Juan O Savin appears to be some sort of limited hang out OP.

I have listened patiently to his interviews for two years and I get a very uneasy feeling, like I'm being played, or manipulated. Something is off.

He spreads confusion and fear, but never delineates exactly who is the real problem and what we can do to fight them.

If the globalists/zionists have weather modification and 5G weaponization, then many of us are basically screwed, because there really is nowhere to run.

And just for the record, if the Q team, or any other supposed white hats, know what is coming and don't intervene to stop it, then they are as guilty as the original perpetrators.

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Agreed. He's like most of prominent patriots who do the same. Lotta hopium and rah-rah, but no meat in the burger. I bitch about them all the time, so I won't here. Flynn was the only one I can remember who marshaled a charge and that was to get control of our localities, something I think has happened to a large degree. Americans feel like they don't know what to do and they're getting fed a lot of bullshit. For all the Trump worship, I think we're actually leaderless when it comes to what we can do.

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Right?! A single bump on the bridge?! Who are you trying to kid... that was a take down as sure as God made little green apples. Two planes in the WTC... come on now ~ it's been proven again and again they were imploded and a missile, not a plane, hit the first bldg.... hype, fear, outside attacks that were inside attacks. Why is this bs being perpetuated?! Not a fan - this Substack just lost credibility for me.

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With all the damage America has done through giving up its sovereignty and becoming the military muscle behind the genocidal Anglo-American-Zionist Empire it's hard to get too indignant about seeing its infrastructure collapse. It's collapsing because we've chosen to destroy other peoples' countries rather than take care of our own. "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."


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“We” didn’t chose to destroy other countries rather than take care of our own. The greedy politicians did. We the people had no say in the matter just like we have no say now. We the people are being destroyed by the so called leaders who work behind the scenes to destroy America from within. Lining their pockets with our tax dollars. It’s disgusting. I understand what you are saying but let’s point the finger at who the culprits are here. There have been many over the years. Obama has now had three terms to implement the plan. He may have a fourth term coming his way through Michael. The demonic activity going on right now shows you who is really in charge and it ain’t us.

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It's tempting to blame the politicians and all the way up to the Black Nobility. We certainly are no longer a democracy and haven't been for a long time. We aren't in charge and those who are are mainly corrupt. Ben Franklin told us we had a democracy if we could keep it. He knew how hard it would be. The eternal vigilance we needed to constantly maintain faded and we went about our business letting things like the incorporation, the Fed, the gold take and the IRS slip by us. Yes, we were lied to, and the media from the beginning (according to T. Jefferson) was an op. Yes, they were systematically taking our wealth. That's a lot to fight, but we didn't fight it in earlier generations. We will be forced to fight it now when it's much more entrenched and strong. Hopefully it's weakening now on it's own, but we can't count on that. We need to destroy these forces root and branch. And we need to generate and vote for people who also see that. These swamp creatures like Nancy Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, McCain, ad nauseum, were returned by us to their offices for decades. We have to do better.

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Plus de 250 guerres souvent sous false flag laissent un Karma indélébile . Le peuple US les as accepté et en a profité en grande partie, il devra payer en grandes parties

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God, part of the equation?

Please read: The Rock Breaks the (Globalists') Empire; it is an in depth presentation of the big picture on this very subject.

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Margaret you nailed it! Couldn’t agree more. America is in a trance. Has been for a very long time. They’ve indoctrinated the kids and now they are teenagers and young adults. And brainwashed. Just pray we have enough people that have been red pilled and are ready to rise up. Peacefully of course.

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I was listening to ToreSays broadcast on Locals last night. She is looking at Atlanta June 27th as a potential powder keg that might set off sometime larger. She highlighted scenes of an escalating tension and aggression amongst people, that is almost irrational. Of course, there are a lot of operatives, infiltrators and a whole collection of nefarious individuals and groups that do not hold the greater good of and for Americans at heart and that element will influence the outcome.

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The enemies of the American people (and the population of the world) have been demonic going back many generations. They are unleashing the fruits of this evil on us.

BUT, we must remember that Satan was at one time one of God's angels. He doesn't have the power that God has. It's going to take God to defeat him and his evil minions.

There's never been a better time TO GET ON GODS SIDE. You do that by believing that Christ died a horrible death on a cross, but that he overcame death and rose again. He walked on earth for about 30 more days and more than 500 people witnessed him alive. He then ascended to heaven to sit at God's right hand. If you become a believer, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and the Holy Spirit will guide you and teach you, IF you listen to his voice. You also have God's Word, the Bible, as a resource.

