Great reporting, thank you. It’s good to see the possibilities of connections whether completely validated or not. Nothing lines up with the main narrative so anything’s possible at this point and this makes more sense than what we’re hearing.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

"At their business address in Scottsdale, when a member of Yearick's family was approached to inquire about him, they did not allow themselves to be photographed and indicated that Maxwell is, in fact, alive and that he will soon post a video of himself on his Twitter."

Mmmm......yeah! The Criminal govt needs the time to make a 'Maxwell Yearick' (rubber) mask!! Just like the PedoJoe masks for HIS doubles. They think we stooooopid!!!! lol Wonder if they'll attempt to fake-tattoo the Yearick double, too?! Give me some rubbing alcohol......I want to see if it comes OFF!

And it looks like the WHOLE Yearick FAMILY, with their 'Yearick Armory', just stuck themselves right in the middle of an assassination plot!!!! This is going to get really interesting!!

As far as 'Crooks' off shore accounts.......the CIA/FBI can, and DOES, open these accounts in peoples names, unbenounced to that person! So, MORE important than 'Crooks' having them is.....WHO OPENED THOSE ACCOUNTS. Next thing is.....WHERE did the $$ come from?! And I think that BOTH of those questions have THE SAME ANSWER!

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Like JFK, does it all track back to the CIA? All roads lead to Rome. The CIA has been the provocateur, skullduggery agent and knee buster for the cabal since inception. What's new?

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

The lone gunman was shot, and he was a simpleton. End of this story. Why do you think of conspiracy theory? Is it because the government and its lapdog media trying to bankrupt, and imprison Trump for 7 effing years?

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Jul 30Liked by Forbidden.News

You win a cookie.

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Yeah, "Truth, Justice and the American Way", right?

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Jul 30Liked by Forbidden.News

I'm certain that those flashes will be attributed to a cell phone camera or maybe a cigarette lighter. Now, please repeat after me: "Lone gunman. Acted alone. Motive unknown. Deceased." Case closed.

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Somebody with resources arranged the "assassination attempt"; or 'near miss'. Now, I am no great intellect, but it seems clear to me that the prime beneficiary is Trump. If so, I would have organised it like this: pay a patsy to be on the roof, with promises of exposure as CIA cover and later released to move offshore.. Have the world's best sniper to graze an ear. Get another to shoot the "assassin". This should have been a slam dunk but the SS stuffed it up, as did local law inforcment. (People today just cannot obey orders to the letter). Anyway, my point is, who do we want in the White House. Narcissist egomaniac ignoramous Trump, or demented patsy Biden with psychopathic Obama as puppeteer? I'll take Trump any day, so stop raking over hot coals when there may be unexploded ordinance beneath ready to blow up in our faces. Thank heavens for small mercies. And suchlike inanities.

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Good to have a sharp mind on our side. Keep it up, mate. Appreciated.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Wow! You really post the stories that something like a real journalist, a real news agency would be posting in a sane and uncorrupted world. Hope I live in such a world someday. Maybe after 2106. This feels and makes sense in a way that the usual main stream media narrative never does. Thanks.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Tori has found that the family Tyson is harassing as not the same Yearick family. Be careful what is passed around. The armory is not for explosives as it is in a residential area. The man custom manufactures parts and accessories for guns.

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So – the Yearick family (such a common surname, right?), whose address matches the Arizona license plates on the van full of explosives found in Butler, PA; a van that is legally registered to an Arizona explosives manufacturing company called Yearick Armory is "not the same Yearick family". OK. Whatever.

I never worked for the government, so I don't have to keep their secrets.

But I'll swap out the thumbnail image for good measure.

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I do wish I could help out with a donation, I'm on SS and food stamps myself.

All the best wishes to you, Alexandra, God bless you.

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Jul 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Great job and yes the LORD was with you in Arizona.

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And then there's Big Mike!

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Come on, guys, really?

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Put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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I think people are trying to make this wider than it was.

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It is as wide as it is.

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Yup, kinda my point.

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I get it but you can't know how wide it is until you examine it from all perspectives.

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Ok, fair enough. What is it you think I am missing?

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I am dubious.


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The body on the roof did not have a left arm sleeve tattoo. So that rules out Yearick.

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Thanks. This potentially clarifies and organizes loose ends.

It will go into today's blog post of stories and links.


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Trump wasn’t shot. See TimTruth on rumble. He is schooled in the art of magic.

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deletedJul 29Liked by Forbidden.News
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Exactly. Which is more "dubious"? Mainstream Media claims that the explosives-laden van belonged to the 20 year old kid or the fact that the van was registered to Yearick Armory?


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There you go again, looking at the facts.

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deletedJul 29Liked by Forbidden.News
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I first heard ab out Ft Huachuca in Arizona in the mid-'90s when I began looking into the claims about the Montauk Project, which sounded to me like an MK Ultra-type project, as much as anything.

Tore Maras says she was trained there.

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