As a former follower of mainstream Christianity I can say with confidence that devout, zealous, singularly focused Christians will utterly lose their collective shit if they see what in their estimation is the face of Jesus in the sky. (Any dude with a beard should suffice). Well played "Establishment" dark hearts....well played.
Someone is going to a lot of trouble to kill us off, and it's not going to work. Many will survive, understanding the evil used against us. There will be justice. The judges that will try the criminals are inside themselves and the murderers will have nowhere to hide. All will face justice. Save yourself and help mankind by resisting the evil. Now is a good time to acknowledge the nature of being human, to recuse oneself from involvement in crimes against humanity, and turn to a life of love and kindness.
"How do you know there is intelligent life in the Universe?"
"They haven't tried to contact us."
However, humans are now being turned into synthetic beings, and only some of them will be allowed to survive. I have never worn a muzzle, got a "test," or accepted a (sooner-or-later) lethal injection, but even I am already halfway synthetic. Here is the story when I nearly died:
I've been saying since 2021 that the vaxx roll-out had many features of the classic, Ye Olde (Betty & Barney Hill-style) "Alien Abduction Scenario" but on a global scale and that what we might be looking at is the beginning of the timeline where they start turning the human race into "Greys".
Of course, they never do anything for only one reason. 911 was a similar case (which may also have had holographic elements). That achieved multiple goals, from insurance fraud on the buildings to wars against the seven countries that were looted of resources, oil, gold and antiquities, just as we were looted of war expenditures for two decades. These were the countries that had no Rothschild central banks but now they do. With covid, they pulled off the election steal but also used the tendency of people to lose it in isolation to make us more vulnerable and open to the oppression that was coming. Then, they were very successful at the destruction of small business and further erosion of the middle class. They made a lot of is always an objective.... on the vax that injected many with deadly substances and works for surveillance as well as creating bots out of people for their further use. Apparently, they used the down-time of lock downs to get 5G installed all over. And they prepped the world to expect the pandemics they intended to do in the future, right now MPox, where lock downs are starting all over again. I can't believe that a number of people are falling for the very same fakery. It's quite amazing how they squeeze every drop of gain out of what on the surface seems to be one event.
Plenty of movies out there (predictive programming) from the last 40 or 50 years to prepare people for "uniting humanity" against an "alien threat." It would be a bad joke, it they didn't mean it. This way, it's a good joke! :D
The human race excels at self-destruction; it doesn't mean any external intervention. :)
They use the creative power of our own minds to manifest the outcomes they want, first by planting the ideas of them there. That's why fear is so counter-productive.
At the end of ww2 thousands of Germans went in their u boats beyond Antarctica to the forbidden continents, Adoph Hitler included.
A newspaper article published only in South America detailing a battle between the allies and Germans who deployed their electro magnetic aircraft with energy weapons scared the life out of 1 commander of a usa quote: I pray to God I never encounter such a force again.
I think we have reverse engineered this tech...from the Greys. ( uniform colour)
I have. I used to talk to Harry. He called the SPLC the "Spit-Lickers".
Here's a tale of Hitler in Argentina from a perspective that you will see nowhere else in the English language, in this article I wrote in 2016, as told to me by an aged French-Brazilian filmmaker who wanted to make the movie (I think he's still alive, in his 90s):
What's wild is that I used to go to the very remote (at the time) beach where Mengele drowned when he had a stroke while swimming. My grandmother had a property in what was then a complete wilderness, full of every jungle creature Brazil (the country with the highest biodiversity of any other country on Earth) had to offer.
The first dead body I ever saw in my life, as a kid was a guy on that beach in 1979, covered with a sheet and surrounded by cops with his grey feet sticking out. My stepfather and I referred to him as "Grey Toes" for the rest of the weekend. Who knows? Maybe it was Mengele we saw? The timing was right...
Wow, thanks for that link. That's quite a story! I knew the bare bones; but had not heard the term "Operation Odessa" before. Wasn't The Bilderberg Group established to manage and launder all that NAZI loot through American and European banks?
Since I first came across Harry Cooper's work, it has been clear to me that the NAZIs did not lose WWII at all. It could even be argued that they actually won. At best, the Allies managed a draw. I have often wondered to what extent the Allies - well, US and UK anyway - allowed and even facilitated so many senior NAZIs to fake their own deaths and escape to Argentina. By November 1963, the NAZIs were able to cement their victory and today they control all the Five-Eyes countries, Ukraine, Israel et al. What a mess!
