With all the damage America has done through giving up its sovereignty and becoming the military muscle behind the genocidal Anglo-American-Zionist Empire it's hard to get too indignant about seeing its infrastructure collapse. It's collapsing because we've chosen to destroy other peoples' countries rather than take care of our own. "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."
With all the damage America has done through giving up its sovereignty and becoming the military muscle behind the genocidal Anglo-American-Zionist Empire it's hard to get too indignant about seeing its infrastructure collapse. It's collapsing because we've chosen to destroy other peoples' countries rather than take care of our own. "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."
“We” didn’t chose to destroy other countries rather than take care of our own. The greedy politicians did. We the people had no say in the matter just like we have no say now. We the people are being destroyed by the so called leaders who work behind the scenes to destroy America from within. Lining their pockets with our tax dollars. It’s disgusting. I understand what you are saying but let’s point the finger at who the culprits are here. There have been many over the years. Obama has now had three terms to implement the plan. He may have a fourth term coming his way through Michael. The demonic activity going on right now shows you who is really in charge and it ain’t us.
It's tempting to blame the politicians and all the way up to the Black Nobility. We certainly are no longer a democracy and haven't been for a long time. We aren't in charge and those who are are mainly corrupt. Ben Franklin told us we had a democracy if we could keep it. He knew how hard it would be. The eternal vigilance we needed to constantly maintain faded and we went about our business letting things like the incorporation, the Fed, the gold take and the IRS slip by us. Yes, we were lied to, and the media from the beginning (according to T. Jefferson) was an op. Yes, they were systematically taking our wealth. That's a lot to fight, but we didn't fight it in earlier generations. We will be forced to fight it now when it's much more entrenched and strong. Hopefully it's weakening now on it's own, but we can't count on that. We need to destroy these forces root and branch. And we need to generate and vote for people who also see that. These swamp creatures like Nancy Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, McCain, ad nauseum, were returned by us to their offices for decades. We have to do better.
Plus de 250 guerres souvent sous false flag laissent un Karma indélébile . Le peuple US les as accepté et en a profité en grande partie, il devra payer en grandes parties
With all the damage America has done through giving up its sovereignty and becoming the military muscle behind the genocidal Anglo-American-Zionist Empire it's hard to get too indignant about seeing its infrastructure collapse. It's collapsing because we've chosen to destroy other peoples' countries rather than take care of our own. "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."
“We” didn’t chose to destroy other countries rather than take care of our own. The greedy politicians did. We the people had no say in the matter just like we have no say now. We the people are being destroyed by the so called leaders who work behind the scenes to destroy America from within. Lining their pockets with our tax dollars. It’s disgusting. I understand what you are saying but let’s point the finger at who the culprits are here. There have been many over the years. Obama has now had three terms to implement the plan. He may have a fourth term coming his way through Michael. The demonic activity going on right now shows you who is really in charge and it ain’t us.
It's tempting to blame the politicians and all the way up to the Black Nobility. We certainly are no longer a democracy and haven't been for a long time. We aren't in charge and those who are are mainly corrupt. Ben Franklin told us we had a democracy if we could keep it. He knew how hard it would be. The eternal vigilance we needed to constantly maintain faded and we went about our business letting things like the incorporation, the Fed, the gold take and the IRS slip by us. Yes, we were lied to, and the media from the beginning (according to T. Jefferson) was an op. Yes, they were systematically taking our wealth. That's a lot to fight, but we didn't fight it in earlier generations. We will be forced to fight it now when it's much more entrenched and strong. Hopefully it's weakening now on it's own, but we can't count on that. We need to destroy these forces root and branch. And we need to generate and vote for people who also see that. These swamp creatures like Nancy Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, McCain, ad nauseum, were returned by us to their offices for decades. We have to do better.
Plus de 250 guerres souvent sous false flag laissent un Karma indélébile . Le peuple US les as accepté et en a profité en grande partie, il devra payer en grandes parties