In the beginning days of the C-19 I went onto the MODERNA web site and found a most curious thing...MODERNA was referring to their product not as a vaccine but an operating system...I sent the screen shots over to my sister to convince her not to take the MRNA-gene therapy drug...to no avail...she took the pestilent...so far she seems okay, my mother on the other hand is suffering greatly as many are...most doctors find fault with anything but the source...
I think if they've gotten far enough to see this nanotech forming, they should start to go wild with the petri dish experiments. Does the nanotech respond better to Beethoven or Bach or hip hop? How does it respond to ocean waves or monks chanting? How does it respond to targeted meditation?
It's water that responds to such things. Maybe not mRNA, although that's probably made up of mostly water like everything else. Question is, can you shut down the mRNA/nanobots with a Zen monk's blessing?? It's been told that a person with the right view of the universe can hold a glass of water up to sunlight (re-enlivening its energy) and request it to become medicine for something that's wrong. Then you drink it and it heals whatever is wrong. Water is amazing, carrying information and having memory.
I am sure I was thinking of Dr. Emoto’s studies on the messages in water when I made this comment. So something is forming and it looks to form more in the presence of radiation. THe next question is what else affects it’s formation or leads to it not forming? There’s billions of people who could potentially use answers to this…
Well, first up, don't take the vax! That one or any other. But how can you fix a big growing rubber thing filling a blood vessel when by and large doctors/hospitals are clueless as usual and probably saying it can't happen. The clots are usually found when you're already on the slab. We see that mal-educating doctors was well worth the money for the parasite kings.
Karen Kingston detailed this as well from the Patents on several podcasts, and the way they hid the graphene oxide in the literature. It's on my win7 computer but I'll try to link.
One only has to think about the vaccine passports that they were trying to start around the world, and how they would transmit back to the guberments of locations, vaxx status, and the need for additional jabs to know these existed. Also I have the details of the group in Mexico that found the mac codes emitting from vaxxed people both alive and dead, of which I have links to as well. All well researched.
I see you did an article on this MAC codes already too,
Here's the interview with Karen Kingston and Stew Peters I mentioned in my previous comment.
In the talking points referenced and listed under the video, and it's mentioned in several other talking points as well. She explains how she found out they hid the pegolipid molecule in the China EUA around 7:30 minutes, and you have to love how she always shows charts, articles, diagrams, and patents you can verify information with.
"graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because a), it is poisonous to humans and b), because it is the main ingredient in hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface and a drug delivery system, though Kingston notes that this is not possible “with this round [of vaccines]” because “they rushed this thing out” and “they’re just seeing how much they can put into people before they… die”"
I heard Mengele’s soul was put in Fauci. Also those gross aluminum and other metal self assembling clots are now being pulled out of living humans. No surgeons are exposing this. How many vaxxed people around you have had clots in their legs removed over and over?
I came across a video from a cardiac Cath lab whistle-blower who indicated that they have been removing these Calamari-like "clots" from the living since roughly mid-2021. The name of the video was: Are the Embalmers Clots Occurring in the Living? Whistleblower from a Catheter lab speaks out about observations, conducted by Dr. Philip McMillan that documents an extensive array of intra-arterial and intravenous calamari-like “clots” extracted from living patients, best described as rubbery “intravascular casts”, not traditional blood clots. The angiograms and patient specimens are stunning. Here's the URL, https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
Any surgeon would know those aren't blood clots. The big, white rubbery things that grow in blood vessels are not coagulating blood. I've read that they may be used as receivers/transmitters. People have gone into military cemeteries with recently buried dead and claim their cell phones were able to pick up transmissions like wifi signals from the bodies. I don't know about this since they will likely have been embalmed and the blood drained. The clots might stay in place, but I think they jam the vessels, which is how embalmers found them. They had to pull them out before the blood could drain. But, if it's true, this means that the "clots" are to make us automatons, probably using 5G.
I can attest that your first sentence is true. There is no comparison between standard blood clots (pre- or post-mortem) and these "Calamari"-like obstructions which are not composed of red blood cells and contain almost no iron (red blood cells contain large amounts of iron).
Even if morticians remove some of the blood clots in order to embalm the deceased, they do not remove them all. Some are still present in veins and arteries that are not used for canulation/access. Many of these are not totally occlusive either, meaning they do allow some blood to flow past them and that would be the case for the embalming fluid as well.
