A new age of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) is upon us – especially now, that the DNC completely bombed over the past week, with their platform of continued collapse and destruction of the United States, wielding their fake, installed candidate, completely bypassing the democratic process and US law; Kabala having colossally failed in her own 2019 presidential primary and who, then proceeded fail spectacularly, in her own right, within what has been unquestionably the most catastrophic presidential administration in the history of this country.
We've already seen the laser devastation in Maui, Viña de Mar in Chile, the Texas Panhandle, Northern California, as well as in conjunction with the flat-out eco-terrorism-for-hire-by-the-WEF in Canada and elsewhere in Europe.
Europe is currently seeing unprecedented weather warfare, with billionaires getting Robert-Maxwelled off the coast of Sicily, due to a "localized waterspout" while their empty lifeboats jostled on the surface of the Mediterranean.
The earthquake weapons are coming online and Sabrina Wallace has warned us to strengthen our own biofields to protect us from the incoming "plasma bombs".
None of this is new. David Bowie was talking about “Black Noise” acoustic weapons, back in the 1970s.
Running Time: 1 min
David Bowie: So Black Noise is the register, within which you can crack a city or people, or – it's a new controlled bomb. It's a noise bomb, in fact, which can destroy. Why do you ask that?
Dick Cavett: Is it a real thing? Is it being experimented upon?
David Bowie: Oh, it is, yeah. It was invented in France.
Dick Cavett: Could a tyrant use it, to…
David Bowie: Well, until last year, you could buy the patent for it in the French Patent Office for about the equivalent of three, four dollars. It depends how much money you put into it. I mean, a small one could probably kill about half the people there, but a big one could destroy a city, or even more.
Dick Cavett: This is a weird idea.
David Bowie: Don't look at [me!] It's not my idea!
Dick Cavett: Let's not give the instructions on how to do it!
All of this today, of course, is being blamed on "Climate Change" – which is the Globalists' shorthand for euthanizing you with their manifold DEWs and with their deadly forced injections.
Below, is a short piece from a 66-minute long interview conducted early last year by the prolific and prodigious Australian podcaster, Maria Zeee with former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza, who joined her to expose the technologies behind the incoming Fake Alien Invasion commonly known as 'Project Blue Beam,' as well as the occult, Satanic practices driving their use by the unseen Global Government that he says is secretly running the world. DeSouza made this publicity push about 18 months ago and has since receded back into the woodwork, as far as I can see.
Former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza, here seems to be suggesting that the abovementioned exotic DEWs will soon be accompanied by realistic holograms that can even briefly possess attributes of solidity, together with infrasonic weapons and Voice-to-Skull technology to make "Believers" out of all of us, with the Globalists' biggest blockbuster Sci-Fi Action Thriller production of all time.
Running Time: 2 mins
John DeSouza: What I'm here to tell people is that when Project Blue Beam is used – again...it's not going to be by the United States. It's not going to be by national – it's going to be by Global Government. They're the ones who are going to use this stuff.
And it's going to be not just a bunch of "pretty holograms". It's going to be – they're going to be using it for religious figures. They're going to have "Jesus in the Sky" – but it's not just going to be holograms.
There's going to be Voice-to-Skull ["V2K"] technology, that's also going to be used. They're going to be able to have these figures speak to every human being on the planet.
Imagine the impact of that, that they're going to be able to see the figure and also hear the figure talking to them!
You know, it's amazing. I think that is the particular reason why Jesus said in the Bible, "My sheep hear my voice and they will recognize my voice." And I think – I think – that [verse] was an anticipation of when this operation goes forward.
And it's going to go forward in conjunction, also with the great Fake Alien Invasion. It's going to go forward with that.
And – who knows? It's going to be also a sweetener [?] It's going to be, instead of, you know, we're going to have, you know, maybe 10 or 20 UAPs [aka UFOs] that have incredible destructive capacity against our cities. But then with Project Bluebeam, they can make those appear like two or three or 400 UAPs. See, that's, that's what they can do.
And also these, these holograms, we call them holograms because that's, that's the word that we know, but they're going to probably have the capacity for noise, for sounds, for solidity, temporary solidity, as well. But then you can say, well, but then that's not a hologram. Well, yeah, it's probably going to be something that is several steps above a hologram, as well.
So these are the things that we're facing and these things are going to be faced all at once. That's the reason why I try, I try so hard.
The technological details of how this might be pulled off were exposed in Episode 2 of the Tore Says Show 'Fall of Babylon' Mini Series.
'Fall of Babylon' Episode 2 is an information overload of images, soundtracks and text that is more like a multi-layered, interactive game than a documentary, which caused me to research the headspinning details presented.
I transcribed the fleeting text and it describes the technology that will be deployed to stage a worldwide Fake Alien Invasion, using a combination of VLF, ELF and holograms.
The VLF and ELF ground waves will be used to attack specific areas of the prefrontal cortex that are stimulated during religious experience. These electromagnetic frequencies will be blasted at human populations to overwhelm them with incapacitating vertigo, aka a "Road-to-Damascus Experience".