Which is to not to say the Germans but to say that faction of the Black Nobility: UN, NATO, WHO, Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, Big Tech, that whole sh!tshow.
Yes, absolutely. Not the Germans. One only has to know what happened to Germans in The Rhine Meadows Camps to know that the Germans ended up being the victims of a real holocaust:
They'll more likely wait until more of the depopulation unfolds and between wars, failed economies and pestilences people will be so hopeless that only a Savior can provide and solidify the Novus Ordo Seclorum with the one-world gov and religion, an Antichrist who wants to C0EX1$t and even encourage the non-binary gender neutrality (occult pandrogeny). Aren't the supposed "grey aliens" a gender-neutral "species" by most acccounts?.. They can clone historical figures now if they have material, so I'm just posing an option of what they can do to unite the world through a messiah figure. And we know there's a particular group in charge who are still waiting for theirs...
It would be too difficult to awe the entire world unless it was brought to a lower state than we're at right now. We're all aware of technology, but it's very easy to buy into a lie when you're at your wit's end and starving. The trick is to make it the only way to move forward, and instead of having actual faith in God they'll pick the greasy guy in the van offering candy, even the gayliens.
The Catholic Church is already prepped for a one-world religion even in name, catholic meaning 'all', universal or even liberal. The Jesuit Pope said he'd bless aliens if we ever met any. But then they also have the LUCIFER telescope and we know how relaxed their policies are getting toward genders among other things not quite Christian let alone Biblical. The pagan half, thanks to Constantine and the Black Nobility, has always existed there, a reflection of the pagan mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt. They conflated Jesus with the "dying god" sun child and Mary with the Queen of Heaven ("star of the sea", Venus). And not to be left out, the other Abrahamic religions have aspects of the 'Saturnalien' and pagan influence inherent to them also: all 3 subverted by mystery schools (Donmeh cult is one example). So making a worldwide religious exodus, or "falling away" to a new way of thinking, would happen pretty naturally along with the desperation. The religious leaders would help direct it from the ground.
I believe Werhner von Braun did try to warn about this from his deathbed. I think they're holding onto this card just like there's a card for it in the Illuminati card game, which also has cards for the obvious 9/11 towers, Pentagon explosion and some other questionable things -- things I believe they had planned, not foresaw. This is one of them, but it's going to align Biblical prophecy in some way. We already have the apostate Whore of Babylon in Chaldean Rome and Kabbalist Jews (just like the old) who control the West if not everywhere else through the UN, while the Freemasons play their occult gatekeepers of political, corporate and entertainment pyramid schemes. "Mystery" (schools) Babylon.
Playing this card is just more of the "order from chaos" (Ordo Ab Chao) to clamp down further, but it will all backfire on them. The real "aliens" are coming from the underworld, not the heavens, if only it could be proven. They'll need a good light show to pull off their integration into humanity if they ever plan to show themselves at all. More likely it's just another scare tactic. Or shouldn't we have met some aliens by now, not just stories of secret gov/military contacts, and worse, abductions and secret breeding programs?
That evil eye on the Great Seal of the Novu$ Ordo $eclorum $lave note is for The Watchers from the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels. That's who they really worship and their aliens are demons. Sad these occultists are selling us all out to dark powers to suit their greedy, megalomaniacal ambitions. After they've caused enough irreparable damage, we all get to pay for their mistakes, not the least of which was the Watchers' breaking God's "Prime Directive" and trying to integrate into our genome quite a long time ago already (nephilim). It's in all the ancient religions and myths. Now they just want to take us all down with them in their punishment.
Fortunately Jesus still advocates for humanity and has plans to clean up their/our mess -- part of which is turning us into host-nodes for nanotechnology and a mind control grid, another topic. Idiocracy is overdue for a reboot unfortunately.