With respect to the MAC address phenomenon, there is apparently enough microtechnology (MT) and nanotechnology (NT) still present in some corpses to generate them. It does not have to come from blood because NT is small enough to get into tissues through the capillary membranes. Whether it emanates from the walls of the blood vessels, or some other location is not known at this time (at least in the public domain). The MT/NT is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier so it theoretically could originate in the brain. Additional possibilities would seem to include the spleen and liver, among other sites.
Demonomata, possessed of our new 'creator' where most bodies will probably reject it. By design to depopulate? There's a good chance they'll program AI to play god, or it will assume that role after a point. Magna Materboard, as that would be fitting for the occult religion (Lucifer is also Venus for example). I assume once drawn into the matrix (womb) 'web' or 'net' our EEG clones can just worship it all day in Metaheaven (i.e. hell). And kids think they'll live for free playing video games in it. Hunger type games maybe. Either way, it won't be their life anymore let alone being human.
We will be suffering from all kinds of maladies we have never experienced before. This is truly a "Frankenstein" shit show ! Did someone reincarnate Sidney Gottlieb & Josef Mengele in the last 25 years ?
I have 3 friends that took the vax. I knew it was all bunk from the start of the mask event, and then with the vax event. I expressed my concerns with them, but I had no idea that they would all participate with the program. Since then they have all had medical issues, one a heart attack ending with a triple bypass due to clotting, one with a stroke, stabilized but now only with 50% vision, the other, falling down resulting in sprains and two broken bones and blood pressure that is hard to tame. The way Fauci and Gates acted during the jab stage, really had me concerned. I came to believe that they both put a touch of their own DNA in the vax. Pretty creepy, but the show is even worse and not over yet.
I read about these nano-structures years ago too, but I am a scientist (with 5 degrees). Yes, bizarre things happen under the microscope but I saw a serious lack of controls in these observations. No one has compared them to other vaccines or injections to see if the vaxx is actually different. Yes, "nano-structures" form in saturated solutions all the time naturally - they're called crystals and they can and do form from any differentially charged (polarized) molecules. No one would seriously suggest the formation of a snowflake (water crystal) represents "nano-technology". Has anyone extracted these large structures that have been growing for months and done a molecular analysis of it?
Yes, snowflakes, salt crystals, etc. Hard to do proper research, when doing so was illegal, when having access to the products, in order to properly perform these investigations was strictly prohibited - and you know this. The drug administered that was FDA-approved was not the one actually delivered. Shady as Hell!
To defend the vaxx in any way, shape or form is not a good look for you, whatsoever, I advise against it.
How closely have you looked at these various documented claims over the years? The massive clots? The work of Dr William Makis, Dr David Nixon, Dr Robert Young,Dr Carrie Madej, the Spanish and Latin American physicians associated with La Quinta Columna, Dr Ana Mihalcea and others?
There’s so much more “wrong” about what happened, here, (legally, politically; the Midazolam death protocols in the UK and the Remdesevir/respirator death protocols in the US), the bogus economy-destroying shutdown of the economies – the freaking masks, for crying out loud!
So much BS, beyond this one, debatable detail about “self-assembling nanocircuitry”, that it MUST ALL be seen within this greater context, instead of getting hung up on “evaporated liquids” and the like.
This is not my Bailiwick - but it is that of many qualified physicians and attorneys and paralegals on this platform.
Did you/would you get vaxxed under the duress and Fascist insanity with which this operation was deployed?
It was a massive global PSYOP, with all governments in lockstep deploying this coercive, completely unlawful and un-Western, anti-Geneva Convention, anti-Hippocratic and arguably genocidal project - which had its roots in the pronouncements of the Club of Rome and affiliated ‘Global 2000 Report to the President.’ Are you aware of any of that?
Sometimes, you can be too much of a specialist and not see the forest for the trees.
I’m not coming down on you. I’m fighting back against you coming down on me.
Defend your piece all you want but it’s not a good look. Peace.
Yes, I've read them all. What I said is not by any means a defense of the vaxx; I have no doubt they were a deliberately engineered bio-weapon. I'm just sharing what I conclude are inadequately done experiments. Actually one of the more convincing studies I watched was one showing people who had been recently vaxxed or close to a vaxxed person had detectable bluetooth addresses, just because there were unvaxxed people among his test subjects who did NOT have bluetooth addresses. That's the importance of controlled experiments!
