm concerned for him ...🙏

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We make the mistake of thinking this just happens in Hollywood, but this Colorado daddy put a GPS on his kindergartner, and discovered...


2 people addressed the issue at Greeley City Council on 9-17-24. Link goes directly to timestamp.


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I am shocked beyond belief... . Thank you, for sharing. I can only pray this is s hoax. So much evil. So many drugs. The devil is in those drugs.

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This is not a hoax. Not at all. And you can rest assured it's not just one school in one town.

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Doprah needs to be swinging from 🌳

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