So many martyrs to the cause...it is heartbreaking. My grandfather and father were both German, my grandfather being an immigrant. Both were supposedly brilliant, and my father was an aeronautical engineer, pilot and inventor. He had a huge file of inventions and some patents and more patent applications. He was just about to finish his masters degree when he had a freak accident and died when I was a year old. All of the files disappeared except one, which was not in with the other files. My mother had no idea what happened to them all. Makes me wonder how freaky his accident really was. I'll never know.

And all of the holistic doctors that have been "eliminated over these few decades...they are such hideous monsters - and will do anything to keep us enslaved. What a different world this could have been.

Thanks for a great stack!

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I agree. and the 100+ scientists who "died".............God bless us all.

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My grand parents were German too (Piper, Black Forest), along with Danish/Scottish Emigres to the land of confusion. I'm not sure they ever should have left. My Danish Grandfather was a war hero and I have communique from Churchill thanking him for his help in the war.

I asked him if he hated Japanese? Reply: NO. The war was not their fault and I am grateful to him: a giant red Pill at a young age. When you're from Texas you talk straight. He made no bones about it. Adolf Hitler was the greatest man to walk the face of this earth. . He was not the only one to think this way, in the US military.

No wonder the NWO is worried. Greed drives the bastards and murder is the Guardian of their fortune.

My father was murdered too...another long story of corruption.

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Thank you for this great comment, Cliff...

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May 11
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Kazarians most likely. What the book of Revelation calls “the synagogue of satan.” Disguised as Jews but are not.

“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.” ~Revelation 3:9

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I understand what you are saying. We also have been "conditioned" to believe in this current agenda to support this certain "holy" country, no matter if it is "right or wrong" and in fact, we are supplying billions of dollars and military aid nonstop. this is what Jesus warned us against, even then, even then. A million percent, I agree and support your comment, Jesus came with the New Testament teachings, if you notice, then and still to this day, that "certain country" do not, does not and won't admit to Jesus being who God sent, they don't acknowledge Him to this day and would no doubt, crucify Him again if He were alive today. They do not accept the New Testament teachings, rather choosing only to live in the past, relishing in the right to an "eye for an eye" and in only accepting the OLD Testament all the while, proudly proclaiming, that "they" are God's chosen. WRONG. God sees what is going on and who is right, and who is wrong. God sees. Those who accept and believe in Jesus Christ are all God's Chosen Children. This, and following after His example are what God is asking, not to live in the past. "Let the dead bury the dead" ~ Luke 9:60-62 King James Version

60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

God bless all to follow the path of righteousness................

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"The Synagogue of Satan" have blown their cover...there is no hiding what has happened in Gaza. Sickening. The world watches them in horror and disbelief...and now the Olympic Opening Ceremony....disgusting display of perversion thrown at all our faces.

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May 17
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Ashkenaz is one of the most disputed Biblical place names. It appears in the Hebrew Bible as in the name of one of Noah's descendants (Genesis 10:3 reference to the kingdom of Ashkenaz. I grew up in church and never heard any of this and was taught to believe that you must support Israel and the Jews because they are God's chosen people. I did some study on the history of the country of Kharzia. but the more I read the more I didn't know. When the war in Ukraine started I looked at the ancient history involved. That was so long ago and many Turks etc. did convert to Judaism, but it wasn't authentic. Then the country ended and people scattered. Jesus's lineage is through out the old testament and in Matthew. He is Jewish not Kazarhian. He spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. His Jewish lineage is through out the Old Testament and in the new. The temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. by Nero and the Jews scattered. The diaspora happened and that means the settling of the scattered colonies of Jews outside of ancient Palestine after the Babylonia exile. The verse in Revelations has also been analyzed a thousand different ways. I believe that it is talking about the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, but yet still persecute Christians. Christ will compel these persecutors to bow down to the feet of His followers and acknowledge that He loves them just as Isaiah foresaw Gentiles bowing before Israelite's (Isaiah 45:14, 49:23). Every once in a while I read SOTN news which is very hateful of Kharzian Jews. They hate them and the country of Israel, so you can imagine how that has increased the hatred in regards to this war. Romans 11: 24 which says "You were cut off from a wild olive tree. And you were put on a good olive tree. That is not the way trees grow. But it can be done. And so, even more, the Jewish branches will be put back on their own olive tree. There are three chapters in Romans that refers to this issue. My father always said "God is done with the Jews." I would read him these chapters, but he didn't buy it. He said "they walked away." Yes, they did but God has a promise in the New Testament for them and will not abandon them. Then my dad would say "you have to support Israel or say goodby to the US." He died two years ago and he studied scripture more than I ever have. I kept one book on Romans that he cherished. I am going to look these verses up in this book and see what I find. The Holy Bible is where the answers are. I do not know who are Kharzians and who are not. Just because certain Jewish people are evil does not mean they aren't Jewish. The seed of Christ will never die off. It would be interesting to do genetic testing on anyone claiming to be Jewish. Should be done, but it would be a massive undertaking.

