Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Stopworldcontrol.com is a great resource of information post Covid to what is coming. We can still unite and stop this. It seems obvious that the left is much like a death cult. I do not see Trump saving us and we must try to save ourselves.

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We can in little 6 man squads. However, I do see Trump working in diplomacy. He does have a past relationship with Putin. I agree about the left and they call us a death cult.

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Cheeto Jesus AKA mister warp speed vaxx will definitely not save his followers. He led them to death by rolling out the clot shot, giving the drug companies immunity, and encouraging his followers to take the jab.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Please present the alternatives at this point.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

There are no alternatives. Only psychopaths are allowed to be the democrat or republican nominee for president. The system of both parties eliminates any sane candidates. Ron Paul was America's last chance.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

How about Super Mario or Sponge Bob Square Pants ??? ...🤔🤔🤔

It's simply impossible they could create more chaos and turmoil ...

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

I agree that, at this point, we have no choice but to vote for one of the candidates or to not vote. But the issue behind is the 2-party system. RFK, Jr has gone against this and been ignored, banned from the debate, denied SS protection, probably in hopes that someone would rid us of this troublesome candidate. It all slid. He's never risen above the low single digits in the polls. He hasn't even influenced the platforms of the other two. He believed that the weaknesses of the other two candidates would elect him. No likely. I don't see that there are no alternatives. At this point it's too late for this election, but there plenty of options to do it another way. There's just no energy among the people to do so. That's the problem, not the system itself which can always be changed with sufficient outcry. What can we expect from a people who has allowed vampire banksters to suck them dry and corrupt politicians to rule them for most of our history. Ignorance is no excuse. It all goes back to the indifference of the overwhelming number of Americans. We get what we deserve.

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To not vote is no longer a choice.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Trump was behind Operation Warp Speed but vaccine makers already had immunity from lawsuits dating back to 1988 under 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22. Biden unlawfully mandated them and by the time SCOTUS's ruled against this most had already taken them under coercion.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

PERP act gave the drug companies total immunity. Let me give you a little prediction: If they allow Trump to become president again, expect a flood of information about vaxx injury and death to hit mainstream media. The coverup will be over, and they will blame Trump for the disaster. Trump is so stupid that it hurts.

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The PREP Act was Schrub.

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Yes, and here is how Trump shielded the drug companies:https://academic.oup.com/jlb/article/7/1/lsaa082/5981715

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

You are absurdly redundant. Are you 12 years old?

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You're absolutely right. Here's why Trump won't save us. See https://steemit.com/zionist/@cryptogazette/traitor-trump-the-zionist-jew-who-pretends-to-be-a-christian-american

We did have a president who wanted peace. We know him better as John F. Kennedy. That's one reason why he was assassinated. Read NSAM 263. Now, of course, his nephew Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running. Vote for him. To see which states he's on the ballot, log onto https://kennedy24.com where you need to click on the top left link that says Get Bobby and Nicole on the ballot.

I'm with Stopworldcontrol.com too. Wonderful man, David Sorensen, and intelligent and knowledgeable.


Arlene Johnson



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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Pray to the divine for his intervention.

I'm not a religious fanatic, but this seems to be the point we're at.

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Thumbs up. You need to understand that god is not religion and religion is not God. God will never be coopted; religion has been for the most part. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/td24/23.html This link applies to the USA. There was a YouTube that exposed this worldwide; alas it was taken down years ago.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

What if- there are no nukes, they have all been incapacitated, because of it's affect on others in the universe. Then you might say we are watching a movie to help mankind realize things are not as they seem. Just maybe, if the truth is known, on all accounts, many would be overwhelmed. Maybe it has to be one slow step at a time because there is so much to fathom. I wish all the very best life will have to offer in the future.

