
“Cathy turned out to be 100% correct. I credit reading her book for never buying into the COVID PSYOP for one second.”

And I can credit much of what you’ve revealed since finding FKTV with maintaining enough sanity to avoid the jabs, the masks and the endless state of fear.

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Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Thanks for your amazing reporting. Your substack is part of my go-to reading. I personally experienced the assault of the MK ULTRA blob in the 1960s as a protesting student. It was real, and it was genocidal. Not everyone escaped. I have carried the scars my whole life. It's in my book.


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added that to my amazon reading list

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We love Cathy and indeed her book is one of the hardest to get through, but it is so important to stare unblinkingly at this evil in its face. How she got through it is a miracle.

Another book that is equally important, is Elisa E’s Our Life in MKUltra: Then and Now. Elisa’s recovery is equally a miracle, and her book goes deeper than Cathy’s, especially into the dark spiritual dimensions of the program that as Cathy says, is now unleashed upon us all. Full disclosure, we are the proud publishers of Elisa’s book. Logosophia Books.

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I have never read that one.. will put that on my list.

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We live amongst cowards...

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Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

At the top of this control structure are the central banks as a cabal of controlling interests. These interests are to control us.

It is the money. That is the issue! Who is talking about this? Anyone who threatens this system is killed. To even audit the fed is an act of suicide. This is the issue. Without this control none of the funding and aggregate trillions would be used towards dark projects we are all becoming aware of. This created scarcity of money for us the deplorable working class is exactly how we the people will remain slaves to their controls. Until it changes, nothing changes!!!!

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Yes, it really does all boil down to who controls the right to issue the medium of exchange and it appears that there has been an internal battle; that perhaps the Rockefeller-Bush-Clinton faction was trying to usurp this "right" from the Gnomes of Basel.

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Putting Cathy's book in perspective... and now think about JEFFREY EPSTEIN... and his GLOBAL PEDOPHILE NETWORK .. think about that; and we know that the Jeffrey Epstein's proteges and his ilk are still out there preying on people.. and the many pedophile and pornography sites which still exist; It is hardly a wonder that the God has serious judgement plans. The HIGHER THEY ARE THE GREATER THE FALL WILL BE... that we know for sure. May the Lord be with you.

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She describes an Epstein-like operation in Los Angeles run by a filmmaker I’ve never heard of but I think he had an Italian name. Hidden cameras in a mansion and wild sex parties.

It wasn’t the Playboy Mansion - which was yet another one of this exact same kind of tried-and-tested operation.

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And the one thing that would fix it all by denying the funds they run on, would be to end the Fed. Yet that's the last thing our whore government will do. The people, by and large, know nothing of it, such has been the secrecy of the biggest scam ever perpetuated. Every presidential assassination has been due to a threat to the criminal cabal. Kennedy threatened many of their goals, leading to his public execution in Dallas.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 17Author


The Cabal = The Central Bankers

Everything else "Cabal" is just tech support.

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Tech support/payroll.

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I have read more than one "Great Awakening" article that posits Trump has plans to rid us of the Central Bank system. It's just as important as getting rid of the cabal, and I would think taking out the federal banks would be a key part of taking out the cabal. Money laundering is how all this evil is paid for.

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I heard Trump means to ban the CBDC. I've never heard him say he would get rid of the central bank system. Congress would have to revoke the Federal Reserve Act. The cabal (and it's tech supports, as Alexandra says) get it's money from a lot of places...resource theft, drug running, sex trafficking, illegal weapons sales, banking fraud, WAR, did I mention WAR, antiquities theft, and who knows what else. It was my impression that Ukraine was used to launder huge money and sell our armaments. Catherine Austin Fitts and an academic partner tracked 23 Trillion that disappeared to someplace, maybe off planet, so our budget is another cash cow. That's all lucrative, but it's my understanding that the money printing presses they have their clamps on is bottomless. Big corporations grab a lot of it. I was shocked to hear when the announcement was made about covid stimulus money going out to people that it was also announced that corporations would have unlimited stimulus money. It was like one sentence. Boom. Silence. Move on. No one took any notice of it, but among the evil things that covid covered was a massive bailout to corporations, no doubt including mega banks. It's probably still going on. What we're looking at is a giant harvesting. Don't get me started.

