So this is a fake Joe Biden who is 8 inches taller standing in for the fake Joe Biden who is standing in for the real Joe Biden last seen as the Vice President!!! None of the Joe Biden’s Trump debated or ran against in 2019/2020 were the real Joe Biden with the completely different ear lobes, eye shape and hair line we last saw when he was a Senator and VP! Why haven’t more of the so called independent media like Newsmax and OAN and conservative talk show hosts like Glenn Beck, Clay & Buck, Sean Hannity, etc. been talking about this for the last 4 years???

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Because those particular outlets/people are not independent.

Hannity works for an organization that is controlled opposition, owned by the same Globalists who are trying to reduce the global population by 90%-95%.

Buck Sexton is a "former" CIA employee.

A few years back, during one of her 3-hour podcasts, I recall Tore Maras saying that Newsmax gets 50% of its funding from George Soros.

I don't know what's up with OAN.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

This truth is what makes me feel like our entire country is owned and operated by our enemies. Seems that behind every voice that we have trusted for so many years, are devious globalist oligarchs who own much of what literally operates our country. USA is so controlled by the money/blackmail/CIA that is operating the media outlets, that they are constrained from saying the absolute OBVIOUS to the American people. It is absolutely despicable! 💯

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Are you referring to Fox? Or something else?

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Yes - talking about Hannity.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

I never fell for News Max.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, it's always been obvious to me that either "Biden" had a lot of plastic surgery between being VP and president, or it's a different guy(s).

Knowing what we know about modern disguising technology and the DS playbook, my money is on "It's a different guy(s)." I've posted these links more than once before, but they bear repeating:

"Meet a Former CIA Chief of Disguise"


"Joe Biden replaced by DEEPFAKE and Latex Mask "




You'd have to be blind not to see it. The puzzling part for me is why they present the impersonators as physically frail and cognitively impaired. That does not make sense to me.

This all brings to mind whatever it was that the USSS hustled into the back of a van on 9/11/2016 that was pretending to be Hillary Clinton. Whatever it was, it was clearly not a living human:


They think we are stupid; but they are about to meet their comeuppance.

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The possible reasons for having the replacements act impaired are:

1. Massive humiliation ritual for the United States

2. Easier to fake an impaired Biden than the real Biden, who everyone knows fairly well, after 50+ years as a public person

RealRawNews is a fake news site published by a TDS-addled POS who posts wish-fulfillment fantasies for Trump supporters, so that Boris Johnson story is most likely untrue.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Thanks, Alexandra - and thanks for the heads-up about RRN. I did not know.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

The Web archive video is not playing. My phone blocks bitchute. Does that happen to anyone else?

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News
Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

I do not consent.

They are mocking our intelligence - collective and individual, this is not okay.

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I do NOT consent.

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With the understanding that this time here on earth is temporary and at some point I will walk through this veil of illusion into whatever lies beyond it, it’s pretty obvious that this is all a wild interactive movie I’ve been watching and playing a part in. While at times it seems like a terrible tragedy, watching the above video is more hilarious than any Marx Brothers comedy. Actually it feels like the Three Stooges on steroids!

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

That 'AI' nonsense, via 4Chan, is not needed!!

All that is needed are those 'rubber' masks on 'body doubles'.

Just like the roof top shooter vs Yearick........CHECK THE EARS!

Speaking of Yearick....George Webb, on Substack, just released 4 new pix of Yearick. And in the bottom right of those 4 pix, one can JUST make out that 'pointy right ear' thing that 'dead shooter' close-up photo has on his right ear. There's GOTTA be more photos of Yearick out there, with a better shot of his right ear?!

And watching Alex/InfoWars segment of the 'PedoJoe Doubles'.....that's exactly what I did.

And as one would EXPECT......the EARS do NOT MATCH! Pick a PedoJoe double.....any PedoJoe double....and the EARS don't match. Count the different EARS, and you'll have the # of PedoJoe doubles. LOL

Then, of course, move on to the TEETH.......NO MATCH!! lol

Good GOD......they're so fucking STUPID!

I think that PedoJoe REFUSED to NOT run again.....and 'they' went and 'OFF-d' him.

Speaking of being 'OFF-d'.......


(ANSWER: 'They' went and 'Dianna-d' her!!)

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Yes, what the Hell happened to Kate?

