Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

War in Ukraine begun in 2014 with the Ukrainian milkitary bombing civilian areas. So Ukraine has much experience in violating hunman rights.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Strap in kiddies, get right with God and enjoy the things you like for now. 🙏🏼❗🙏🏼

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News


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Jun 20Liked by Forbidden.News

If the US people will not stand together to defeat the evil countries mentioned above then there is no hope in hell.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Well, He could just bring down the bad guys....

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What's god got to do with it?

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

As usual, the first thing sacrificed is the truth as we are again sucked into war by the criminal cabal. They've been pre-paving the way since 2014 in Ukraine. We've sent our Ukraine proxy billions with Biden guaranteeing them more recently in the face of American opposition. But now it's moving out of a proxy war into our direct role with the routes of troops into Europe established already. They (the Congress being part of this cabal) passed the draft act so that American blood can begin pouring in. The Reptilians are settling in for dinner, and our debt to Reptoid banksters will spike again to pay the dinner tab, that is, if we're not all fried to a crisp in the nuclear volley it seems they want to force. The public has no control over NATO, one of the biggest cabal ops of all. These people are war criminals and they support war criminals (Israel). Our Congress is gearing up to pass another anti-Semitic crime act to prevent criticizing Israel's war crimes. It has the feel of a river rising rapidly and there's nothing you can do but be swept away. Where are the much vaunted White Hats???? Oh, that's right, they're letting the cabal expose itself. Americans get to duck and cover while their kids or grandchildren go into the meat hopper in a foreign country (again). It's all such a very tiresome and bloody repetition.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News


#1 TERRORIST(S) on this planet........the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.

And a (VERY) close 2nd........the KHAZARIAN (aka 'Israeli') STATE!!

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

The Five-Eyes and NATO countries, Israel, Ukraine and others are all owned and operated by the same group of "people."

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No laws apply to the shadowy overlords;-) At least no YET anyway.

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And laws, or 'legal fictions' never will reach shadowy overloards,' for they write them...

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Man-made law is a 'confidence game.' As long as the populace has 'confidence' the lawmakers will keep making up legal fictions.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

"NATO Bombing of Civilian Targets Violates US Constitution, UN Charter & the Laws of War." Tell that to the people of Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and I expect they wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Also, which US Constitution? The Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871 and subsequently dissolved, along with the federal government, by The Emergency Banking Act 1933. How would the US Constitution still be relevant? It is obviously no longer in force and I really don't understand why people keep invoking it. It just gives people a false sense of security. Everything is fraud and deception.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

😭Sadly angrily this notice to JOHNSON, SCHUMER & McCONNELL will fall flat and they will do nothing but maybe form a committee. They bought & paid for shills for the Cabal of Evil - as is Congress & NATO. We NEED Almighty GOD to INTERVENE!

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

I wonder how much poking the Russians will take before they go dark.

Seems they are giving the 'collective west' and NATO plenty of rope to hang themselves - and the west is doing just that.

I'm not an American and I don't drink the Kool aid you fools pass around.

It's sad to see your once great country turn to tricks expected of dictators. But you have. And now the world has lost its respect for the USA

A joke, not a country of honor.

A joke.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

I don't know why the rest of the world feels like America should fix everything. Unfortunately, we are not our country. Our country is not our country. I don't know where you're from, but unless you're Russian, WHEREVER you are, your country is run by the same people, or semi-people, that run ours. So any time now you can get off your high horse. What's your flipping country doing to fix this mess???

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

My high horse? Your horses ass government is ruining the world.

My country is staying out of the debacle in Europe and joining BRICS - we, as many, have had more than enough of the 'ugly american' treatment.

Your Petro dollar has only kept other countries 'broke' when trying to compete in world trade.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

What is your country?

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Jun 20Liked by Forbidden.News

European countries need to defend themselves.

Asian countries need to defend themselves.

I do no want to see another American military member killed in some shithole country.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

A sick, psychopathic joke. "We" have been doing this since the beginning; it was just better-disguised. For example, most, possibly all, leaders described as dictators have been actually great men working for, not against, their people. Thanks to the internet, and brave truth-tellers like ForbiddenNews, there's now a chance of turning that around.