In his books, DeSousa says there are worse aliens coming than those here now. I have only heard him once make an oblique reference to that in an interview, saying something about his less popular information. Apparently, and not surprisingly, it's not well received. But he did say it in at least one of his books. Going back to my old channeled friend Seth, he mentioned the possibility of holographic simulations by those in power back in the late 60's or early 70's, when we still thought the government was on our side. He specifically mentioned a fake "second coming." He said something about it will not look totally real, although it may fool many. I may have mentioned before that he also said that those operating at a higher frequency, meaning having less negative beliefs, would not be affected by those at lower frequency. Sort of an oil and water mix. It's a lot of stuff to take in and remain calm.
Fantastic stack, thank you. So grateful for all your work over the years. As an ET experiencer, and as a result, a "serious" TI since the 90's, the ET angle is my wheelhouse and of such great interest to me. And you go down all of my other well-traveled rabbit holes.
I've been saying for decades that we are up against ET tech and that it is more obvious than ever now, as this death march rages on, that the ETs/archons/ancient controllers of this realm, want their Earth timeshare back.
The terraforming of our planet - the elimination and/or hybridization of our species/and the alien hybrid project of the last 7 decades - and the attack on all biological life (for those who can actually survive this transhuman transition) should be blaringly obvious by now.
I'll offer my stack on Serge Monast - and will repost this stellar stack. And thank you again for all you do - it is thankless and dangerous work, I know. Big props!'s me...Having computer problems now - I suspect we have triggered the AI (algo) overlords...hoping we won't be getting some heat soon - been glitching and error messages since I wrote on your stack...and my scribes can't post on my stack...ugh. They do not want us to communicate. So tiresome...I'm so sick of it.
The chill/drill is either stops or it doesn't. Girlz behaving badly?
I did send you a private message...don't know if it finally got through or not..
But again, I keep saying that you have to look beyond the messenger and at the message. If somebody I don't like has a good message, I don't care if I don't like them.
And in this case, his message is supplemented quite amply by information from many others.
But exploring Message vs Messenger is the perfect place to start exercising your own skills of discernment.
The 1812 new Madrid earthquake appears to be an example of the earthquake machine going on for months. Cue the comet, British war over Canada, and Napoleon burning Russia, and suddenly history appears to be on the report button. ☹️
I am so demoralized, I forgot to look at CashApp and/or was not notified.
Venmo de-banked me earlier this year and I still have to go after your last donation, which is still sitting in New York State's Unclaimed Funds. I don't have time for anything.
Wouldn't you say, that if the masses become aware of a fake extraterrestrial invasion plan and begin to poo-poo anything that they hear about invaders, then if or when there IS an actual invasion, that we will be unable to warn and respond....... sort of like "Chicken Little" except the sky actually WOULD fall on us?
That's a serious predicament in my perspective because my perspective IS that there is a current infiltration of our most powerful institutions. It's a 3-D chess game here. I worry that the general population do not have the focus nor capacity to comprehend a bigger, more complex and dangerous game than the one they see on TV.
Thanks for letting me share The Briefings from The Allies of Humanity here throughout the years. Your capacity to entertain and embrace the unknown is phenomenal.
As a former follower of mainstream Christianity I can say with confidence that devout, zealous, singularly focused Christians will utterly lose their collective shit if they see what in their estimation is the face of Jesus in the sky. (Any dude with a beard should suffice). Well played "Establishment" dark hearts....well played.
Someone is going to a lot of trouble to kill us off, and it's not going to work. Many will survive, understanding the evil used against us. There will be justice. The judges that will try the criminals are inside themselves and the murderers will have nowhere to hide. All will face justice. Save yourself and help mankind by resisting the evil. Now is a good time to acknowledge the nature of being human, to recuse oneself from involvement in crimes against humanity, and turn to a life of love and kindness.
It’s highly likely that others live among humans. Some believe they’ve bred with humans. Colonization would be my guess.
Unless it's synthetic humans, it's highly unlikely it's aliens.
As I usually say,
"How do you know there is intelligent life in the Universe?"
"They haven't tried to contact us."
However, humans are now being turned into synthetic beings, and only some of them will be allowed to survive. I have never worn a muzzle, got a "test," or accepted a (sooner-or-later) lethal injection, but even I am already halfway synthetic. Here is the story when I nearly died:
I've been saying since 2021 that the vaxx roll-out had many features of the classic, Ye Olde (Betty & Barney Hill-style) "Alien Abduction Scenario" but on a global scale and that what we might be looking at is the beginning of the timeline where they start turning the human race into "Greys".
