With Ronald Bernard's testimony and the Wiki-Leaks information about Pizza Gate...I do believe the Black Music Rap Industry is getting thrown under the bus, in other words somebody has to take the rap and it's not going to be the Zionist White Satanist...okay you can have Harvey Weinstein, and maybe Epstein but not the Clintons, not the Bushes or the Biden's, or the collective Jews. But you can have the Blacks and their humiliation rituals of having the men wear dresses and eating new born babies but Satan himself well he's going on as usual to entrap you and your naive ignorant money grubbing ways... Lady Gaga she's not so innocent she is the protegee of Marina Abramovic the spirit cooker for the Globalist...it doesn't get any more Satanic that...
Famous chef Anthony Bourdain was going to out them but was suicided. Chester Cunningham who was John Podesta's illegit son and his BFF Chris Cornell..both rock stars were suicided. Hung with a red scarf on a door knob as was Bourdain. Podesta made walnut sauce with the kids pineal gland. His brother Tony and friends are in a pic showing off their red shoes made from their victims skin.
Ditto..Andrew Breitbart was a dead man walking when he outed psychopath John Podesta. He said.."what's in your closet John." The CIA walked up to him and used their heart attack device.
I’am sick of these Satan worshipping miscreants getting away with kidnapping, molesting, torturing to make adrenochrome, sacrificing these kids to Moloch, selling their body parts. Yep you’re right.
What’s with the “satanist” part? I don’t like zionists at all, but they are not satanists LOL who the heck are you talking about? Satanists or zionists? You’re all over the place.
“okay you can have Harvey Weinstein, and maybe Epstein but not the Clintons, not the Bushes or the Biden's, or the collective Jews.”
Who can “have”? And what do you mean by “have”??? You act like I’m confused and it’s not you that is confused and confusing. It’s def you, homie. But please, I’ll allow you to answer my questions.
“But you can have the Blacks and their humiliation rituals of having the men wear dresses and eating new born babies but Satan himself well he's going on as usual to entrap you and your naive ignorant money grubbing ways...”
Again, WHO and what do you mean by HAVE? And what humiliation rituals???
Save me your condescending tone, by the way. You’re no wise man. Just a confused man.
Thank you for your clarification. Zionists are in league with the Satanists or Luciferians, whatever name you wish to use. They are demonic! I distinguish between Jews and Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist.
Blacks, according to Zionists, are sub-human, along with the Goyum. If you check some platforms like Odysee or Bitchutt, you will see what I am discussing about the humiliation rituals. Many Black actors are made to wear a dress at some point in their careers. Dave Chappelle gives a great interview about this.
Blackmail is used extensively in the entertainment industry, policies, and military.
check out this interview with Kay Riggs...That will get you started
Also, you're on Alexandra Forbidden Knowledge. She has the best archive on the internet! Good Luck to you...My apologies for my condescending attitude. I may not be right, but I'm never wrong!
The Palestinians are a true Semite race...so no I'm not antisemtic...You'll have to help me out with POS...not sure what that means...something nice I hope!
This is just the tip of the black as pitch iceburg. Epstein Island is Devils Island. The elite , child sacrificing psychopaths molest, torture then murder to make adrenochrome their favorite high then serve them up for the main course. Body parts are sold and the skin used to make red shoe's and accessories as the Nazi SS did in the extermination camps making lampshades from the captives skin. There's a tape on Anthony Weiners laptop labeled insurance policy. It shows Hillary and Uma filleting a 9 year old girls face and then wear it ask a bloody mask to cause her adrenaline to spike. It's on the dark web. There's tunnels all over Holly-dead wood and D.C. to transport children..The tunnels on Epstein Island was filled in. The Clinton's visited 27 times. . 1/2 million kids came across the border then disappeared into these tunnel's. Oprah's mansion is one destination...so was the Playboy mansion.
The fact that so few can even wrap our heads around this has always been their protection. It's very much like "Rosemary's Baby" where what's going on is so bizarre that you look insane to even imply it. The second protective shield is the fear, disgust and sleepless nights that nobody wants to interrupt the illusory Pollyanna feel good dream that most live in.
I had not given too much credence to any of this until some 40 missing kids from a single country were rescued in a sting a few years back. Then more and more. Then we have the girl seen being led away from a ball park on security camera yet the police were unable to find her. Her farther did though. Something clearly is amiss.
