I'm an audio engineer. While hiding audio is nothing new, infrasonic audio exists sub-20Hz. However, most television hardware would filter out frequencies below the 20Hz range in order to reduce noise from the power line. As such, without targeted equipment, I don't see how this would impact anyone.

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I was gonna say this. I watched it on an airplane, and I doubt it carried the frequency. Hypothetically though, with the vaccinated being more conductive (and all of us in general) with nanotech-enhanced bodies more and more, it could have impact-- make it seem more real.

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Thanks for this callout. I didn’t even pay attention to the audio perspective, but would not be surprised if this was done. My perspective was definitely one of predictive programming though: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/an-unorthodox-review-of-the-netflix

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Perhaps it would be a good idea to suggest that we each form groups, either real world or online to go through the fake alien invasion should it occur. We're going to need each other's support. The part about a huge holographic display sounds great. Maybe the time to sit on the lawn chairs with the proverbial popcorn. But the "religious experience" is pretty terrifying.

One of my channeled material faves was Seth, who said the following way back in the 60's. (I actually do think there is much in channeled material that's helpful, but extreme discernment is necessary.) He said that by the early part of this century it would be possible to use hologram technology to make a fake alien invasion or "second coming". (Or a combination?) He did say though that there would be something fake-seeming about it. He said that people will be less vulnerable to such manipulation, and many others that will come, if they are operating at a higher consciousness level, presumably with less fear. Seth also predicted that all our institutions would be in shambles by this time. Well, here we are. But he said the world would weather the storm presented to us in these years and come out a kinder, better world. Let's hope he was right, as he was right about so much. Quite the guy, Seth.

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Seth who? If like to find more of his work

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Jane Roberts channeled Seth between 1963 and 1985 when she died. Her books are some of the first channeled works and she wrote about 14 of them. Probably the best place to start is "The Nature of Personal Reality" and then "Seth Speaks." I'm sure you'll enjoy them.


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Channeling spirits is demonic

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Nonsense. Channeling is inherently neutral, like a gun or a car that can do damage but can also be owned harmlessly and usefully. The Bible itself was not written by God but by people claiming to be speaking for him. How close to channeling is the "inspiration" claimed for Biblical authors? Much evil has been done in the name of the Bible, but I've never seen channeled material have an evil output. Instead it is generally helpful. The worst I can say about it is that the value of the information depends entirely on the clarity of the channel. Know the tree by its fruits.

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2 Corinthians 11:14-15 (KJV) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

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Hmm....sounds like you're talking about the history of religion.

Well, if you want to quote the Bible, Jesus himself pointed out that this devil you speak of cannot be of a divided house. It's one master or the other. Evil or good. Simple enough. "Satan" transforming into light would be working against himself. He will never do that, although he may put on a show. In the end, the fruit of the tree will out the truth.

Best advice I can give to you is to read some Mauro Biglino and find out who Satan actually is, because, trust me, the Bible is the prime example of deception from its inception in Genesis. In no way does channeled material rise to Biblical standards of mendacity.

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An ignorant reply , try reading the biblical prophecies for our day , you will find them eye opening , of course the bible was written by men , who else was going to write it , if people said God wrote it himself that would be even more unbelievable from your point of view, but yes ,men wrote it inspired by the holy spirit of God

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I believe they are setting us up

for biblical scenarios

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I think you're right. As I understand it, they, and by that I mean Jewish organizations like Chabbad and fundamentalist Christians want a Revelation type end times apocalypse. The Jewish interests want the second temple and the coming of their messiah and think they can trigger it with stuff like the sacrifice the perfect red heifer. They may have already sacrificed it. They collected a number of them. They're all over the second temple and I think the war over there is aimed at taking the Temple Mount back via a genocide of Palestinians as well as forming the infamous Greater Israel. Meanwhile, the orthodox Jews over here protest that according to the scriptures Jews have no business going back to Israel until their messiah comes. Israel seems not to care about that at all. Fundamentalist Christians want the same thing but believe it will be a return of Jesus. Look out for that hologram in the skies!

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You’re spot on Margaret! The fake hologram might have more damaging consequences than we know: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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This will be the last deception of Satan, when he will disguise himself as Jesus Christ on this Earth and deceive the majority.

It is written in the Bible - Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2.

https://www.youtube.com/live/GwN0Tzhm0tU?si=LAjmlvoB0mcXkJ2c -

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Christians who know their bible really well shouldn't be tricked by any religious holograms, we know that in the second coming Jesus is seen in the sky but immediately comes to the earth to take on the Antichrist, if that doesn't happen and the holograms stay in the sky then we will know it's a fake

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Look at the projections at the Seattle Space Needle New Years Eve Show 2021.


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During movie production multiple tracks are routinely created for voice, music, sound effects, and so on. These are then assembled onto a single soundtrack, for commercial distribution. What ForbiddenNews has got hold of here is apparently the unassembled, pre-release, multiple track recording. As another commenter in this thread notes, audio equipment available to the public can't carry the frequencies used in weaponised sound. Regardless of the lack of merit of the movie it seems to me perfectly reasonable for its sound technicians and editors to have provided the audience with a taste of what these lethal noises sound like. Something had to be played that simulated the fiendish racket the actors were hearing! The Obamas are alerting the public to what weapons tech is capable of. Nothing odd about that; Hollywood is notorious for giving us previews of what the elitists have planned for us. The characters in the movie may be distasteful, but IMO the movie itself is not weaponised.

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Exactly. The torrent file that they downloaded of the film was not a finalized version, the tracks weren't mixed down to two. So this copy had to have been leaked by someone near the film's post-production department.

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Thank you I find your Substack very interesting.

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I believe Comcast employs something of this nature in their internet access services. Amy corrpbpration?

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Has anyone checked MSM NEWS or top TV and sports programs for subliminal video messages? Many classic experiments exist that would hide a one frame instruction that said you are hungry or thirsty in a movie theater. It was just one frame of am movie so consciously you didn't see it but your brain did.

Many people got up to buy popcorn and beverages!

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thank you

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AI are now moving from subliminal to neurolinguistic influence via media.

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Quite interesting. Now how do we overcome this.

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I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I trust in all that he does for us. Provider. Protector. Healer. No weapon formed against us will prosper, saith the Lord. I trust him. I have faith in him. He will bring about justice.

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Do you know if noise cancelling headset works to cancel these inaudible sounds??

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They would cancel sounds coming out of a nearby TV or speaker system and could potentially be protective of your eardrums but I obviously don't know.

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Watch Nonvaxer420 on Rumble. He provides all the science behind this technology that is being rolled out. ..

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So look into the x files and note what they say

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