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Yeah, and the earth is flat as well. Where do you people come up with such absurd theories as: there are no nukes. And I can assure you that things are NOT as they seem.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Not so fast. Do you recall that in Stephen Greer's "Disclosure" at the Press Club in the 90's there were high level military men testifying that ETs have the capability to disarm missile silos while they fly over? His whole presentation was to show through the testimony of responsible, sober military that ETs do exist and are active on this planet. He had over 500 such people, with 50 testifying, every one of whom ended by saying they would swear to their testimony in front of Congress. Naturally, they were never asked to do so. But the point was made that ETs don't care for nukes and will protect themselves against them, using tech that far supersedes ours.. Will they also protect us and the solar system? Well, there it becomes more speculative.

As to Mr. Collins comment; this is no movie. There is an insidious social media promotion that "it's all over" and we're just watching a movie meant to break us in slowly to "the truth." Social media is the lowest common denominator of information. there is no vetting, no responsibility, just people saying shit and composing bodies of dumbass theories that they all get on the bandwagon of. That it's all a movie is one of them. As far as I've seen, people who believe this are generally uneducated people who are gullible and seek easy answers that don't involve too much work or mental discomfort. Not putting that off on Mr. Collins, whom I don't know. Just sayin it's out there. They are also in line with flat earth, Tartaria, clones, bad politicos all killed or at GITMO, the magic wonder of Trump and the White Hats, and the latest I've heard....that civilization is destroyed every 250 YEARS, this despite records that show continuity. I'm sure history has been warped, but we can be pretty sure it didn't just end 250 years ago. It's this kind of gullibility, and I have to say stupidity, that occurs on some social media. But the believers in it think they have a secret truth and everyone else if "bluepilled." Sticking one's head in the sand ass-up, has seldom been effective adaptive behavior, but some folks can't handle the truth.

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Civilization is destroyed every 12,000 years. The global elite know that it is due to happen again in the 2030s. That is why they are eliminating population and tightening control.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

In fact, that is exactly what I said to the acquaintance who told me about the destruction every 250 years. My impression is that the destruction is cosmic, not cabal. I get this from well-reasoned people like physicist Paul La Violette and hyper-scholar Immanuel Velikovsky, not Telegram. There are many who have written on it. LaViolette called the outgoing destructive pulse the "heartbeat of the galaxy," coming from its center. Velikovsky simply presented the historical record of myth recounting the same catastrophes worldwide...planets and other bodies going out of pattern and causing collisions and visible electromagnetic spectacles. Plus there's evidence in the geology with craters made by falling space objects and evidence of climate in strata. I don't understand your connection with the cabal and depopulation/control. If 90% of us are going to be destroyed why bother??

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

The controllers are well aware of the following: There is no global warming, in fact the earth is cooling and headed for a mini-ice age, that CO2 is essential for life on this planet, that we are experiencing a magnetic reversal, that the earth's shield is weakening opening the doors for a Carrington event. They know all this, and they want to eliminate as any people as possible before the EVENT. That way, there are fewer people to deal with as the controllers emerge and take over once again. I will leave this link here, if you are interested: https://www.mayamagik.com/the-phoenix-hypothesis/

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, we've heard all this. Question is how reliable is all this information? This site gloms together disparate speculations, facts and maybes into an EVENT. It might be true. It might not be. It might reflect a 12K year cycle. It might not. Kohlert isn't the level of information I trust. I don't think the cabal is causative of the cycle I'm speaking of. Hardly. The kind of destruction I'm talking about will take them out along with us and it will be back to the caves just as in the last destruction 12,000 years or so ago. It won't be the first or last "bottleneck" in human history. The cabal may be making their plans. Good luck to them with that.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

The controllers did not get where they are today by being stupid. They are 10 steps ahead of everyone else.

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

I wouldn't say they're stupid. I don't underestimate them. But in the greater schemd of things their day is done. Not in the plans for this yuga. They've got some time yet to prevail, and to make our lives a misery in the remaining years of the Kali Yuga, but it's diminishing returns, because the incoming Dwapara cycle is not control and domination. The Yuga Cycle is the origin of the 12K cycle idea, of course. Plenty of evidence for it if you look at the ebbs and flows of human history and especially if you allow for the great evidence of an advanced civilization that was lost 12,000 years ago or thereabouts. We are moving into a new galactic location with different energy and the energy determines the outcome. Stuff that doesn't fit gets destroyed. The controllers are only 10 steps ahead because they malevolently plan and execute their evil way in advance. But plans of mice and men often go astray when their time has not only not come but is rapidly retreating. The screw-ups they have made just in the last 20 years does not inspire much confidence and that level seems to ever escalate upward. I think of Biden as a perfect representation of their meltdown. It's just not working out for them. I've not been an advocate of the idea that they aren't still in control and everything is hunky-dory so we need do nothing, but I can see, long term, they're screwed.