Dismantle all whom harm our lils. Know who’s name is not on any celebrities list for attending islands, or freak offs!! MINE and most of us blue collar workers trying to take care of our families. Whilst these monsters live gig on the hog off our backs!! Time for the tides to change ;-)
Satan is an ET. He and his species parasitically feed on terror frequencies. People who want fame and fortune enough to kill and torture are his suppliers on this planet. They deliver the terror frequencies for the consumption of this ET species. Blood, once imbued with terror-caused biochemicals, is a food for the satanic and the human collaborators. The satanic practitioners take on all the death cult perversions of truth and the imagery that serve to provoke similar energies. That's why we see this...and why it's been kept under wraps. Every blood-sacrificing culture on this planet has served them. The Hebrews, the Aztec, the Maya were visible practitioners in their day, but as we see, there is a huge underground continuation globally to this day. The Bible tells the tale but not in the mythic version most believe. All of these creatures will not be sent to hell. They've already created hell and they live in it. In fact they love it and proselytize converts by force or greed. This ET species and its followers are indeed fallen, representing everything anti-life, everything horrific and misery-making, but the story is couched in myth. You know what myths are right? Other people's religions, never our own. The Judaeo-Christian is just as mythic as any other. The best I can say for the Bible story is that, as it has been taught, and as most believe, it misrepresents the facts and except for the efforts of some brilliant scholars in ancient languages, we wouldn't know the truth. The institutionalized religions that spin from the Bible, at least the top echelons that call the shots, have been largely put into the service of the "Satan," with the function of further terrorizing "his" prey on this planet. Hence we have the guilt and fear of punishment that characterize most religions. Until we know what we're dealing with we will not be able to correct the situation. Waiting for the Yahweh God to even the score is not only vain hoping, but ignorance. And just as the beginning of the story is a myth, so is its apocalyptic Revelation ending. Now, I believe an end is coming and what that will be is a choice by this planet to pursue a completely different path based in dropping the myth and participating in the beautiful, truthful creation of the actual Divine. How will we pursue a different path if we're still believing that choice isn't even in our hands? If we're waiting for the God of the Bible, we're waiting for Godot.
I hear you. But… We create our personal world within this realm yet this is not home. This is more like an adventure game we play that we come into not knowing it’s a game, not knowing the rules but realizing quick enough that it’s a realm of duality. How is that? Because the opponents provide us the contrast. They are wired to be completely opposite of us. Picture a chess board. They’ve been given the power, we’ve been given the faculties of critical thinking, imagination and intuition. Once we realize that it’s a game and we understand the rules, we know we can’t overpower them physically but we can use our mental faculties to raise our frequencies so we can observe the dense 3-D negativity, maelstrom and muck, and use that space of high frequency to move through our own baggage to let our light shine like a beacon for those still in the dark. All the while, we’re growing and expanding our souls. It’s an amazing experience once you get what it really is.
And I am just so sure something will come of this!.............trail of bodies behind Klinton....what happened there??....NOTHING, Epstein.....NOTHING, OBiden/Hunter....NOTHING....LBJ, '1962, We will rule the world with weather war and control'....again....NOTHING
In the article I published a week ago or so, "Satanic Panic" I outlined the RAP pyramid scam, with a focus on Lyor Cohen-the appointed Godfather kingpin of the Devil's music biz. Your article update is essential reading as the massive disclosure unfolds. The quickening is upon us. The next few weeks are going to be a helluva roller coaster ride!
My question is whether the influencers will ever have the light shown in them? For the general population- will they just think “fame corrupts” but never look to the dark occult luciferian overlords running the planet…
Alex Jones was right
And look what the POWERS that run everything including the courts have done to him.
...so much effort expended to keep him silent.
I was fortunate to only get molested as a child.
Same here, and I'm sorry. :(
Happens all too often..even within the family.
Yes. So sad.
He’s right about pretty much everything. If you wanna know what’s up, get it from Alex.
If you want to be misinformed, you mean.
LMFAO NO. He has never been right about anything. Ever.
With Ronald Bernard's testimony and the Wiki-Leaks information about Pizza Gate...I do believe the Black Music Rap Industry is getting thrown under the bus, in other words somebody has to take the rap and it's not going to be the Zionist White Satanist...okay you can have Harvey Weinstein, and maybe Epstein but not the Clintons, not the Bushes or the Biden's, or the collective Jews. But you can have the Blacks and their humiliation rituals of having the men wear dresses and eating new born babies but Satan himself well he's going on as usual to entrap you and your naive ignorant money grubbing ways... Lady Gaga she's not so innocent she is the protegee of Marina Abramovic the spirit cooker for the Globalist...it doesn't get any more Satanic that...