Yes, and such needed controlled experiments are forbidden and illegal and you have these physicians risking their careers and facing serious prosecution by illegally smuggling vials to do this testing on every continent (I had forgotten to mention South African Dr Xandré Botha).
You are aware of that aspect of what’s been going on and hampering “the science”, right? You criticize the process without acknowledging the conditions.
I have a retired Specs Ops Marine Captain friend who also happens to have BA in Chemistry, who simply grabbed some vials out of the pharmacist’s hands and just walked out of the place, like he was on a military operation and quickly took them to a place where he had access to liquid chromatrography equipment and personally observed the self-assembly that’s been reported and photographed by so many others – not merely a phenomenon of crystallization through evaporation.
I only have a BA in Semiotics from Brown University (with additional studies in cultural criticism at the Sorbonne and filmmaking at NYU). I’ve also lived in 5 countries and speak 5 languages. I am a science buff, not a scientist but I do have communications skills and that is what I have put to use to articulate these wrongs that I have seen.
And I have been utterly financially destroyed for doing so.
My point is that you seem to be suggesting that these people are quacks and carnival barkers when they are actually heroes and that these studies are due the proper setting in order to be done properly; however, this is not just being denied but seriously prohibited (how sciency can you get?), followed by career destruction, public ridicule, etc.
I'm not attacking you - I greatly appreciate your work. I will give these people credit for trying while the establishment has completely failed. I"m just saying their work is not so convincing to a scientist.
One doesn't need to see this to know the evils unleashed upon humanity to prove the global cabals agenda for depopulation and complete control of humanity...their blatantly expressed agendas & policies irrefutably support the cv19 suspicions.
Ahem, John Campbell has retracted this post, obviously recognising that he is not up to scratch about teanshumanism. Please note: merging of artificial-synthetic and biological (human) material is NOT POSSIBLE. Poisons may destroy dna but not transform it. Humans will always be humans, or die. Transhumanism is science fiction.
Regardless of what Stew Peters is doing now, he was putting this all out there three years ago. Alexandra was too. The wider public seems never to have seen it. We were finding out about it because specialist researchers/doctors were putting the information and pictures out very soon after the vax was available. Of course, this is now the formal longitudinal study. The injection of specially constructed mRNA to instruct the body's own DNA to build these bots is particularly sinister. I'd like to see a formal study of what, specifically, these nanobots are DOING. Only then will we prove their purpose being in injections. We have a pretty good idea but that's not enough. Then, Pfizer and Moderna can be held accountable for the production of the vax, but apparently the DOD was behind developing the covid whatever-it-was for years starting with Ft. Dietrich then on to Wuhan. If there was no virus, what was it they were developing? Was it the mRNA nanobot tech to go into a vax for a non-existent virus with fake tests administered to say people had it? Something ultimately designed to destroy the middle class and allow for trillions going out in "stimulus" to people AND HUGE CORPORATIONS (a bailout). The stimulus, in turn, caused the mega-inflation destroying us today. The taking of the vax and the lockdowns proved that most people are sheep. They still are. And some outrageous doctors are still requiring a covid vax before patients can go in their offices. They've got to be being paid, not even doctors are that stupid. Unlike the guy presenting this video, I can't say this study will do little good but the area of vax information is only very slowly building into something the general public is aware of. Most still don't know ...however it IS building. One thing the vaunted "white hats" could be doing is clearing the way for this information, even putting it out on their own under any number of auspices. Are they doing that? Doesn't look like it. As always, I wonder whose side they're on.
"Thankfully, there is an entire rest-of-the-Planet, outside of Blighty and its Pilgrims Society and Senior Executive Sevice organs."
Kudos to Alexandria for generally being ahead of the "alt" lamestream.
Are the hyperlinks put in by Substack? Because they take you to whitewashing sites like Wiki which make Pilgrims look like boy scouts.
Pilgrim's Society sits near the top of the Oligarch Hive. And SES are virtually foreign agents salted into the managerial class by City of London, to steer American bureaucracy in the interest of Cecil Rhodes Pilgrim's wolves, and the Empire of Ancient Overlords.
Likes should be provided to Aim4truth.com which exposes IN DEPTH the duplicity of SES and Pilgrims. The East India Company and its private armies of supra-national mercenary pirates still wreaks havoc.