In conjunction with these ground-based brainwave entrainment frequencies, hyperrealistic holograms will be projected by satellites in the sky above.
We are told that most of the thousands of satellites now in orbit around Earth already have this hologram technology onboard and that the "projection screen" for these holograms is being created with Bill Gates' chemtrails.
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It's also implied in Tore's film that the James Webb Space Telescope – which orbits the Sun, not the Earth – will be involved with the grand production of this fake alien invasion.
The most important message here is: if and/or when this fake alien invasion PSYOP is rolled out, do not believe your eyes and do not believe your fake "religious experience", either.
Much of this material also sounds like the seven-page document titled "Salvage Program" leaked by the Anonymous hacking group on October 18th, 2016.
The document was allegedly produced in 2016 by the Benenson Strategy Group, who were advisors to the Hillary Clinton Campaign. It presented different strategies to scare people away from the polls and to stop them from voting for Trump, after WikiLeaks revelations had caused Hillary's favorability ratings to crash to 12%, according to this document.
Although it may have been a hoax, it contained a lot of information that was true. When I originally published this information in 2016, a military contact of mine forwarded it to his admiral friend. He told me that the Admiral hit the ceiling, because some of the information in the document came from a super-secret Special Access Program (SAP).
Joel Benenson, the founder of the Benenson Strategy Group (BSG) was the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. According to FEC filings, BSG received over $2.5 million in the year 2016 from the Hillary Clinton 2016 Campaign, which does not include possible payments made by her super PACs or by the Clinton Foundation.
The Salvage Program report queried respondents as to what it would take to keep them from voting on Election Day?
The "Non-Recommended Salvage Options" described the pros and cons of several named PSYOPs, many of which we've heard rumors about for decades – and some of which have actually since been deployed – and are ongoing!
Red Dawn, which is an invasion of UN troops from the Canadian Border, which Tore has repeatedly warned about; Cobalt Rain, which is a dirty bomb attack; BL Riot, which was the 2020 George Floyd/BLM riots that caused $500 million in property damage to mostly small Black-owned businesses – of which Minnesota Governor and current Manchurian Vice Presidential candidate is so proud; Zikpocalypse, a PSYOP using the ZIKV bioweapon, instead of the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, the latter of which was used to steal the 2020 Election; Sharia Escalation, which we're just getting into now, with the Pro-Palestine Protests and the 300,000+ Muslims who have illegally crossed the Southern Border, hundreds of whom are in the FBI's terrorist database. This is setting us up for a scenario of 1,000 Gaza Attacks being committed within the US simultaneously and finally; Unnatural Disaster, which is a HAARP-based weather warfare attack.
Below, is a screenshot of the alleged Benenson Group's presentation to the 2016 Hillary Clinton Campaign:
The utter doggedness of Trump voters in 2016 was considered to be such that the Benenson Group advised a peculiar "Final Solution" to stop them from voting: a false flag extraterrestrial invasion, using advanced 3D laser technology called FIRESIGN.
It featured this graphic of a hologram projector with this description:
For almost two decades the Department of Defense and NASA have coordinated on a black book project under the codename FIRESIGN. FIRESIGN's aim is to create a religious "awe effect" in enemy populations to create an instantaneous psychological soft-kill (abject submission). The operation uses high powered lasers to project realseeming images on the sodium layer 100km above the surface. These images can cover hundreds or even thousands of square miles and can appear completely real, three dimensional, and can move. These visual cues are augmented with pulsed ELF electromagnetic emissions (see: PROJECT SANGUINE) that attack the specific areas of the prefrontal cortex that are stimulated during religious experience. In limited tests, subjects have been able to be overwhelmed on both axis of vastness (an overwhelming of the subject's frame of reference) and a powerful need-for-accommodation. The mix of these two will produce inaction, lack of focus on self or individual interaction, and gross transformations in mental equilibrium (a Road-to-Damascus Experience).
The document claims "The ability to produce these effects across 23% of the continental United States is the objective of FIRESIGN and field tests in the Levant have proven successful."
Consider this post a warning to NOT believe your eyes and ears, in the event of a so-called "Alien Invasion" propagated by the Fake News and to stay in prayer and to do everything you can to be in alignment with God – and not with the terrifying and heart-stopping spectacles, to which we may all soon be subjected.
As a former follower of mainstream Christianity I can say with confidence that devout, zealous, singularly focused Christians will utterly lose their collective shit if they see what in their estimation is the face of Jesus in the sky. (Any dude with a beard should suffice). Well played "Establishment" dark hearts....well played.
Someone is going to a lot of trouble to kill us off, and it's not going to work. Many will survive, understanding the evil used against us. There will be justice. The judges that will try the criminals are inside themselves and the murderers will have nowhere to hide. All will face justice. Save yourself and help mankind by resisting the evil. Now is a good time to acknowledge the nature of being human, to recuse oneself from involvement in crimes against humanity, and turn to a life of love and kindness.