Famous chef Anthony Bourdain was going to out them but was suicided. Chester Cunningham who was John Podesta's illegit son and his BFF Chris Cornell..both rock stars were suicided. Hung with a red scarf on a door knob as was Bourdain. Podesta made walnut sauce with the kids pineal gland. His brother Tony and friends are in a pic showing off their red shoes made from their victims skin.
+ kate spade, her too (red scarf club) an' they say robin williams as well... possibly phillip seymour hoffman
Ditto..Andrew Breitbart was a dead man walking when he outed psychopath John Podesta. He said.."what's in your closet John." The CIA walked up to him and used their heart attack device.
ah, I didn't know how they "did 'im" but I knew he wuz done did... they've downed a lotta truth-tellers
You’re sick.
I’am sick of these Satan worshipping miscreants getting away with kidnapping, molesting, torturing to make adrenochrome, sacrificing these kids to Moloch, selling their body parts. Yep you’re right.
Chester Bennington..not Cunningham.
yup, who MAY be Podesta's son (an' as ya know they gotta sacrifice their own)--they resemble each other... creepily!
(WHOOPS / edit--I see ya already said that part !)...
Right on. They’ll cut bait on the blacks. Watch for a huge backlash against the black community.
WTF???? Made sense about Rap Music, then you lost me.
I, too, have been lost...
No, you misread. You lost me. I’m not lost, you went from logical to crazy in 60 seconds there.
If you could be a bit more specific here, I could try and explain what you don't understand...:)
“Zionist White Satanist...”
What’s with the “satanist” part? I don’t like zionists at all, but they are not satanists LOL who the heck are you talking about? Satanists or zionists? You’re all over the place.
“okay you can have Harvey Weinstein, and maybe Epstein but not the Clintons, not the Bushes or the Biden's, or the collective Jews.”
Who can “have”? And what do you mean by “have”??? You act like I’m confused and it’s not you that is confused and confusing. It’s def you, homie. But please, I’ll allow you to answer my questions.
“But you can have the Blacks and their humiliation rituals of having the men wear dresses and eating new born babies but Satan himself well he's going on as usual to entrap you and your naive ignorant money grubbing ways...”
Again, WHO and what do you mean by HAVE? And what humiliation rituals???
Save me your condescending tone, by the way. You’re no wise man. Just a confused man.
Thank you for your clarification. Zionists are in league with the Satanists or Luciferians, whatever name you wish to use. They are demonic! I distinguish between Jews and Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist.
Blacks, according to Zionists, are sub-human, along with the Goyum. If you check some platforms like Odysee or Bitchutt, you will see what I am discussing about the humiliation rituals. Many Black actors are made to wear a dress at some point in their careers. Dave Chappelle gives a great interview about this.
Blackmail is used extensively in the entertainment industry, policies, and military.
https://odysee.com/@WatchTheSpell:2/Kay-Griggs-Colonel-s-Wife-Tell-All-Interview-1-of-4:4. (Copy and Paste)
check out this interview with Kay Riggs...That will get you started
Also, you're on Alexandra Forbidden Knowledge. She has the best archive on the internet! Good Luck to you...My apologies for my condescending attitude. I may not be right, but I'm never wrong!
you're a satanic antisemite POS!!!
The Palestinians are a true Semite race...so no I'm not antisemtic...You'll have to help me out with POS...not sure what that means...something nice I hope!
It’s not nice, lol.
POS = “Piece of Sh!t”
I very much disagree with MuggsSpongedice. You are not a POS.
Please, everyone, calm down!
eye see...
well i was a POS in a past life...but i got better!
This is just the tip of the black as pitch iceburg. Epstein Island is Devils Island. The elite , child sacrificing psychopaths molest, torture then murder to make adrenochrome their favorite high then serve them up for the main course. Body parts are sold and the skin used to make red shoe's and accessories as the Nazi SS did in the extermination camps making lampshades from the captives skin. There's a tape on Anthony Weiners laptop labeled insurance policy. It shows Hillary and Uma filleting a 9 year old girls face and then wear it ask a bloody mask to cause her adrenaline to spike. It's on the dark web. There's tunnels all over Holly-dead wood and D.C. to transport children..The tunnels on Epstein Island was filled in. The Clinton's visited 27 times. . 1/2 million kids came across the border then disappeared into these tunnel's. Oprah's mansion is one destination...so was the Playboy mansion.
The fact that so few can even wrap our heads around this has always been their protection. It's very much like "Rosemary's Baby" where what's going on is so bizarre that you look insane to even imply it. The second protective shield is the fear, disgust and sleepless nights that nobody wants to interrupt the illusory Pollyanna feel good dream that most live in.
The FBI having all this evidence is bad news. I think they'll just bury it now. We know who they work for.
