I simply cannot express my horror and disgust! Demons parading in human costumes!


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No surprise coming from a bloodline globalist family.

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His father wanted to come back to earth as a virus and destroy humanity! The apple doesn't fall from the tree

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Charles may be that virus that his father wanted to come back as?

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This has to be passed on to everyone, he cannot get away from this!

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I'm horrified. tho it does explain why they're all huddling and cringing when they dare to go out at all. acting like Romanovs r.i.p. in Ekaterinaberg. well, it's never too late to chop their heads off and declare a republic.

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Adrenochrome addled reptilian man-boy lover says what?

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Best reply so far 😘

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I put some of this up on Youtube & it was immediately deleted.

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Truth is always censored!! Enough is enough!!

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Keep spreading the word, keep on keeping on never surrender

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This wicked man is NOT my king. No nation should give up their sovereignty where constitutional vows are made to the people of that nation. He cannot be trusted as he repeatedly violated his marriage vows to Lady Diana and eventually manipulated a plan to have her killed. Likewise, he has lied about global warming and has his "imprint" on climate change. Here the key word is manipulation through deceitfulness.

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Because Charles is not accountable to the British or Commonwealth people & is not in any way familiar with public opinion he may be a liability to the global elite.

He could go too far ahead of the zeitgeist & cause a major negative reaction.

It looks like someone in the palace stopped him this time.

Is he being used to push the boundaries because of his privileged position?

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Too bad the people in the UK have no say in this. This is not courage, this is "cowardice", King Charles has a long yellow stripe down his back.

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The people in the UK do have a say in this. Under the UK constitution, the people - not the monarch or parliament - are sovereign. The King is no more and no less than the first among equals. Parliament puts the King on the throne, and parliament can remove him. It is unconstitutional/unlawful for the monarch to give away any portion of national sovereignty. The monarch has a constitutional duty to withhold royal assent from any act of parliament that would compromise national sovereignty. It is argued that Elizabeth II was in breach of her constitutional duty and Coronation Oath when she gave royal assent to the UK joining the EEC in 1973. It is up to the UK people to hold the King's feet to the fire, like the barons did to King John at Runnymede in 1215. Of course, the King's puppet masters do not want us to remember this.

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Yes! I just learned about all of this yesterday and about the work of William Keyte and the English Common Law version of what’s called “Jury Nullification” in the US and I was going to post it here tomorrow but I thought I might want to research it further and learn more about the Bar Association, etc. first.

The draft is live on my site. Any insights that leap to mind would be most welcomed!


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I've never heard of William Keyte but his understanding agrees with what little I know. To put it all in context, I think it's important to understand that English Common Law has its roots in the ancient Usages of Britain, which originate in Troy and Ancient Greece. It is these customs which the monarch swears to uphold in the solemn Coronation Oath.

In the Usages of Britain, "The whole Island was considered to be under one Crown—the crown itself subject to the "Voice of the Country"; hence the maxim, "the Country is higher than the King," which runs through the Ancient British Laws, and was directly opposed to the Feudal system in which the country itself was dealt with as the property of the King."

"The Usages of Britain could not be altered by any act or edict of the Crown or National Convention. They were considered the inalienable rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation could deprive him. Many of these usages are remarkable for their humane and lofty spirit: for instance, "There are three things belonging to a man, from which no law can separate him—his wife, his children, and the instruments of his calling; for no law can unman a man, or uncall a calling.""

"History of Britain," by R W Morgan (1848)(page 12, 18):


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Digging into what the 'Crown' really is very interesting too.


As you mentioned, it probably goes back to Babylon or even before then.

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The English parliament declared itself sovereign in s38 of the EU withdrawal Act 2020 which is both impossible and treason. In the event of treason and illegitimate institutions, sovereignty is automatically and always vested in the people.

Grand juries have always been used historically to nullify and remove tyrants.

This is the most detailed description and guide on the matter that you'll find and it's brilliant.


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Good stuff! Thank you for sharing this, the world needs to repent for the Kingdom of God YHWH is at hand.

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Pft! Wasn't Yahweh an insecure, paranoid, genocidal maniac, who drank too much and who enjoyed getting high on the smoke from burning baby fats??!!

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That's blasphemy to say about God!! How can Forbidden News like that statement?!