Of course, they never do anything for only one reason. 911 was a similar case (which may also have had holographic elements). That achieved multiple goals, from insurance fraud on the buildings to wars against the seven countries that were looted of resources, oil, gold and antiquities, just as we were looted of war expenditures for two decades. These were the countries that had no Rothschild central banks but now they do. With covid, they pulled off the election steal but also used the tendency of people to lose it in isolation to make us more vulnerable and open to the oppression that was coming. Then, they were very successful at the destruction of small business and further erosion of the middle class. They made a lot of is always an objective.... on the vax that injected many with deadly substances and works for surveillance as well as creating bots out of people for their further use. Apparently, they used the down-time of lock downs to get 5G installed all over. And they prepped the world to expect the pandemics they intended to do in the future, right now MPox, where lock downs are starting all over again. I can't believe that a number of people are falling for the very same fakery. It's quite amazing how they squeeze every drop of gain out of what on the surface seems to be one event.
Plenty of movies out there (predictive programming) from the last 40 or 50 years to prepare people for "uniting humanity" against an "alien threat." It would be a bad joke, it they didn't mean it. This way, it's a good joke! :D
The human race excels at self-destruction; it doesn't mean any external intervention. :)
Some, including Miles Johnston of The Bases Project, claim that we have been producing Programmable Generated Life Forms for decades already:
"They Live" was a documentary, wasn't it?
They use the creative power of our own minds to manifest the outcomes they want, first by planting the ideas of them there. That's why fear is so counter-productive.
At the end of ww2 thousands of Germans went in their u boats beyond Antarctica to the forbidden continents, Adoph Hitler included.
A newspaper article published only in South America detailing a battle between the allies and Germans who deployed their electro magnetic aircraft with energy weapons scared the life out of 1 commander of a usa quote: I pray to God I never encounter such a force again.
I think we have reverse engineered this tech...from the Greys. ( uniform colour)
If you haven't already read "Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin," by Harry Cooper, you would probably enjoy it:
I have. I used to talk to Harry. He called the SPLC the "Spit-Lickers".
Here's a tale of Hitler in Argentina from a perspective that you will see nowhere else in the English language, in this article I wrote in 2016, as told to me by an aged French-Brazilian filmmaker who wanted to make the movie (I think he's still alive, in his 90s):
What's wild is that I used to go to the very remote (at the time) beach where Mengele drowned when he had a stroke while swimming. My grandmother had a property in what was then a complete wilderness, full of every jungle creature Brazil (the country with the highest biodiversity of any other country on Earth) had to offer.
The first dead body I ever saw in my life, as a kid was a guy on that beach in 1979, covered with a sheet and surrounded by cops with his grey feet sticking out. My stepfather and I referred to him as "Grey Toes" for the rest of the weekend. Who knows? Maybe it was Mengele we saw? The timing was right...
Wow, thanks for that link. That's quite a story! I knew the bare bones; but had not heard the term "Operation Odessa" before. Wasn't The Bilderberg Group established to manage and launder all that NAZI loot through American and European banks?
Since I first came across Harry Cooper's work, it has been clear to me that the NAZIs did not lose WWII at all. It could even be argued that they actually won. At best, the Allies managed a draw. I have often wondered to what extent the Allies - well, US and UK anyway - allowed and even facilitated so many senior NAZIs to fake their own deaths and escape to Argentina. By November 1963, the NAZIs were able to cement their victory and today they control all the Five-Eyes countries, Ukraine, Israel et al. What a mess!
Thanks again for that link - brilliant!
Yes and the front-facing org of the Bilderbergs is the WEF and they are dictating to the world, as we speak.
The Nazis won WWII.
Which is to not to say the Germans but to say that faction of the Black Nobility: UN, NATO, WHO, Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, Big Tech, that whole sh!tshow.
The patents to the Public Key Infrastrastructure (PKI) were bought by Hillary Clinton's Rose law firm:
Quantum computing and the new internet will end this.
Yes, absolutely. Not the Germans. One only has to know what happened to Germans in The Rhine Meadows Camps to know that the Germans ended up being the victims of a real holocaust:
The Germans are still being victimized today with the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline and, with it, the German economy (again!).
