That's a fascinating story of your experience in the early days of hip-hop. The fact your work has been deleted speaks volumes. I agree it's likely part of a coordinated (leftist) push to divide people. And thus they work now to delete examples of 'diverse' people working & making music together. This just shows how fake & insincere wokism & DEI really are. The whole satanism angle now in hip-hop looks artificial, as though brought in from outside.

That's amazing how you were directing music videos in your early 20s, & even more your moving on from that without regret or recrimination. There are so many who went to film school wanting that, & should now see they dodged a bullet unintentionally. Best of luck to you!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Yeah .. Still waiting for those Epstein convictions… don’t hold your breath

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

They will never release them. As soon as they do all those cretins are no longer *blackmailable*.

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Not to mention that none of them, blackmailed and/or blackmailers, want to go to jail. They scapegoat a few people they're probably pissed at anyway, just to let off some public steam, and then they shut it down. It's the same with Congressional hearings where they make a show then turn it over to the DOJ to do nothing further.

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I co-produced and was production designer with (the late) director Gary Keys of IT’S RAINING MEN with the Weather Girls 1/2 half of which was the fabulous singer Martha Wash— the hidden voice for so many later hits. Gary used to call the Springs the Lionel Hamptons, because of the black enclave there. The vid was not allowed on MTV at the time— as you know it was early MTV, and they wanted to be national— so to cultivate the southern states, no one of color was to be seen. That roadblock was only broken by Columbia Records threatening to withhold ALL their videos if MTV wouldn’t show the vids for THRILLER, which of course included the mega vid hits BILLIE JEAN & BEAT IT, as well as the title track. THAT’s what opened the door. But at the time of Raining Men we had radio dj’s calling for their public to boycott MTV because it wasn’t playing it.

But THRILLER opened the door for hip hop.

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LOL, yes, the “Lionel Hamptons” hahaha. I remember that.

I was actually an intern at MTV when ‘Thriller’ was going down and I was appalled at the racism at MTV and very happy to be a part of making ‘Yo! MTV Raps’, the most successful show in that network’s history, to date.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Thank you for this.

I was deleted from Wikipedia too. I got out of social media when my identity started to be hacked.

Thank goodness for Global Research, which has given me freedom of speech since 2007, Veterans Today, which is doing it now, and, of course Substack.


Here is my latest:


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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

I’m so sorry they targeted your work like that … it’s terrifying the more I read of first hand accounts like this …🙏

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What was scarier is that the Daily Dot wrote a hit piece on me quoting some guy I’ve never heard of claiming that I never worked at MTV or at “Yo!”

I chose to ignore it, rather than get embroiled with some CIA-front Scum of the Earth.

So scary to be deleted and then lied-about. For what, exactly?

Because I supported Trump, despite having been a lifelong Democrat. The biggest sin of all, to these brainwashed psychos.

What the CIA has done to this country, with this TDS PSYOP and going to the lengths to destroy this country – down to a relative nobody, like me – is really crazy and unforgivable.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Those old MTV videos in the days were the best. I’m so old I remember watching the mtv premiere at a hs party. Lol

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4 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

You have a remarkable story- and an incredible library of accomplishments it sounds like. That's no small feat to have directed so many of these innnovative videos ! The emergence of music video as an hugely influential pop art form and the MTV platform transformed the way humanity experienced popular music. I say now with some certainty it was your exceptional talent and early success that got you marked for being erased. Because Bolshevik (Mossad/CIA) social engineering warfare teams were very impressed with the potential as well. Through deception, blackmail and violence (the MO of the Bolshevik criminal cabal) they swarmed the business, infiltrating everything everywhere, and within a few years had managed to subvert the entire industry just as they have done many times before. Thank you for sharing your personal history. Encourage you to perhaps create a website of your video library of work ! - paywalled even- to protect it from attack but also bc there are people (me for ex:) who would gladly pay to have access to your work to enjoy and appreciate. I lived in NYC during your time - similar age etc, playing in bands in clubs in the NYC northeast music scene (Peppermint Lounge/Mudd Club/ CBGBs etc / lived in east village and Brooklyn. I can easily recognize and appreciate the sincerity of your story. Salute!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

When “Yo MTV Raps” premiered on Saturday mornings in the late 80s, I honestly believed it to be racist white TV executives artistically defaming all those black rapper characters, striving from week to week to make each one appear more hilariously ridiculous than the one before. To me it was like watching a weekly cartoon clown train wreck minstrel show. To me, it was testimony as to how much the establishment entertainment executives of the time looked down on the young black male. It was clear to me they saw Rappers as their predecessors saw the eyeball popping tap dancers of an earlier era.