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Guess you don't follow Clif High on this platform as you are in for a huge shock regarding religion, we have been lied to about everything.

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I've been following Clif High since 2007.

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So you believe this guy over prophets.

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My beliefs are not set in stone. I remain calm and tend my garden, help my neighbors and cook at home, interesting meals.

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Yes. Yes he was a perfect projection of the Jews - his “chosen people”.

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The call by some Elites of the so called European, British, "Ruling Class" to surrender your Sovereignty, is not a new proposition ! Read the important and revealing book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era" by Globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski ! Information pasted here down below for your convenience ! Then listen carefully to the first Inaugural Speech of President William Blyth Clinton, and catch the allegiance and alliance to the suggestions of Brzezinski about surrendering National Sovereignty as Obsolete !

They can not lawfully force you to give up your birth Right, Sovereign birth rite, self determination, free will, freedom of personal choice, so the only thing they can do is to try to influence you with lying deceiving words to lure you, tempt you, trick you, bribe you, to willfully and voluntarily give up your birth Rite, freedom and Sovereignty by and of your own actions, and that is what they are very hard at work trying to do, and have been trying to do for decades, generations, centuries, perhaps millennia ! This is not new, even if it may be "new to you " !

Between Two Ages by Brzezinski

The original edition of “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era” by Zbigniew Brzezinski was published in 1970 by Viking Press. Here are some key characteristics of the original edition:

Hardcover: The book was published in hardcover format with a dust jacket.

First edition: The original edition is considered the first edition, with the publication date of 1970.

Pagination: The book has 334 pages, including an index.

Condition: Original copies of the book in good condition, with minimal wear and tear, can be difficult to find. However, many libraries and institutions have well-preserved copies.

Dust jacket: The original dust jacket is often worn and fragile, but some copies may still have it intact.

Binding: The hardcover binding is typically sturdy and intact, but may show signs of wear around the spine and edges.

Some notable features of the original edition include:

Brzezinski’s prophetic analysis of the impact of technology on society and politics, which has been widely influential.

The author’s critique of the Soviet Union and the rise of communist ideology.

The book’s focus on the dual role of the United States as both a disseminator of technological advancements and a maintainer of the international status quo.

The original edition’s introduction by Henry Kissinger, who was a colleague and friend of Brzezinski’s.

Overall, the original edition of “Between Two Ages” is a rare and valuable book, particularly for scholars and collectors interested in international relations, political theory, and the history of the Cold War.

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Excellent points, thanks!

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You are always welcome Alexandra, I love what you are doing with your work here ! God bless you and Gods speed !

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What a coincidence! I just wrote a chapter on that two days ago, asking the same question about the murder of Epstein and the client list! In the novel June Manet asks, “Who is being protected? Who . . . or what, I should say, is so protected, that it is worth a monumental perversion of the law and also worth the murder of the accused? What calamity could result in exposing the party or the entity that is guilty of this horrendous crime? I put it to you. Who or what could it be?”

June Manet is focusing on the Epstein/Maxwell/Mossad power over the compromised congress.

As to sovereignty, I'll mention the legal concept, "Safety of the whole," which goes back to the de facto abdication of King James in 1688. It gave to the people the right to form a new government when the King is no longer functioning. This is the key legal concept to be brought up NOW, thanks to your pointing out what King Charles has just done.

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Do the people of the UK listen to this guy in any real sense, in terms of doing what he says, or are they just in love with the pageantry and history of the 'royals'? No matter what he says or does, is that something the majority of UK citizens would put their pints down to jump on board with or just shake their heads at him?

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I can at this time only assume that the Hanging will be televised. Recommended listening, Desolation Row, Bob Dylan. Wonder how many, and his method of killing children. Heavy is the head that wears the Crown. He sees his death, he's on his back, he has accepted his fate. What a A.H. All for naught and naught for all, a self-disgraced, spoon-fed fool after all is done. His body must be preserved in North Sea Crude oil. No part of him must share the elements of the Earth upon burial.

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I don't believe he has cancer, never did.

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Nor Kate!

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I'd be happy to supply the Axe and the block and lend the arms to help swing the balance of power back to national Sovereignty. This weasel has the worst characteristics of the first two Charlie's that put their own interests above those of the British people, and indeed all the decent people of the world.

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