Webb says Yearick escaped and pulled the ladder away, stranding Crooks on the roof, who was then killed – but you have to pay him to read the rest.

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, I read that posting from George. And I, too, didn't read the rest, because I'm not a paid member (I'm poor!). Would love to know the rest of THAT story, though.

And I DO hope that the 'Internet Super Sleuths' do what they do best, and 'DIG'. But I think that more photos will show up, of Yearick.

I do; I think 'they' killed Kate. Before her kids get any older, and so that SHE doesn't have any (GOOD) influence over them, they had to eliminate her. After all, she served her purpose......breeding! Now, her kids will get completely Mind-Controlled. The next Gen of Psychopaths!! I don't think that Kate was EVIL, like the 'royals' are......so, she had to go.

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Oh my gosh

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It is very strange that the Great Tampon, Charles III, comes down with cancer, the wife of his heir, Katherine, comes down with cancer and the Princess Royal Anne sustains a head injury everyone says was consistent with a horse kick or head butt but might just as easily be a baseball...well, cricket... bat, and Anne has no memory of what happened. Are the Royal Reptiles under attack?

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Lets hope so (under attack)!! :)

I'm not sure that people have really been paying attention, over the past several years.....but there has been A LOT of EVIL individuals (demons are NOT HUMANS!) 'dying'. I really do think that God is sending demons BACK TO HELL! lol

I'VE been paying attention, to these demons dying, only because.....when it DOES happen, I LITERALLY stand UP, and CLAP.....giving THANKS to The Creator!!


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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

And yet His Royal Heel Prince Andrew is in robust health....sheesh.

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But he's busted down to private socially and his brother is throwing him out of the palace. He gives the public the creeps. I guess because they don't know the rest of the family are/were also pedos. Lizzie R. Lizard and her petrified husband included.

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Does anyone else think it's a little odd that dr. jill has been absent completely from the downfall of her beloved husband?

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nope, betcha she's on "diaper detail!"

I think when the "real Joe" ain't on "doody" (ha!)-- "Doc" Jill (that community college dug-ree got her fahr) has ta change the royal diapers -- the SuckUrItty "detail" is ASSigned to whoever's playin' "Joe" that day... So I'm sure the lady groom of the "stool"/ royal "chamber" maid... is kinda bizzy...

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

There appears to have been quite a few; some even had the legs of a guy 20 years younger!

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The bike guy.

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News


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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Several, is my best guess at it!

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Jul 31Liked by Forbidden.News

My question is, if Joe is a fake, how come he's not a better one? Why not fake health and competence?

This idea (or any of its related concepts) means the years of gaslighting about his obvious (fake?!) dementia are all part of the elaborate ruse.


What is the point?

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To make it all look like a goofy idiot is making mistakes, instead of a cold-blooded operation to demolish the US.

Kamala serves the exact same purpose: to make it look like they’re just dumb and that this is not a war being waged against this country by the Executive Branch and all of their treasonous agents (mostly Obama-installed) in the bureaucracy - several thousands of them.

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Jul 31Liked by Forbidden.News

As many as they need.

Realian cult




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One little two little three little FakeMen, four little five little...

With apologies for the potty humor, they're peein' on us an' tellin' us it's rainin'--I mean c'mon...

a dimestore wooden Indian is more "real" than any of these "Joe Blows" (Joe BlowUps) that come in all sizes...

If this is "Joe" I'll eat a 10-cent cee-gar cuz this one "grew" in captivity like a chia pet!

As for the actual one? Where WHERE the Hell IS Joe?


They don't even TRY ta hide it now... Mebbe he's already been composted?

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Maybe he's already in DC's water supply 🤮

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then I hope they filter it cuz there's a lotta drugs they pumped inta the guy--walkin' pharmacy counter! (I doubt they filter it out actually...) in DeeCee they kin offer a "cuppa Joe" with that bagel, ma'am?!

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Makes the most sense so far.

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

To answer the question: ONE IS TOO MANY!!!

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In a military tribunal, the “real” Joe Biden was found guilty of treason then executed by firing squad in Guantanamo Bay a few years ago. We’ve been watching an actor(s) in a Biden skin mask for the past four years. 

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And your evidence for his GITMO trial is what.....?