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Maybe you never lived in a big city and never knew any Black people?

I did not see it that way, at all, because these Inner City kids brimming with talent were trying to express their reality.

It was apparent to me that the movement was hijacked, weaponized and turned into a very negative direction. It did not start out that way.

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You deceive yourself. Rap Culture was hijacked from Day 1. The blacks I grew up around in the heart of Philly laughed at the clownishness and recoiled at the degeneracy every bit as much as I did.

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It's not a coincidence that Rap rhymes with Crap. The Black community youth has been trashed with this trash..not music... that's plagued them since the 90's. I love old school black music from their early days of Rythm and blues which was down tempo Rock and Roll, 50's, 60's and 70's.. Many of the 50's and 60's rock singers like Elvis and bands like the Rocking Stones injected blues into their lyrics. Now Satanism has infested music. Lady GaGa was groomed by head satanist Maria Abramovic as have many other singers, actors and entertainers. They are required to murder kids and drink their adrenalized blood called adrenochrome which is an addictive high. They're video taped so if they want to quit they're destroyed. The CIA, P.Diddy and Jeff Epstein specialized in capturing those foolish enough to partake.

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Dear Alexandra… You are amazing! I appreciate your courage and determination. thank you for all of your work and sacrifice to enlighten and educate us.

I purchased a ticket to splintering Babylon a few weeks ago and I have tried several times and cannot get into the link you sent.

I have written several times, but haven’t heard back. Can you please help me to get in? Cynthia Hutchison.

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Okay, a question. Who is I? The writer of this Substack? I searched under the art director for the tough leather part of the story. It looks like many others did the same since Google offered and preset search. I must believe plenty of other readers want to know the same. So who is it?

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Laurel Canyon 2.0. Back then, around the 1967 summer of love, Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills of LA got occupied by young musicians many of whose parents tracked to intelligence or military. The Doors Jim Morrison's father was a Navy admiral. The psychedelic musicians of that day all made it to the Canyon which became music central. Presumably, that music was aimed to turn the baby boom into free-love, drop-out stoners. It worked well enough...for a while. But by the early 70's, boomers, the most educated generation to date, got out of college and lost interest in bohemian lifestyles. They started building the careers they went to college to have. In the early 80's, as boomers' began to become more affluent, the social puppeteers capitalized on that This time with movies glorifying Wall Street greed, status, and materialist craving, and the boomer generation went yuppie. Hip Hop and its degeneration fits right in, but it was aimed at Blacks apparently. It's always something. From our perspective these days, every social trend, whether naturally occurring and enhanced or ginned-up, advanced the Marxist demoralization plan...anything to make us less moral, less competent, more jaded, more compromised by cheap, decadent values. In other words, to destroy us. Seeing this pattern, we have a tendency to become more demoralized. Fear-mongering news and rumors of wars try to crush hope. Don't allow it. While contemporary generations have been affected by all this, there seems to be a resilient, common human decency that springs back. Don't let the bastards get you down.

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Externalization of the Hierarchy. Revelation of the Method. Ordo Ab Chao. They don't call Satan/Lucifer the Piper for nothing as well as Rainman and some other choice nicknames. Led Zepplin, Procol Harum and others did in song or on albums. Jimmy Page bought one of Aleister Crowley's houses besides the band adopting occult symbols for names like Prince (of darkness). Like myself at a young age, most just think it's for show. When you play or produce and get close enough it shows itself. They've been bringing the public into an uninitiated form of satanism like Addams Family values through media since we started plugging in. The 1960s were rife with 'acts' who were devotees of Crowleyism, Thelema, etc. It's been a part since before Robert Johnson went down to the crossroads.

One thing they all have in common is a disdain for Jesus and Christians, even when they're promoting themselves as a Jesus with the so-called Christ consciousness. Crowley had a hand in promoting New Age as well. Novus Ordo Seclorum and the hairy eyeball.

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