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23&me has a ton of data….bet they know. Bet, they’re part of the convid hoax and kill shot, too

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absolutey...BB has a trophy in his office...it is an encased covid vax syringe...

And I was looking into graphene - when it was first discovered by La Quinta in '21, and the Graphene Handbook and the weekly newsletter that I get (just to read between the lies) is from...you guessed it...IsraHell...

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Yes, and they have data on me and my father. Took that test years ago for medical and then looked at the genealogy. Surprising that our genealogy matches up almost perfectly. It fits, but when you put it like that not good. Wish we had known more about this years ago. So very sad….and it feels like a bad nightmare that never goes away. Jane

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I can build machines that produce enough electricity for a small village.

During my attempt to get this funded, I was told by an investor that this was black science and they would not touch it.

At this point, I understand that there is a killing mechanism in place. Some effort must be expended to avoid low grade assassins as that is probably what they send first.

If a person decides to help the slaves, expect to do it while running.

Worth it to me, but it's not ren fair.

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The only way to end these killings is for someone, who has ability to build such a machine to create a DIY instruction manual and publish it in every forum that can be found on the internet, send it out to any email mailing list that can be found and send it to anyone you know and ask to forward it to as many people they know. If all this happens all at once, it will be impossible to stop this.

The only reason these unknown people have gotten away with murder and preventing these inventions to be available to everyone is that they outnumber the inventors and their capabilities. But if an inventor properly prepares a world wide mass distribution of a DIY manual, they won't be prepared for that. I don't think that would be something anyone would expect. That's why I think it would be successful.

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A working prototype is also needed in this case.

The technology is known, just suppressed.

Thorium reactors can burn almost all of the actinide sequence.

At ambient pressure. The basic frozen plug design works, but hey can be easily improved. And they are no good for making bombs, which is why they are illegal.

China will pass us now because they don't seem to do this.

We could have had homes that power themselves by the early 70s.

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Wow, its crazy how this and other technology is suppressed. It would be a completely different world with free energy and vehicles running on water. But I guess then it would be a lot harder to control all of us. I hope one day an inventor will find a way to get her/his invention out to everyone!

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It's about having a government that won't ban this but that sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Strange. The Shadow Band comments on my threads, yet has blocked me, even though I like the comment. So I've returned the favor.

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You're absolutely right in my opinion but forgot one thing:

One needs to shut up about it and just post the damn thing without announcements. Its gotta be a surprise otherwise its doomed to fail.

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Alexandra, you are amazing. Thx for all the great stuff you put out over the years. Glad you’re on Substack and Rumble.

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Just like all these holistic doctors in Florida ..

... all those patents and discoveries that were bought by a greedy short- sighted industry.

Thank you!!

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Exactly! I've also heard of farmers being murdered by Big Pharma goons after complaining that their crops had been purposefully infected – sabotaged – with GMO pollen, to turn their organic farm into GMOs.

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.. yes..

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And then Monsanto sues them for using their GMO technology that they infected them with. I heard a story yesterday about a friend's friend who put up cameras on the scarecrows and caught them infecting his crops. I think I heard the courts won't hear the case.

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Infuriating. I could spit nails 🤬

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Bayer appear to display their genocidal criminality as a badge of honour in the ranks of dishonour. Yet the Executives of this crime machine walk free and rub their profound disregard for integrity and common decency in the faces of all that stand for what is decent. Even now Von der Leyen is spitting in the faces of the majority of decent Europeans as the "political Conservatives" of Europe and Britain make it plain they are criminal whores of the genocidal globalist banksters and will continue their demolition of parliamentary integrity at the expense of Europe and European peoples welbing.

The good are being slaughtered and the scum of the earth are floating on the top like excrement that so desperately needs to literally be cleansed by fire.

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It all makes sense once you understand that they are Satanists.

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Satanists demonstrate that Satan must have been a substandard technician in that his modelling failed to create mankind entirely in God's image. Paying homage to a mere technician rather than the very stuff they were molded out of should make obvious to Satanists that they are faulty rejects bound for the incinerator

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Oh no. Murdered.

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I recall in The Briefings ( alliesofhumanity.org ) that one of the goals of the hybrid (extraterrestrial breeding program) advisors in positions of influence, is to foster the depletion of our natural resources to hasten our dependence on THEIR "salvation" .

Just sayin. It's wise to consider all angles. The Briefings make these murders make sense though I prefer to think that there's nothing going on.

If you'll excuse me. My head has been out of the sand too long and I need to stick it back in before I begin to feel nervous about planetary takeovers.

Love to ya Alex.

Sending love, courage and strength


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I tend to agree. there are only 2 sides and basically, aliens represent "that side" and God and the good represent Earth and it's inhabitants. those who sell out join "that side" and then there are those left ~ we have God and if we will try to work with Him, He can help us. I understand what you are saying........"they" are here...........I just hope when God does his little

reset of shifting this place that their little underground caverns and labs and bases are also destroyed permanently. I hope. God has to, right? this is my hope.........I have to trust God in this...........the more WE bring in the Light, the better off we all will be. darkness hates the Light, remember? and God created evil...........He allows it to bring us back to Him.............hard lesson but we are here to Remember Who We Are. God bless us. We are Children of the Most High God made in His image.