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Jul 28Liked by Forbidden.News

I love how they supposedly “execute” someone in Guantanamo and then have a body double keep doing the same shit or worse!!!? 🤦🏻‍♂️ What’s the point then 🤷🏻‍♂️ It makes absolutely no sense

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It makes no sense whatsoever, but sense isn't a requirement for a lot of people.

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To keep the “movie” going for the criminals.

The P/Muppet show at 51:50 https://rumble.com/v4uwkvr-the-great-awakening-update-with-pascal-najadi-8-may-2024.html?start=3113

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Yeah. JB was executed 01/18/2021 by firing squad and his replacement has been played primarily by the actor, Arthur Roberts, as revealed by Pascal Najadi (an allied partner within the United States Space Force). That fact, and more, will be shown to the people during the 10-day lock down (EBS announcement coming soon).

“Actors” at 17:38, Joe Biden executed at 17:50:


List of executed (scroll down to view list):


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Pascal Najadi and Q don't have credibility in my view and in the view of many. Najadi's ideas were posted on this board by Alexandra and led to much discussion that wasn't positive to the man, who seems now to be ranting and partially delusional. That was also Alex Jones' conclusion. Q went down in flames as far as I'm concerned after the predictions of glory fell through when the election was stolen followed by his disappearance once everyone had been led to ignore the election theft possibility in favor of claims that Trump and the forces of light were drawing to a magnificent conclusion. Q's followers continue to rationalize what happened there with elaborate theories. Najadi and new Q in the form of anons, now exist in a self-reinforcing bubble that offers no evidence beyond what they say because they say it. That's not enough in these days of thoroughgoing deceptions. Many in that bubble believe they're being "red-pilled" when they're swallowing blue pills by the handful, psyops that neuter any really active response to events, because it's "all over and we're watching the movie." That's not true, although all good lies have a kernel of truth. We're in the war of our lives and the life of humanity. It is by no means over and we have not won.

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You are welcome to your opinion, of course.

I prefer to think outside the box, beyond the borders of institutionalized propaganda. Thanks.

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You have the hubris many in your bubble do. You have super correct red pills and everyone else is within the borders of institutionalized propaganda. You're not thinking outside the box. You are very much inside a box of propaganda. You think because it's different from mainstream media it's not propaganda. But a lot of what you believe comes from the same sources as msm, just aimed at a different audience. It's to make you bovine and controlled enough to think no action is required because everything has been solved. All you have to do is watch the glamoring unfold, and engage in endless self-verifying talk with other believers about it. Very tantalizing illusion. The key to understanding that it IS propaganda is that no actual proof is ever given because there is none. And to see what the result of the propaganda is...widespread inaction. Who benefits from widespread inaction? Identify that and you find the source of your information.

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If I told you I experienced, first-hand, extraterrestrial contact, demonic encounters, and energetic transmutation of energy from dark into light, who can refute? With that, I can, most easily, think outside the box of institutional propaganda. The institutionalized propaganda machine would attack my very real experience as fantasy, impossible, and cray-cray. That’s because the puppet masters of this 3D world want the keep the masses ignorant, blind, and herded into group think at the expense of 5D-level spiritual enlightenment, which threatens their paradigm. You have insufficient information. That’s all. Thanks.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

2018, Ancestry.com?

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

Yes. Archibald Duncan Bruce was my grandfather. On my grandmother's side, her great-grandfather was a Swiss immigrant who arrived in America in 1850, named Edward Leber who fought in the Civil War, if that's what you were looking for.

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This has been apparent to anyone paying attention, going on at least 5 years now.

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It's all in the laws and orders. Joe Biden is a WW11 history repeat, just like Trump has referred to, over and over. When the Phillipines had 2 Oresidents, one in exile here but still in charge of the military, the other a puppet to hold office for appearances who looked as though he was running things. He probably is dead, Trump says things like "Joe Biden is shot" or "doesn't know if he's alive". I'm pretty sure he's been dead for awhile, and I've seen at least 4 and maybe 5 different Joe Bidens playing this part. Go to 1776 Nation. Derek Johnson has amassed all of the documents and you can look them up yourselves and see exactly what is playing out. Trump still has the nuclear football so....

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Hey there! Pascal Najadi (Q) speaks on those very topics, and more, loaded with spiritual threads and extraterrestrial references and videos. You have insufficient information. Thanks.

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