I am convinced that the WEF is a central project of what Frances Leader calls the "Black Nobility," as was the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the WHO, and related institutions.


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The HQ is London

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Yes and YES!

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The WEF is their business and marketing branch, the UN is their government control branch, and London is their financial control branch.

It could also be added that the Vatican and Israel are their religion control branch?

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I suppose we are the military and money?

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London ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

City of London !!!

New Court, St. Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AL

to be precise !!! ...

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Thanks for this link !!!

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De nada, disfrutes!

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Man~ana por la man~ana ...

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Indeed the difference between homes and whore houses.

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WEF, Bilderberg Group and DAVOS is controlled by the Comittee of 300, which is itself controlled by the Olympians. If the source of the evil is destroyed, all those that are under its control will be destroyed

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Agree! Ve de collectiv respond ya

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Hilarious!!! I love it! The whole NWO/WEF BS is a flash in the pan that will sink into obscurity. It won't be gone. Insanity is always with us. It will bubble along clandestinely in smoky back rooms and forests where DEI and LGBQT et al. will be stuck to trees, afraid to let go. (Hope they don't poison the forest!) Thing is, it's gonna take a decade (if not longer) to correct what those satanic cretins have wrought.

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I’d love to believe you’re right. Because this simulation we are living in is batshit crazy…

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They have been at it for thousands of years, coming to the fore and retreating into obscurity, and you believe what they have wrought can be shrugged off in a decade or two, despite the fact they are on the ascendency. Their actions are based on prior knowledge of what is coming regardless even of their actions.

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That's true, these nutters have been simmering in the background for a long time, starting back in the 9th century. They're like roaches: never completely get rid of them. Unfortunately, for them, self-determination and nationalism is on the rise, which means peoples (not governments) are rising against the BS now that the USA and Argentina, plus many other nations, refuse to play. Now, as in no other era, because of the internet and worldwide news systems, what the WEF and NWO believe is being debunked and ridiculed. Their "prior knowledge" sounds like a psyop the same as "global warming" (I just got 6 in of snow that is supposed to be a "thing of the past," according to -- who is that nutcase? Gore?), and "green new scam" over CO2. That argument alone is the dumbest thing anyone has ever tried to scam -- carbon dioxide is what plants eat! And then, give off oxygen! What idiot decided that was "detrimental to the planet"? Has anyone noticed the chart that shows how little CO2 figures into the global matrix? And it's still what makes plants grow? Does anyone pay attention to the historical fact (from Antarctic and Greenland ice cores) that CO2 is the lowest now that it has ever been historically? The WEF nutters should be talking to China! They're the ones spewing pollution -- and they are ignoring the rest of the world's criticism. Just as the US is doing: policy is not predicated on what the WEF thinks or wants. I've just read that they now believe the world is coming to an end (timetable unspecified, which is very convenient), so eat, drink and be merry (and, coincidentally, ruin the lives of everyone else on the planet in the process, oh, just for kicks), for tomorrow (actually, some unspecified future) we die! Holy Shit! How infantile can they get!

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Regardless of them, it does appear that life on the surface of earth will shortly become profoundly difficult when the accelerating weakening of Earth's electromagnetic field hit near zero, very likely sometime in the 2040's.

This explains all the talk of underground habitats being built (presumably) to supplement those that existed both from previous pole shift/excursion events and natural cave systems.

It would seem that the plebs are for the most part left in the dark of such ancient cyclic disasters, so we don't cotton on to the genocide programs and or the hoarding of resources.

Sadly such knowledge is held generally by those that are spiritual parasites that seek to ensure the lowest of the low inherit the earth, while those of higher soul consciousness are either left to survive by their own resources or those taken as slaves or as food/body parts.

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They know perfectly well CO2 levels are only just above a critically low concentration in the atmosphere, and also that as temperatures drop from the ending of the recent solar warming period the seas and ocean will naturally sequester even more of this necessary gas of life.

It is fairly clear the fraud is just another part of their push for mass genocide and absolute control of wholesome, rational human society.

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I just hate Dr Evil

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As we, Adults hate you! YOU ARE THE LIE INCARNATE!

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Fuck him..

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Jan 22
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Most people are ignorant to true Anarchy. Anarchy has RULES, it just has NO RULERS!

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Agree wholeheartedly. Look at the results of breaking the real "rules" it is obvious in the inevitable results of wrong rules, as we see over and over again in socialism, and even the highly over-rated "democracy," which can break the real rules just as easily as one dictator or set of tyrannical oligarchs.

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When one makes a claim such as yours that one has the Duty to POST EXACTLY WHAT IS CLAIMED! So, what "rules " does Anarchy "have"? You have not digested the vid as you have 0 familiarity with Anarchy. TELL US THOSE RULES!

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I would say those rules are DO NO HARM. Self-defense excepted.

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Having explored "rational anarchy" as a political philosophy, the problem with self-determination is humanity itself. The nature of humanity, while positive, is also built around karma, and it would take a mighty motivation to keep the sociopaths (birth defect - they're wired differently), psychopaths (ditto), ambition, greed, etc., etc., under control -- and that leads us back to rules and regs. LOVE the idea of it; impossible to implement. You must've read "Voyage to Yesteryear," a scifi novel that posits this POV. Meanwhile, we have the Saudis emulating "The World Inside," another scifi novel wherein humanity lives in 2000-story bldgs, by building (yes, they're actually doing it) The Line city in the desert. Might work on Mars. Don't think it's gonna work here.