I am grateful that Dr Cambell is "magnifying" these results to the sphere of doctors out there that are concerned about the nanotechnology in the shots, because very few are, but it seems as though he's still not convinced or that he is apologetic for having to do so...believing that no one else will grasp this concept because it is soo unbelievable...but...it's right there in front of you Doctor!..Is it so difficult to branch off the indoctrination tree and discern for yourself? Have the courage to warn humanity...be a hero! When you know the truth do you not shine a light on the top of a hill so that everyone can see, or do you hide it in a closet?-especially when millions of lives are at stake? I would presume to know the answer to that question, but it sounds as though I would be wrong after reading his review of the paper...
All that research on the vax and you still look at people criticizing Israel as "anti-semitic?" Dig deeper into who and what Israel is. (This is not a political comment, but one based on real history.) Even the term, "anti-semite," is BS. LOOK INTO WHAT ISRAEL IS. (And don't anyone give me shit about being "anti-semitic." I'm a Khazarian "Jew" myself.)
Israel, like Zionism and Communism are creations of the British Crown, according to a lot of my own reading about these things. I'm not Jewish but I love Jews and I hate antisemitism.
Nothing wrong with "loving" Jews. The problem I have is with a culture claiming to be "the chosen people" and managing to convince entire populations that they're infallible and have every right to attack innocents for the purposes of a land grab ("Greater Israel"). Most Khazarians in Israel are not even Semitic. This is an occupation. By MY OWN people. Most Jews are too brainwashed to understand this. Please dig into this. You could write a really good article that could educate a lot of people.
They look like little antennas. But as a "seasoned" electrical engineer with a wonderfully diverse work history in materials, circuitry, radio frequency analysis, radar, power generation and transmission.... I could only weave vague hypotheses that would basically only amount to science fiction in trying explain these structures. The only people qualified to explain the nano-technology we're seeing here are most likely going to be all bound up in DARPA Special Access security clearances.
In the beginning days of the C-19 I went onto the MODERNA web site and found a most curious thing...MODERNA was referring to their product not as a vaccine but an operating system...I sent the screen shots over to my sister to convince her not to take the MRNA-gene therapy drug...to no avail...she took the pestilent...so far she seems okay, my mother on the other hand is suffering greatly as many are...most doctors find fault with anything but the source...
I think if they've gotten far enough to see this nanotech forming, they should start to go wild with the petri dish experiments. Does the nanotech respond better to Beethoven or Bach or hip hop? How does it respond to ocean waves or monks chanting? How does it respond to targeted meditation?
It's water that responds to such things. Maybe not mRNA, although that's probably made up of mostly water like everything else. Question is, can you shut down the mRNA/nanobots with a Zen monk's blessing?? It's been told that a person with the right view of the universe can hold a glass of water up to sunlight (re-enlivening its energy) and request it to become medicine for something that's wrong. Then you drink it and it heals whatever is wrong. Water is amazing, carrying information and having memory.
I am sure I was thinking of Dr. Emoto’s studies on the messages in water when I made this comment. So something is forming and it looks to form more in the presence of radiation. THe next question is what else affects it’s formation or leads to it not forming? There’s billions of people who could potentially use answers to this…
Well, first up, don't take the vax! That one or any other. But how can you fix a big growing rubber thing filling a blood vessel when by and large doctors/hospitals are clueless as usual and probably saying it can't happen. The clots are usually found when you're already on the slab. We see that mal-educating doctors was well worth the money for the parasite kings.
Great article!!
Karen Kingston detailed this as well from the Patents on several podcasts, and the way they hid the graphene oxide in the literature. It's on my win7 computer but I'll try to link.
One only has to think about the vaccine passports that they were trying to start around the world, and how they would transmit back to the guberments of locations, vaxx status, and the need for additional jabs to know these existed. Also I have the details of the group in Mexico that found the mac codes emitting from vaxxed people both alive and dead, of which I have links to as well. All well researched.
I see you did an article on this MAC codes already too,
but here's the COMUSAV documentary with Dr. Pedro Chavez Zavala on rumble, I can't find my other resources yet.
Here's the interview with Karen Kingston and Stew Peters I mentioned in my previous comment.
In the talking points referenced and listed under the video, and it's mentioned in several other talking points as well. She explains how she found out they hid the pegolipid molecule in the China EUA around 7:30 minutes, and you have to love how she always shows charts, articles, diagrams, and patents you can verify information with.
"graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because a), it is poisonous to humans and b), because it is the main ingredient in hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface and a drug delivery system, though Kingston notes that this is not possible “with this round [of vaccines]” because “they rushed this thing out” and “they’re just seeing how much they can put into people before they… die”"
Article from JUL 29, 2021
Video from 3 years ago undated
Ok here's more what I'm looking for here and within a more recent article by Karen Kingston
from Aug 13th 2024
With in she links to a highlight from a previous article of hers concerning the
Actual Patent PDF, her Reference 1st link below # 219 found on page 129
Patent US 10.703.789 B2 dated Jul 7, 2020
Moderna's Patent for Current mNRA 'Vaccine'
List of Moderna Patents where I found the Patent she is discussing.
I heard Mengele’s soul was put in Fauci. Also those gross aluminum and other metal self assembling clots are now being pulled out of living humans. No surgeons are exposing this. How many vaxxed people around you have had clots in their legs removed over and over?
I came across a video from a cardiac Cath lab whistle-blower who indicated that they have been removing these Calamari-like "clots" from the living since roughly mid-2021. The name of the video was: Are the Embalmers Clots Occurring in the Living? Whistleblower from a Catheter lab speaks out about observations, conducted by Dr. Philip McMillan that documents an extensive array of intra-arterial and intravenous calamari-like “clots” extracted from living patients, best described as rubbery “intravascular casts”, not traditional blood clots. The angiograms and patient specimens are stunning. Here's the URL, https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
Any surgeon would know those aren't blood clots. The big, white rubbery things that grow in blood vessels are not coagulating blood. I've read that they may be used as receivers/transmitters. People have gone into military cemeteries with recently buried dead and claim their cell phones were able to pick up transmissions like wifi signals from the bodies. I don't know about this since they will likely have been embalmed and the blood drained. The clots might stay in place, but I think they jam the vessels, which is how embalmers found them. They had to pull them out before the blood could drain. But, if it's true, this means that the "clots" are to make us automatons, probably using 5G.
I can attest that your first sentence is true. There is no comparison between standard blood clots (pre- or post-mortem) and these "Calamari"-like obstructions which are not composed of red blood cells and contain almost no iron (red blood cells contain large amounts of iron).
Even if morticians remove some of the blood clots in order to embalm the deceased, they do not remove them all. Some are still present in veins and arteries that are not used for canulation/access. Many of these are not totally occlusive either, meaning they do allow some blood to flow past them and that would be the case for the embalming fluid as well.
With respect to the MAC address phenomenon, there is apparently enough microtechnology (MT) and nanotechnology (NT) still present in some corpses to generate them. It does not have to come from blood because NT is small enough to get into tissues through the capillary membranes. Whether it emanates from the walls of the blood vessels, or some other location is not known at this time (at least in the public domain). The MT/NT is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier so it theoretically could originate in the brain. Additional possibilities would seem to include the spleen and liver, among other sites.
Thank you for adding that information.
Demonomata, possessed of our new 'creator' where most bodies will probably reject it. By design to depopulate? There's a good chance they'll program AI to play god, or it will assume that role after a point. Magna Materboard, as that would be fitting for the occult religion (Lucifer is also Venus for example). I assume once drawn into the matrix (womb) 'web' or 'net' our EEG clones can just worship it all day in Metaheaven (i.e. hell). And kids think they'll live for free playing video games in it. Hunger type games maybe. Either way, it won't be their life anymore let alone being human.
You can bet they're not to improve your health.
We will be suffering from all kinds of maladies we have never experienced before. This is truly a "Frankenstein" shit show ! Did someone reincarnate Sidney Gottlieb & Josef Mengele in the last 25 years ?
I have 3 friends that took the vax. I knew it was all bunk from the start of the mask event, and then with the vax event. I expressed my concerns with them, but I had no idea that they would all participate with the program. Since then they have all had medical issues, one a heart attack ending with a triple bypass due to clotting, one with a stroke, stabilized but now only with 50% vision, the other, falling down resulting in sprains and two broken bones and blood pressure that is hard to tame. The way Fauci and Gates acted during the jab stage, really had me concerned. I came to believe that they both put a touch of their own DNA in the vax. Pretty creepy, but the show is even worse and not over yet.
I read about these nano-structures years ago too, but I am a scientist (with 5 degrees). Yes, bizarre things happen under the microscope but I saw a serious lack of controls in these observations. No one has compared them to other vaccines or injections to see if the vaxx is actually different. Yes, "nano-structures" form in saturated solutions all the time naturally - they're called crystals and they can and do form from any differentially charged (polarized) molecules. No one would seriously suggest the formation of a snowflake (water crystal) represents "nano-technology". Has anyone extracted these large structures that have been growing for months and done a molecular analysis of it?