In 2021, I was planning to attend the J6 rally. I had decided to make a reservation for a room in that area the next day. But providentially, the HS awakened me from sleep that night, and warned me not to go. I heeded that warning and have been grateful ever since.

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Yes!! What is playing out is biblical and we are to set our eyes on what is not seen. Believe in Jesus!! Amen🙏

18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. (‭‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

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Amen. 🙏

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You're absolutely right. I considered going too but I wasn't able to.. but I would NOT have gone into the Capitol like that, it would've sat wrong with my gut. What nobody realized is how organized Satan's been, but we've never seen it exposed as much before, and exposure precedes the take down!!

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You're fortunate you couldn't go.

I've tried to follow developments since that unfortunate day and they all show the hand of tyranny at work. Such as Bank of America giving the FBI names of people who spent money in the DC area around that time; I think they also debanked some people or froze their accounts. Such as people who were just there, peacefully, didn't enter the Capitol, being surveiled by the FBI ever since. And, of course, the people who entered the Capitol and got thrown into the gulag and suffered so many abuses. If you read Ivan Raiklin's articles, when the House of Representatives did resume that day, Pence wouldnt allow any discussion from any of the representatives about anything and they certified the election without even having the required number of people on the floor.

An insight I had after that day was: OK, DC is not really part of the US. It's basically a foreign country with its own laws and I don't know what those laws are. So I'd better just stay away.

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Wow good info to know. Thanks for sharing because I completely agree with your thoughts on DC!

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Trusting God is our only defense. Thanks for giving me guidance on what to pray for, because with God...well you know. I refuse to buy into fear porn.

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Perfectly said!

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JOS mentions many perpetrators, but not the REAL ones, that is not a mishap.

Neither is telling people that they will be fried by G5 cell-towers and not mentioning once the deadly clot-shots ...

That guy is just a nuisance, an insult to the public's and audience's intellect !!!

But free speech/text on Substack are important, so we know who's in which team !!!

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A lot of rambling crap we all ready know

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My exact thought. I haven’t listened to this guy for four years and he’s still peddling the exact same fear porn and avoiding giving actual specific information.

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Juan O Savin is actually saying nothing beyond something bad is going to happen, there’s not much we can do about it except hope God will intervene.

With all his alleged ‘connections’ this is the best he can do?

Any one with some intelligence in the alt community could come up with the stuff this guy spouts.

I don’t rate him.

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I have lost confidence in JOS.

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We are co-creators of our experience.

Creation is through thought. And Imagination. When we remove the "double-mind" of duality, and see GOD is ONE, , and ALL is in GOD, and of God.

Then we will see that ALL is GOOD, as i intended, before the concept of" good and evil," a figment of imagination in Man's mind the inversion of thought, in opposition to our ESSENCE of UNCONDITIONAL UNINFLUENCED LOVE.

Keep your single FOCUSED on TRUTH, that ALL is GOD.

Matthew 6:2

, "If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light".

James 1:8 in the King James Version says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways".

We are the ONE, that will save us.


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Something people do with this is to move into pink thought-clouds and they are gone from the fray. The situation needs to be healed and healing has to take place where the sickness is. Love is sometimes tough love. The stupidity of the woke is that they don't know this. So they just let everything go believing they are being beneficent. We see what comes of it. These people need to be stopped in no uncertain way.

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I regularly share Stopworldcontrol.com which is ran by Pastor David Sorensen. There is also a Rumble channel for Stopworldcontrol. It goes post Covid and what's to come unless we stop it. It empowers those who use it to not be complacent. I regularly pray that corruption from all levels be revealed so the people can wake up and they are, but maybe not fast enough. Each of us can make an impact on another person's life though and this is what we are supposed to do.

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In "Declaring the end from the beginning" (Isa 46:10) God declared six days of work and another "Day of Rest" we call the Mill reign, each day a thousand years. 2Pe 3:8

Those six days are "History", we're in the early morning hours of the "Third day" from Jesus first coming, it's also the "Seventh Day from Adam".

The Fig tree parables said the generation of "HIS BRANCH" (Jesus) wouldn't pass until Israel was scattered, 70 AD Rome destroyed the Nation.

The Fig tree parable of "HER BRANCH" (Israel restored as a nation) that generation won't pass until the Antichrist (Trib period) starts.

The prophecy given to Daniel was "closed and sealed" until the "Time of the end", today we understand that prophecy.

Jesus's promise to be "Back on the earth" (RESURRECTED) the "THIRD DAY" is true either way interpreted, 24 hour days or thousand year days.

America "Glory" will never return, Here's the end as declared from the beginning.



Seventh day of rest, Millennium Reign

Great White Throne Judgement.

Earth/Universe burned

New Heaven/New Earth


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