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Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Have you heard about the Brunsons lawsuit? It’s still pending at the Supreme Court! Loy Brunson has been singing this song his entire life! Loybrunson.com

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That suit's been going on for so long and getting nowhere. There was a big kerfuffle some years ago about the case that claimed Congress people who didn't hear the alternative jurors in 2020 could be thrown out of Congress. The Brunsons thought because SCOTUS offered help in preparing the case that it would surely accept the case and wrote letters nation wide to people for donations of five bucks. Boink, SCOTUS rejected it and didn't explain why that I recall. It was elsewhere explained that one branch of government can't dismiss another branch's members. Had that been previously decided by SCOTUS? At that point I lost interest. I guess they got SCOTUS to take the case later. I don't know how they've modified the case if at all, but I'm not optimistic. Do you know any details?

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Yes I read it it twice and it is horrific reading but I don't doubt what she said at all. I was not the least bit surprised actually because of Marilyn Monroe, Jon Benet. and I grew up in DC area and believe it or now went to HS w. Gerald Ford's son,, and also Al Gore's nephew (public school, TC Williams) and live near where Gerald Ford (it is named Gerald Ford drive) lived when he was a Senator. I can't say much else.. people have to read the book. My only comment on this will be about Dick Cheney and who is a one of the most evil reprobates and I think his daughter Liz Cheney is thoroughly brainwashed. I won't use the terms that Cathy used but reading the book was rough.. but I believer her. I commend you for bringing it to light. I still have the book. I cannot remember how I found it.. I just read a wide range of material and ran across it.. in Hard copy. I would if I were you however watch my six and have a high tech security system installed and if take some shooting lessons. I am an expert marksman (yep) life long NRA and so are my sons. Writing that book took real guts. and I prayed for her and her family for years. What a friend we have in Jesus.. I am a long time Christian, over 50 years and there is nothing that would surprise me about the debauched and depraved evil nature of the Global Mind Control people. I have met them in real life and they are easy to recognize if one is a Christian. :) Lord be with you. take care.

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Read it a few months ago - riveting. Immersion into the world of the family abusers & elites, plus the makeup of the circles of authority who uphold this abomination. Changes your view of what’s out there!

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Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

MK Ultra never went away - it just became mainstream: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-success-of-mk-ultra

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I've read the book and it was very hard to accept (easier nowadays!), especially about some of the people, e.g., President Reagan. Cheney, the Bushes, and Jerry Ford were no surprise, of course. Anyway, she's a hero not only for outing all of that but also for ending it. It had been a family "tradition." She ended it (and I'm supposing her daughter has as well). The most outrageous thing about it, however, is that NOTHING was done about it; no one whose name you'd recognize was prosecuted, and it still goes on.

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Cathy O'Brien's book Transformation of America really exposed the evil, the advanced-tech cold psychopathic use and torture, mental, physical, and soul, of other humans that goes on in the government and among the so called elites. I wasn't right for a while after reading it. There is no parallel in ordinary life for most of us. You get the same dread feeling reading the Protocols of Zion. She tells of seeing George Bush shape shift into a Reptilian, although she figured at the time it was just some kind of staging. And she tells of Dick Cheney casually raping her on a desk when she was brought around the administrative offices when she was seven, and of Ronald Reagan in his day knowing full well what was happening with the sex trafficking and doing nothing. She describes the use of tones to split the mind of her daughter, imprinting a suicide message should her programming start to break apart. Horrible doesn't even come close. Why should we be surprised to learn we've all been mercilessly programmed for their convenience and use?

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BTW, I agree with David Icke that there's no such thing as shape shifting physically. He explains that when we're looking at anything, our brain is decoding information and makes a visual image of it. If what we're looking at is a Reptilian and it's feeling particularly Reptilian at any given moment, we will perceive that instead of a human image.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

God bless this woman and keep her safe. 🙏🏻✝️ You too Alexandra.

What a force! ⚔️

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I second that.

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Sarah, you have an amazing guest in Cathy. I painted her portrait as one of my 100 whistleblowers series, "Those who blew the Whistle". Im going to upgrade to paid .

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sorry but my subscription was meant for Sarah Westfall. id like to rectify this . How???

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I forget how I did it, but ironically, I had briefly subscribed to Sarah's stack to read a certain piece (I consider Sarah to be a friend, BTW) and I was able to unsubscribe a month later. I forget the exact steps of how I did it but it wasn't hard. You have to manage your own account. It is not something that I can do for you.

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Ok Ill give it a try. Thanks and sorry I even have to do so. But only so much$$$ to go around

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Aug 16Liked by Forbidden.News

I've noticed recent criticism of Cathy, which I view as a smear campaign because those bad guys she speaks of don't want us to know the truth. Thus, they can continue to scurry around in the dark.