Yes, snowflakes, salt crystals, etc. Hard to do proper research, when doing so was illegal, when having access to the products, in order to properly perform these investigations was strictly prohibited - and you know this. The drug administered that was FDA-approved was not the one actually delivered. Shady as Hell!
To defend the vaxx in any way, shape or form is not a good look for you, whatsoever, I advise against it.
How closely have you looked at these various documented claims over the years? The massive clots? The work of Dr William Makis, Dr David Nixon, Dr Robert Young,Dr Carrie Madej, the Spanish and Latin American physicians associated with La Quinta Columna, Dr Ana Mihalcea and others?
There’s so much more “wrong” about what happened, here, (legally, politically; the Midazolam death protocols in the UK and the Remdesevir/respirator death protocols in the US), the bogus economy-destroying shutdown of the economies – the freaking masks, for crying out loud!
So much BS, beyond this one, debatable detail about “self-assembling nanocircuitry”, that it MUST ALL be seen within this greater context, instead of getting hung up on “evaporated liquids” and the like.
This is not my Bailiwick - but it is that of many qualified physicians and attorneys and paralegals on this platform.
Did you/would you get vaxxed under the duress and Fascist insanity with which this operation was deployed?
It was a massive global PSYOP, with all governments in lockstep deploying this coercive, completely unlawful and un-Western, anti-Geneva Convention, anti-Hippocratic and arguably genocidal project - which had its roots in the pronouncements of the Club of Rome and affiliated ‘Global 2000 Report to the President.’ Are you aware of any of that?
Sometimes, you can be too much of a specialist and not see the forest for the trees.
I’m not coming down on you. I’m fighting back against you coming down on me.
Defend your piece all you want but it’s not a good look. Peace.
Yes, I've read them all. What I said is not by any means a defense of the vaxx; I have no doubt they were a deliberately engineered bio-weapon. I'm just sharing what I conclude are inadequately done experiments. Actually one of the more convincing studies I watched was one showing people who had been recently vaxxed or close to a vaxxed person had detectable bluetooth addresses, just because there were unvaxxed people among his test subjects who did NOT have bluetooth addresses. That's the importance of controlled experiments!
Yes, and such needed controlled experiments are forbidden and illegal and you have these physicians risking their careers and facing serious prosecution by illegally smuggling vials to do this testing on every continent (I had forgotten to mention South African Dr Xandré Botha).
You are aware of that aspect of what’s been going on and hampering “the science”, right? You criticize the process without acknowledging the conditions.
I have a retired Specs Ops Marine Captain friend who also happens to have BA in Chemistry, who simply grabbed some vials out of the pharmacist’s hands and just walked out of the place, like he was on a military operation and quickly took them to a place where he had access to liquid chromatrography equipment and personally observed the self-assembly that’s been reported and photographed by so many others – not merely a phenomenon of crystallization through evaporation.
I only have a BA in Semiotics from Brown University (with additional studies in cultural criticism at the Sorbonne and filmmaking at NYU). I’ve also lived in 5 countries and speak 5 languages. I am a science buff, not a scientist but I do have communications skills and that is what I have put to use to articulate these wrongs that I have seen.
And I have been utterly financially destroyed for doing so.
My point is that you seem to be suggesting that these people are quacks and carnival barkers when they are actually heroes and that these studies are due the proper setting in order to be done properly; however, this is not just being denied but seriously prohibited (how sciency can you get?), followed by career destruction, public ridicule, etc.
I'm not attacking you - I greatly appreciate your work. I will give these people credit for trying while the establishment has completely failed. I"m just saying their work is not so convincing to a scientist.
One doesn't need to see this to know the evils unleashed upon humanity to prove the global cabals agenda for depopulation and complete control of humanity...their blatantly expressed agendas & policies irrefutably support the cv19 suspicions.
Ahem, John Campbell has retracted this post, obviously recognising that he is not up to scratch about teanshumanism. Please note: merging of artificial-synthetic and biological (human) material is NOT POSSIBLE. Poisons may destroy dna but not transform it. Humans will always be humans, or die. Transhumanism is science fiction.
