Can it get anymore disgusting? Please God step in for the sake of our young ones. Amen

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God gave mankind free will...

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Fuck em all, let God sort em out? 🤣

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Bullshit. I'm so sick and tired of this excuse for a"God" that doesn't even exist!!!

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You will find out when He returns I see you dont know your Bible...Better Repent before its too late!!

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I know a lot about the Bible. I was required as a child to read it all the time, go to church 3 times a week, bible school in the summer. So don't you tell me what I know and don't know. I knew my post would draw out the "evangelists" and bullshit responses. I am so sick of your people who think you know everything and can prove absolutely nothing!! It is all about belief to control you.

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Clearly God doesn't exist in your life.

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You’ll find out soon enough that He does…

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Mankind without Jesus the Christ doesn't have free will. They are slave to Satan. When one becomes a Christian through Jesus, Then they have a freewill. Stay or leave.

Larry Ellis

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Many years ago, I listened to a lecture by a professor (whose name I don’t remember). She stated, and I'm paraphrasing, that near the end of an empire, men behave and try to become women, and women behave and try to become men. It is all due to decadence, loss of values and morals, and excess—the withering of the outer life due to the neglect of one’s inner life.

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I think that's what Paul is saying in his Letter to the Romans, about how both women and men were trading "natural relations" w/ same-sex ones. It wasn't so much just condemning homosexuality (there's many who believe Paul was one himself), but describing how the culture/world was in a decadent stage and needed "saving."

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Although I would like to keep religion (any of them) out of it, it has influence and controls of actions and attitudes by condemnation and extolling punishments. "God is dead" to much of the population who don't integrate their "religion" into real life - treat it as a separate aspect that doesn't apply to their actions. Only immediate retribution will impress humans with the necessity to control their urges. Y et the spiritual aspect of humanity is the only meaningful part of our existence, when you come down to it. Evil exists; intentional humiliation and dominance are manifestations of it. What will it take for humanity to find its soul again? ELE? Space alien invasion? Why is sexually-expressed dominance so imperative for men? (Women have different methods, but are no less guilty.) I despair. So I retreat from the world since I am unable to manifest retribution to stop it. Karma is a bitch.

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I don't think that people will find their souls in time. Time is short before the huge calamity that we will be burdened with. It takes a bit of time to become soulfull again (if a person never was, then longer or not at all).

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10 Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near. 11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” Revelation 22

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Yeah, it's distressing; I never could fathom the connection that so many men have b/w sex and violence/power/domination. And if it weren't for (western/Abrahamic/Elohimist) religion, I doubt anyone would care who screws whom as long as it was consensual and nonviolent.

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Your comment reminded me of this quote: “We have heard the cries of humanity. We have come to intervene. If you don’t change your ways, we will wipe this place clean.” ---Archangel Gabriel and Trent Reznor

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There are no words…

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For all the “God Loving” yall seem to think you know gods job better than god ??? Your Arrogance is palpable & seems very ignorant. Who is it that each one of you actually thinks you are to second guess god? God speed to actual judgment why dont you let God take care of Gods business & “tend to the weeds in “your own garden ? Unless of course you think he cant handle it or you can do better? Foolish nonsense.

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Women will never understand this. Especially involving an infant, children of either gender. The medical profession doesn't talk about having to repair these children's bodies for some semblance of life. What kind of cultural or mental condition justifies it? And it's (almost) always male offenders. Mutually-consenting adults, okay, but rape is rape. Is there any solution besides wiping out the human race and starting over?

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It is all about transhumanism and control. And I think many children die through sepsis and severe trauma.

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You are absolutely right, Alexandra. When I lived in San Diego, many gay friends would go to TJ (Tijuana) to pick up "Mexi-chickens", young men who would often engage in homosexual acts, but then get married because that was the culture. And excuse the un-PC comment, but they saying was, "What's the difference between a gay Mexican and a straight Mexican? Answer: 3 beers."

And I recall also reading that book about how conquering soldiers would rape their enemies as a sign of control and humiliation. I always wondered why feminists never opposed that because it was basically an act of "making a man into a woman" and thus degrading him! Finally, my mom was a "fag hag" too, but if some young man we knew wasn't married by 30 or so and she would wonder about that, I would say, "Maybe he's gay," and she would reply, "Oh, don't say that!" Talk about cognitive dissonance! Pace, Mexicanos!

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OMG "3 beers" lol. I never heard that one!

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ALL of the propped up "leaders" are gay, trans, pedo and borderline to text book psychopathic scum...all by design.

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It's Wrong. It's wrong on every level.


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I hate cheaters, male or female. I'm proud to share this with the rest of the world.

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All the more reason why they want to get rid of white people. And the points of view of demonic sexuality is not just from western whites, it's also from all whites all around the world. American whites always have things directed at them. The bottom line is that it doesnt matter what color or nationality you are, if you understand the spiritual battle here, then you know what's up. But nowhere, in any part of the world is it okay to rape children. And the U.S. military is complicit with child rape when you order to stand down and do nothing. But then again, it's run by a bunch of pedo Satanists too. Their time is running short. And I'm excited for the punishment and justice coming from Heavenly Father.

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None of this has to do with skin color or nationality. You also may want to study who is behind all of the depravity, porn and pedo culture in the US! Hint, it rhymes with Israhell. This is a GLOBAL practice and satanic movement, that knows no boundaries, no nationality and no skin color. Putting this on "white" is pathetically idiotic.

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The sexuality of Nordics can be very, very crazy. It's really a human thing that has been sanitized by law and order and I must say I prefer the latter.

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"Lo que no roba es un gil" (Only a fool doesn't steal). Therefore, most politicians in Latin America are corrupt. Like many other lies from the enemy, people believe them because their hearts are deceitful. One would think, aren't they born Catholics? Maybe that's the problem.

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Their Bobble-heads in the Media blow it up and make it appear like it is some huge amount of them but in reality it is not close to 5% in any Country State or Region on Planet Earth and actually seems mostly in the wealthy and Government Ponds who are simply actors for the Corporation they serve

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Gay? So what! Rape is a vile crime at any age. Rape a child and you have lost your soul and your freaking mind.

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Aye - Dis hab been going on toooo long! D'Mexico been raping boyz for toyz and the girl for joy - This is the only way many can make a life or living. I seen sooo much of dis disgust, it must end; Moy pronto.

Blessings ~

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Thanks for the disgusting information... :-)

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Thank You FN

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Just wanted to use this departure from the more fashionable outrageous news of late to wish that you and your brother are well situated in WNC. Your war correspondence reporting remains a must to read. I have over 500 saved since, say, 2012.

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