Note the international aid sent. This really hits other nations that the US regime is a sick, twisted, murderous cabal of grifters & con artists, & that the far left regimes in Canada, UK, & assorted Euro-sewer sinkholes are not only merely untrustworthy, but actively seeking to do us harm, lethal harm. Many now categorically DO NOT trust their governments, & seeking payback on regime personnel will likely become a 'thing', though of course I naturally don't encourage that.

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Thanks for your great reporting. Yes, the US has been in the grip of a huge diabolical force going back to the early years of the 20th century.

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That "diabolic force" grip has been sought in an uninterrupted effort dating back to Revolutionary War times, War of 1812, American Civil War and all interveneing "peace times". And yes, I know you know all about this already. I've learned much from you already.

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Yeah and don't forget about how Americans and America was conned by Them so They could start the corporation of the "United States of America" turning Americans into debt slaves to the crown! We've been deceived into believing that America is a free country!

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Exactly and it’s definitely not

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The new regime won't do shit either. All of those assholes are addicted to power, prestige, control... Having things predictable in their STALE worlds.

We done with guvment. We gonna do for ourselves.

Mind control BEGONE.


Oh, and adios to the criminal financial institution of The Fed as well. We'll figure it out in our own COMMUNITIES.

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🎯🎯 you got it 👍

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Watching Beyond Mystic right now on Rumble. Melee time comin...

Loving The Apocalypse.

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Shocking information about this disaster which should outrage any citizen. The weather wars must stop! Thanks for the deep dive and reveal. There is much work to be done. Contribute what you can to those agencies helping the survivors in North Carolina.

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Why do I have the feeling the death toll will come out early 2025 when the current administration has vacated? Why do I believe that there is criminal malfeasance within this whole operation? If discovered, it must be prosecuted.

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I swear I can't think of any punishment good enough for these bastards! Even burning them all at the stake ain't a good enough punishment for them!

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Absolutely 💯

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Thank you for keeping this alive! God bless you, neighbor!

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I think Black Rocks Head CEO Laurence FINK should be investigated

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Oh yeah! That's a great place to start! But we need to make sure that Fink doesn't get a heads up before the investigation giving him an opportunity and time to destroy information and evidence! Just like on that morning of September, 11th and how certain individuals just coincidentally did not go into work that morning! Yeh! Surely we've all learned quite a bit since back then!

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Maybe so, but what specifically would you be expecting to find?

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That's a good question! 😉 But I'm sure he knows something!

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Not apples to apples-9/11 was a precursror to the war on terror-whicj the Neocons Bush and Blair killed millions!

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Yeah 😢

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It's mind boggling how the victims have been treated--so horrible. This question isn't meant to diminish the severity of all of it, but I read that some of the human remains washing up might have come from under the ground and have been there for years. The Biltmore Estate is in Asheville, and the horrible things that have gone on there are finally starting to be brought to light. I don't know how much of the corruption and satanic crap has stayed in Asheville all of these years, but identification of the bodies should be a high priority. For the victim's loved ones and for clarity on the entire situation. Maybe that's one reason why the response is being hampered--so it becomes impossible to gauge the situation and the human remains end up being taken away or destroyed before they're identified. Technology should easily be able to help keep track of those missing and those found. All of this can be done while making the survivors the ultimate priority.

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I've been in many hurricanes, blizzards and extended infrastructure outages before and I dealt directly with FEMA 23 years ago, when my apartment was 1/2 block from the WTC. FEMA was a not a palpably hostile agency back then, which it has now become.

The lack of response in Western North Carolina was unlike anything I have ever seen. It distinctly felt to me as if they wanted the maximum number of people to die by sheer neglect.

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Yeah wow! But damn you were right there close to ground zero on 9/11? That had to be horrible! I watched it all happen live on TV that morning at work! I thought "damn, what the hell am I seeing here!" 😲 "this is insane" thinking "ok! those 2 buildings are evacuated, right!" "all the people inside got out, right!" "nobody is inside those 2 buildings, right!" Then I watched them collapse witnessesing the murder of thousands of my fellow Americans! As I later found out! It was traumatizing to see on TV! I can't imagine what people actually physically there experienced! I'll never forget that day and what I experienced!

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Incredibly, I was outside of the country for the first time in 6 years, on an unexpected trip and I watched it all from Rio de Janeiro. I thought there was no way that my building was still standing. The way those two skyscrapers came down was surgical!

I finally got back 2 weeks later and had to wait another week at my friend’s place in SoHo for my meeting with FEMA. When I got there, a sniper on another roof 20 feet away was aiming a rifle, right at my face!