Quantum computing? I'm not a tecchie but I know Clif is not a fan of quantum computing.
The new internet? What's that, please? Theta Labs technology, or...?
They'll more likely wait until more of the depopulation unfolds and between wars, failed economies and pestilences people will be so hopeless that only a Savior can provide and solidify the Novus Ordo Seclorum with the one-world gov and religion, an Antichrist who wants to C0EX1$t and even encourage the non-binary gender neutrality (occult pandrogeny). Aren't the supposed "grey aliens" a gender-neutral "species" by most acccounts?.. They can clone historical figures now if they have material, so I'm just posing an option of what they can do to unite the world through a messiah figure. And we know there's a particular group in charge who are still waiting for theirs...
It would be too difficult to awe the entire world unless it was brought to a lower state than we're at right now. We're all aware of technology, but it's very easy to buy into a lie when you're at your wit's end and starving. The trick is to make it the only way to move forward, and instead of having actual faith in God they'll pick the greasy guy in the van offering candy, even the gayliens.
The Catholic Church is already prepped for a one-world religion even in name, catholic meaning 'all', universal or even liberal. The Jesuit Pope said he'd bless aliens if we ever met any. But then they also have the LUCIFER telescope and we know how relaxed their policies are getting toward genders among other things not quite Christian let alone Biblical. The pagan half, thanks to Constantine and the Black Nobility, has always existed there, a reflection of the pagan mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt. They conflated Jesus with the "dying god" sun child and Mary with the Queen of Heaven ("star of the sea", Venus). And not to be left out, the other Abrahamic religions have aspects of the 'Saturnalien' and pagan influence inherent to them also: all 3 subverted by mystery schools (Donmeh cult is one example). So making a worldwide religious exodus, or "falling away" to a new way of thinking, would happen pretty naturally along with the desperation. The religious leaders would help direct it from the ground.
I believe Werhner von Braun did try to warn about this from his deathbed. I think they're holding onto this card just like there's a card for it in the Illuminati card game, which also has cards for the obvious 9/11 towers, Pentagon explosion and some other questionable things -- things I believe they had planned, not foresaw. This is one of them, but it's going to align Biblical prophecy in some way. We already have the apostate Whore of Babylon in Chaldean Rome and Kabbalist Jews (just like the old) who control the West if not everywhere else through the UN, while the Freemasons play their occult gatekeepers of political, corporate and entertainment pyramid schemes. "Mystery" (schools) Babylon.
Playing this card is just more of the "order from chaos" (Ordo Ab Chao) to clamp down further, but it will all backfire on them. The real "aliens" are coming from the underworld, not the heavens, if only it could be proven. They'll need a good light show to pull off their integration into humanity if they ever plan to show themselves at all. More likely it's just another scare tactic. Or shouldn't we have met some aliens by now, not just stories of secret gov/military contacts, and worse, abductions and secret breeding programs?
That evil eye on the Great Seal of the Novu$ Ordo $eclorum $lave note is for The Watchers from the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels. That's who they really worship and their aliens are demons. Sad these occultists are selling us all out to dark powers to suit their greedy, megalomaniacal ambitions. After they've caused enough irreparable damage, we all get to pay for their mistakes, not the least of which was the Watchers' breaking God's "Prime Directive" and trying to integrate into our genome quite a long time ago already (nephilim). It's in all the ancient religions and myths. Now they just want to take us all down with them in their punishment.
Fortunately Jesus still advocates for humanity and has plans to clean up their/our mess -- part of which is turning us into host-nodes for nanotechnology and a mind control grid, another topic. Idiocracy is overdue for a reboot unfortunately.
🏆‼️ There's little to add to what you've said, here.
I'm actually involved with a film project that details your final paragraph, above, coming from a whistleblower. I'll leave it at that, for now.
It seems the deep state is flinging poo at the fan.
In his books, DeSousa says there are worse aliens coming than those here now. I have only heard him once make an oblique reference to that in an interview, saying something about his less popular information. Apparently, and not surprisingly, it's not well received. But he did say it in at least one of his books. Going back to my old channeled friend Seth, he mentioned the possibility of holographic simulations by those in power back in the late 60's or early 70's, when we still thought the government was on our side. He specifically mentioned a fake "second coming." He said something about it will not look totally real, although it may fool many. I may have mentioned before that he also said that those operating at a higher frequency, meaning having less negative beliefs, would not be affected by those at lower frequency. Sort of an oil and water mix. It's a lot of stuff to take in and remain calm.