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We were never a "great country," steve. I awoke to this truth in the last couple of years. I red pilled in 2015. The U.S. has been formed and shaped to represent the interests of the Global Elite (transnational corporations and men who sit on their boards of directors or within quasi-governmental agencies like IMF, Atlantic Council, WEF, Trilateral Commission, etc.). This is why we sit illegally with nary a challenge from the world on Syria's lucrative, vast oil reserves in their NE province and illegally extract Syrian oil. Our military is the mercenary force which enforces the extraction of natural assets and resources from countries throughout the world. The U.S. military is the head of the Hydra. The Covid bioweapon issued from their loins. They will, eventually, have war with Russia. The current national state of Russia, although financially compromised by Elites, holds ideologically to national sovereignty thereby impeding the plans for a large contiguous region from Europe through China to be governed by a one-world government. This region is one planned sector of six forecast for worldwide governance. This is why U.S. wants war with Russia so badly. The U.S. has always, unfortunately, been captured: the former "glory" times were misdirection and deception to delude American and world citizens.

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I guess that's the illusion us foreigners have about the USA. It always seemed like a great place to be - all the personal freedoms, all the personal wealth. Many citizens worldwide looked to your country a 'what a great place to be' despite the currency wars inflicted on us by the USA.

I know many people don't understand about currency wars and how could you when you sit at the top and dictate to the rest.

Well BRICS will put a stop to that - sooner than later, I hope.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Forbidden.News

Of course. "They" had to indoctrinate people into the "U.S. Myth." Don't get me wrong: they also, at that time, had a highly intelligent, hardworking, and educated work force in the 1960-70s, but as you say, we were favored by having the world currency status conferred (via petroleum) once we left the gold standard. Saudi Arabia has recently decoupled this tie; I suspect, from watching the U.S. stock market for many years now, that the financial system is so entrenched (magic money machine) that the dollar will fall only when the Globalist is ready. Everything from early 70s (off the gold standard) onward became a mirage. Don't hold your breath on BRICS. They're all part of the same game. There is no multipolar world developing: only narratives and appearances which serve the Globalist's agenda. Yes, it will APPEAR that a multipolar world is developing; it will be just as truthful as the myth that the U.S. is a free, democratic nation. Their end goal is world governance of humanity subdivided into six regions with 15-minute, smart cities thereby determining who's fit to live or die. Those who live will be amalgamated into a transhumanist physical form. The only good news I've heard is that a psychic I respect sees these cities and outside communities continue to flourish. So, evidently, some of humanity rises up and refuses the Globalist's agenda with success.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

The problem is that right now I try to click on the ' like' button and you telling me that something went wrong . It looks like now we can even say what we like or not like .

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

No problem here.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Substack's programming was clearly done before it was realized it would be such a huge platform. The Like-button malfunction is often reported and appears temporary, though maddening, like countless other bugs.

The program requires a total revamp which will require Big Money, which will effectively ruin the service ie subject it to censorship. It's a sad problem.

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You want to see how corrupt Ukraine is.


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We as a people are down to our last card, and we've been TRUMPED.

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Was just looking at SURVIVAL FOOD, protein, fat, calories comparison needed to sustain life is astronomical in price for off the shelf convenience.

Convenience is OUR Achilles Heel. We are soft, we are dependent. If we were able to subsist without outside influence i.e. employer's, government, etcetera, we could make it through rough times. We are captive participants in our dependence upon a weekly, or monthly check for our existence, and we are slaves to that dependence.

This is why we are so easily controlled, and are willing too kiss the arse of our masters.

We are screwed, until we break free from our obedient servitude. No one is coming too save us from our mistakes of misplaced trust. No one.

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NATO, elections, money, none of it means shit.

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I forgot INVESTMENTS, good luck with that!

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As I read the headline and lead-in quote my first thought was, "Talk about PSYOP propaganda, but who's?". To my surprise while reading through the body of information, as provided, the choice of wording revealed classical misinformation intermingled with disinformation designed to redirect attention through deflection revealing the agenda aimed at a targeted audience. However, as to who's it is, is still up to debate.

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Russia constantly targets and destroys civilian targets because that is their doctrine. This building was hit from the Russian side.

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Jun 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh you are either the victim of 1984-style full propaganda, or a paid mercenary shill. From 2014, Kiev was attacking even its OWN civilians, were you under a rock all that time!?

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Jun 20Liked by Forbidden.News

LOL Are you serious? You don't know how corrupt Ukraine is. The USA has been making Ukraine do their dirty work since a long time. The US government has admitted they are using Ukraine to weaken Russia meanwhile at least half a million young innocent Ukrainian men have perished.

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Jun 20Liked by Forbidden.News

How bad is it?

("Ukraine" money-laundering and biolabs...)


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