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Yeah, in 2009, I wrote a whole book about this, before Telegram, etc. that included many citations of Dr Paul La Violette (who I got to meet once, which was amazing) and Immanuel Velikovsky.

As I recall, there are routine destructions of Earth that occur in cycles of ~6,000, ~12,000, ~26,000 and 62 million years.

These are clearly charted by the geological layers of the sea floor, as revealed by the seminal academic paper by Richard Muller and Robert Rohde, ‘Cycles in Fossil Diversity,’ published in Nature magazine in 2005, which says that there is a strong cycle of mass extinctions that regularly occurs every 62 million years, which Muller suggests is probably due to the periodic passage of the solar system through molecular clouds or Galactic arms or an as-yet unknown structure (i.e., “Nemesis,” our Sun’s dark twin), which may periodically perturb the Oort cloud and trigger comet impacts on Earth.

The Chixulub Impact which "killed the dinosaurs" reportedly occurred 65 million years ago, meaning that we're 3 millions late for such a mass extinction event.

But, as I argued in my book, since we’re already in the middle of an extinction event, on par with that of the great Cretacious/Tertiary, on time for the 62 million-year cycle but without all the "bells and whistles" of a major cometary collision—can't we argue that impacts are not the main cause of mass extinctions? For its part, NASA is less than reassuring in its assessment of the threat posed by extraterrestrial impact (this online post has since been removed):

"With so many of even the larger NEOs [Near Earth Objects] remaining undiscovered, the most likely warning today would be zero—the first indication of a collision would be the flash of light and the shaking of the ground as it hit. In contrast, if the current surveys actually discover a NEO on a collision course, we would expect many decades of warning. Any NEO that is going to hit the Earth will swing near our planet many times before it hits, and it should be discovered by comprehensive sky searches like Spaceguard. In almost all cases, we will either have a long lead-time or none at all."

My book on this topic, '2012" Science or Superstition':


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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

I actually wrote a book, an fictional alternative history on the subject. It's out of print and was never a sensation. Small publisher who did no promotion and I don't have a platform, nor am I really interested in doing the work of one. The book wove a lot of what we've mentioned in this thread into a story spanning thousands of years. I was actually unaware of the multiplicity of ETs this planet has entertained at the time and would have made it quite different had I known at the time. But it was fun to do. Irrelevant, but I thought I'd mention it.

More to the point, I don't necessarily think impact objects are the only or even main cause for cataclysms. I tend to think more in line with LaViolette for the big ones that make for ideas like Yugas and lots of smaller ones caused by impact, flood and so on. Barbara Hand Clow had a pretty interesting idea in her Catastrophobia book that humans have an unconscious fear coming from of all the catastrophes we have suffered that shows itself in our projecting more of the same. She has a book on Mayan cycles I haven't read. Do you know how similar those might be to the 4.3 million year cycle. I know they worked in millions of years.

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RemovedJun 26·edited Jun 26
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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

People who type is all caps get ignored. And no, things are not changing for the better, and no, people are not waking up. You sound like a silly new ager.

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RemovedJun 26
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There is an agreement signed by all major powers and most minor ones that nukes never be used again because they would destroy the world.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

That is absolutely absurd.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

If you think we are the only living beings in the many universes, you do not undated the Creator. Perhaps you are a self-deluded christian.