It's sort of like those of us who saw the vaxx for what it was, instantly.
I think so. We recognize the off vibe intuitively as they first talk about it. Rings like a cracked bell.
Fantastic stack, thank you. So grateful for all your work over the years. As an ET experiencer, and as a result, a "serious" TI since the 90's, the ET angle is my wheelhouse and of such great interest to me. And you go down all of my other well-traveled rabbit holes.
I've been saying for decades that we are up against ET tech and that it is more obvious than ever now, as this death march rages on, that the ETs/archons/ancient controllers of this realm, want their Earth timeshare back.
The terraforming of our planet - the elimination and/or hybridization of our species/and the alien hybrid project of the last 7 decades - and the attack on all biological life (for those who can actually survive this transhuman transition) should be blaringly obvious by now.
I'll offer my stack on Serge Monast - and will repost this stellar stack. And thank you again for all you do - it is thankless and dangerous work, I know. Big props!
OMG! Are you Pamela, from LA???
I was going to add a piece to this post about Benjamin Creme but it was already really late and I was falling asleep. Thanks for the link!
Yes, this job is thankless and financially ruinous and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing this.'s me...Having computer problems now - I suspect we have triggered the AI (algo) overlords...hoping we won't be getting some heat soon - been glitching and error messages since I wrote on your stack...and my scribes can't post on my stack...ugh. They do not want us to communicate. So tiresome...I'm so sick of it.
The chill/drill is either stops or it doesn't. Girlz behaving badly?
I did send you a private message...don't know if it finally got through or not..
More to come..
Not sure why Substack crashed, earlier today but it was worldwide!
Deep State test.
After the complete sh!t show in Chicago, there's probably a little too much truth happening on Substack today, LOL.
that's encouraging...I thought it was just me...paranoid much? thx!
Strange though, my comment here appears in a pink box on my computer...hmmm...
The pink shows up when it's new. It's white now.
now I know...thx...
I don't believe anything the FBI tells us.
You shouldn't. Do your own research, always.
But again, I keep saying that you have to look beyond the messenger and at the message. If somebody I don't like has a good message, I don't care if I don't like them.
And in this case, his message is supplemented quite amply by information from many others.
But exploring Message vs Messenger is the perfect place to start exercising your own skills of discernment.
The 1812 new Madrid earthquake appears to be an example of the earthquake machine going on for months. Cue the comet, British war over Canada, and Napoleon burning Russia, and suddenly history appears to be on the report button. ☹️
I've been saying this, among other false flags, for over two years:
Good thing it's now hitting mainstream. :)
Thank you for the warning! And for all the content you've produced all these years. Long time follower and admirer, as you know. ❤️
Are they going provide the popcorn to this cluster fuck agenda?
Popcorn brought to you by the Bill Gates Country Hee Haw GMO Country Bumpkin TV show!!!
BTW Alex, I tried to send you $90 via Cash-App and it sat in your inbox too long until it expired. Has Cash-App been mean to you?
I am so demoralized, I forgot to look at CashApp and/or was not notified.
Venmo de-banked me earlier this year and I still have to go after your last donation, which is still sitting in New York State's Unclaimed Funds. I don't have time for anything.
Do people understand that I do all of this alone?
Yes...we is agony...overwhelming...hang in there...
Wouldn't you say, that if the masses become aware of a fake extraterrestrial invasion plan and begin to poo-poo anything that they hear about invaders, then if or when there IS an actual invasion, that we will be unable to warn and respond....... sort of like "Chicken Little" except the sky actually WOULD fall on us?
That's a serious predicament in my perspective because my perspective IS that there is a current infiltration of our most powerful institutions. It's a 3-D chess game here. I worry that the general population do not have the focus nor capacity to comprehend a bigger, more complex and dangerous game than the one they see on TV.
Thanks for letting me share The Briefings from The Allies of Humanity here throughout the years. Your capacity to entertain and embrace the unknown is phenomenal.
This requires the gift of Knowledge, but you just can't go out and buy some at the Dollar Store.