Regardless of what Stew Peters is doing now, he was putting this all out there three years ago. Alexandra was too. The wider public seems never to have seen it. We were finding out about it because specialist researchers/doctors were putting the information and pictures out very soon after the vax was available. Of course, this is now the formal longitudinal study. The injection of specially constructed mRNA to instruct the body's own DNA to build these bots is particularly sinister. I'd like to see a formal study of what, specifically, these nanobots are DOING. Only then will we prove their purpose being in injections. We have a pretty good idea but that's not enough. Then, Pfizer and Moderna can be held accountable for the production of the vax, but apparently the DOD was behind developing the covid whatever-it-was for years starting with Ft. Dietrich then on to Wuhan. If there was no virus, what was it they were developing? Was it the mRNA nanobot tech to go into a vax for a non-existent virus with fake tests administered to say people had it? Something ultimately designed to destroy the middle class and allow for trillions going out in "stimulus" to people AND HUGE CORPORATIONS (a bailout). The stimulus, in turn, caused the mega-inflation destroying us today. The taking of the vax and the lockdowns proved that most people are sheep. They still are. And some outrageous doctors are still requiring a covid vax before patients can go in their offices. They've got to be being paid, not even doctors are that stupid. Unlike the guy presenting this video, I can't say this study will do little good but the area of vax information is only very slowly building into something the general public is aware of. Most still don't know ...however it IS building. One thing the vaunted "white hats" could be doing is clearing the way for this information, even putting it out on their own under any number of auspices. Are they doing that? Doesn't look like it. As always, I wonder whose side they're on.
"Thankfully, there is an entire rest-of-the-Planet, outside of Blighty and its Pilgrims Society and Senior Executive Sevice organs."
Kudos to Alexandria for generally being ahead of the "alt" lamestream.
Are the hyperlinks put in by Substack? Because they take you to whitewashing sites like Wiki which make Pilgrims look like boy scouts.
Pilgrim's Society sits near the top of the Oligarch Hive. And SES are virtually foreign agents salted into the managerial class by City of London, to steer American bureaucracy in the interest of Cecil Rhodes Pilgrim's wolves, and the Empire of Ancient Overlords.
Likes should be provided to Aim4truth.com which exposes IN DEPTH the duplicity of SES and Pilgrims. The East India Company and its private armies of supra-national mercenary pirates still wreaks havoc.
It just came out that Aim4truth was thrown off X. Make of that what you will.
Surprise, surprise.
I am grateful that Dr Cambell is "magnifying" these results to the sphere of doctors out there that are concerned about the nanotechnology in the shots, because very few are, but it seems as though he's still not convinced or that he is apologetic for having to do so...believing that no one else will grasp this concept because it is soo unbelievable...but...it's right there in front of you Doctor!..Is it so difficult to branch off the indoctrination tree and discern for yourself? Have the courage to warn humanity...be a hero! When you know the truth do you not shine a light on the top of a hill so that everyone can see, or do you hide it in a closet?-especially when millions of lives are at stake? I would presume to know the answer to that question, but it sounds as though I would be wrong after reading his review of the paper...
All that research on the vax and you still look at people criticizing Israel as "anti-semitic?" Dig deeper into who and what Israel is. (This is not a political comment, but one based on real history.) Even the term, "anti-semite," is BS. LOOK INTO WHAT ISRAEL IS. (And don't anyone give me shit about being "anti-semitic." I'm a Khazarian "Jew" myself.)
Israel, like Zionism and Communism are creations of the British Crown, according to a lot of my own reading about these things. I'm not Jewish but I love Jews and I hate antisemitism.
Nothing wrong with "loving" Jews. The problem I have is with a culture claiming to be "the chosen people" and managing to convince entire populations that they're infallible and have every right to attack innocents for the purposes of a land grab ("Greater Israel"). Most Khazarians in Israel are not even Semitic. This is an occupation. By MY OWN people. Most Jews are too brainwashed to understand this. Please dig into this. You could write a really good article that could educate a lot of people.
They look like little antennas. But as a "seasoned" electrical engineer with a wonderfully diverse work history in materials, circuitry, radio frequency analysis, radar, power generation and transmission.... I could only weave vague hypotheses that would basically only amount to science fiction in trying explain these structures. The only people qualified to explain the nano-technology we're seeing here are most likely going to be all bound up in DARPA Special Access security clearances.
Sergio Mendes just died, long Covid
Some call it NANOTECH others call them FACE HUGGERS.... They are not telling you about the EGGS and little CREATURES growing inside the vaccinated. https://redemperorcbd.com/is-the-covid-vaccine-a-reverse-engineered-alien-bioweapon/