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If you take in "The Briefings" from "Allies of Humanity", you will see that there are strict rules of engagement in this very busy commercialized area of our galaxy. Right now we are coming out of a tribal state of affairs. When enough are informed and unified in intent, we will declare our sovereignty as a world and the intervention must withdraw under mandate or else be punished by other jealous resource seeking collectives. The bases will have to be abandoned at that point according to our allies from the free worlds. And yes, the essence of God in each of us will be the guide. As of yet, it is other minds that dominate almost all people's thinking and behavior and much of that mental manipulation is non-human. I think you will appreciate The Briefings. Here:


Blessings and Godspeed to the winning. We plant the seeds. The rest will be up to the next generation... our children and theirs. They will be free or enslaved and no one will ever even know that it happened.........

unless we warn them of course.

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Do we need another Noah's Ark type scenario here?

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6 X-Class flares that the sun blasted at Earth yesterday?

It's going t be an interesting weekend. Interesting is an interesting word that one can make of what one might.

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Check this out https://youtu.be/uwIO_qcN4ok?feature=shared

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Watch this: Messiah 2030 https://youtu.be/4AG_nJNcTjM?si=mgOst5dGuHBSXHfd

It is NOT coincidence that all these things are converging on the 2,000 anniversary of the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension.

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GOOD Observation , Jenni - - i'm w u on that scenario . . . . .shalom to all

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Let’s don’t forget Tesla. After he “died” the FBI took al his papers. So they know how to get free energy out of the bleu! James Watt didn’t iinvented the light bulb. After Tesla visited him he had his “aha” moment and there was “his” light bulb. The Military Industrial Complex used his papers for using EMF as a weapon. And so on it go’s. Stupid ignorant people only can steal “inventions” from real inventors!

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Mark Newkirk, western Massachusetts native and prolific inventor (the only person who has logged more patents on record than him was Thomas Edison) was found dead in his lab ......with all his blueprints mysteriously disappeared days before his planned release of free energy technology to the world.

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These Murderers will all have to FACE GOD at the end of their life. and we should expect them to feel the full wrath of our creator and be cast into the eternal lake of fire.

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Bible thumping is not productive. No one listens to it much anymore....As 'mere mortals' our eyes are on our earthly time without too much thought of our "just rewards"....and how "they" will be plunged into the "lake of fire". God is God and can do anything. In the meantime I myself plan to "love mercy, act justly and walk humbly with my God".

Would such a God plunge anyone into a lake of fire for eternity? That is not my God.

I cannot worship such cruelty.

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All these guys dying suddenly, before it was trendy.

I showed the video to my teenager and asked what message they take away from it:

"If you invent something that makes free energy, shut up about it."

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Such a sad commentary on humanity, and greed. In Spanish there is an expression that explains this behavior. They say it's like crabs in a bucket. Those that are trying to climb out are being pulled back down by the others in the bucket. "Como cangrejos en una cubeta."

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Yup! "Knocked off or bought off" is a very true statement that I have heard over the years. I have been a free energy buff for many years.

I certainly know that more than just the ones mentioned here were 'silenced', also. I know a preacher that was in Australia preaching to a group and a Guy from the audience pulled him over to the side and told him of his long time friend that had been murdered because of his car that would run on water.

I was interested in the Stan Meyer project because a friend of mine was helping Stan raise money for his project. I saw some of the research papers that managed to escape from being 'lost' after his death. Stan definitely was producing more hydrogen than usual from the electrolysis process than standard. Yes, he optimized the energy that he was putting in to release of hydrogen with his process, so he got more output of energy than he was putting in.

I believe that very soon someone will 'give' mankind a free energy device that will aid suffering mankind. He or she will send out blueprints all over the world for free, their gift to mankind.

My comments on free energy are, of course there is free energy because even way back in Roman times they would run a stream down a slope to run a whole line of mills to grind their grain. Right, the same stream as it went down the hill would run multiple mills as the water descended down the hill.

How long have the Dutch used wind to grind their grain with their famous windmills? Today, we 'catch' free energy that the sun delivers free to our big solar energy industry of today. Maybe, even today someone is working on ether energy that is 'free' to people like Tesla that knew how to collect it.

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this is why we're in the ME, for good example, Syria, where we've been asked to leave a few times (officially) but are too interested in guarding their oil for them. we need to make certain that it will be there when we need it of course.

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I guess it was a bad time to be a physicist.

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This is about the third time this subject has come up in the past two days or so on various social media posts I've doom scrolled by...what am I consuming that it keeps suggesting this topic to me?

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It could be in the air because of the Boeing guys.

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We are in the information apocalypse and it’s going to continue to speed up until the poles shift and the end will be the beginning again, history repeats continually.

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Check out https://fcn4u.com It would be a great place for you to post your stuff too.

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