Yes, where are all those tapes that Epstein recorded now?
Hold tight.. it’s still unraveling. Diddy will lead to Epstein
How about Taylor swift? 🤔
Exactly. She's a part of this as well.
Mel Gibson many years ago made statements similar to this about Hollywood that seemed crazy at the time.
Yes and more recently within past few years specifically about Oprah win frey
I had not given too much credence to any of this until some 40 missing kids from a single country were rescued in a sting a few years back. Then more and more. Then we have the girl seen being led away from a ball park on security camera yet the police were unable to find her. Her farther did though. Something clearly is amiss.
Dismantle all whom harm our lils. Know who’s name is not on any celebrities list for attending islands, or freak offs!! MINE and most of us blue collar workers trying to take care of our families. Whilst these monsters live gig on the hog off our backs!! Time for the tides to change ;-)
Satan is an ET. He and his species parasitically feed on terror frequencies. People who want fame and fortune enough to kill and torture are his suppliers on this planet. They deliver the terror frequencies for the consumption of this ET species. Blood, once imbued with terror-caused biochemicals, is a food for the satanic and the human collaborators. The satanic practitioners take on all the death cult perversions of truth and the imagery that serve to provoke similar energies. That's why we see this...and why it's been kept under wraps. Every blood-sacrificing culture on this planet has served them. The Hebrews, the Aztec, the Maya were visible practitioners in their day, but as we see, there is a huge underground continuation globally to this day. The Bible tells the tale but not in the mythic version most believe. All of these creatures will not be sent to hell. They've already created hell and they live in it. In fact they love it and proselytize converts by force or greed. This ET species and its followers are indeed fallen, representing everything anti-life, everything horrific and misery-making, but the story is couched in myth. You know what myths are right? Other people's religions, never our own. The Judaeo-Christian is just as mythic as any other. The best I can say for the Bible story is that, as it has been taught, and as most believe, it misrepresents the facts and except for the efforts of some brilliant scholars in ancient languages, we wouldn't know the truth. The institutionalized religions that spin from the Bible, at least the top echelons that call the shots, have been largely put into the service of the "Satan," with the function of further terrorizing "his" prey on this planet. Hence we have the guilt and fear of punishment that characterize most religions. Until we know what we're dealing with we will not be able to correct the situation. Waiting for the Yahweh God to even the score is not only vain hoping, but ignorance. And just as the beginning of the story is a myth, so is its apocalyptic Revelation ending. Now, I believe an end is coming and what that will be is a choice by this planet to pursue a completely different path based in dropping the myth and participating in the beautiful, truthful creation of the actual Divine. How will we pursue a different path if we're still believing that choice isn't even in our hands? If we're waiting for the God of the Bible, we're waiting for Godot.
I hear you. But… We create our personal world within this realm yet this is not home. This is more like an adventure game we play that we come into not knowing it’s a game, not knowing the rules but realizing quick enough that it’s a realm of duality. How is that? Because the opponents provide us the contrast. They are wired to be completely opposite of us. Picture a chess board. They’ve been given the power, we’ve been given the faculties of critical thinking, imagination and intuition. Once we realize that it’s a game and we understand the rules, we know we can’t overpower them physically but we can use our mental faculties to raise our frequencies so we can observe the dense 3-D negativity, maelstrom and muck, and use that space of high frequency to move through our own baggage to let our light shine like a beacon for those still in the dark. All the while, we’re growing and expanding our souls. It’s an amazing experience once you get what it really is.
They opposition runs this realm. We’re just visitors here.
Au contraire! We create this realm as much as they do. They run it because we let them.
Heard it for years. Could all be true. Tired of "soon" and "roll the tape" but no links.
Where's the videos?
And I am just so sure something will come of this!.............trail of bodies behind Klinton....what happened there??....NOTHING, Epstein.....NOTHING, OBiden/Hunter....NOTHING....LBJ, '1962, We will rule the world with weather war and control'....again....NOTHING
In the article I published a week ago or so, "Satanic Panic" I outlined the RAP pyramid scam, with a focus on Lyor Cohen-the appointed Godfather kingpin of the Devil's music biz. Your article update is essential reading as the massive disclosure unfolds. The quickening is upon us. The next few weeks are going to be a helluva roller coaster ride!
So much of this coming out. This is the music industry. Hollywood. The star system. Time for a big crash. Thank you for posting.
My question is whether the influencers will ever have the light shown in them? For the general population- will they just think “fame corrupts” but never look to the dark occult luciferian overlords running the planet…
Nothing new under the sun, different names, same scenario......
Very sick people!😳😡