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Thankyou for this

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Forbidden.News

I read Cathy's book years ago, and it was such a disturbing read. She, and her late husband are/ were amazing people. Much more disturbing than the MKultra mass deployment is what is being done in the two pilot cities for eternal enslavement of humanity, which are Racine, WI and Shenzhen, China.

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The Upper Midwest has become a CCP stronghold, it seems.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Forbidden.News

It's not that, but much more complicated and absolutely f@cking wild.

Google/CIA began using China as a pilot program, almost after Google was formed, to perfect social control through tech, and other means due to the population already used to being squashed by government thugs. There's also a deep esoteric component to this at least in regard to Racine.

Robert David Steele was going to let me write a series on Racine after he got back from his nationwide tour as I had written a piece on China's massive infiltration of the U.S. university system. Then he died on tour. Elana Freeland told me he was likely murdered.

I spoke with Elana about all this in order to better understand it. She said the Great Lakes are a spiritually powerful area. I know this to be true but it also at one point in the year is the closeted point on earth to the Cygnus constellation which is an exit portal according to the Native American Path of Souls belief. The first question Elana asked me is if Racine is near a military base. It's fairly close to the Great Lakes Naval base in Northern Illinois.

Racine is a relatively modest to poor area but yet many billionaires own estates there, including JB Pritzker, the SC Johnson Family, the Bauers, and other global elites. It's also been home to a number of people now prominent in the tech world. Microsoft, Foxconn, and a number of other tech companies are doing huge build outs there. The SC Johnson Family are billionaires and SC Johnson Wax is headquartered there. One was busted for raping a girl, and Racine is a child trafficking hub. There are weird connections to the Finger Lakes region, and the Johnsons support Cornell University known for its Hotel Management Program, and hotels are critical to child trafficking. There are so many more absolutely f@cking bizarre aspects to this but I had a friend who knows nothing about it look at it as she has some potent psychic gifts. She told me "they're trying to steal human souls."

People have no clue what we're up against. You might want to post an interview with Cal Washington. whose organization InPowerMovement has a very sophisticated Notice Of Liabililty campaign it is rolling out. It's very impressive.


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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Author

Yes, recent events in Kenosha and Waukesha exemplify that something is extremely amiss in Wisconsin. The way the enemy media portrayed that event is completely unforgivable (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waukesha_Christmas_parade_attack)

When you say "CCP", you're really saying the Rockefeller faction of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet (https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/the-black-nobility).

I know the area fairly well. I grew up in the City of Chicago between the ages of 5-13. We stayed at the Playboy Club in Lake Geneva a couple of times when we were little 🤔.

I escaped the clutches of a would-be child molester on the street when I was 12. I was a gymnast and extremely strong and athletic and I had already learned how to beat kids up who were trying to beat me up. That's what Chicago has always been like, I guess. I was able to slip out of his grasp and luckily, the door to my friend's house was just across the street. He didn't expect that.

My stepuncle (who was the DEA Administrator for 3 administrations; appointed by Ford, serving through the Carter administration and Reagan's first term) is a member of a swank golf club in Lake Bluff, which is right next to that base, not far from the Wisconsin border. It is beautiful there.

Last year, my stepfather took 50 friends and family members on a bus ride to stay the night at a very Midwestern-style resort in Lake Delavan, WI to celebrate his 90th birthday, so I was just all up in there last summer. The event was kind of ruined by Trudeau's eco-terrorist/HAARP-whatever attack, that cloaked much of the eastern half of the North American Continent in an unprecedented, surreal and stanky smog for nearly 3 months (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux82sOn5W88).

I've never heard about Cal Washington, I'll check it out. Thanks for your paid subscription, too! I'm dying over here...

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You're welcome. I forgot you attended Francis Parker. It's great you're so familiar with the area. What a wild story. Glad you escaped harm. I, and my brother, Bob, helped transform Little Italy from a ghetto into a great community but I did have Paul Spano, a made member of the Chicago Outfit, threaten to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. He went on to go to federal prison, and now I think he may be dead. I left you my number in the message that substack allows one to send so please give me a call. I'd like to get your thoughts about how to expose Racine. I have a long history of activism in Chicago. I ran for office twice, was endorsed by the Chicago Tribune, and Sun Times but was cheated at the ballot box back in the days of paper ballots. Rich Daley eventually came to really appreciate the work that my brother and did, and I even got Rahm to do a bunch of things that needed to be done so I know how to maneuver among power, and Bob and I got a ton of press, including TV coverage but this Racine thing has me totally stumped. I hope we can talk.

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Aug 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Could you not put QR codes in your ads please. Thank you

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OK. I didn’t do it but I just got new banners without those.

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