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With the alleged, advanced underground transportation system, geography and time are not obstacles. When I watch the number of chemtrails overhead on any given day, it is clear to me that the skies are under control by the nefarious as well. The future of the human species is precarious at best.

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I had a friend, an urban planner who campaigned for meglev trains. He was tilting at that windmill for decades but he made no headway whatsoever. I didn't know why but it's obvious to me now. They were building all the fast transportation for themselves underground while we were stuck with slow boat Amtrak, not much better than travel in India and going off the rails all the time. I took the famed train "City of New Orleans" from New Orleans to see my brother in Minnesota. I think that train formally ends in Chicago though. It was visually just like the song. You always see the back of town. But we had to stop on 3 different occasions to wait for them to clear derailments ahead. It would take an hour or more. The derailments weren't cataclysmic, but the tracts were so old and unattended the wheels would go off. It rocked so bad I got seasick. And all the alcoholics took the train because they had no driver's licenses. I had to go through the bar to get to the feed trough and it was so disgusting, stinking of cigarettes and booze with plastic cups where the many cigarettes were put out in the drinks. People were noticeably drunk. Some of them broke out bottles they drank straight in their seats. It was pretty miserable. So if anybody thinks trains are an adventure, forget it. Do they even have Amtrak anymore?

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I think itтАЩs mean to judge alcoholics. It becomes an illness that is hard to break away from. Nobody sets out in their life to become an alcoholic.

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It is a genetically-inherited trait.

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This may be true, IтАЩm not sure, but it doesnтАЩt affect peopleтАЩs ability to not be judgemental.

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It is genetic and I agree, that it needs to be more properly-understood.

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I'm sure that's true. But they often leave a broad swath of destruction behind them for which they are still responsible.

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Often itтАЩs hard for them to sober up and accept what they have done.

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80% of the time, according to AA statistics. Only 20% recover from alcoholism.

But there are functional and non-functional and I believe the statistic noted above relates to people who have lost complete control over their own lives.

Not all alcoholics are like that.

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Because they have no agency, that's why. We're talking about stuff that is genetically hardwired, like muscular dystrophy, etc.

Christians and other religious folks will tell you that it is a form of demonic possession.

We need to better understand the role of DNA as a circuitboard between the physical and non-physical aspects of human beings.

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To your point about the DNA, I read some research that shows there's pretty much a 1-1 correspondence with how long a culture has been exposed to alcohol and its number of alcoholics. The idea seems to be that in cultures that have had alcohol for a long time, it's already killed any who genetically couldn't process it without harm, and the genes causing the failure have been eliminated over time. In a shorter time of exposure, that process is still ongoing. So cultures like China, the Mediterranean area, the Middle East and so on that have had alcohol in some form for millennia, have fewer alcoholics. Others like Native Americans who have only been exposed for a few hundred years have massive problems with it. And it seems that among Native Americans, the number of alcoholics increases with the northern tribes like the Inuit who have an even shorter exposure than the more southerly tribes. Interestingly, the Meso-American area tribes, having traditionally had beer, have lower numbers. The alcoholic predisposition also includes the Irish at a lesser rate. Apparently, alcoholism (alcohol being similar to a sugar) seems to be related to the inability to process high levels of carbohydrate/sugars, resulting in high rates of diabetes also in less exposed groups. There are obviously many drinkers who aren't genetically predisposed to be alcoholics but drink for emotional reasons and are unable to stop. For either condition, it seems abstinence is necessary to heal. We do need programs that deal better, because currently, as you pointed out, most alcoholics don't recover. It's a very nasty disease, as is diabetes. I don't mean to give short shrift to that.

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Excellent observations here, with which I agree, wholeheartedly.

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IтАЩm Christian (not catholic), but I would never say alcoholism is a form of demonic possession.

With all the mis/dis info weтАЩve had over the last century and more, I donтАЩt even know if theyтАЩve (medical profession) got genetics as far as diseases go correct.

My son contracted type one insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(juvenile diabetes-not the type 2 where people are overweight) at the age of 12. All the medicos asked if we had it in our families-NO.

