I can’t wait for those days. It means we’ll come out the other side of the Storm.

These last 3 1/2+ years have been hard on the anons that know what’s coming. Watching the shit show of our government has been hard to stomach as well. We’ve been waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel.. we’re not to far away now

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What IS a nice change during the shit show is to take the time to laugh. I watch YouTube impersonators who do Justin Trudeau, Kamala Harris and Chrystia Freeland for fun, when the truth gets to be too much. (and they are laughable humans)

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"I can’t wait for those days. It means we’ll come out the other side of the Storm."

It won't work that way because its not designed to work that way. In order to be allowed to crawl out of the bunker we will be required to sacrifice. We will be required to accept things such as a Digital ID to access services such as bank accounts, etc...

And if we don't accept the new digital currency they can just turn off your digital ID. etc....the "other side of the storm" will be further into slavery. Guaranteed.

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I need to understand why so many of these people who have been executed are still walking around doing all kinds of bad stuff.

Doubles? Clones?

Stretches credulity to breaking point.

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I know. Drives me nuts. I hate it. I hate having to report on it.

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We saw a lot of stuff exactly like this put out on social media - ‘Juan O Savin & others - in the run up to the last US presidential election. An old playbook?

Since then things got a whole lot worse, not better.

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I think that even if they are not the original person, they are still a puppet of the D.S. Maybe better protected after the original puppet is MIA?

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The reason is because all that Qanon stuff is a psyop. Its not real. Nobody has been executed. Its hogwash.

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Thanks for links

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Esperanza Creeger... That is wishful thinking and mainly that is some of the most blatant and disgusting propaganda that exists. If you actually believe that you have a lotttttt to learn.

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Mike H… You have insufficient information.

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I've been doing this for 25 years. I doubt it.

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Far out, man! 10 days without any electronics to befuddle the simple minds allowing for the great control reset of humanity. 10 days of escalating chaos, what a concept.

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Why do we argue? Let's face it, we need to stop it. Discourse is good, not arguing and insults.

Best to read, listen to, and watch EVERYTHING. Make up your minds as individuals, stop acting like your opinion is the right opinion.

Be prepared for anything and be good to yourself, your loved ones and then others who need you. What the globalists, elitist WEF-ers want is civil unrest! We have to remember not to be a cause of it.

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Juan is a knowledgable and caring man of God. I watch every show I can on Ninoscorner.tv. and Juan is a frequent guest. I know he's legit because he gets dissed and cancelled, even by people who are "awake". Maybe jealously. But thanks for posting this. I like to keep up to date in other places too besides Nino!

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"Juan o Savin" has been talking about this for years! I remember all of '"Juan's" inferences before the 2020 election while showing us only his expensive boots and the view from his high-rise hotel room. Here we are 4 years later and he's saying the same thing, still sitting in that expensive penthouse suite, taking your donations. There are no militaries waiting to save us, people.

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Juan O Savin says, "The thing with 5G towers is that they're capable of casting at higher energies...and you can broadcast towards a particular target; that they can be steered, if you will, the beam can be steered...and if a signal is strong enough, it can boil a gallon of water a half a mile away."

First, 5G towers are fixed in place, they don't swivel, so the beam can't be steered.

Second, a half a mile is 2,640 feet. The maximum distance for 5G towers to transmit is 1500 feet, so his math doesn't work.

The military has a 5G weapon called Active Denial System. It penetrates the top layer of skin and causes a sensation of heat and pain, but its not lethal. Plus, it's similar to a huge satellite dish that must be mounted on the top of a big truck.

Raconteur.net/technology/5G-myths- questions

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Not 100% sure (ain't sure of nuthin' these days...) but this could be a side of hopium blue-tin-roof sundae, duck 'n cover your desk'll save ya, I'll take that sundae with whipped cream an' a cherry on top--The last "10 days that shook the world" wuz the Russian Revolution! Now that said, a little wishful thinkin' ain't harmful unless ya full-out buy it...

Wonderin' what Tore would say 'bout this--She & Sabrina Wallace seem ta have a far greater understandin' an' Sabrina has said it ain't just turnin' off stuff--the tech is IN us (an' turnin' it off means we DIE b/c they've put it in the DNA...) Wull, that's purdy dystopian but she duz back it up with more tech articles 'n viddeos than you could shake a stick at!

ALWAYZ glad ta listen but "knowin' that (they) lied...".... "still I look ta find a reason to believe".... (tim hardin, carpenters, rod stewart...) yup, I'd find a way ta believe it's all true...if I could....

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I'm not buying some of this information about 5G towers. Yes, they broadcast shorter wavelengths with higher frequency. BUT, they have a range of only about 1000 feet. They can also be blocked by terrain, trees and even leaves on trees. They dont penetrate thick walls easily. And they dont pass through cement and brick. Even the air causes a signal loss. Plus, from the pictures I've seen, the devices look like they're fixed in place, they aren't capable of swiveling towards a particular target. If anyone can PROVE different, please let me know.

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5g is a known military weapon; being skeptics like you won't regard any evidence the rest of us will show you means you need to go through your own channels and you will learn we are right, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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'Juan O Savin' = 'On the Globalists Payroll'!

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