The whole thing was beyond surreal.

I’d had a precognitive dream about it 6 weeks before, where my mother was at my apartment with her childhood friend - who I hadn’t seen or thought about in 14 years. In the dream, my mother blamed me for inviting her over during a terrorist attack (it was a nuclear bombing, in my dream).

The evening of September 11th in Rio, we had dinner at my mother’s friend’s house! I was freaked.

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Wow! 😯

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Dec 4Edited

Wow I haven't seen anything about human remains washing up coming from underground and being connected to the Biltmore estate! But I do know the stories about children getting trafficked through that place and the evils goin' on in that place! Whenever I see those commercials about the Biltmore estate with touring it and staying at that place, I cringe, thinking "yeah go in that damn place and stay there and get infested and possessed with a demon/demons 😈 because of the evil that's gone on in that place! No thank you, I pass!" "The only thing that damn place is good for it to get burned 🔥 down to the ground!" It's sickening to me that They charge people a fee for people to tour that damn place as well as a ridiculously expensive price to stay at that place! Nobody could pay me to stay at that damn place, unless I had a priest by my side the whole time with me who's experienced with doing exorcisms, just in case I pick up something spiritually that I can't wash off! Because ya never know! People are crazy for wanting to step foot on that place, I know there's got to be a lot of evil energy at that place! That place has got to be haunted!

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It's just us, folks. We the People. That's who the Founders put in charge of the bottom line and that's the line we must protect. Our hirelings have failed us. The courts have failed us. The vast bureaucracy has failed us. The bigger it gets, the more it fails us and the more it gets its own agenda. Our presidents have failed us. For way too long we've sat back and let them do it, so we've failed us too. No more!! A democratic republic is taken over by malevolent forces as soon as The People look away. NC, as much as anything else we've seen in this world, is telling us what the problems and the solutions are. You might say it's an exact metaphor for government caused injury and lack of help despite its harvesting huge (illegitimate) taxes from us for its own enrichment and agenda. We don't really have authentic say in this because in general our hirelings get bought out and stand between us and the country we want. They get in and forget about us. But we better get a say, because their goal is to destroy us. The Constitution fails without The People running the show. Right now, except for North Carolina's valiant effort, the show is running us.

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The death toll can never be fully told as FEMA bulldozed areas without body searches as soon as they got there. Missing persons give the hints. The media silence on this is defining... my prayers for everyone involved as winter comes in.

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I am still waiting for the incoming administration to at least comment about the misfortune from the hurricane. All I hear is about are hostages, IRAN and some country that stole their land from the original inhabitants (Against Our Better Judgement by Alison Weir). With respect to lithium, it is outdated, expensive and dangerous not to mention damaging to the environment and the fires are next to impossible to extinguish. Newer battery designs employ Silicon which is plentiful and cheap (see Enovix, trades as ENVX). Late January / early February had better free the J6 hostages (except the "pretend protesters in khakis") and bring much needed relief for hurricane victims, otherwise natiowide protests from all will be needed.

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this is like an instant replay of Katrina but add in all the other BS - the immigrants, the mineral, eminent domain, the dams being opened - and here we are - on our own - once again I have to ask why pay taxes? Your money goes to the IMF - never to the people. If the Fed / IRS wasn't getting their cut that would probably slow their agenda down a few seconds!

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This has opened my eyes to the truth of the hurricane disaster. I admit I went online and saw the ridiculous low number of deaths and still didn’t believe the true estimates it until I watched the video. My heart goes out to the people of the affected communities. Thank you for posting this video.

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a search and rescue went into lake douglas and got burns........they are covering up the situation concerning the water in all the areas, where the rivers creeks and streams have met.....please investigate and do not think for one minute it is safe to drink or filter or any of that....facts are coming out by those testing and testing again. blessings and prayers up for all the folks to our east

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Look at this shit. This asshole Sotomayor compares butchering a child to the risk when taking an aspirin, and the other asswipe,  Brown-Jackson, who couldn't even define what a female is during her confirmation hearings, said banning the butchering of children is like banning interracial marriage.

There has to be someone in the Senate willing to put forward a motion to impeach these two pedophiles from the Supreme Court. We cannot have people this mentally retarded and morally vacuous on our court. This is absolutely unacceptable.

This is who Democrats give us. This is who the Left gives us. This is who Liberals give us. This is who Progressives give us, and they want to FILL THE COURTS with people like this.

There better be five people on that fucking court who uphold this law, or every child in this country is going to be at the hands of every sick fucking pedophile imaginable.



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So sick of the Commies.

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