It wasnтАЩt until covid that I realised he got it from childhood vaccines. So not genetic. I knew a lady in her 30тАЩs IтАЩm guessing, she was type one diabetic, and said her and her husband had decided not to have kids, as she was worried about them getting diabetes. A few years later, this lady had died. Not from diabetes-from Covid vaxes ! (IтАЩm Aussie btw, just for context)

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Wow. Very interesting and excellent observations, here, too. Thank you!

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Thank YOU, A.B.! YouтАЩre too kind!

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Yes and there are many other disorders, like NPD and others (NPD is part of the Psychopath Cluster - all psychopaths are narcissists but not all narcissists are psychopaths); disorders, over which people actually have little-to-zero control, as of now.

We're all trapped in this obstacle course/engine to become better, I guess.

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I've wondered whether psychopathy is a result of inbreeding with reptilian types, since it's a problem of a lack of wiring between cognitive and emotional areas of the brain that reptilians are said not to have either. But even if it is, it's still part of the obstacle course. I don't think really that obstacles are necessary but are collateral damage of broadening experience. You might say bumbling into unfortunate cul-de-sacs.

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I've heard, through my old friend, Laura Knight-Jadczyk that studies of the brains of psychopaths noted an under-sized amgydala (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdala), which is exactly that: The Reptilian Brain: https://explorerresearch.com/the-reptilian-brain/.

So, the Reptilian Brains of psychopaths/narcissists are smaller than normal. Think about that, for a second. Not quite what you were thinking before, maybe?

In any case, it would seem that NPD, etc are organic (genetic?) conditions, over which the sufferers can never fully conquer. My mother, who was brilliant in many ways had extreme NPD, although I don't believe that any shrink she paid ever gave her that formal diagnosis. But her shrink friends knew this, of course because it was obvious, if you know about these things.

Many of our family friends growing up and many members of my vast extended family are in the business of psychology and psychiatry.

No amount of therapy or anything could get rid of NPD just kind-of mitigate it.

They literally cannot see other people. Everyone is themself and when they don't like their "reflection" (a completely different person), they pounce and abuse and raise all kinds of Hell, because it's not the reflection of themselves they want to see. Horrific.

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That's really interesting. I would think if it's a reptilian trait, the amygdala would be pronounced. I hadn't heard about the size of the amygdala but rather the connection between the emotional and cognitive areas of the brain, in other words, a wiring problem.

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Well, my mother was admittedly a "Rage-a-holic" and Boy, was she ever! My brother and I were severely emotionally abused. My friends are mostly male, as a result. That whole experience did not make me a fan of women, even though I had the greatest grandmother in the world (on my father's side).

I know it's just my experience and I'm not prejudiced against women, because, of course, I am one. I'm friends with amazing women. But "Girls' Night Out", or groups of women or anything that focuses on women, for me, that is a huge, quintuple "Yuck".

But I see through that karmic garbage and I love her and I miss her.

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My mother had similar traits, but her rages happened about every three days. It wasn't constant. It was on some kind of weird cycle. But it was abusive in my book because she could say some pretty mean things. I also made my friends among men for a long time and I thought women were rather stupid. lol. I've mellowed over the years though and I've learned to appreciate women friends. I had a psychic reading once where I was told I was in fact married to my mother in a past life in the 1600's where she was the man and I was the woman. That was a quintuple yuck for sure, but I could see how the two lifetimes dovetailed. They say we reincarnate with many of the same people over lifetimes taking various roles. These are the most precious beings to us, but they aren't the personalities we know during lifetimes. They're much "bigger" spirits unlimited by egoic personality. They take the roles of enemies or parents or lovers...whatever... just to see what happens. I bet they must get together between lives and laugh about the whole thing.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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LOL what a hideous scene - kinda like the LIRR when they still had bar cars - I think they got rid of those a while ago. But I think it's kind of nice to have a drink on a long ferry boat ride, like the ones from Long Island to Connecticut. I've never seen any disgusting antics like that on the ferries.

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Probably because ferry riders still have driver's licenses.

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