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Loved that book. (V2YY James Hogan) Also the Freehold series.

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Never say impossible, it might all be about spiritual evolution and anarchy then could prove the zenith of any evolution, even continuing in an existence within entropy, and then perhaps, it could all start all again with another big bang.

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I guess owning nothing and being happy don't go well together.

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That really depends on who owns everything, isn't that the whole question of what is God. But most certainly not the Swabs of this world

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I became distraught when I realized I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time, on the wrong planet, surrounded by imbeciles who continue to believe their vote matters, and many eat garbage to sustain their existence. I could go on, but I’m too distraught.

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I feel your pain brother, but there is a different way to look at it, but it takes some willingness to do some inner work.

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I'm so inner that I'm now outer....

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Gotcha, it does go that way doesn't it? But you need to get beyond "distraught." Pain may come, but suffering is strictly optional. When you begin to know who you are you tend to externalize from it realizing it isn't you, and it's temporary which you are not.

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Your here for a reason, perhaps it was to experience "distraught", but then again it could have just been a twinkle in someone's eye.

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LOL I think we were all a twinkle in someone's eyes at some point in time!

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The tears they shed when cancel culture is canceled

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Its not cancelled. Its simply been pulled back temporarily. Trump is going to do a run around just as "the jew" has done since before Roman times.

Humanity has learned little of reality as the demand to be led is as strong now as always.

Here is what you're missing. "Our right lies in force. The word RIGHT is an abstract thought and proves nothing. I find a new right...to attack by the right of the strong, to reconstruct all existing institutions, and to become the sovereign lord of all those who left to us the Rights to their powers by laying them down to us in their liberalism" Mayer Amschel Rothschild

As long as the human parasite class exists (allowed to by the few Adults in existence now) all who demand to be led will be denied liberals who will demand to be ruled. This coupled with he axiom all liberals deny (power corrupts) guarantee "the jew" will rule.

You may see the path for humanity in microcosm in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrPBdLiqMb0

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Thanks for that clip. Gov. co. is the epitome of organized crime. If only the Americans could organize like their fellow Mexicans. The key ingredient of violence is the state. Remove that ingredient, and its possible to start from scratch.

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Karma is a bitch. The "40,000 ft view" reduces everything to the ebb and flow of karma over eons. This is one big classroom, and humanity is attending whether we like it or not. The issue is and always has been: which side of humanity's nature will dominate at any given point? We're a positive species with striving, hope, ambition, and seeking built into the matrix. Right now, humanity is the most free it's been, even with all the limitations and caveats. Anyone is allowed to believe and espouse anything without, in most places, fear of censorship. It will grow and spread. If you understand and believe in the Yugas, you know we're looking at 12,000 years of increasingly spiritual and societal positivity. When the pendulum swings back, humanity will be plunged back into the abyss. What will we have learned? How will we have changed? What will we forget? The last time was 9600 BCE. You know what happened then.

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ANARCHY MEANS NO LEADERS AND NO LEADERS MEANS NO BELIEFS LEAD AS NO GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL LEADS! WE LEAD OURSELVES BASED ON, TRY TO COMPREHEND, THAT WHICH ALIGNS OUR HEADS WITH OUR HEARTS WITH OUR GUTS. I know, far too hard a learn. Far too hard because most demand to be led so must BELIEVE in what keeps you servile and feckless in the face of hardened criminals, "the jew".

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Religion requires belief. Scientism, like religion, requires your belief.

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Power doesn't corrupt, it just helps.

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Trannies, trannies, everywhere trannies.

Watching 3 Body Problem on Netflix. Amazing all the transhumanism and shit in their endless streaming.

My "not really wanting to wake up" Croatian friend deleted his SS account cause of all the controversial SKY SHIT I was sending him. "Russian disinformation" he parroted like a good little Slav. And he's just been bingeing on Netflix for weeks. That'll fix it.

Anyway, I'm going to have to wash it out my system with some good old Heroes Reborn. Similar in some ways, but not the same.

Who are these silicon slaves anyway? The silicon we SHOULD be connecting with more is right beneath our feet.

Time to wake her up and send these cockroaches to HELL.

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this son of satan is melting.....

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Not until he is burned at a stake. Good suggestion as to how all who comprise "the jew" should be put down though!

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Let him eat Crickets with all his pals 👉🦗 Bone Appiti

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Long range cabal schemes against a billion people communicating in nanoseconds. Who wins?

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That is 100% our choice.

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Amazing how Glaus believes his own bullshit!

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klown slob needs to go back to his underground lair

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Actually, it would be a pleasure if "Don't Cry Cryo" was true; I could foresee it as the solution to all Anti-Trump RINOs and Commie Democrats that I will never again consider to be "My Fellow Americans". I hope that Trump's new "Stargate" is an interplanetary device to send all Democrats to a distant planet. We will never know a true "Golden Age" until all Commie Democrats are gone.

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That schwab is contaminate and so to prevent from spreading highly toxic contaminates please dispose of the contaminated schwab in a quarantine container for destruction and include similar contaminates for thorough eradication.

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The nwo/wef's first mistake is trusting Satan to keep whatever promise he's given them; 2nd no one wants to be controlled to the degree they talk about. The free will God gave us will not be broken yet. So stick all that nonsense ya'll talk about where the sun doesn't shine!

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