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RemovedJun 26
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Uranus is the center of your universe.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Member of the UK parliament, Andrew Bridgen, says he is hearing from defense sources that US/NATO plans to detonate a nuke in Europe (Poland?) in a false-flag operation to be blamed on Russia (of course) as a (fake) pretext to start WWIII (at around the 15:30 mark):


Bridgen also mentions that British Prime Minister Sunak called the General Election for July 4th knowing he would lose after reportedly telling UK defense chiefs that he does not want to be a wartime prime minister. I guess it is also convenient for the warmongers that parliament is not sitting in the weeks leading up to mid-July?


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I've heard about the "nuke in Poland" for a couple of months now, from our trusty pal, Juan O Savin. But that was before 3 or 4 incidents of Russian territory being breached by drones and/or missiles, two times resulting in casualties totaling over 100. That tells me that this putative nuke might strike closer to US Territory.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

All I know about Juan O Savin is that, FWIW, Clif High has a low opinion of him.

My opinion would be that a strike closer to US Territory is unlikely. The Russians have no need to go nuclear to win in Ukraine/Europe. They've already won to all intents and purposes. So any nuclear strike is going to be a US/NATO false flag attack. If NATO territory, eg, Poland, is attacked, the NATO treaties can be invoked, making it easier to start a large-scale war.

While I don't doubt that our rulers would not hesitate to attack US territory, infrastructure and people if necessary - like they did on 9/11 - I think this time it is not only not necessary but also more advantageous for them to attack a NATO ally in Europe, like Poland or one of the Baltic states. There are not only the NATO treaty considerations but also the westerly winds will blow the radio-active fall-out eastwards over Russia. Just my twopenn'orth!

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

PMs don’t get to make such independent decisions. Their handlers tell them what do.

So I don’t buy this narrative.

Sunak was brought in to put the finishing touches to ensuring Labour got elected.

His job was done.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Love KD and AJ! Thanks for the info. I'm finding the interview now.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

The creatures responsible for all this chaos are NOT the ones we see every day in all media; these are just their puppets ...

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When you realize that NATO is hardly a friend, and stop believing the Covid hoax, we'll talk.

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NO IT DIDN'T!!!! Biden's misfits battalions have and may God have mercy on their souls, I won't!

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

I find it hard to believe even the most evil people on earth would push the final nuclear button. But maybe I haven't yet comprehended how evil they are. Self-annihilation might seem the best option to them after all they've pulled. They didn't just pull it for nothing. They demand a world they control and harvest. If they can't have it, well, nothing else matters. I've been surprised at how they're engineering it. It's the same old one pony trick they've pulled out over and over to begin every war in history. And, amazingly, it's working as old and transparent as it is. One would think the world would wise up, universally voices would rise to expose the plot and they wouldn't be able to pull it off. But, no. Not only are they insane to move to this, but so are we for allowing the lies to go on.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

WW3 started in Ukraine when the US overthrew the government. Whether it goes nuclear remains to be seen.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

We should remember that what we are dealing with is the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, with the US being the "muscle" but the UK being the "brains" and Israel the "instigator." We are seeing the Samson Option write large. The ordinary people of the US do not want WWIII. We want to live and let live. But it's the Empire's monetary controllers who give the Deep State and military their marching orders to pull the trigger. We're looking at the death throes of a 500-year-old global conspiracy.





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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Just this teaser is terrifying

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Perhaps someone has EMusk's family jewels in a vice. I do not put my faith or eggs all in one basket. Who was EM'S mother?

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Nuclear weapons are just another Babylonian jew fear porn Hoax! Just like VIRUSES, Covid, the Globe, Space, Dinosaurs, evolution, Fossil fuel, Global warming, etc. They don't Exist in reality! The moloch and sun worshipping ✡️ jews can only lie, indoctrinate, brainwash, and program us and our precious children! Wakey² good sheeple! They want all us goys dead and always have! We must stop ✋️🙌 them, with the Sharp Sword of God, the only Creator of the Cosmos! Om Swastyastu🕉!!! 🙏🙏🙏🤍 Blessings to you all!

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It’s all fear mongering bullshit

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No nukes will be fired as there are none! This not so well written article doesn't convey what many awakened are saying. We are headed into higher frequencies and momentarily are cleaning up the mess, hence, the chaos.

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